
How can you bring a plant back to life? A summary of the methods of bringing plants back to life

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, How can you bring a plant back to life? The editor has compiled a summary of the methods of bringing plants back to life. Let's have a look at them together.

Family flower culture will inevitably encounter the situation of flower death performance, at this time, do you directly declare its death sentence? If so, you are wrong. How can you give up your beloved plant so easily after raising it for so long? Some flower friends with rich breeding experience know that it is very simple to restore it to life. It only takes a few simple steps to make it "come back to life". The following small series will introduce you to several ways to bring plants back to life.


Common cause of death 1: softening of branches and leaves, and water-stained patches on petioles


1. Dig up the plants in time, remove the rotten roots, and cut off the affected branches and stems

2. After plant ash is applied to the wound, it is stored in moist sand.

3. Cutting after spring.

Common cause of death 2: excessive watering

Evergreen for the meat root system, most afraid of water by waterlogging, therefore, can not be watered more, otherwise easy to cause rotten roots, resulting in yellow leaves of Evergreen.

Solution: usually watering the right amount of water can be done, to do basin soil is not dry, rather dry, not too wet. In addition to summer to keep the pot soil moist, spring and autumn watering should not be too frequent. But must keep the air moist, if the air is dry also easy to occur evergreen leaves yellow and other undesirable phenomena.

spider plant

Cause of death 1: too little watering

Solution: Chlorophytum is like wet environment plants, but also can not let the pot soil too wet, keep wet state can be placed indoors, about ten days in winter watering once, summer depending on the situation 3-5 days watering once, if the air is dry, you can often spray with water, spray branches and leaves, so as to increase air humidity, but also to prevent dry leaves, keep leaves clean and improve ornamental.

Cause of death 2: Low temperature

Solution: Cut off the frostbitten leaves and move the spider plant to a warmer environment. It won't take long for it to sprout new leaves.

green radish

Common cause of death 1: excessive watering

Solution: Put the whole pot of green radish in a dry and ventilated place, so that excessive moisture in the pot evaporates in time. Then, use a small stick or shovel to pry the soil loose and accelerate the evaporation of water. Then, empty a few days do not give green radish watering, wait for the pot soil to become a little dry after a small amount of watering, to pot soil slightly moist is appropriate. Finally, the next time you water the green radish, pay attention to whether there is ponding in the basin. Once there is ponding, stop watering immediately and reduce the amount of watering thereafter.

Common cause of death 2: low temperature

Solution: cut off the leaves with black spots, and then move them to a room of about 20 ° C. Remember not to be too close to the air conditioner. If it is sunny at noon, move them to a closed balcony to bask in the sun, and spray warm water every two or three days.


Common cause of death 1: Frostbite

Solution: use scissors to cut off frostbitten aloe leaves, pruned aloe, wait until spring flowers bloom, after the weather is getting hot, aloe new leaves will soon grow up from the top. When the temperature gradually drops below 5 ° C, it should be displaced to the indoor south wind sunny place.

Common cause of death 2: excessive watering

Solution: need to remove rotten leaves and roots, and then in a dry place for one to two days, and then re-planted in new soil, re-planted after careful not to water, can spray a small amount of water on the soil, so that it can be slightly wet. Common cause of death: potted cycads are frosted, freezing leaves and roots


1, quickly move it into the indoor sunny place

2. Cut off all the frozen leaves

3. Keep the pot soil dry, otherwise it will cause rotten roots and stems and cannot be saved.

4, so through the cold, to April and then move out of the outdoor maintenance, at this time as long as the bulb does not rot, after summer will still restore vitality, and grow leaves.

fortune tree

Common cause of death 1: improper watering

Solution: If the rich tree ponding, to quickly get rich tree out, and so on basin soil dry, and then will be rich tree rotten part of the cut off, re-basin.

Common cause of death 2: low temperature

Solution: The same yellow leaves will be removed, and moved indoors, and then sprayed with gibberellin solution leaves, and with naphthylacetic acid and other agents irrigation roots, once every 3 days until the growth of young leaves, only once every 7 days, about 5 to 6 times can be restored.


Cause of death 1: Too much watering

Solution: If there are rotten roots to be cut off, apply plant ash sterilization and antiseptic at the cut mouth, replant with clean tidal soil, and do not pour aqueous solutions such as carbendazim, because the pot soil is too wet. Put in 15 to 20 degrees buckle water, germination, as long as the leaves out, with photosynthesis, will grow new roots.

Cause of death 2: Low temperature

Solution: First move it to a semi-yin and semi-yang position, trim the dead branches, and stop fertilizing, wait until the pot soil is dry and then water, and when the temperature rises, new branches will grow again.

dripping Guanyin

Common cause of death 1: too strong light, improper watering

Solution: Guanyin drips love yin, do not let direct sunlight. Control watering in winter. Also do not spray water on the leaves, which will cause white spots to appear on the leaves.

