
Potted planting: the cause of yellowing of asparagus leaves and its solution

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Asparagus is a perennial evergreen vine ornamental plant, which is a common ornamental plant in our family. It can be found in central and northwest China and the south of the Yangtze River.

Asparagus is a perennial evergreen vine ornamental plant, which not only has the function of cleaning the air and killing bacteria, but also regulates the indoor air, so it is also a common ornamental plant, but when it is cultivated in pots, the leaves will turn yellow, which will not only affect the ornamental value of asparagus, but also not conducive to cleaning the air and killing bacteria. Why do asparagus have yellowing leaves? What should I do after yellowing?

1. Yellowing of leaves caused by too strong light

Asparagus prefers the growing environment of semi-overcast and avoid strong light. If the sun shines directly in summer, it will cause withered and yellow leaves, so in summer, it is necessary to put asparagus in a cool place and spray water on the branches and leaves from time to time to increase the humidity in the air.

2. Yellowing of leaves caused by improper watering

Although asparagus likes the moist growing environment, it does not like waterlogging, so it is necessary to ensure that the potted soil is dry and wet at any time, and the watering can be stopped as long as the surface is wet. You know, potting water, it is easy to lead to rotten roots, lack of water, it is easy to lead to dry tip, so in the dry season to spray clear water to the leaves of asparagus.

3. Yellowing of leaves caused by improper fertilization

When fertilizing, if the fertilizer concentration is too strong or if the fertilizer is not fully mature, it will cause root burning, which will lead to the drying and shedding of asparagus leaves, but if the potted soil is barren due to lack of fertilizer, the leaves will also turn yellow because of lack of nutrients, so when applying fertilizer, we must apply fertilizer according to the specific conditions of asparagus.

4. Yellowing of leaves caused by poor winter management

Asparagus prefers a warm growing environment, so you can put asparagus potted plants in a sunny place in winter. If asparagus is placed in places where there is no light, no ventilation and cold for a long time in winter, it can cause withered and yellow leaves, so it is required that the indoor temperature should not be lower than 12 degrees in winter and be placed near the southward window. Watering is also under control.

5. Yellowing of leaves caused by poisoning

If asparagus encounters poisonous gas, it is easier to yellowing branches and leaves than talking about smoke and dust, and when asparagus plants are too large and small, or when they encounter insect pests such as shell insects, they will also cause branches and leaves to turn yellow, so it is necessary to change pots in time and take good pest control measures.

6. Yellowing of leaves caused by diseases and insect pests

If asparagus is infected by shell insects and other pests, it will also cause withered and yellow branches and leaves, so it should be treated in time when infected with insect pests.

If the growth of asparagus is not very exuberant, fertilization can be carried out, and white sugar water can be used as fertilizer to irrigate asparagus, which can increase the nutrients needed by asparagus. 5% to 10% white sugar water is used to irrigate asparagus every half a month. It can make asparagus grow luxuriantly.

How to yellowing asparagus leaves? the solution to the yellowing of asparagus leaves

When cultivating potted asparagus, the leaves of potted asparagus may turn yellow due to improper maintenance, which seriously affects the ornamental value of asparagus. Why do the leaves turn yellow when cultivating asparagus? What causes it? How to solve it? Next, I will tell you the reasons and solutions for the yellowing of bamboo leaves. I hope I can help you.

I. the causes of the yellowing of asparagus leaves.

1. Strong light exposure. Asparagus culture like semi-shade, summer should not have a strong column of direct sunlight, otherwise it will cause branches and leaves withered and yellow. The solution is to move the flowerpot to a cool place and spray more water on the branches and leaves to increase humidity.

2. Watering is wrong. Asparagus likes to be wet, but it is also too wet and waterlogged, so it is best to keep the basin soil dry and wet, generally not dry and watered thoroughly, but do not let the basin surface be watered too much when watering. If there is too much watering, you can not water temporarily, but only spray water to the leaves to moisturize asparagus.

3. Improper fertilization. Excessive fertilization or application of immature fertilizer will cause asparagus leaves to yellowing and shedding. On the other hand, the nutrient of the planted pot soil is too poor, which will also lead to the yellowing of asparagus leaves. Therefore, when applying fertilizer, we should pay attention to Pushi, but the number of times is more but less, and we should use rotten fertilizer, and for the situation that has occurred, we can take to change the basin soil to solve. It is worth noting that it is not suitable to apply fertilizer in winter low temperature period and summer high temperature period.

