
Daily culture methods and pest management of drunken butterfly

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Today, the editor of Huinong Network tells you about the cultivation and management techniques of drunken butterfly flowers, and this technique mainly focuses on how to prolong the viewing period and dwarf the potted grass flower varieties.

Today, the editor of Huinong Network tells you about the cultivation and management techniques of drunken butterfly flowers, and this technology mainly focuses on how to prolong the viewing period and dwarfing of potted grass flower varieties.

1 preparation before sowing

1.1 accelerating budding

On May 1st, the seeds were soaked in 28 ℃ warm water for 5 hours, and the seeds were fully absorbed and expanded. They were placed in a light incubator for 4 ℃ and treated at low temperature for 5 days. A week later, 95% of the seeds were "white" and began to sow.

1.2 Seedling bed preparation

Select the land with high dryness, cool ventilation, good drainage, loose soil and fertile soil to make the seedbed 120 feet, build the greenhouse, cover the shade net, and cover the whole shed with insect prevention net; on May 5, use the special nutritional soil loading plate for flowers in the 288 hole plate, and the nutrient soil is 1cm from the surface of the hole plate.

2 sowing

Sow seeds on the morning of May 7, 1 ~ 2 grains per hole, sow evenly in the center of the hole, sprinkle about 1 inch of nutritious soil evenly after all sowing, pour enough water, and then cover the surface with newspaper to moisturize.

3Seedling stage management

On May 10, remove the mulch in the greenhouse, let the seedlings fully see light in sunny days, cover the greenhouse with film on rainy days, keep the soil moist at seedling stage; remove weak seedlings 1-2 days after emergence, leave 1 plant in each hole, squat seedlings when they have 3 true leaves on May 23, water permeable once on May 25, ready to plant.

4 soil preparation and fertilization in the field

In late April, the land was leveled and fertilized. The water-soluble ternary compound fertilizer with N: P: K = 15: 15: 15 was applied with 1000kg/667 fertilizer, and it was evenly mixed with soil according to the combination of 50kg/667 fertilizer and rake ploughing, and should be made into shallow trench and flat bed according to the need.

5 colonization

The plant was planted on May 27th. After planting, the soil was covered to the cotyledon, and the root water was fixed with water. The row spacing was 35cm and the plant spacing was 40cm, about 4000 plants / 667m.

6. Field management

The seedlings with 8 ~ 10 true leaves were irrigated once with water soluble ternary compound fertilizer (N: P: Kraft 10: 30: 20) 1000 times on June 15 and 1000 times with water soluble ternary compound fertilizer (N: P: Kraft 10: 30: 20) on June 30 to promote plant reproductive growth. During the whole growing period, sufficient water was supplied to keep the soil moist, bud formation and flowering stage, topdressing ternary compound fertilizer (N: P: K = 15: 15: 15) 1 ~ 2 times, each time 10kg/667 fertilizer, once every semimonthly, usually watering to keep the soil moist, and controlling watering and topdressing during the growth period to prevent overgrowth of plants and affecting flowering.

7 regulating plant type

(2) the effect of coring and spraying 400mg/L paclobutrazol once a week before flowering was the best, and the viewing period was up to 114d.

8 Control of diseases and insect pests

Leaf spot disease was sprayed twice with 50% methyl topiramate wettable powder, and rust was sprayed twice with 50% verapamil wettable powder 1500 times. When Lepidoptera pests appeared at the seedling stage, 10% avermectin wettable powder 800 times solution was sprayed on the leaves for 2 times, and during the growing period, 700 times solution of 10% imidacloprid wettable powder and 5% carbazem EC were used. Bacillus thuringiensis 600-fold insecticides alternately control Plutella xylostella, cabbage green and aphids and other pests for 3 times.

9 harvest

The plants were harvested before the first frost at the end of November, and the seeds were harvested one after another after maturing. After harvest, the fruit was dried and rubbed lightly to make it completely separated from the fruit and dried into the bag; if there were no seeds, the residual flowers should be cut off in time to reduce nutrient consumption, so as to prolong the flowering period and make green manure ploughing into the ground after straw crushing.

