
There are "four taboos and four suitability" in rhododendron pot culture?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Azalea also has a high-end name, called Yingshanhong, which belongs to the acid indicator plant, because the flower color is very bright, and the flower fragrance is rich, so it has a very high ornamental value.

Rhododendron also has a high-end name, called Yingshanhong, belongs to the acid indicator plant, because the flower color is very bright, and the flower fragrance is relatively rich, so it has a very high ornamental value, is also one of the potted plants often cultivated by the majority of flower friends. But now there are some flower friends, due to the wrong management methods, resulting in rhododendron leaves less yellow flowers light, serious or death, so there is an urgent need for rhododendron culture technology. Now the editor has summed up the four taboos about the cultivation of rhododendron. Now read on with the editor.

Four suitable and four taboos in the cultivation of rhododendron

First, it should be warm and humid to avoid the scorching sun getting too wet

Cuckoos like to grow in a warm and humid environment, so when raising rhododendrons, keep the basin soil moist, but there can be no stagnant water, because stagnant water in the basin soil can easily cause rotten roots and lead to death. Of course, you can also add an appropriate amount of vinegar or ferrous sulfate to the tap water to make the water acidic and re-watered. If you use the waste water after rice washing, or after washing fish and meat water, you should wait for the fermentation to smell sour and then dilute and water its roots. In each watering, wait until the basin soil is dry before watering. When watering in summer, because the temperature is too high, if it is watering in the hot sun, it is easy to burn tender leaves; if it is in the place away from the soil, watering the roots, sunshade measures should be taken to prevent the leaves from yellowing and withering and affecting their growth and ornamental.

Second, it is advisable to apply thin fertilizer frequently and avoid applying more concentrated fertilizer.

The roots of rhododendron plants are not only fine but also shallow, so when fertilizing, liquid fertilizer should be given priority to. Fermented bean cake fertilizer and chicken manure can also be irrigated with water once a week. Fertilization is not too high, the concentration can not be too strong, because fertilization is too thick, it is easy to burn out the roots, resulting in rhododendron plant withering and death.

Third, it should be sparse and avoid sticking

Cuckoo planting likes acidic soil, do not plant in calcareous alkaline soil, and poor drainage performance of clayey soil, because the soil is too sticky, it will lead to stagnant water, which is not conducive to the growth of rhododendron, it is best to choose loose and breathable humus soil. In summer, it is often necessary to cover the surface of the basin soil with mature organic matter, which is beneficial to enhance water storage, prevent the basin soil from being too dry, reduce the soil temperature and protect the roots and promote the growth of rhododendron.

IV. Acid and alkali should be avoided.

Because rhododendron is an acid indicator plant, it is sensitive to the acidity and basicity of soil. Therefore, whether it is watering, fertilization, or the replacement of basin soil, if the acid is the main, do not pour alkaline water to apply alkaline fertilizer.

Pot culture methods and matters needing attention of rhododendron

Rhododendron, also known as Yingshanhong and pomegranate, is an evergreen or ordinary green shrub with luxuriant and colorful flowers blooming in spring. Azaleas have always been a favorite flower. I think many people have raised azaleas. Many people may not know the methods and points for attention of azaleas. The following editor will introduce to you the relevant skills and matters needing attention in cultivating azaleas.

Growth condition

Rhododendron is born in mountain sparse thickets or pine forests at an altitude of 2500 meters above sea level. It likes acidic soil and does not grow well or even in calcareous soil, so pedologists often regard rhododendron as an indicator crop of acidic soil.

Rhododendron likes cool, moist and ventilated semi-shady environment, and is afraid of both extreme heat and cold. The suitable temperature for growth is 12 ℃ to 25 ℃. When the summer temperature exceeds 35 ℃, the new shoots and leaves grow slowly and are in a semi-dormant state. Sunscreen should be used in summer and warm and cold in winter.

Avoid hot sun exposure, suitable for growth under scattered light with low light intensity, too strong light, young leaves are easy to burn, new leaves and old leaves scorched edge, serious will lead to plant death. In winter, cuckoos cultivated in open field should take measures to prevent cold in order to ensure their safety through the winter. Among the ornamental rhododendrons, the cold resistance of rhododendron is the weakest, and the freezing injury is easy to occur when the temperature drops below 0 ℃.

Basin soil requirement

Rhododendron is a kind of acid soil with loose nature, strong permeability, good drainage and rich in humus, and its PH value is 5.0 ~ 6.0. If you use clay or alkaline soil, it will be difficult to live. Summer cuckoos and rhododendrons, in particular, must be mountain soil. The mountain soil needs to be reformed. at present, three kinds of culture soil are usually used:

1. 7 parts of mountain soil, 1 part of dry moss grass, 2 parts of dry rot leaf soil and 1 part of dry fertilizer were mixed.

2. 3 parts of mountain skin soil (topsoil), 3 parts of horse manure, 3 parts of deciduous weeds and 1 part of human feces were piled in layers and screened for 2 years.

