
How to grow Jiabao fruit

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, How to grow Jiabao fruit

Jiabao fruit is what we often call tree grape. many people mistakenly think that they are two different kinds of fruit. it is a very nutritious tropical fruit that grows on the branches of a four-season evergreen tufted shrub. The shape is very similar to grapes, but also with high ornamental value, but most people do not know how Jiabao fruit is planted So today, the editor brought you the planting method of Jiabao fruit. I hope it can be helpful to you.

1. Choose a place to build a garden

Jiabao fruit is a kind of fruit that lives in the tropical climate, the climate of the general planting place is relatively warm and humid, and its growth needs sufficient sunshine, then the planting land will generally choose the sunny zone. Secondly, the soil fertility of the planting land should be abundant, the soil pH is moderate, the slightly acidic soil is the best, and the drainage and soil permeability should be strong. When preparing the soil, we not only need to clean up the impurities in the field, but also need to use ferrous sulfate to improve the properties of the soil, and sprinkle sufficient base fertilizer, and then plant Jiabao fruit.

2. Scientific planting

There are generally three planting methods of Jiabao fruit, namely, planting propagation, grafting and cutting. At present, the most commonly used planting method is planting and propagation, because the survival rate of grafting and cutting is not very good. Therefore, in order to reduce losses or adopt the most traditional planting method is the most reliable. The planting density needs to be determined according to the different periods of his growth. At the beginning of planting, it is generally carried out according to the row spacing of 50 cm and the plant spacing of 50 cm, while in the later stage, the planting density is generally about 4 meters between rows and plants.

3. Fertilizer and water management

The root system of Jiabao fruit is very difficult to grow, and it is also recognized by the relevant research institutions that there is a species that is difficult to root, all the requirements for nutrients are relatively high, generally the most important is mainly organic fertilizer, or the combination of microbial fertilizer and chemical fertilizer, of which the chemical fertilizer is mainly phosphate fertilizer, followed by nitrogen fertilizer and potash fertilizer. When applying fertilizer, it is generally carried out by means of hole application or furrow application, and the effect of using some water-soluble fertilizers is also very good. In the whole life process of Jiabao fruit, the water demand is also large, so it is necessary to maintain the moisture in the soil in the usual management, but can not cause stagnant water in the field.

4. Pruning and shaping

Although Jiabao fruit water is a kind of shrubby fruit tree, its growth rate is relatively slow, we do not need to prune too much, we only need to control the height and shape of the plant to a certain extent. at the same time, the branches and leaves with exuberant top growth are pruned reasonably, and the branches and leaves that grow thickly or do not bear fruit are pruned in autumn. Avoid the consumption of nutrients.

5. Pest control

Basically, there are no diseases and insect pests in the Jiabo fruit planted in China, and pesticides are rarely used in daily management. It can be said that it is a very green and healthy fruit. However, birds often peck at the fruit during the fruit period. We can build scarecrows in the garden to prevent it, and there will also be aphids and pests such as fruit flies and beetles. When it is not serious, we can kill it manually, but when it is serious, we still need to spray low-toxic agents to kill it.