All right, that's all for today's content. if farmers are interested in the breeding skills of drunken butterfly flowers, you are welcome to comment at the bottom of Huinong website.

Key points of autumn maintenance of courtyard flowers

Key points of autumn maintenance of courtyard flowers

(1) the characteristics of autumn climate according to Chinese traditional customs, around August 8 of the Gregorian calendar is the day of the Chinese lunar calendar "the Beginning of Autumn", that is to say, it is "autumn" from this day to the first ten days of November before "the Beginning of Winter".

In East China, the average daily temperature in autumn is between 10 and 22 degrees Celsius, which is favorable for plant growth. But autumn is also a transitional season from summer to winter, and the temperature changes greatly. In early autumn, the lowest temperature is still above 30T, even reaching 35 degrees Celsius, while in late autumn, the lowest temperature is below 0 degrees Celsius.

In this season, the warm and humid southeast wind from the Pacific Ocean will gradually be replaced by the cold and dry northwest wind from the northwest plateau. When the northwest wind forms and breaks down to the south, the surface atmosphere is controlled by cold air and the upper layer is controlled by subtropical air, resulting in a crisp autumn.

Autumn is also an important turning period for plant growth, many herbaceous flowers have passed their flowering period, their seeds are mature and their life cycle is over, so they need to collect and sow seeds in order to prepare for the next life cycle. Perennial flowers and trees begin to slow down or stop growing, and some trees begin to shed their leaves and are about to enter a dormant period to spend the cold winter. And another part of winter flowers that are dormant in summer, such as cyclamen, primroses, calla lilies, etc., begin to wake up and enter a new period of growth, water and fertilizer must keep up.

(2) Daily management of flowers in autumn

① management method: in autumn, for Ding Hua people, in addition to continuing the regular management of watering and fertilization in summer, there are many "special" things to do with climate change.

Early autumn: the high temperature in summer has not completely receded at this time, especially the high temperature at noon, which is still a threat to flowers and trees. Therefore, the curtain of summer shade can not be removed in a hurry, only need to open the curtain sooner or later to penetrate light and air, and still need shade the rest of the time. Special attention should be given to some flowers.

For orchids, to maintain a moist and cool environment, it is best to spray water 2-3 times a day, spray water in the form of fog, until the leaves are wet. More water should be sprinkled on the balcony, ground or bunker to promote its cooling and prevent the threat of "autumn tigers".

The lotus is planted in a vat in summer. Although the lotus is gone, it should still have enough water and light. The lotus canopy can be picked as soon as it is ripe, so that the lotus root can continue to grow and ensure that the flowers will bloom in the coming year.

Kumquat fruit in winter, when blooming for the third time, do not let Rain Water pour directly on the flowers to ensure the fruit setting rate.

The flower buds of rhododendrons are differentiating, so it is necessary to reduce the amount of water and apply phosphate fertilizer to prove that spring flowers are blooming.

Cyclamen and adult gentleman orchids can turn the basin and change the soil to ensure that the basin soil is loose and nutritious, and prevent dumb flowers or arrows.

After a summer of continuous growth and flowering, the balcony pride geranium also needs to turn the basin to change the soil, and needs to be pruned and reshaped. Pruning, that is, cutting off the flower branches, leaving only about 10 meters high in the root to promote its germination of new branches and keep the plant shape strong and beautiful. Do not water and fertilize within 1 week after pruning to prevent knife edge infection.

Chrysanthemums beat the head for the last time and apply more topdressing until the flower buds differentiate.

Mid-autumn: at this time the sun is getting weaker, the heat has disappeared, and the temperature has dropped obviously. for flowers and trees with summer shade, it is necessary to gradually reduce the shading time or remove the curtains.

With the decrease of temperature and the weakening of sunlight, the water and fertilizer consumption of general flowers and trees decreases correspondingly. The times of watering can be changed from twice a day in summer to once a day or once a day, and the times of fertilization can also be changed from twice a week to once a week.

At the same time, special attention should be paid to the following:

First, after the camellia bud, apply phosphate fertilizer once to ensure the bright flowering of the following year.

Second, after calla lilies dormant, new leaves are growing, watering should be paid special attention, do not pour human leaf sheath, in order to prevent decay.

