
Sowing and breeding techniques of clove and its daily maintenance and management

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Syringa angustifolia is a beautiful flower belonging to Oleaceae. How to sow and raise seedlings of cloves? Below, the editor of Huinong Network has sorted out an article on the cutting, sowing and propagation of cloves.

Syringa angustifolia is a beautiful flower belonging to Oleaceae. How to sow and raise seedlings of cloves? Below, the editor of Huinong Network has sorted out an article on the cutting and sowing and propagation of cloves.

1 morphological characteristics

Syringa angustifolia is a deciduous shrub, Syringa of Oleaceae, growing about 2.50m tall, young branches pilose, grayish brown. Leaves ovoid or elliptic, ciliate. Inflorescences are conical and lax lateral, light purplish red, flowering from late April to early August. According to statistics, there are about 28 species of Syringa in the world and 23 in China. Syringa is one of them, mainly distributed in Shanxi and Henan, Shaanxi and other provinces in North China.

2 growth habits

Cloves like adequate sunshine, tolerance to half-shade, strong adaptability, cold tolerance, drought tolerance, barren tolerance, fewer diseases and insect pests. It grows better in neutral soil with good drainage and loose soil, but not in acidic soil, and avoid waterlogging, damp and heat.

3 sowing and raising seedlings

3.1 seed collection

The number of seeds of Syringa microphylla is small, and the seeds are easy to fall off and lose once they are ripe, so it is necessary to collect seeds in time, generally starting on July 5 after falling flowers and collecting the second seed on September 28. The ears picked from the twigs are spread out in an indoor ventilated and dry place to dry in the shade to avoid the loss of water and vitality of the seeds. The thickness of the stacked seeds is about 4.0cm~5.0cm, which should be turned frequently. When the capsule is cracked, the seeds can be beaten and threshed with wooden sticks to remove the blighted seeds, and pure seeds can be obtained by screening. Put clean seeds in cloth bags or sacks and store them in a dry, well-ventilated place.

3.2 seed treatment

20d~30d disinfects the seeds before sowing in spring, soak the seeds in 0.5% concentration of NaHCO3 aqueous solution (30 ℃), drop the water temperature to room temperature, rinse the seeds gently, soak 3.0d~4.0d in clean water, change water twice a day, and then disinfect the seeds in 0.30% K2MNO4 solution for about 1.0 h.

3.3 nursery site selection

Nursery land should be selected on flat, excellent drainage and irrigation, fertile loam or sandy loam. The soil preparation and ploughing was carried out in autumn, and the soil was made loose and broken by applying sufficient basic fertilizer 15 days before sowing in spring, and then made a bed. Bed width 50cm, length 1.0m, trail width 40cm, high 15cm. Soil disinfection of seedbed: per square meter, 3.0% Budweiser granule 7.0g ·40% pentachloronitrobenzene powder was mixed into the thick soil layer of 5.0cm, watered once before sowing, and then sowed or sowed after water infiltration. After sowing, cover a layer of 1.0cm thick soil and then suppress, while watering, and then cover the bed with fine particles such as grass dust or sawdust to keep the bed moist. Setting up a sunshade net at the right time to prevent sunburn is conducive to seed germination.

3.4 Management

Seedling stage just unearthed very thin seedlings need to be particularly careful, we must pay attention to the moist bed, do not hurt the roots when pulling grass. When the emergence of seedlings reaches 50%, use 75% chlorothalonil 100g wettable powder + 60kg water per hectare, spray once every 7.0 days, a total of 4 times. After spraying, 30min immediately wash the seedlings with clean water to prevent drug damage. From July to August, watering combined with topdressing, urea 4.0 kg + water 1000kg per hectare was used for 2 times. When the seedling height reached 1.0cm, the weak and diseased seedlings were removed for the first time, leaving 500 healthy seedlings per square meter; when the seedling height reached 3.0cm, the seedlings were fixed, and nitrogen fertilizer was applied once to ensure the growth and nutritional needs of seedlings and avoid the death of seedlings caused by drought. Weeding is carried out in time to remove early, small and clean, so as to provide a good growth environment for seedlings and make them grow rapidly. Loosening soil can improve soil physical and chemical properties and promote root development.

