
Key points of flowering and cultivation of chrysanthemum and control methods of aphids in different seasons

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Chrysanthemum is a short-day flower plant, the natural flowering period is late autumn and early spring, but we can artificially change its growth ring conditions to achieve the purpose of flowering in the four seasons. The following is to introduce the key points of flowering and cultivation of chrysanthemum in different seasons and the methods of aphid control.

Chrysanthemum is a typical short-day plant with a natural flowering period of late autumn and early spring. However, the flowering of the four seasons can be achieved by artificially changing the conditions of its growth cycle. If the chrysanthemum is required to blossom early, it is necessary to promote cultivation, that is, about 50 days before the scheduled flowering date, the chrysanthemum should be shaded with a black cloth cover or black plastic cover for 10 hours a day (usually around 5: 00 in the afternoon and around 7: 00 in the morning, in order to prevent the influence of moonlight. At night, only the lower part of the hood will be opened and ventilated) and treated continuously until the buds show color.

If it needs to postpone flowering, it must be restrained and cultivated. In general, long sunshine treatment has a better effect. Usually select late flower varieties, from late September before flower bud differentiation began to use incandescent light irradiation, until the end of October, about every 5 square meters with a 60 watt bulb or every 16 square meters with a 100 watt bulb, or continuously from sunset for 4 hours for 5 hours, or after sunset without light, until around 12:00 at night to give light for half an hour or so, all have good results. However, before flowering, the night temperature should be kept above 12 ℃ before the flower bud can differentiate normally, so it is often carried out in greenhouse or plastic greenhouse.

Here are some important ways to regulate and control the flowering of potted chrysanthemum.

(1) New Year's Day blossoms

Strong plants were selected from late flower varieties in early August, and the light was increased from sunset to 12:00 at night until the flower buds began to differentiate in the middle of October. The room temperature should be kept at about 20 ℃, and the minimum should not be less than 15 ℃, so that it can blossom in New Year's Day.

(2) flowering during the Spring Festival

The softwood cuttings were cut in August, put on the pot in the middle of September, cultivated in the sunny bed or sunny low temperature greenhouse in late November, and then moved into the medium temperature greenhouse in the middle of December, kept at 18: 20 ℃, without shading treatment, and could bloom at the beginning of February of the following year.

(3) May Day blossoms

The aboveground part of flowering plants can be cut off and put into greenhouse culture after changing pots in late November to promote the germination and growth of new buds, and the room temperature will be raised to about 21 ℃ in January of the following year, so that flower teeth can be formed in February and blossom before May Day.

(4) "July 1" blossoms

In the middle of April, the winter foot buds were directly planted in a small pot and cultured in a greenhouse. Shading treatment was carried out at the beginning of May to maintain 10 hours of light every day, so that they could bloom before "July 1".

(5) flowering on National Day

Potted chrysanthemum is usually treated with short-mouth light from late July. Buds can appear after one month and blossom at the end of September. But if summer chrysanthemum varieties are used, the growth temperature should only be controlled above 10 ℃, and it can bloom before and after National Day without short-day treatment.

Harm and control of chrysanthemum aphid

The common aphids that harm chrysanthemum are peach aphid, chrysanthemum aphid, cotton aphid, Wusu black aphid, long tube aphid, chrysanthemum red spot card aphid, etc., which are mainly attached to chrysanthemum leaves, tender shoots and flowers (buds), sucking their juice, often causing branches and leaves to become brittle and easy to break, leaves curled and faded, affecting normal growth, and often induce soot disease.

Family chrysanthemum should pay attention to regular inspection, aphids occur in different seasons, and aphids reproduce very fast, fortunately, aphids are eliminated in time at the initial stage of aphids. We can spray with 40% omethoate EC or 40% dimethoate emulsion 1500 times, or 50% dichlorvos or 50% fenitrothion 1000 times, once a week, three or four times in a row. As aphids are prone to drug resistance, we'd better use several pesticides alternately. When there are fewer pests, we can take a brush and wash it after dipping it in water.

Key points of Chrysanthemum cultivation and Control techniques of Diseases and insect pests in South China

There are many varieties of chrysanthemum in China, and they are also cultivated in many areas. Chrysanthemum can also treat dizziness, headache, exogenous wind and heat, and so on. At present, the market price of chrysanthemum continues to be about 20 yuan per kilogram. Let's learn the breeding methods and pest control and cultivation techniques of chrysanthemum in southern China.

