
How to raise copper grass in autumn and winter? To achieve these points, Tongqian grass can explode safely through the winter.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, With the coming of autumn and winter, the temperature drops. How can the lovely coppergrass be raised to survive this cold winter?

The leaves of Tongqian grass are round and its cute name is festive. Three seasons of the year are full of green, put a few pots on the windowsill, in a good mood. It is very easy to feed and breed, it can plant many pots without spending money, and it can grow crazy as long as it is watered. The weather is cold, how to raise copper grass in autumn and winter? What about the yellow leaves? Today, the editor will show you the cultivation methods of potted Rabdosia chinensis in autumn and winter.

How to raise potted copper grass in autumn and winter?

If it is planted in the soil of the flowerpot, don't touch it. You can put the flowerpot on the terrace or inside the room, as long as you don't let the roots reveal the soil. As long as the diameter of the flowerpot is more than fifteen centimeters and the depth of the soil is more than ten centimeters, basically its roots are in the soil, and it will not freeze to death even if it snows.

The bigger the basin, the more soil, the safer the roots in the soil, occasionally watering, but not too much, the purpose of watering is only to moisturize, but can not accumulate water, otherwise, as soon as there is more water, the roots will rot in it. There is almost no watering in winter, and the soil is slightly moist. Even if the upper leaves wither when the weather is cold, it is okay, because the roots inside are full of vitality. They are particularly tenacious. As soon as the temperature rises in the next spring, after pouring some water, a lot of young leaves will sprout from the soil.

How does hydroponic copper grass survive the winter?

If it is hydroponically cultivated coppergrass, it is recommended before winter comes, especially in areas where sub-zero water is easy to freeze. Be sure to pour out the water. Take out the whole copper grass by the root.

And then bury it directly in the empty flowerpot at home. Bigger is better, and the basin soil can be covered deeper. Water a little so as not to be too dry. So that its roots in the soil will not be frostbitten. The second year will still sprout, a piece of small young leaves pull out, gradually grow all over the flowerpot, hydroponic culture, soil culture can be.

The secret to the explosion of copper grass:

In the spring growth period, add some fertilizer to the soil, such as pond mud and rotten leaf soil, which must be rotten fertilizer, the more fertilizer the better, and then timely watering and basking in the sun, copper grass will grow crazy to show you. Using the above method to raise copper money grass, only need to buy once, can be raised at home for ten years, a pot of root can be planted into several pots.

What about the yellow leaves of copper grass at ordinary times?

One is the lack of water and the consolidation of the soil, that is, timely watering and fertilization. Another reason is that fertilizers that are not mature are used. Then change the soil right away. The weather is cold in autumn and winter. It is normal for the leaves to turn yellow.

Just follow the above methods. It will come back to life in the spring. When the temperature rises in spring, it is also a lush pot of copper grass full of vitality.

What about the yellowing of the leaves of Rabdosia angustifolia? the culture method of Rabdosia angustifolia

Tongqian grass is an umbrella family herb perennial herb, which has a strong ability to spread, and it is an excellent ground cover plant. Many people like to raise it at home because it is lovely and easy to feed, but the process of breeding is not always plain sailing. There will always be some accidents, such as the yellowing of the leaves. Let's take a look at what to do if the leaves turn yellow.

The reason why the leaves of Rabdosia angustifolia turn yellow

1. Irrigate "half of the water", that is, the watering is not thorough, and there is no water seepage at the bottom of the basin.

2. The root system has been frostbitten when it is cold in winter.

3, after the winter, eager to go out of the room, put in a warm place to bask in the sun, temporarily unable to adapt to the abrupt climate.

4. The basin soil has been too wet or too dry for a long time.

5. Put it in the environment of poor ventilation for a long time.

6. The leaves were not cleaned with water for a long time, and dust accumulated, which hindered photosynthesis.

How to prevent the leaves of Rabdosia angustifolia from yellowing

1. Hydroponic culture is easy to lack nutrition, and its growth is not as good as soil culture. The whole soil culture is often not enough water, and it is poured to the bottom of the basin every day. Half-water and half-soil cultivation is best.