To loosen the soil and weed for the first time in mid-June, be especially careful not to hurt the seedlings, and then water them in time to maintain the stability of the seedlings, and then weed once a month until they stop growing. In winter, the seedlings should be buried in soil to prevent air-drying and rodent (rabbit) damage. After the soil is thawed next spring, the covered soil will be removed. Urea 5.0kg per hectare can be applied when watering in the middle of June. The seedling height can reach 20cm~30cm in October, and the seedling yield is about 50, 000 plants per hectare.

3.5 Management

The transplanting time of Syringa angustifolia is suitable after defoliation in autumn or before bud sprouting in early spring, first apply sufficient base fertilizer in the transplanting pit, cover a layer of soil on the base fertilizer, then put seedlings to fill the soil, step on it, and finally water it. In order to improve the survival rate of seedlings, new high-fat membrane can be sprayed, and the king of flowers can be sprayed properly to accelerate flower bud differentiation and promote reproductive growth, so as to blossom more and avoid the overgrowth of main shoots. Syringa angustifolia is adaptable and easy to manage. As long as it is watered, weeded and waterlogged, it can grow smoothly. It is necessary to shape and prune before germination, get rid of dense, thin, weak, disease and long branches, make the branches transparent and ventilated, reduce nutrient consumption, keep the crown beautiful, promote the germination of new branches and the formation of flower buds. In order to facilitate the growth of seedlings in the coming year, the residual flowers and the two buds under the flower ear can be removed. In order to make the trimmed wound heal as soon as possible, the wound can be smeared with anti-corrosion film. Leaflet clove diseases and insect pests are very few, in order to control diseases and insect pests, after falling leaves can be a plastic pruning, do not fertilize the leafy cloves too much, so as not to affect the flowering of branches. The seedlings can be compost once a year or before the beginning of winter every year.

4 Cuttage seedling raising

4.1 preparation for cuttings

The cuttings were cut in spring, and the cuttings were collected in the autumn of the previous year, and the sand reservoir stratification treatment method was used to overwinter. Selecting cuttings is the most important step in the whole reproductive work. The quality of cuttings is directly related to the survival rate of seedlings. In the middle and late October of the first year, the branches with high Lignification, excellent flowers and leaves and beautiful flowers and leaves of 1.0a~2.0a were intercepted as female spikes, and the panicle length 7.0cm~9.0cm was set aside.

4.1.1 cuttings sand storage

Put the cuttings in a shady, high and flat ditch (flat), cover with wet sand, then cover with straw, wheat straw or plastic film, and set up ventilation and ventilation.

4.1.2 Seedling bed preparation

The seedbed should be built on a piece of land with flat terrain, deep soil layer and convenient drainage and irrigation, and will be cut in the middle of May. The seedbed was disinfected with 5.0% K2MnO4 before cutting to eliminate harmful bacteria in the soil.

4.2 Cuttage

4.2.1 cuttings treatment

Before hardwood cutting, the lower part of the cuttings was cut into an oblique cut at the distance from the lower bud node 2.0cm, and each liter was dipped in 111mg's NAA solution, or each liter was soaked in 100mg's IBA solution. The experiment shows that the rooting effect of low concentration is better than that of high concentration, and it should be noted that the hardwood cuttings of clove must be treated with exogenous hormone, otherwise it is difficult to root. Cut the cuttings vertically into the seedbed (wet river sand or add vermiculite and pastoral soil) to the depth of 2.0cm~3.0cm.

4.2.2 plug-in management

Attention should be paid to the control and management of the humidity of the cutting substrate. In order to improve the temperature, shading and moisturizing, a small plastic arch shed was built on the seedling bed to promote the rooting of seedling branches and improve the survival rate of cutting. ABT rooting powder was commonly used to treat cuttings with good results.