Third, the "New year's good fruit" kumquat should be fertilized frequently, and the fertilizer should be mixed with rotten bean cake water and bone water or turtle belly intestines to ensure that the water is full and fruitful.

Fourth, the beginning of September is the appropriate time for artificial hybridization of Dahlia, and artificial pollination should be carried out in time.

Fifth, sparrow plum, elm, park and other stump bonsai, is an important opportunity for modeling, plastic surgery, can pick leaves climbing, thin fertilizer, promote new leaves, leaves are neat, and then trimmed into pieces.

Late autumn: Cold Dew around October 8, Frosts Descent around 24, the sunshine is getting shorter, the autumn color appears, and the average daily temperature is 10 degrees Celsius. A H cold wave is coming, the temperature at night can be below 0 degrees Celsius, there is frost or frost. At this time, be sure to pay attention to the weather forecast at any time, and do a good job of entering the house and preventing cold in time.

Late autumn need to master the time to enter the room, will be placed on the balcony or open field flowers and trees moved to the indoor winter, commonly known as "entering the room". Whether the time of entering the room is accurate or not has a lot to do with the safety of flowers and trees in the winter. If you enter the room too early, the indoor temperature is too cold; if you enter the room too late, the flowers and trees will suffer cold damage, or even freeze to death. Therefore, for the florist to enter the house "is also a major event, not carelessly." Entering the room should be carried out in batches according to the different temperature requirements of different kinds of flowers and trees.

Milan, rich bamboo, Brazilian wood, plantain, variable leaf trees and other tropical flowers and trees, commonly known as high-temperature flowers and trees, cold resistance is the worst, the general room temperature below 10 degrees Celsius is vulnerable to cold damage, light leaves, flowers, fruit and Hu shoot, heavy death. Therefore, this kind of flowers and trees had better be put into greenhouse foster care before winter. If it is impossible for foster care, the temperature should be below 10 degrees Celsius. Before moving into the room, placed in a warm sunny place, sunny noon window ventilation, cold spell, the use of pots, plastic bags and other heat preservation measures, the coldest, the need to adopt heating measures.

Carnation, orchid, asparagus, jasmine and cactus, commonly known as medium-temperature flowers and trees, are difficult to resist the low temperature below 51. Therefore, when the minimum temperature at night is 5 degrees Celsius, it is necessary to move into the house. When the weather is too cold, it still needs bagging protection.

Camellia, rhododendron, orchid, cycad, Michelia, etc., cold resistance is better, if there is no frost or rain and snow, do not rush into the room. However, if the low temperature is below 0, it is necessary to move into the room and put it in the room facing south, which can generally survive the winter safely.

Five-needle pine, Luohan pine, begonia, rose and so on, commonly known as low-temperature flowers and trees, cold resistance is better, generally do not have to enter the room, just put it in a warm and sunny place outside. In case of severe frost or rain and snow, you can build a grass curtain temporarily to protect it.

The management of flowers and trees after entering the room is also very important. After the flowers and trees enter the house, the water consumption will be reduced. Generally, the small pots will be watered once a week, and the larger flowerpots will be watered once every 1-2 weeks. If the basin soil is not very dry, the watering cycle can be prolonged. In addition to flowers and plants that bloom in winter, such as Hewang orchid, cyclamen, and gentleman orchid, it is necessary to ensure adequate water, fertilizer and increase the application of phosphate fertilizer, but also pay attention to diligent fertilizer and sufficient water for autumn sowing grass flowers that bloom in early spring. As for the flowers and trees that generally enter the house to avoid the cold, it is only necessary to apply fertilizer once a month or simply stop fertilizing, so as to avoid excessive fertilizer, resulting in excessive growth of flowers and trees and reducing the ability of cold resistance.

October is the best time for spring orchids to transplant or divide pots, and orchids should not miss this opportunity. At this time, the growth of orchids is relatively weak, and if the flower buds are not hurt during operation, it will not affect flowering in the coming year. For ramet convenience, watering can be controlled a few days before the ramet, so that the pot ten is properly dried, so that the root is white and soft, so that when transplanting or ramet, the root is not easy to break. But not too dry, too dry r, it is also disadvantageous to the growth of orchids.