4. Gas poisoning. Asparagus is very afraid of smoke and dust. if it is often attacked by harmful gases such as smoke and dust, asparagus will be poisoned with yellow branches and leaves. If this happens, the flowerpot should be moved away from the original position in time, and the work of foliar sprinkler and dust removal should be increased.

5. Insect pests. Shell insects are the most common pest in asparagus culture. When shell insects are found, they should be wiped off with wet cloth strips in time. In serious cases, they should be bought at the drugstore for prevention and control, and the pot soil should be changed in time. When changing the basin soil, the old residual roots can be cut off to reduce nutrient consumption.

6. Winter management is not in place. Asparagus culture should keep it at a certain temperature, especially in the sunny position in winter. If asparagus is placed in places that lack light, poor ventilation and cold for a long time, it is easy to make the leaves of asparagus withered and yellow. The temperature of asparagus culture in winter should not be lower than 12 ℃, and it should be placed in a place with good light, and watering can be reduced appropriately.

II. Maintenance methods of asparagus

1. Adequate nutrients to avoid nutrient loss. Some are due to the hardening of basin soil and the decrease of root activity due to poor ventilation, which affects the normal growth of plants. In addition to changing the basin with soil rich in organic matter in spring, we should often loosen the surface of the basin soil and pay attention to strengthening fertilization.

2. Water more and keep moist. Should always keep the basin soil moist, and often spray water to the plant, the water temperature had better be the same as room temperature, and put asparagus in a place with high air humidity. Mixed fertilizers should be properly applied in the growing season to make the plants healthy and strong and enhance their resistance.

3. The amount of water should be appropriate, and too much is not good. It should be moved to the shade or the edge of the curtain window to avoid direct exposure to strong light, and pay attention to not watering too much.

4. Pay attention to the weather changes. When a typhoon comes, asparagus should be moved indoors. Its decay is mainly caused by strong winds in the hot summer season, or long-term stagnant water in flowerpots. So in summer, we should pay special attention to guard against thundershowers or typhoons.

3. What if the leaves of asparagus turn yellow

1. Proper placement. Asparagus likes a slightly humid environment that is half-yin and half-yang. First, avoid exposure to the sun, but where you can see the sun; second, feel the air circulation; third, stay away from the stove and TV; fourth, keep warm, the minimum room temperature should not be less than 5 ℃. If the room temperature is 0: 4 ℃, use a plastic cover to keep out the cold.

2. Regulating fertilizer and water. It is not necessary to apply fertilizer too frequently during the growth period of asparagus, generally, it is only suitable for topdressing in spring and autumn, applying thin rotten manure or low concentration compound fertilizer solution every 10 to 15 days, or applying rice water and bean juice water. High temperature in summer and low temperature in winter are not suitable for fertilization. Fertilization should not be excessive and not out of date. Watering should be neither dry nor watered, once watered thoroughly when dry, and no waterlogging is left on the basin. Spray water regularly to remove dust from the foliar surface.

3. Plastic surgery in time. Asparagus is easy to grow in clusters, first, it should be combined with changing pots to add soil to trim the old and residual whisker roots, dredge the redundant stems and leaves, avoid excessive consumption of nutrients, and play the role of maintaining roots and protecting leaves; the second is to cut off the local yellowing leaves; the third is to cut off the stems and leaves that are yellow at the same time.

Fourth, how to prevent asparagus leaves from yellowing

It is not necessary to apply fertilizer too frequently during the growth of asparagus. Generally, it is only suitable for topdressing in spring and autumn, and a thin compound fertilizer solution is applied every 10 to 15 days. It is not suitable to apply fertilizer at high temperature in summer and low temperature in winter. Fertilization should not be excessive and not out of date. Watering should be neither dry nor watered, once watered thoroughly when dry, and no waterlogging is left on the basin. Spray water regularly to remove dust from the foliar surface. Asparagus likes half-yin and half-yang slightly humid environment, the lowest room temperature can not be less than 5 ℃, if the room temperature is 0 ℃ to 4 ℃, use plastic cover to protect against the cold. Asparagus is easy to grow in clusters. When changing pots and adding soil in spring, the old and residual whisker roots are trimmed, the redundant stems and leaves are sorted out, the excessive consumption of nutrients is avoided, and the role of root and leaf protection is played. Cut off the local yellowing leaves, and cut off the stems and leaves that are yellow at the same time.