Common cause of death 2: insufficient fertilizer and water

Solution: Guanyin drip like moist, fertile soil. During the growth period can be more watering topdressing. Winter is the dormancy period of Dishui Guanyin. If the leaves shrink and turn yellow, cut off the leaves from the stem, stop watering and place them in the corner. The whole winter only needs to be watered once a month.

Different situations, different treatment, if you also encountered such a situation, then quickly come to the right seat, save your plants!

What are the plants that can make the new house feng shui come back to life

When the new house is just installed, everyone will leave it for a while, wait for the chemical smell to dissipate, and then live in it. In fact, when decorating, try to choose environmentally safe materials, so that health will not cause too much harm. In addition, you know, new house decoration can also arrange some plants feng shui, both green environment to improve the air, but also can have an impact on residential feng shui.

1, the living room can be placed in the living room space is usually the largest place in the whole new house, spacious and bright living room from Feng Shui, beneficial to attract wealth. It is suggested that the living room can be placed rich tree, as the name implies, that is, to change the fate of evil, attract wealth. In addition, it is best to place the rich tree in the southeast of the living room, and the surrounding debris must be cleaned up, otherwise it may leak money.

2, the guest room can be placed in the spider plant is well known, one of the spider plants to purify the air, and the new house is most needed is such a plant, to put it bluntly, the spider plant is even a natural air purifier, can effectively absorb the chemical poison gas in the air, and the price is not expensive, very civilian, may wish to place such a green plant in the guest room of the new house.

3, the study can be placed cactus study is a quiet and peaceful place in the home, most of the study pattern is small, after all, only the functional room in the home. It is recommended to put a cactus on the table of the study, which is good for the eyes of people who study or work in the study, and secondly, it can resist bad luck, and it also has certain help for the cause of the owner.

The mood of moving into a new house is always excited, but don't forget to hang the new house for a while. During this period, we must put more feng shui green plants in the house to lay a good foundation for the future.

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1 move to bring the succulent plants back to life

Today, Xiaobian shared with you an article about 1 move to bring the succulent plants back to life. Let's take a look together.

Many people like to raise meat, cute, very cute. However, there are also many people who reflect that more meat is not easy to raise, and if they are not careful, they will be disabled. It is very painful, so today I will teach you a few moves to save more meat, prescribe the right medicine, and let your meat instantly come back to life!

1. Water shortage, wilting leaves

Fleshy long-term do not water, will be due to dry water shortage, leaves fold soft, hurt roots.

rescue method

Under normal circumstances, under the premise of ensuring good ventilation, watering will restore fullness. However, if watering for a few days can not restore the state, it may be that the meat root system is damaged, need to clean its roots, and then replace with clean soil re-planting, pay attention to watering methods in the future, dry only watering, watering is thorough.

2 Too much water, rotten roots

Some meat novices love meat very much, frequent watering, resulting in too much moisture in meat, ponding in the basin, easy to rot roots.

rescue method

If there is rotten root phenomenon, it is necessary to clean up the rotten root system with a sterilized knife, apply carbendazim to the wound for sterilization, dry the wound and put it on the basin. Pay attention not to make the basin water later, dry before pouring, pouring is pouring thoroughly.

3. Soil mixing failure, airtight

The basin soil is airtight and the soil is dense, which will also damage the growth of meat.

rescue method

Check whether the soil is caked and change the soil and basin in time. Succulent plants are suitable for growing in loose, breathable and well drained soil, which can be prepared according to the ratio of peat soil: pearlite: vermiculite: ceramsite =4:1:1: 0.5.

4 Lack of light

Many white-collar workers like to put meat on their desks. The indoor light is dim, the meat lacks light for a long time, and the leaves will become soft and wilted.

rescue method

Let the meat in the sun in time, but do not expose to the sun, summer to do a good shade treatment.

5 Frostbite

If your fleshy leaves hydrate and shrivel and become transparent, it's probably frostbite.

rescue method

Move frostbite meat to a warm place (above 10℃), remove frostbite leaves, apply carbendazim to the wound for sterilization, and avoid watering and exposure. If the stem frostbite, the top intact, but also available beheading method, re-cuttage.

6 Sunburn

In summer and autumn, meat is easy to sunburn due to exposure. If you are not careful when watering leaves, leaves between the water, will also lead to water black rot, appear sunburn.

rescue method

Pay attention to shade and ventilation in summer and autumn. If due to sunburn black rot, it is necessary to dig out the black rot in time, and apply carbendazim to the wound to disinfect bacteria.