The root of Syringa angustifolia has strong tillering ability, and more and better tillering seedlings can be obtained by strengthening fertilizer and water management of mother trees. The operation method is as follows: dig deep the round trench of 30cm~40cm along the 50cm~100cm around the mother tree, evenly apply 25kg mature organic fertilizer in the ditch, and then cover the soil. Cutting in spring can lengthen the growth period of seedlings and develop the root system, while cutting in autumn can make the new shoots have a good degree of Lignification. The technical level and management level of green wood cutting should be high, so it is necessary to prevent overgrowth in autumn and pay attention to prevent the occurrence of diseases and insect pests. The propagation of leafy cloves is usually based on tiller propagation.

The hardwood cuttage technique of Syringa microphylla has the advantages of simple operation, short propagation cycle, good rooting effect and easy control of seedling characters. Combined with exogenous hormone NAA or IBA solution treatment, it can improve the rooting survival rate of hardwood cuttings and reduce the difficulty of cutting, so it has been widely used.

4.4 Disease and pest control

There are few diseases and insect pests in leaflet cloves, and the main diseases are ① root rot. You can spray 1000 times with 50% chlorothalonil or 1000 times with carbendazim. ② powdery mildew: use 60% 75% Dysen zinc 500x ~ 1000 times, or 50% topiramine 300x ~ 400x solution, and 50% acetaminophen 800x ~ 1000 times spray.

That's all we have to say today about the technology of cutting jade seedlings of leafy cloves. Friends who want to plant cloves should not miss it.

Cultivation techniques and sowing methods of Catharanthus roseus

Catharanthus roseus has beautiful posture and long flowering period, so it is very suitable for indoor pot ornamental plants. How to cultivate potted Catharanthus roseus? How to propagate Catharanthus roseus with seeds? Next, Xiaoqi will share the cultivation techniques and sowing methods of potted Catharanthus roseus.

I. cultivation techniques of Catharanthus roseus

1. Propagation: Catharanthus roseus is used to sow seeds and raise seedlings, but it can also be cut, but its growth is not as good as that of sowing. The seeds of Catharanthus roseus should be picked with ripening, the optimum temperature for germination is 20-25 ℃, sowing should be carried out from March to May, and annual cultivation should be carried out. Most of the cuttings are carried out from April to July, but this method is not usually used.

2. Soil: Catharanthus roseus is suitable for fertile, loose, well-drained sandy soil or soil rich in humus, resistant to barren soil, but most avoid saline-alkali land. The clayey soil with hardening and poor permeability is easy to make the plant grow badly, the leaves turn yellow and do not blossom.

3. Sunshine: Catharanthus roseus is a light-loving plant, and sufficient sunlight must be ensured during its growth, so as to make its leaves green and shiny and colorful. If the periwinkle is always kept in the shade, it is prone to diseases and insect pests, and the leaves are yellow and deciduous.

4. Temperature: Catharanthus roseus likes a warm environment during its growth period. The most suitable temperature for growth from March to July is 18-24 ℃, and from September to March of the following year, the suitable temperature is 13-18 ℃. The winter temperature should not be lower than 10 ℃ to avoid death from frostbite.

5, watering: Catharanthus roseus avoid dampness and fear of waterlogging, watering should not be too much, stagnant water is easy to root rot, and then affect the growth. Indoor winter should be more strictly controlled watering, it is appropriate to dry, otherwise easy to freeze. If the open field cultivation, summer showers should pay attention to drainage, so as to avoid stagnant water to death.

6. Fertilization: Catharanthus roseus does not have strict requirements for fertilizer. It can be fertilized every ten days or so during the growth period, and compound fertilizer and liquid fertilizer can be applied in turn. Potted Catharanthus roseus needs to be covered with a layer of base fertilizer at the bottom of the pot to ensure sufficient nutrients for plant growth.