② autumn harvest and autumn seed: autumn is also the season for breeding seedlings. As the saying goes, spring flowers and autumn sowing, melon and leaf chrysanthemum, cyclamen, pansy, Yu Mei, and a large number of seasonal flowers need to be sowed at this time, and the management of the seedling stage needs to be done well.

As the saying goes, to plant good seedlings, sowing must start from the harvest. How can we get the best seeds? Generally speaking, when flowers and trees are in full bloom, the climate is suitable and the nutrients are sufficient, the quality of the seeds will naturally be better, so the accurate harvest time is Article 1. Of course, even if the same batch of seeds, there will be individual differences. The amount of seeds used for raising flowers in the family will not be too large, so we can use the method of grain selection to leave behind those seeds that are well developed, regular in shape, full and full.

According to the ripening time of different seeds, we can harvest the following seeds in different seasons.

Seed harvesting: in early autumn, the seeds that can be harvested are peony, purslane, Baiji grass, iris, bauhinia, hemp leaf hydrangea, pineapple, lily, mimosa, Centella asiatica, sleeping lotus, chamomile, lotus. In mid-autumn, the seeds that can be harvested are petunia, morning glory, Platycodon grandiflorum, zinnia, drunken butterfly, iris, peony, peony, mallow, wild goose to red, yellow okra, a little red, wheat stem chrysanthemum, periwinkle, cockscomb, mimosa, canna, Shandan, cut Qiuluo. In late autumn, the seeds that can be harvested are morning glory, Persian chrysanthemum, sunflower, hairpin, marigold, a bunch of red, purple jasmine, magnolia, Lingling, wisteria, sea immortal, camellia, crape myrtle, golden melon, five-colored pepper, emerald chrysanthemum, Lycoris, torch flower, autumn peony, weight tree, dogwood, Chinese wolfberry.

The lifespan of different seeds varies greatly, and some need to be stored for a period of time and fully dormant before they can germinate, such as the scale hammer tree. Some need to harvest along with the seed, otherwise it will reduce its germination rate, such as peony, peony seeds, immediately after harvest to sow or sand seeds. For example, the seeds of water lilies must be hidden in water. The seeds of general flowers and trees are harvested and dried, put in small paper bags or cloth bags, stored at the top of the cupboard or in drawers, and then taken out and used when sowing.

Sowing: in early autumn, suitable flowers and trees are peony, primrose, melon and leaf 'cold chrysanthemum, hollyhock, carnation, calendula, pansy, daisy, goldfish grass, bluebell grass, Violet. Orchid, osmanthus bamboo incense. In mid-autumn, flowers and trees suitable for sowing are Hosta, Platycodon grandiflorum, Cuiju and Yagi.

Car chrysanthemum, marigold, hollyhock, anemone, violet, petunia, goldfish grass, primrose, golden lotus, beauty, pansy, melon and leaf chrysanthemum, cyclamen. In late autumn, the sowing of biennial plants should be over, and a small number of perennial woody or bulbous flowers, such as Xianke, Lai, Phyllostachys pubescens and so on, can be sown in pots.

Sowing in autumn can be divided into two methods: open sowing and indoor sowing. It is generally suitable for grass flowers with strong cold tolerance, such as daisy, Yu beauty, calendula, pansy and so on. Sowing in the open field is the same as sowing in spring. For primroses, cyclamen, magnolia and other flowers with poor cold tolerance, sowing in slaughter. Indoor sowing utensils can be used with sowing boxes or pots. The general special sowing box is nailed with wooden strips, which is about 10 centimeters high and 40 centimeters long and 60 centimeters wide. If there is a package of the right size at home, it can also be replaced. The sowing pot is a kind of tile basin with a diameter of 30 cm, a height of 10 cm and many round holes at the bottom (available in the flower market). The specific steps of sowing are as follows:

The first step is to cover the round hole in the basin floor with broken tiles and cover the bottom with a layer of broken tiles (smashing the broken tile basin into large beans) or coal flooding and charcoal shavings, which are 3-4% thick to facilitate drainage.