2. The sun should be enough. If you have a little shade, it will not grow well.

3, the rhizome grows very fast, it will be constantly piled up in the basin, over a long time to absorb too much nutrition, but the leaves are not nutritious enough. So every once in a while, like two or three months, you have to clean up and change the basin. Throw away the extra root and leave a small part. Rabdosia angustifolia is a cheap plant, which is very easy to survive. A small section of stem with some roots can grow into a large basin.

4. You will grow better if you apply some fertilizer every month.

Culture methods of Rabdosia angustifolia

1. Soil: Rabdosia angustifolia is not strict on soil, whether it is yellow loam, red loam or black loam, even on barren soil. But its drought resistance is not strong, so it is most suitable to grow in meticulous, sour, humid and low fertility loam. It is suitable for cultivation in the soil with loose fertility, large water absorption and good water retention, but also in moist river bank, swamp, grassland or fresh water with low hardness. The mixed proportion of rotten leaves, river mud and garden soil is 5:2:2.

2. Light: coppergrass is shade-tolerant, preferably in half-day sunshine or shade, avoid strong direct sunlight, the more shady the environment, the easier it is to cause plant leaves to rot. Rabdosia angustifolia does not win glory, but if you let it receive 4 hours of scattered light every day, or give it 8 hours of artificial light, it will make it grow better.

3. Temperature: Rabdosia angustifolia prefers warm and humid environment, but is not resistant to cold. It grows well in the temperature environment of 10-25 ℃. When the temperature rises above 32 ℃ in summer, it will stop growing, and the temperature in winter should not be lower than 5 ℃.

4. Fertilization: there is a large demand for fertilizer, and in the vigorous growth stage, it is topdressing every 2 to 3 weeks. If planted in pots or containers, a small amount of fertilizer is needed, such as quick-acting Fei Huabao No. 2, which can maintain fertilizer effect in water for a long time and ensure that the water quality is slightly acidic or neutral.

5. Watering: Rabdosia angustifolia likes a relatively humid growth environment. Because of its many leaves and large transpiration, it is necessary to spray water to the plants in summer to maintain high air humidity, and the leaves should be kept clean to facilitate photosynthesis. Winter basin soil to dry is appropriate, watering to follow the principle of wet rather than dry, avoid stagnant water, otherwise it is easy to rot the root. The tap water in the north should be kept in the sun for 1 or 2 days. Watering every 2 to 3 times during the growing period to keep the basin soil moist. The water is changed once in 7-10 days in spring and summer, and once every half month in autumn and winter. If aquaculture must change the water once a week and add a special nutrient solution for foliage plants. If you use soil culture, you must retain water for a long time. Water should be watered once every morning, the water should not be too sufficient, and the degree of water flow from the bottom hole should be taken as the degree to ensure that the basin soil is drenched.

6. Diseases and insect pests: there are very few diseases and insect pests in Tongqian grass. Strong growth adaptability, no need for deliberate nursing. After growing for a period of time, the copper grass will fill the whole container. Often spray water on the leaves to clean the leaves to keep them green and shiny. Attention should be paid to ventilation and ventilation after dense growth, otherwise the plant is prone to yellowing.

Culture and matters needing attention of Rabdosia angustifolia

There are many kinds of plants, copper grass is one of them, the flower language of copper grass: money is rolling in. What is the breeding method of Coprinus chinensis? What are the points for attention in the breeding of Codonopsis lanceolata? The following editor will take you to learn some knowledge about this. I hope it will be helpful to you. Let's have a look.