7. Pruning: Catharanthus roseus is a perennial herb, which is more suitable for potted plants, but the potted plants should be pruned so as not to let the plants grow too high, affecting the decoration and ornamental effect. Usually after the pot survives, it is necessary to pick the heart several times to make it more branched and blossom, and the residual flowers must be cut off after flowering.

8. Insect pests: Catharanthus roseus itself is poisonous, so it is more resistant to diseases and insect pests, mainly including seedling sudden disease, gray mold and red spiders, aphids, tea moths and other diseases and insect pests. Cultivation should pay attention to ventilation, drainage and loosening the soil, can not be caught in the rain, if diseases and insect pests have occurred, timely measures should be taken to reduce or remove the harm.

Second, the sowing method of Catharanthus roseus

Catharanthus roseus is very popular with flower friends because of its many colors and long flowering period. Catharanthus roseus is mostly sown and raised seedlings, of course, it can also be raised by cuttings, but the seedlings propagated by cuttings are not as strong as sowing seedlings. Here are the sowing methods:

1. The sowing time of Catharanthus roseus is about March to May in spring. Generally speaking, Catharanthus roseus blossoms early and can be sowed and raised in greenhouse in early spring. Under 20 ℃ environment, the warm spring is moved to the open field for cultivation.

2. Sowing medium: the medium is best prepared with peat + perlite according to 3 ∶ 1, or rotten leaf soil can be used. Pour thoroughly (sterilize) with 500 to 600 times carbendazim solution, and place the seedling utensils facing south to the sun.

3. Sowing should be covered with fine sand, so as not to make the seeds see the light directly. Pour enough water with a fine spray pot and cover with a thin film or grass curtain to keep the soil moist. Seedlings can emerge in 7 or 10 days.

4. Management after emergence: after the emergence of Catharanthus roseus, gradually strengthen the light. Because Catharanthus roseus seedlings grow slowly and grow faster when the temperature rises. It is necessary to plant seedlings in time (that is, to get rid of weak seedlings, reasonable seedlings help to make the seedlings grow strong).

The above is Catharanthus roseus cultivation techniques and Catharanthus roseus sowing methods to share, I hope to be helpful to everyone.

