
The skill of mulberry flower culture, how to make it explode

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Fusang flower, also known as Zhu Jin, Zhu Jin peony, is a large evergreen shrub of Malvaceae. The editor has raised several pots of mulberry by himself. I feel that the mulberry flowers are really very easy to feed. Let's talk about how to maintain the mulberry flowers.

People who like to grow flowers like varieties that bloom all the year round, and when it comes to blooming all the year round, in addition to rose flowers, Fusang Flower is another woody flower species that is very recommended.

Fusang flower, also known as Zhu Jin, Zhu Jin peony, is a large evergreen shrub of Malvaceae. The editor himself raised several pots of mulberry, feeling that the mulberry flower is really very easy to feed. Below, the editor of Huinong Network will talk about how to maintain the mulberry flower.

I. the growth habits of Fusang

In order to raise a flower well, we must first understand the growth habits of this variety of flowers. Fusang flower is a strong positive plant, that is to say, Fusang likes sunlight very much and requires the environment in which it grows to be sunny. Fusang likes to be warm, moist, cold-resistant, cold-resistant and drought-resistant. If the temperature is right, it can blossom in four seasons.

Second, the mulberry flower is a culture method.

In the process of potted mulberry culture, we should start with the following aspects.

1. Potted soil:

Fusang flower is not strict with the soil. In order to avoid soil consolidation caused by repeated watering, try to choose loose and breathable fertile soil when preparing basin soil. It can be prepared with garden soil + rotten leaf soil + peat + perlite. Put enough base fertilizer when you put it on the pot.

2. Lighting:

Fusang likes to shine in the sun, so just put it in the best light in your home.

3. Water and fertilizer management:

After warm spring, mulberry grows vigorously and needs more fertilizer and water. Liquid fertilizer can be applied every 10-15 days in combination with watering, which is beneficial to the growth of mulberry. Fusang flowers are not very resistant to drought, the growing period requires the basin soil to be moist, if the pot soil is too dry, it is easy to drop the bud.

4. Pruning:

The branches of mulberry flowers grow very quickly, in the process of culture, we must pay attention to timely removal of the top shoot, in order to promote the germination of lateral branches, if the top tip is not removed, it is easy to have a branch, has been growing without branches. Fusang flowers bloom in the axils of new branches and leaves and fall in the evening, so as long as the plant type is full, the flowers can be counted.

5. Overwintering to keep warm

Fusang flowers are not tolerant to cold and need to be kept warm in winter. The temperature is kept at 12-15 ℃. When the temperature is below 5 ℃, the leaves are withered and yellow. If the temperature can be kept high in winter, Fusang can blossom continuously.

III. Matters needing attention in mulberry culture

The main results are as follows: 1. Fusang flowers are not tolerant to drought, and it is easy to drop buds after drought, so the soil should be kept moist in the process of culture.

2. In the process of maintenance, mulberry flowers should keep the environment ventilated, but it is easy to grow scale insects if the ventilation is poor.

3. During the growing period, we should pay attention to remove the top tip in time to promote the production of lateral branches and achieve the effect of full plant type.

Fourth, the skills of helping mulberry to burst the basin

The cultivation of mulberry flowers is really very simple, moisture, light control, will not die, but many flower friends raise mulberry is a thin plant, less flowering. So how can we get a full plant type?

If the mulberry flower wants to break the pot in the breeding process, it must be pruned hard, in addition to the re-pruning before germination in early spring, the top tip should also be removed at any time in the growth process to promote branches.

Therefore, we must be ruthless, do not be reluctant, when the new branches grow 4-6 leaves, take off the top, promote branches, after several times off the top, the plant type of mulberry flowers will become full, more natural flowering.

The culture method of mulberry flower and the attention method of mulberry flower culture.

Fusang flowers are very easy to raise, with the characteristics of new shoots and flowering, which need to be pruned frequently and kept up with water and fertilizer, so that the flowers can bloom continuously. Fusang prefers a warm, humid, sunny environment and is not tolerant to drought and frost. Potted plants must be planted to the north of the Yangtze River and must be moved indoors in winter (if there is indoor heating and the temperature is above 15 ℃, it will continue to blossom).

Fusang flower culture method 1. Fusang flower culture: soil

It can adapt to all kinds of soil, but the fertile and loose weak acid soil is the best. Select the weak acid soil with sunny, warm and humid climate, fertile soil, loose drainage and good drainage.

2. Fusang flower culture: temperature

The suitable temperature for the growth of Fusang was 15-25 ℃ and 13-18 ℃ from October to March of the following year. The winter temperature should not be lower than 5 ℃, otherwise the leaves turn yellow and fall off. It is easy to suffer frost damage when the temperature is lower than 0 ℃, but it can still grow normally at high temperature above 30 ℃.