The above are the reasons and solutions for the yellowing of asparagus leaves. Are we clear? Please pay attention to more knowledge of home decoration.

What about the yellowing of asparagus leaves? the yellowing treatment of asparagus leaves.

Asparagus is graceful, scattered, slender and straight, which can purify the air, cultivate sentiment, and is good for healthy fengshui. Many flower friends grow it in their homes. But the asparagus leaves turn yellow in winter. What should we do after all?

Analysis of yellowing of asparagus leaves

1. Bask in the sun

Asparagus is a semi-negative plant, and many flower friends think that asparagus is not suitable for basking in the sun, so it is a big mistake to keep asparagus in a backlit place for a long time.

Asparagus is afraid of strong sunlight, which needs proper shade in summer, but the sun is not strong in winter. Long-term absence of sunlight will make the plant become weak and slowly turn yellow.

Therefore, it is best to put asparagus on the sunny windowsill in winter to bask in the warm sunshine.

2. Watering

Asparagus likes to be wet, but is afraid of waterlogging. Before watering, you should knock on the basin of asparagus. If the sound is clear and the soil on the surface of the pot becomes dry, you need to water it. If the sound is dull and the soil is moist, don't water the asparagus.

If the surrounding air is too dry, the leaf tips of asparagus will become dry, withered and yellow, so you should keep asparagus away from air conditioning and heating, and sprinkle water on asparagus leaves and around potted plants every day to maintain air humidity.

3. Fertilization

The roots of asparagus are fragile, and it is easy to "burn roots" by applying immature or over-concentrated fertilizer, which leads to dry yellow and shedding leaves.

If there is no fertilizer for a long time, the soil is barren and the leaves of asparagus will turn yellow. Therefore, asparagus should be thinner and more fertilized, and the rotten organic liquid fertilizer should be diluted and used according to the proportion of 2RU 1000.

4. Radiation

Not only do people need to stay away from radiation, but the growth of asparagus also needs to stay away from radiation. Putting asparagus next to televisions and computers will make asparagus leaves and stems dry and turn yellow.

Generally speaking, if asparagus is more than 5 meters away from the radiation source, it will be much less affected.

5. Temperature

It is suitable for asparagus to grow at room temperature above 10 ℃. If the temperature is lower than 5 ℃, the leaves will dry up and fall.

Flower friends can check the temperature at home. If the temperature is below 5 ℃, they should keep warm by bagging in time.

If the temperature is between 5 ℃ and 10 ℃, the growth of asparagus basically stops. Watering should be reduced and no fertilizer should be applied to ensure sufficient sunshine. If the temperature is above 10 ℃, it can be maintained normally.

6. Diseases and insect pests

When asparagus is infected with insect pests such as shell insects, its branches and leaves are easy to wither and yellow. Flower friends observe whether there are insect pests in Chinese bamboo. If so, you can dilute the scale and spray it on the branches and leaves of asparagus according to the ratio of 1RU 2000.

Solution to yellowing of asparagus leaves

Asparagus should not only be watered and sprayed frequently, but also pay attention to several other key points in order to avoid yellow leaves for 10 years.

1. You can't have direct sunlight. Asparagus likes shady places, but it can't be too dark, so keep it in a bright room that is transparent to the north and south, and remember to stay away from the window.

2, do not smoke at home, or put asparagus in a place with heavy lampblack, for a long time, it will lead to asparagus smoke poisoning, resulting in yellow leaves.

3. in general, asparagus does not need to be fertilized. if it is the kind of asparagus that has been raised for many years, you can properly apply a little self-made organic fertilizer, pay attention to a small amount, and do not spread it to the leaves and roots of asparagus.

4. Asparagus leaves that have turned yellow cannot be changed back, so as long as they are yellowed, cut off half of the leaves, so cut off half of them, and don't be soft.

5. Asparagus leaves turn yellow, the biggest reason is lack of water, so, after cutting off yellow leaves, it is necessary to replenish asparagus with water in time. If there is heating or floor heating in the house, if the temperature can reach more than 20 ℃, you can water more properly. If there is enough water, asparagus will naturally lose its yellow leaves, but be careful not to accumulate water!

6. Salvage and conservation after yellowing, generally speaking, it is difficult for asparagus leaves to turn green after yellowing, and the sick and weak branches and leaves will consume the nutrients of the whole plant. In this case, we should abandon the pawn to protect the car and cut off the yellowing branches and leaves to ensure that the new branches and leaves can grow healthily.