1. Land selection and preparation

Chrysanthemum does not have high requirements for planting soil, the sandy soil with good drainage, loose and high humus is better, clay and low-lying saline-alkali land is not suitable for planting, chrysanthemum can not be continuous cropping. With the application of ternary compound fertilizer 50~80kg per mu, organic fertilizer can be applied with 5000 kg, deep rotary ploughing twice and raking flat.

2Propagation and transplanting

When the chrysanthemum seedlings reached 15cm from April to May, the whole plant was dug up and divided into several plants. According to the plant spacing and row spacing 30cm × 55cm, the chrysanthemum seedlings were planted in the field. After planting, they were watered enough and irrigated again after half a month. At the same time, the field management should be strengthened in order to reduce the occurrence of diseases and insect pests. 2min can be sprayed or soaked with 300g carbendazim and 200x imidacloprid before planting, and watering combined with weeding can be irrigated with 150g / mu 300g trifluralin.

3. Field management

After the chrysanthemum turns green and survives, it is ploughed in time to prevent the cracks in the land from running into the wind, and then loosen the soil and weed according to the general management method until the bud appears. Generally in July to prevent the overgrowth of chrysanthemum with multi-nitrazole chemical control, should be watered once after budding, at the same time supplement trace element fertilizer, to lay a good foundation for flowering. Chrysanthemums avoid flooding and should be drained in time when Rain Water is too often.

(4) Disease and pest control

The common diseases of chrysanthemum include root rot, downy mildew, brown spot and so on. In particular, the disease will be more serious in Rain Water season. 430 g / L tebuconazole 2500 times and 80% carbendazim 800 times can be used for prevention and control. Insect pests are generally aphids, and red spiders occur in individual plots, which can be controlled by 300 times of 10% imidacloprid wettable powder, 500 times of 20% acetamiprid, and 1.8% of avermectin or spiromites 500 times.

5 harvest and drying

Chrysanthemums are generally harvested before and after Frosts Descent, and it is best to spread the flower heart. The whole medicinal plant is cut down and bundled into bundles, stacked into a stack of half an mu, keep it ventilated and dry, pick and dry the flowers in sunny weather, and the flowers are white and loose. Tea chrysanthemums should be buckled in time to prevent frost damage, timely picking, drying, according to the principle of how much to pick and how much to dry, so as not to affect the quality.

Generally speaking, chrysanthemum has the advantages of small investment, good management and high income, and the planting area is also increasing year by year. However, in order to achieve high yield, it is critical to obtain high-yield management techniques of chrysanthemum.

Efficient cultivation techniques and Pest Control of Chrysanthemum morifolium in potted plants

Today, the editor of Huinong Network introduces the potted cultivation techniques of a variety of autumn chrysanthemum called Jinduo. If you are interested in potted planting techniques, you might as well come and learn more.

1 Jinduo

1.1 Biological characteristics

The average plant height of this variety is 35 cm, the crown width is 45 cm;, the root bark is white, the old root is brown, the fibrous root of the cuttings is 15 cm; long, the leaves are dark green, the leaves are pinnately divided, 1.8 cm; leaves are 6.6 cm long and 4.6 cm wide, the petiole length is 2.2 cm;, the average number of buds per plant is 980, the flower diameter is 3.8 cm, the ligulate flowers are bright yellow and 24, and the tubular flowers are yellow. The fruit is achene, yellowish brown subcylindrical, longitudinally angled.

Jinduo likes the environment with plenty of sunshine and good ventilation, and can adapt to the dry summer and cold winter climate. Jinduo is a typical autumn chrysanthemum variety. Foot buds sprouted from late March to early April in Liaoning area, which can be used for cuttage or tissue culture propagation. In May, the seedlings were planted, the bud period was September 5, and the initial flowering period was October 15. It has the characteristics of continuous flowering, and the viewing period is more than 3 months. Jinduo compact plant type, strong branching, the whole growth cycle does not need coring operation, suitable for extensive management, can save a lot of labor costs. Jinduo foot buds are stout, deep, numerous, and have strong cold resistance, so the persistent root in Liaoning area can survive the winter safely in the open field; the disease resistance is extremely strong, and there is no need to spray fungicides in the whole growth cycle.