It must be moved indoors after Frosts Descent and before the Beginning of Winter, because Fusang is not resistant to frost. The overwintering temperature is not lower than 5 ℃ to avoid freezing injury, and not higher than 15 ℃ to avoid affecting dormancy. Cover paper or plastic film to keep warm when the weather is colder. The first moving room should open windows every day for ventilation, pay attention to the dry and wet changes of the basin soil, and water properly. In the coldest weather, watering can prevent frost injury, but fertilization should be stopped.

3. Fusang flower culture: sunshine

Fusang is a strong positive plant, the growing period needs sufficient light in order to grow and bloom normally. If the light is insufficient, the bud is easy to fall off, the flower is small and the color is dim, but when the sun is too strong, the plant will burn, so it should be protected by shade properly.

4. Fusang flower culture: watering

The basin can be kept slightly moist during the winter. generally, the amount of water watered every 5 to 10 days should not be too much, so as to avoid root rot caused by low temperature and high humidity. The dry climate in northern winter will appear the phenomena such as yellowish leaf color and dry leaf edge, so we should pay attention to improve the indoor air humidity. Spraying and washing branches and leaves or covering plastic film can be used to increase the air humidity around the plant to create suitable humidity conditions for its growth.

5. Fusang flower culture: management

Management is also very important. When we move outside and put it in a sunny place at the beginning of May, we should strengthen the management of fertilizer and water, loosening soil, pulling grass and so on. Apply dilute liquid fertilizer every 7-10 days, pay attention to the dry and wet condition of the basin soil when watering, too dry or too wet will affect flowering. Post-autumn management should be cautious, pay attention to less fertilization in the later stage, so as to avoid the emergence of autumn shoots. Autumn shoot tissue is young, cold resistance is weak, cold weather will suffer frost damage.

6. Fusang flower culture: changing pots

The basin should be changed before it is moved outdoors in April every year. Loose and fertile sandy soil should be selected. When changing the basin, we should also replace the new culture soil, cut off part of the overdense curly fibrous roots, apply sufficient base fertilizer, and slightly add phosphate fertilizer to the bottom of the basin.

7. Fusang flower culture: pruning

After moving outside, pruning, each branch except the base leaves 2-3 buds, the upper part is all cut, pruning can promote the development of new branches, the growth will be more exuberant, the plant shape will also be beautiful. After pruning, water and fertilizer should be properly controlled.

8. Fusang flower culture: prevention and control of diseases and pests

After entering the room in winter, if the indoor ventilation is poor, the lack of light is vulnerable to aphids and shell insects, attention should be paid to improving the ventilation and light transmission conditions of the indoor environment combined with drug control. A small amount of shell worms can be gently brushed off with a brush. The main pests of Fusang are aphids, chaff, cotton blowing and mites (commonly known as red spiders). These pests are all prick-sucking pests. That is, they use their mouthparts to pierce the leaves or epidermis of plants to absorb plant juice.

Matters needing attention in Fusang flower culture 1. Matters in Fusang flower culture: changing pots and pruning

The first is to replace the new culture soil; the second is to cut off part of the overdense curled fibrous roots; the third is to apply sufficient base fertilizer and slightly add phosphate fertilizer to the bottom of the basin.

2. Fusang flower culture: management after leaving the room

When supporting mulberry, the positive tree species should be moved to the outdoor in early May and placed in a sunny place. It is also the growing season for mulberry. It is necessary to strengthen the management of fertilizer and water, loosening soil, pulling grass and so on.

3. Fusang flower culture: move the flowering to the outdoors before flowering.

Move outside in early May and put it in a sunny place, which is also the growing season for mulberry. It is necessary to strengthen the management of fertilizer and water, loosening the soil, pulling grass and so on. Apply dilute liquid fertilizer every 10 days, watering should depend on the dry and wet condition of the basin soil, too dry or too wet will affect flowering.

4. Fusang flower culture: the flowerpot is breathable.

Flowerpots should be breathable enough, when matching flowerpots for Fusang flowers, choose vegetarian roast plates with good air permeability, or wooden bucket plates, nutrients, do not apply a single fertilizer, to provide a full range of nutrients, the best light is 8 sunbathing a day.

Matters needing attention for multi-flowering of Fusang 1. Flowering of Fusang: selection of pots and watering

Let Fusang blossom more. Pot mulberry is best to use vegetarian pots or buckets (pots) these two kinds of flowerpots have good air permeability to facilitate root respiration and absorption of water and fertilizer.

2. Multi-flowering matters of Fusang: how to apply fertilizer

Let Fusang blossom more. It is best to use self-made fat alum water to fertilize and absorb the fertilizer and take effect quickly. When using it, it must be diluted with water and not too thick to prevent root injury. If you are afraid that the fat alum water has a peculiar smell, you can put an appropriate amount of vinegar or orange peel into the bucket to reduce the smell.