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Red lilac Syringa villosa Vahl red clove photo: red clove how to raise / red clove how to propagate red clove business card red clove Syringa villosa Vahl alias: classification: annual herbaceous floral genus: Dicotyledonous phylum Oleaceae: flowering: summer red clove (scientific name: Syringa villosa Vahl), shrub, up to 4 meters high. Branches erect, stout, grayish brown, lenticellate, branchlets grayish brown, glabrous or puberulent, lenticellate. Red clove leaf ovate, elliptic-ovate, broadly elliptic to Obovate-long elliptic, 4-11 (- 15) cm long and 1.5-6 (- 11) cm wide, apex acute or short acuminate, base cuneate or broadly cuneate to subrounded, dark green above, glabrous, pink-green below, Adnate sparsely pilose or pilose only along leaf veins, sparse glabrous; petiole 0.8-2. Introduction of red cloves (scientific name: Syringa villosa Vahl), shrubs, up to 4 meters high. Branches erect, stout, grayish brown, lenticellate, branchlets grayish brown, glabrous or puberulent, lenticellate. Red clove leaf blade ovate, elliptic-ovate, broadly elliptic to Obovate-long elliptic, 4-11 (- 15) cm long and 1.5-6 (- 11) cm wide, apex acute or shortly acuminate, base cuneate or broadly cuneate to suborbicular, dark green above, glabrous, pink-green below, Adnate sparsely pilose or pilose only along leaf veins, sparsely glabrous; petiole 0.8-2.5 cm long, glabrous or slightly pilose. Fruit oblong, 1-1.5 cm long, ca. 6 mm wide, apex convex, lenticels inconspicuous. The flowering period of red cloves is from May to June and the fruiting period is September. Morphological characteristics of red lilac red clove is a shrub, up to 4 meters high. Branches erect, stout, grayish brown, lenticellate, branchlets grayish brown, glabrous or puberulent, lenticellate. Leaves of red cloves ovate, elliptic-ovate, broadly elliptic to Obovate-long elliptic, 4-11 (- 15) cm long and 1.5-6 (- 11) cm wide, apex acute or short acuminate, base cuneate or broadly cuneate to subrounded, dark green above, glabrous, pink-green below, Adnate sparsely pilose or pilose only along leaf veins, sparse glabrous Petiole 0.8-2.5 cm long, glabrous or slightly pilose. Panicles erect, drawn from terminal buds, oblong or tower-shaped, 5-13 (- 17) cm long and 3-10 cm wide; inflorescence axis and pedicel, calyx glabrous, or puberulent, pubescent or pilose; inflorescence rachis of red cloves lenticellate; pedicels 0.5-1.5 mm long; flowers fragrant; calyx 2-4 mm long, calyx teeth acute or obtuse Corolla of red cloves pale purplish red, pink to white, Corolla tube thin, thinner to 3 mm, subcylindrical, 0.7-1.5 cm long, lobes spreading outward at right angles at maturity, ovate or oblong-elliptic, 3-5 mm long, apex cucullate and beaked, beak protruding; anthers yellow, ca. 3 mm, located in Corolla throat or slightly protruding. Red clove fruit oblong, 1-1.5 cm long, about 6 mm wide, apex convex, lenticels inconspicuous. The ecological habit of red cloves red cloves like light, slightly resistant to shade, like cold, cool and humid climate, resistant to drought and cold. Red clove is born in hillside thickets or ditches, by the river, 1200-2200 meters above sea level. The cultivation techniques of red lilac for sowing and seedling raising should be flat topography, good drainage, leeward to the sun, light soil texture, and the soil layer thickness is larger than that of 30cm thick soil. Soil preparation and soil treatment seedlings need deep ploughing and careful sowing before digging in autumn, next year, then ploughing, leveling, suppression, horizon, soil crushing, loose, no weed roots, no sand clods. Oxygen mixed with 40% 5 nitrobenzene wettable powder, or 50% carbendazim wettable powder mixed with soil, but also with metalaxyl wettable powder 9 grams per square meter plus 70% wettable powder 1g 25%, with fine soil 4-5 kg sensation, but before the end of the year treatment of irrigation water, take L / 3 to spread on the ground, the rest of the drug planting soil cover above, known as ldquo; mat law and rdquo The above method: can effectively control seedling blight, quenching disease, root rot disease. It can also be used with two true leaves and a heart to produce 50% or 50% wettable powder carbendazim wettable powder 600 times liquid irrigation at 3-5 cm root depth, which can also achieve the control effect; the bed surface is 15 cm high and 110 cm wide, the length depends on the need, the trail width is 50 cm wide, and the drainage ditch is set under the depth trail to facilitate drainage. Seed collection and planting collected 2.1 seeds in August, when the seeds were harvested with the best green, matured early, late burst the seed coat, and the seeds fell