In the second step, fill the upper part with sterilized culture soil (usually made of 3 parts of humus, 1 part of garden soil and 1 part of sand), fill it up to I cm from the mouth of the basin, and gently pat it flat with a pressing plate.

Step 3, sow the seeds on the ground. The sowing method depends on the size of the seeds, such as primroses, which can be mixed with some culture soil and sprinkled evenly. Larger seeds, such as gentleman orchid and cyclamen, can be placed one by one at a distance of 1 to 2 centimeters, with a slight press during placement, so that half of the seeds enter the soil and half are exposed, and then cover the seeds with a fine sieve (waste window screens can be used in the family)-a layer of quartz sand.

Step 4, take an ordinary plastic basin to fill half a basin of water, put the sowing basin into the water, let the water slowly seep into the basin from the bottom pores, until the surface is all wet, that is, end out, put it in the balcony ventilated shady place, covered with glass, heat preservation and moisturizing. Pay attention to turning the glass of the cover every day to evaporate the condensed water on its surface, and leave a little gap to let the basin soil breathe. If the pot soil is dry, spray a little water, and after the seedlings grow, gradually remove the glass cover, and then gradually move to the place where there is plenty of sunshine (note that it should not be placed under the strong sun at once, otherwise it will be sunburned). According to the dry and wet condition of the basin soil, water it with a fine spray pot in time. After the true leaves are released from the seedlings, the seedlings that are too dense and do not grow well should be gently removed with a thin bamboo stick, leaving a good seedling that is strong and well-known. When the seedlings release 3-4 true leaves, they should be transplanted into the pot.

There is a special oven for disinfecting the cultivated soil. In the family, you can buy sterilized culture soil in bags; you can also spread the soil evenly on the roof cement floor for 1-2 days on a sunny day; or put it in an iron pan and stir-fry for half an hour; you can also use 0. 5%. Spray 5% potassium permanganate water with soil, then cover it with plastic film for half a day, remove the plastic film, and then use it again in a week. When sowing, in order to prevent dust, you can first spray the least water into the cultivated soil to make it slightly moist, but the water must not be too much, otherwise the soil hair will be sticky and difficult to operate.

Most grass flower seeds can be sown directly without any treatment before sowing. However, the shell of some seeds is thick and hard or waxy, such as cyclamen, it is best to carry out pre-sowing treatment to promote its germination and sterilization. The method of treatment is to soak the seeds with thick seed coat, and the soaked water can be soaked in warm water (the water temperature is about 60 degrees Celsius). The soaking time is generally 24 hours, and more water should be sprayed after sowing to keep it moist. In addition, for seeds with hard shells, such as lotus, one end of the shell can be broken with a file, and then soaked. For seeds purchased from other places, in order to prevent the spread of germs infected on the seeds locally, 0. 5% should be used. 5% potassium permanganate or 0. Soak in 3% copper sulfate solution for 5 minutes, then remove and rinse with clean water before sowing.

Some grass flowers, such as primroses, lotus flowers, melon and leaf chrysanthemum, need to be transplanted after sowing. However, some of them are not suitable for transplanting, such as Yu Mei Ren, Huacheng Grass, and so on. These flowers and trees have too delicate roots and are prone to poor growth after transplanting, so they should be planted in a small pot with a diameter of 13 cm at the beginning of the true leaves of the seedlings, and then take off the pot after a little larger, or use the method of direct seeding.

(3) the prevention and control of flower diseases and insect pests in autumn is warm and dry in autumn, which is the season with high incidence of flower spot disease and powdery mildew.

Spot disease is caused by fungi, including black spot, brown spot and red spot, which often occur in leaves and fruits. In the early stage of the disease, round patches of different sizes appeared on the leaves or fruits, faded to yellow, and there was a clear outline on the outer edge. Mildew layer or small black spots often appear on the spots, and the disease part is necrotic in the later stage.

Powdery mildew is also caused by powdery mildew in fungi, which often occurs on leaves, young fruits and young branches. The disease spot is almost round, and a thin layer of powder appears on it. In the later stage, there are many needle-sized yellow-brown particles scattered on the layer of powder. After removing the white powder layer, the yellow spot disease of the injured plant tissue can be seen. Rose and dahlias are easy to suffer from this disease.