Jinduo is a strict short-day flower, and flower bud differentiation is regulated by photoperiod and night temperature. Through the experimental study, the daily critical point of Jinduo has been determined to be 12.5 h. According to the photoperiod law, the annual flowering cultivation techniques of Jinduo have been developed, which can regulate Jinduo to blossom at any time in a year and achieve the purpose of annual production.

1.2 suitable planting area

The cultivation experiment shows that this variety is suitable for open field cultivation in Liaoning area. Under pot conditions, the florescence can be accurately controlled by annual flowering cultivation techniques, and it can be produced and cultivated all over the country.

2 key points of cultivation techniques

2.1 soil

Jinduo is not strict on soil, and can be planted in all kinds of soil except saline-alkali soil. In pot production, peat, cow dung or crushed straw can be properly added to the soil to improve the content of organic matter and soil fertility, and reduce the weight of potted soil, which is beneficial to the transportation of potted flower products.

2.2 raising seedlings

Jinduo generally overwintered naturally after flowering in Liaoning area, and in May of the following year, cutting seedlings were raised by using the foot buds. Pot or open field cultivation was carried out from late May to early June. One seedling was planted in each flowerpot, and the row spacing was 50cm × 70 cm when cultivated in the open field. In order to prevent the degradation of seedlings, the seedlings should be detoxified and rejuvenated once every 3 years.

3. Field management

3.1 watering

Avoid flood irrigation and master the principle of less quantity and less quantity during the whole growing period. Watering thoroughly for the first time after planting, and then watering every 15 days or so, watering less than more, and loosening the soil in time after watering. In the middle of August, when flower bud differentiation begins, water should be properly controlled to promote the transformation from vegetative growth to reproductive growth, increase water supply after budding and promote flower bud expansion. In full bloom, water supply should be ensured, because during this period, a large number of flowers bloom and transpiration increases. The drought resistance of Jinduo is very strong, and the normal growth can be ensured by deep soil moisture. However, it is not resistant to waterlogging, especially can not flood irrigation for a long time, so as to avoid root rot caused by excessive soil moisture. Anti-freezing water should be watered once before the beginning of winter (late November to early December). From March to April in early spring, due to the strong wind in Liaoning, it is necessary to pour water once to promote the germination of foot buds.

3.2 fertilization

Jinduo is sensitive to fertilizer and water. If the nitrogen fertilizer is insufficient, the plant grows slowly, the plant is short, the leaf is few and inferior, the flower stem is shortened, the flower is small, the number of flowers per plant decreases and so on. The mixed use of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer can greatly promote the development of flower stem. After the foot buds were unearthed in early spring, the first topdressing of nitrogen fertilizer should be carried out in time with the first irrigation, and the amount of nitrogen fertilizer should be 30: 45 kg/667m2. For the second time in the budding stage, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer should be increased in addition to nitrogen fertilizer, 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate could be sprayed on the leaf, and fertilization should be stopped 7 days before flowering.

3.3 loosening the soil and weeding

Weeds should be weeded in time during the growing period, and the weeds should be destroyed to sterilize the eggs and bodies of insects. Loosening soil can improve the ventilation of soil and strengthen the capacity of water storage and water conservation.

(4) Disease and pest control

Generally, chrysanthemums are prone to rust, powdery mildew, anthracnose and blight, but Jinduo has strong disease resistance. It is not necessary to spray fungicides or broad-spectrum fungicides every two weeks in the whole growing season. If diseased plants are found, they should be removed in time to reduce the source of the disease. The main pests are aphids and cabbage insects, aphids can spread the virus, and the ornamental ability of the damaged plants is seriously reduced. The control of aphids can be sprayed with 1000 times of 10% imidacloprid wettable powder, once every two weeks; cabbage insects gnaw on the stem tips of leaves and chrysanthemums, and in serious cases, the whole plant loses its commercial value, and 1 500 times of 10% cypermethrin EC can be sprayed for control.

5 conclusion

This is a variety for both pot and ground planting, which has strong growth potential, bright color, beautiful flower pattern, drought resistance, cold resistance and wide adaptability. It does not need artificial heart picking in the whole growing season, can be formed naturally, is simple in cultivation and management, and its comprehensive characters have reached the international advanced level. It has a broad prospect of popularization and application.