3. Mix 3 parts of mountain soil, 3 parts of rotten leaf soil, 4 parts of garden soil and 2 parts of sand, and add 50 grams of sesame sauce dregs and bone powder in each basin.

Flowerpot selection

According to the use of flowerpots for breeding rhododendrons, mud pots and purple sand pots are generally selected. The mud basin has good ventilation and permeability, which is beneficial to the growth of root system. The molded azaleas, especially the modeled azaleas, are furnished for indoor and outdoor furnishings, generally planted in a beautiful and quaint purple sand basin with delicate texture, rich color and beautiful shape, which can double the ornamental value. Purple sand basin permeability is not as good as mud basin, when planting, should be in the surrounding basin wall pad with broken tiles (old tiles) so as to facilitate drainage.

The size of the selected pot depends on the age of the plant, generally 5-inch pot for 4-6-year-old plants, 6-inch pots for 7-10-year-old plants, 8 inch pots for 11-15 reproductive plants, and so on.

Fertilizer and water management

It is best to use Rain Water to water azaleas, followed by river and pond water. If tap water is used, it is advisable to store the water for 2 days and let the chlorine volatilize and then use. Pay attention to adding 0.2% ferrous sulfate when using it, and watering it every 10 days during the growing season. Use it frequently to ensure that the soil is acidic. Azaleas like yin and dampness and should not be too dry. More moisture is needed during flowering.

① winter rhododendron has entered a dormant period, water demand is not much, generally every 4 times every 5 days watering, should be carried out around noon in sunny and warm days. It can be watered appropriately depending on the drying condition of the basin soil.

During ② March, the roots of rhododendron sprouted, and the water demand increased. The growth and development of summer cuckoo is a little late, and the amount of water should be less than that of spring cuckoo. Usually water the right amount every 2 days in the morning.

③ Azalea blossoms one after another from April to June, and the branches and leaves also begin to sprout, which requires a large amount of water and should be watered once every morning or evening.

During the high temperature and dry season from July to early September, ④ should be watered once in the morning and evening. The amount of water should not be too much, and spray water on the leaf surface and the ground at noon to keep the moist environment.

The weather of ⑤ turns cool gradually from the middle of September to November, which is the adaptive period for the growth of rhododendron. In order to prevent the autumn shoots from being pulled out and enhance the cold resistance of overwintering, the amount of water should be reduced appropriately. Generally water one time every other morning and keep it moist. Azaleas prefer fertilizer, generally using rotten cake fertilizer, fish meal, broad beans or purple clouds after water watering, avoid using human feces and urine. After leaving the house to before the flower bud blossoms, apply thin fertilizer every 10 days, the concentration is 15%, a total of 2 Mel 3 times, to promote the old leaves to turn green and sprout new roots. After the flowers fade, in order to promote the growth of branches and leaves, fertilization was applied 6 times from mid-May to early July. If it rains continuously, dry fertilizer can be applied. Before entering the house, before the growth of azaleas is about to stop, fertilizers should be applied for 1 / 2 times.

Outdoor shading

1. It is advisable to see more sunshine before leaving the room and before enlightening.

2. During the flowering period, shading should be carried out for a short time at noon, and the light transmittance is 60%.

3. During the Meiyu period from June to early July, the rhododendron leaves and branches should be seen as much as possible. However, in case of strong sunlight, it should also be shaded from 9 am to 4 pm to prevent new leaves from being burned.

4. From mid-July to early September, shade should be provided from 8 am to 5 pm every day to prevent the scorching sun from shining.

5. When the autumn growth period after September can shorten the shading time, it can be shaded from 10:00 to 4 p.m.

6. it is advisable to see more sunshine after October.

Shaping and pruning

Azaleas grow slowly and are generally allowed to grow naturally, only after flowering, cutting off long branches, diseased and weak branches, deformed branches and damaged branches.

The cultivation method of rhododendron is basically introduced to you. Let's take a look at the pest control methods and matters needing attention in the process of rhododendron culture.

The cultivation method of azaleas: how to raise the potted azaleas in the family?

Rhododendron is one of the top ten famous flowers in China. Among all the ornamental flowers and trees, they can be called flowers, leaves and beauty, suitable for both ground and potted plants, and the azaleas are the most widely used.

Azaleas have always been a favorite flower. I think many people have raised azaleas. Many people may not know how to cultivate azaleas. Today, I would like to introduce the relevant skills and methods of cultivating rhododendrons. I hope it can help you when cultivating azaleas.

Here's how to raise azaleas.

How to raise azaleas well? First of all, we must understand the conditions needed for its growth and development. Azaleas have "six joys" and "six taboos".

① likes to be cool and avoid extreme heat.

② likes the half shade and avoids the scorching sun.

③ prefers wetting to dryness.

④ likes acidic soil and avoids alkaline soil.

⑤ prefers light soil to clayey soil.

⑥ likes good drainage and avoids waterlogging.

After coming out of the room in spring, the sun is softer, and the azaleas should be properly shaded around noon.