off. Collect the bag well ventilated to the sunny place until the seeds are dry, and then transfer the seeds to a cool, dry place. Seed treatment to remove seed coat (coat), remove impurities, soak in cold water at room temperature for 48 hours, change water every 12 hours. Easy to send golden needle worm, mole cricket nursery, seed weight can be mixed with 2% carbofuran, 35% concentration of carbofuran, respectively, and can also prevent underground pests. Red clove seeds are small and light, and special attention should be paid when mixed with drugs. Sowing seeds on April 25 sowing time-30 days, sowing about 3.0 grams / square meter of house prices, sowing, even on the bed, covered with fine soil, a thickness of 0.5 cm to 1.0 cm. Watering in time, before 9:00 in the morning and after 15: 00 am. The use of artificial watering small eyes watering, watering should do light rain mechanical shape, can not cause the loss of topsoil accumulation, must always keep the bed moist. Red clove disease control red clove is easy to produce seedling blight, quenching disease, black leaves, root rot, etc., when the seedlings grow 2-3 true leaves 55% carbendazim 500x solution or 50% carbendazim 600x solution can also be sprayed with 800x 50% carbendazim spray, black leaf disease, can also spray fairy tale birth, when the seedlings can reach more than 30cm, 2-year seedlings more than 60cm, you can come out of the nursery to cut vegetation. Management and maintenance of red cloves at seedling stage seedlings germinate in two to three days and new leaves come out in 6-7 days. At this time, weak and delicate seedlings should be weeded in time, but they must not be harmed. Timely removal of weeds growth, thinning, so the distribution of seedlings, when the seedlings grow to 15 cm, give 10 plants, in addition to the small growth, there are seedlings of pests, retain the density of 40-50 / m2, good fertilization, watering. Overwintering management of this cold-tolerant variety, good Lignification, no cold, safe through the winter, sown from spring. When large ridges and single rows were used for 3 to 4 years, the plant spacing was 40-50 cm, and large seedlings were cultivated. 3. 3-40000 plants per hectare could be transplanted. The varieties of red lilac are classified into Syringa komarowii C. K. Schneid. Syringa komarowii C. K. Schneid. Var. Komarowii clove (variety) Syringa komarowii C. K. Schneid. Var. Reflexa (C. K. Schneid.) Z. P. Jien ex M. C. Chang Sichuan lilac Syringa sweginzowii Koehne & Lingelsh. Syringa tibetica P. Y. Pai Syringa tomentella Bureau & Franch. Syringa wolfii C. K. Schneid. Syringa yunnanensis Franch. Hairy calyx Yunnan clove (variant) Syringa yunnanensis Franch. Form. Pubicalyx (Z. P. Jien ex P. Y. Bai) M. C. Chang Yunnan clove (original form) Syringa yunnanensis Franch. Form. Yunnanensis red cloves are distributed in Liaoning, North China, northwestern warm temperate deciduous broad-leaved forests (major cities: Shenyang, Huludao, Dalian, Dandong, Anshan, Liaoyang, Jinzhou, Yingkou, Panjin, Beijing, Tianjin, Taiyuan, Linfen, Changzhi, Shijiazhuang, Qinhuangdao, Baoding, Tangshan, Handan, Xingtai, Chengde, Jinan, Dezhou, Yan'an, Baoji, Tianshui). Red cloves are found in temperate grasslands (major cities: Lanzhou, Pingliang, Altay, Hailar, Manzhouli, Qiqihar, Fuxin, Dandong, Daqing, Xining, Yinchuan, Tongliao, Yulin, Hohhot, Baotou, Zhangjiakou, Jining, Chifeng, Datong, Xilanhaote). The garden use of red cloves the ornamental value of red cloves, we have to mention the garden value of red cloves, red cloves are generally planted on the lawn or roadside, used as a set. Of course, transplanting can also be carried out. The survival rate of red cloves is very high, and there is almost no need to worry that it will die because of transplanting, so we often plant red cloves for the value of the garden. The use of red cloves the inflorescences of red cloves are neatly arranged and look well organized. And its design and color is more elegant, the overall posture and shape is also very beautiful, so it has a strong ornamental value. Of course, we also know that the vitality and adaptability of red cloves are also very strong, cold-resistant and cold-resistant, so they can be planted artificially and only need very little manpower and material resources to harvest beautiful red cloves. Red cloves are more prominent in their own patterns and colors, so in addition to ordinary pot culture, they are also a very good material for cut flowers, which can be used as the preferred material for cutting flowers, and become a very interesting ornamental work of art. in the hearts of many people who love cut flowers, red cloves must also be a relatively unique one! Red lilac pictures