Culture methods of Rabdosia angustifolia

The culture method of Rabdosia angustifolia 1. The soil selection of Rabdosia angustifolia is not strict to the soil, whether it is yellow loam, red loam or black loam, even in the barren soil. But its drought resistance is not strong, so it is most suitable to grow in meticulous, sour, humid and low fertility loam. Rabdosia angustifolia is suitable for cultivation in soil with loose fertility, large water absorption and good water retention, as well as in moist riverbanks, swamps, grasslands or fresh water with low hardness. The cultivated soil can be prepared with rotten leaves, river mud and garden soil at the ratio of 5:2:2. two。 The fertilization method for the cultivation of Rabdosia angustifolia has a large demand for fertilizer, and in the vigorous growth stage, it is topdressing every 2 to 3 weeks. If planted in pots or containers, a small amount of fertilizer is needed, such as quick-acting Fei Huabao No. 2, which can maintain fertilizer effect in water for a long time and ensure that the water quality is slightly acidic or neutral. 3. The watering method for the cultivation of Rabdosia angustifolia likes the humid growing environment. Because of its many leaves and large transpiration, it is necessary to spray water to the plants in summer to maintain high air humidity, and the leaves should be kept clean to facilitate photosynthesis. Winter basin soil to dry is appropriate, watering to follow the principle of wet rather than dry, avoid stagnant water, otherwise it is easy to rot the root. The tap water in the north should be kept in the sun for 1 or 2 days. Watering every 2 to 3 times during the growing period to keep the basin soil moist. The water is changed once in 7-10 days in spring and summer, and once every half month in autumn and winter. If aquaculture must change the water once a week and add a special nutrient solution for foliage plants. If you use soil culture, you must retain water for a long time. Water should be watered once every morning, the water should not be too sufficient, and the degree of water flow from the bottom hole should be taken as the degree to ensure that the basin soil is drenched. 4. The temperature of Rabdosia angustifolia culture requires that Rabdosia angustifolia likes warm and humid environment, but it is not resistant to cold. It grows well in the temperature of 10-25 ℃. When the temperature rises above 32 ℃ in summer, it will stop growing, and the temperature in winter should not be lower than 5 ℃. 5. The light of the cultivation of Rabdosia angustifolia requires it to be shade-resistant, with half-day sunshine or shade is the best, avoid strong direct sunlight, the more shady the environment, the more likely to lead to plant leaf rot. Rabdosia angustifolia does not win glory, but if you let it receive 4 hours of scattered light every day, or give it 8 hours of artificial light, it will make it grow better. 6. Control methods of diseases and insect pests in the culture of Rabdosia angustifolia

There are very few diseases and insect pests in Tongqian grass. Strong growth adaptability, no need for deliberate nursing. After growing for a period of time, the copper grass will fill the whole container. Often spray water on the leaves to clean the leaves to keep them green and shiny. Attention should be paid to ventilation and ventilation after dense growth, otherwise the plant is prone to yellowing.

Matters needing attention in the Culture of Rabdosia angustifolia

Matters needing attention in the culture of Rabdosia angustifolia 1. Grasp the soil and water and sunshine: Tongqian grass leaves round wavy edge, long stem, summer and autumn open a small yellow-green flowers, land and water can be farmed. Like warm and humid, it is better to cultivate in half-day sunshine or shade, avoid direct sunlight, regardless of cultivated soil, and it is better to cultivate soil with soft and good drainage. Propagation can be done by ramet or cuttage, which is easy to cultivate, keep the cultivated soil moist, and root in about 1-2 weeks. Because the plant is moisture-tolerant and watery, it is also suitable for cultivation in water basin and pool. If aquaculture, be sure to change the water every week and add a special nutrient solution for foliage plants. two。 Choose good drainage cultivation soil: copper grass does not need a large pot, can also be planted in a larger bowl, daffodils pot can also be used to raise daffodils, soil with general vegetable garden soil, appropriate amount mixed with some river sand, which add a small amount of organic fertilizer as base fertilizer. Money can be planted flat when the money is planted, it is better to cover the rhizome slightly and not to be too deep. Then leave it in the semi-shade for a week and wait for the new leaves to grow and see the sun again. 3. Grasp the temperature: Tongqian grass is afraid of the cold. If you put it outside in winter, you can pour out all the water. If you put it in a place facing south to the sun and leeward, you can survive the winter safely, but the leaves will die, and the underground roots will sprout again next spring. If there is no heating in the cold areas of the north, you can make a cover with a basin, pour out the water and keep it moist. As long as the room temperature is not lower than zero, it will continue to grow in the coming year.