After the beginning of summer, the azaleas should be put in a cool and ventilated place. in hot summer, Reed curtains, bamboo curtains and sunshade nets should be used to shade, and the curtains should be opened before 8 o'clock in the morning and after 5: 00 p.m. to 6 p.m. As the cuckoo belongs to semi-negative flowers and trees, the young leaves are easy to burn in the hot sun. If it is exposed to strong light for a long time in summer, the branches and leaves will be withered and yellow, the growth will stagnate, and the whole plant will die in serious cases.

The sun intensity in autumn gradually eased, and the azaleas could see more sunshine before 9: 00 a.m. and after 5: 00 p.m., and put in sunny places at the end of autumn to promote flower bud differentiation. The cuckoo is not hardy, so it should be moved indoors between Cold Dew and Frosts Descent and placed in a sunny place. At the beginning of entering the room, you should pay attention to opening the windows and doors for ventilation. If it is placed in the shade for a long time, it is easy to drop buds.

The suitable room temperature in winter is about 10 ℃. The room temperature of most varieties is not less than 5 ℃, but the cuckoo is afraid of cold, and the overwintering room temperature should not be lower than 8 ℃. If the room temperature is too high in winter, the metabolism is enhanced and nutrients are consumed, which is not conducive to the growth and development of the following year.

Acid soil can be used to conserve rhododendron. Because rhododendron likes acidic soil, pH4.5-6.5is suitable. It is required that the basin soil is loose, good drainage and contains humus. 6 pieces of rotten leaf soil, 2 parts of peat soil and 2 parts of river sand are commonly used to prepare or use pine needle soil. At the same time, in order to improve the quality of water, it is best to use mineral-free water, such as Rain Water or snow water. In addition to storing Rain Water and snow water, acidified water can be used, that is, 100 jin of water plus 0.1% ferrous sulfate for perennial use. If the acidity is not enough, you can supplement it with less vinegar. How to water:

(1) "trapped water" should be used, that is, the water and the cuckoo should be dried at the same temperature. Fish tank water, Rain Water, river water can also be used.

(2) if the soil is not dry or irrigated, it should not be too dry, and the leaves will wilt if it is too dry.

(3) Water must be thoroughly watered.

(4) there are differences between winter and summer. The leaves are good in winter, but it doesn't hurt to get wet in summer. Flowering period should not be more watering, too much easy to drop buds and early thanks; spring and autumn wind is dry, must be sufficient. Pay attention to spraying the leaf surface and the ground to maintain a certain degree of humidity. During the cuckoo growing period, alum fertilizer and water are generally applied every 10-15 days, or 0.1% rame0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution can be used for foliar spraying.


1. The roots of azaleas are as thin as hair, and there are few thick taproots. They are afraid of both dry and wet, especially heavy fertilizer. If too much watering, the root is soaked in water, too dry, branches and leaves atrophy, leaf petal fall off, a great threat to the plant, as for watering heavy fertilizer, it will be life-threatening.

2. after the flower fade, the residual flowers must be cut off to avoid fruiting and wasting nutrition. after the new branches germinate, they should be thinned properly and stay according to the growth of the plant.

3. Rhododendron is most suitable to be planted in a muddy basin, because the mud basin absorbs water and breathes air, which is beneficial to the growth and development of roots and luxuriant branches and leaves.

4. Potted azaleas should be placed on the southeast balcony and should be ventilated and moved as little as possible. If it is not ventilated, it is easy to suffer from black spot disease and a large number of fallen leaves.

5. Azaleas should also have moderate requirements for light, and avoid direct light in summer.

6. timely thinning of buds and leaves, removing part of the buds and leaves that have grown too much and too dense, so that the air is well ventilated and nutrients are concentrated on the buds. After the formation of buds, it is necessary to increase nutrition and apply more phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, otherwise the buds will be transformed into leaf buds.

7. The main reasons for azaleas falling leaves and not blooming are: too much direct light in summer, frostbite, too much watering, too thick fertilization, too long indoor time, poor air circulation or dark and humid places, acid rain, and so on. so these situations should be avoided in the process of maintenance.

8. Turning the basin and changing the soil do not need to be carried out every year, usually once every 2 to 3 years, with as little damage to the roots as possible. The time should be after the blossom fade or in autumn, and topirazine should be sprayed at the same time to prevent diseases.

9. The pests of azaleas are mainly military insects, terminal bud leaf rollers, red spiders, aphids, etc., which can be sprayed with permethrin, and the effect is better, such as not dying after three days, spray again. The military worm (also known as the crown net bug) sprayed 1500 times of dimethoate during the damage period, once every 7 days for 3 times in a row. The control methods of terminal bud leaf rollers are mainly killed by artificial capture, and the larvae or pupae can also be sprayed with 2000 times of dimethoate EC or 1500 times of dichlorvos.

10. The propagation method of rhododendron is mainly cutting. Before and after Grain in Beard, select new branches, 5 cm to 10 cm long, cut off at the bifurcation point, peel off the lower leaves, leave 3 to 4 top leaves, insert the 1x3 of the branches into the soil, spray enough water, and cover with plastic film. It is necessary to strengthen the management at ordinary times and transplant a year later.