
Field management technology of taro

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Field management technology of taro

Taro is an annual tuber plant that is commonly used as a delicious dish. Taros are as nutritious as potatoes and are very easy to digest without the same risk of poisoning as potatoes. However, taro can not be eaten raw, must be thoroughly cooked to be able to eat, otherwise there will be diarrhea, vomiting and other physiological phenomena. Today's small editor wants to talk to you about the field management technology of taro planting. Let's take a look together with the small editor!

1. Timely topdressing

Taro has a large demand for fertilizer, and timely topdressing is the key measure to ensure the normal development of taro. The development of taro is determined by the nutrient absorption capacity of the root system. The root of taro is called mother taro. The ability of mother taro in the later stage is getting stronger and stronger, and the demand for nutrition is getting bigger and bigger. At this stage, the nutrient requirements of taro are mainly potassium and phosphorus. When we fertilize, we should pay attention to controlling the concentration of fertilizer and spraying it reasonably and comprehensively. We should not let the roots directly contact the fertilizer to prevent root burning.

2. Reasonable watering

Taro not only has a large demand for nutrients during its growth period, but its water requirements are also important. During the planting period must do a good job of watering, especially in summer, summer is the most vigorous growth of taro plants, this period to ensure that the soil in a humid environment. However, the accumulated water should not be too much, because too much water will affect the permeability of the soil and is not conducive to the respiration of the roots. Therefore, when it rains, we should also do a good job of drainage. When it is high temperature and drought, we should also keep water and moisture properly to prevent moisture from evaporating too fast.

3. Intertillage and weeding

Cultivate soil is the most basic work when we plant taro. We should cultivate soil together with topdressing every time we chase fertilizer. Covering soil immediately after fertilization not only improves fertility, but also completes the work of cultivating soil. The purpose of intertillage is to improve the air permeability of the dough and strengthen the nutrient absorption of the roots. Weeding is to remove weeds in the field, because weeds compete for nutrients is very strong, so not timely treatment will lead to malnutrition of taro, or even make the plant die. Herbicides can be used, but as little as possible, because the growth of taro will also have a certain inhibitory effect.

4. Other aspects

When gradually into autumn, the temperature gradually decreased, taro will gradually end the expansion period into maturity. The plant also produces some yellow leaves at the bottom, which cannot carry out photosynthesis and hinder the expansion of taro. It is very unfavorable to its yield and growth, so we should cut off these withered leaves in time, and also reduce the incidence of diseases. And we also need to control the number of seed taro, although the seed taro is the seed of taro, but the number of excessive words its nutrient demand will also increase, the yield of mother taro is extremely unfavorable.

The above is a brief introduction to the field management technology of taro, in fact, there are many aspects that need our attention. For example, timely harvesting, pest control and so on, these are essential work. Timely harvest is beneficial to the quality of taro, too late harvest will increase the probability of rotten fruit, too early words will appear incomplete expansion, not mature and other problems. In the previous articles on the site there are articles devoted to the introduction of taro diseases and insect pests, we are interested in continuing to understand oh!