3. Multi-flowering matters of Fusang: to ensure a safe winter

Let Fusang blossom more. In the north, families failed to raise mulberry because they were frozen to death because they were not safe to survive the winter. Because Fusang belongs to tropical summer flowers in the south, sun is not resistant to cold, cold climate in the north, families grow flowers and build greenhouses unconditionally, so it is the key to raise mulberry safely through the winter.

4. Multi-flowering items of Fusang: how to prune and sprout

Let Fusang blossom more. After the beginning of spring, the temperature gradually rises and the mulberry begins to sprout. In order to make the mulberry blossom continuously in summer, we must pay attention to the pruning of its branches and timely sprouting.

What are the cultivation methods of potted mulberry flowers?

Fusang flower is a popular ornamental plant in ancient times, and its origin is China. The following Xiaobian collation of potted mulberry flower culture methods, I hope to be helpful to everyone.

How to cultivate potted mulberry flowers?

The cultivation method of potted mulberry: 1. Soil selection: choose the loose and breathable soil made of furnace ash and peat soil, and then put some rotten chicken manure as the base fertilizer. Do not apply fertilizer that is not fully mature, such as sesame sauce dregs, bean cakes, bone fragments, etc., it is easy to damage the new roots. Garden soil, cake fertilizer and sand are allocated according to the proportion of 5:1:4; garden soil, sandy soil and dung are prepared according to the proportion of 4:2:4; garden soil, sandy loam or furnace ash and mature organic fertilizer are mixed at 3:2:2.

Cultivation methods of potted mulberry 2, lighting requirements: Fusang likes a sunny, warm, moist and ventilated environment. In its growing period, it is necessary to give sufficient light in order to grow and blossom normally. Generally, the light should not be less than 8 hours a day. If the light is insufficient, it is easy to appear the phenomenon of falling buds, shrinking flowers, dim flower color and so on. But Fusang avoid muggy weather, if the sun is too strong, Fusang will also be burned, so especially in summer, to avoid direct sunlight as far as possible, can be around noon to carry out appropriate shading treatment, can also spray to the leaves and around, but if the sun is not too hot, you can not shade.

Temperature requirements: Fusang is not cold-resistant, the most suitable temperature for growth is 15 degrees Celsius ~ 25 degrees Celsius, from March to October the temperature can be between 18 degrees Celsius and 25 degrees Celsius, and from October to March of the second year, the temperature can be controlled between 13 degrees Celsius and 18 degrees Celsius. But the winter temperature must not be lower than 5 degrees Celsius, otherwise the leaves turn yellow and fall off, if the temperature is below 0 degrees Celsius, freezing damage will occur. Fusang is heat-resistant and can still grow normally at a high temperature above 30 degrees Celsius.

Cultivation method of potted mulberry 4, fertilization method: the principle of fertilization for mulberry is to apply thin fertilizer frequently. If you apply too much fertilizer, it will cause only branches and leaves to grow and not blossom. Spring after May is an important period for vegetative growth of Fu mulberry, when the plant needs a lot of nutrition because of its rapid growth, so it can apply nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer every 20 days or so. Plants blossom one after another from June to October, during this period, phosphorus-based fertilizer can be applied once a month, so that the flowers bloom continuously, and the flowering period should not be fertilized to avoid falling buds. Fertilization should be controlled in October. You can sprinkle a thin layer of dry fertilizer on the surface of the basin soil, such as coarse-grained cake powder, soy sauce residue powder and so on.

Potted mulberry culture method 5, watering method: Fusang is wet and afraid of dry, afraid of stagnant water and rain and waterlogging, and keep the basin soil moist in daily maintenance. Only when the basin soil is kept moist during the growing period can the stems and leaves grow rapidly; if the water supply is insufficient, the leaves are easy to wilt, turn yellow and fall off, so it is appropriate to water them once a day. People should be watered once in the morning and once in the afternoon in the summer. At the same time, water should be sprayed around the leaves and basin soil to increase air humidity. Pay attention to the timely removal of stagnant water in the basin during the rainy season.

Breeding methods of potted mulberry 6, pest control: the main pests of Fusang are aphids, chaff, cotton blowing and mites (commonly known as red spiders). After the occurrence of aphids and mites, aphids and mites can be diluted by a certain number of drugs, such as aphids and mites, and then foliar spray can be used to kill aphids and mites once a week, usually 2-3 times. Bran medium and cotton blowing medium can harm leaves and epidermis. Generally, imidacloprid drugs or their modifiers can be used to dilute a certain number of times, and then spray to kill the affected parts. The harm is serious, but once every 10 days, 3 times can be basically extinct.

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