The fundamental way to prevent and cure the above diseases is to pay attention to hygiene, thoroughly remove the source of the disease, and remove the dead branches and leaves inside and outside the flowerpot, balcony and courtyard at any time. If you plant a large number of flowers, you can use 50% carbendazim wettable powder 500 ~ 1000 times liquid spray disinfection. Families who plant peony, peony, chrysanthemum and carnation can also spray 120-160 times the same amount of Bordeaux every 10 days to prevent peony red spot, carnation leaf spot and chrysanthemum brown spot.

In addition, it is also an effective way to apply more phosphorus and potassium fertilizer to flowers and trees to enhance disease resistance. At the same time, aphids, red spiders, whitefly and other insect pests are also easy to occur at this time, and should be checked one by one. If you find it, catch it carefully with your hand immediately. When in large quantities, spray dimethoate and omethoate to kill.

Before flowers and trees enter the room in late autumn, they should be checked basin by pot and branch by branch. If there are shell worm eggs on the branches, scrape them off with bamboo slices immediately. Aphids are large and easy to find, while the red tarantula is very small and mostly on the back of the leaves, which is not easy to detect. Therefore, the dorsal side of the leaf should be checked one by one. If you find a small white spot, spray it with dimethoate immediately, or use a tobacco extract (about 20 cigarette butts, soak in a bowl of water, soak for 24 hours, and add some soapy water or washing powder to mix). Rinse with clean water after washing.

If everything is normal, such as fertilizer, water, etc., but the plant seems to be growing poorly, it should be suspected whether there are insect pests in the soil. The easiest and most effective way is to turn the basin to see if there are silkworms, ants, earthworms and so on in the soil. If so, they should be caught in time. When turning the pot, mix some carbofuran in the soil (a flowerpot with a diameter of 20 cm, about a small plastic spoon), or use 2 pieces of "Bai Hua Ling" tablets sold in the store, crushed and mixed into the soil, it also has a good effect of killing insects.

At this time, it needs to be pointed out that the family flower cultivation of diseases and insect pests should be checked frequently, early detection, timely prevention and control, as far as possible with manual killing or water washing methods. When pesticides must be used, non-toxic and low-toxic pesticides should be used as far as possible, and indoor spraying of pesticides is absolutely prohibited.

Conservation measures of southern plant Zizyphus jujuba

Part 1: "arrangement of plants in the South"

Egg flower

Egg flower, its flowers are really like eggs, the outside is milky white, the center is bright yellow, just like the egg white yolk, it looks really Q. Its branches are thick and succulent. The leaves are also big, and the flowers and leaves gather on the top of the branch. it blossoms brilliantly in summer, giving people a feeling of purity and elegant temperament, which is very suitable for people to watch carefully. After falling leaves, the bare trunk bends naturally and its shape is very beautiful. It is very suitable for planting in courtyards and grasslands. Egg blossoms like the environment with high temperature and humidity, plenty of sunshine and good drainage. It is strong in nature and can withstand drought, but it is afraid of cold and avoid waterlogging. It likes to grow in acidic soil, but it is also alkaline-resistant. It is better to cultivate acid sandy soil which is deep, fertile, permeable and rich in organic matter. The cuttage method was used for propagation. When growing egg blossoms, you should also pay attention to pest control, such as brown spots on leaves or even dark black leaves, which is because of egg flower corner spot, so you should pay attention to take measures at this time. Of course, there may be other diseases, so egg flower needs your care and care. In fact, egg flowers in addition to white, there are red and yellow, can extract essence for the manufacture of high-grade cosmetics, soap and food additives, the price is quite high, great commercial development potential; can also be dried flowers for tea, commonly known as egg scented tea, has the effect of curing fever and diarrhea, moistening the lungs and detoxifying. The egg flower has a beautiful tree shape, many branches, strange shapes and various shapes; the leaves are like loquat, and after falling in winter, the branches leave semicircular leaf marks, quite like antlers with beautiful spots, which can be described as the first choice for landscaping, courtyard layout and potted ornamental small trees in the tropics. The bark is thin and grayish green, rich in toxic white juice, which can be used for external application to treat scabies, redness and swelling. The wood is white, light and soft, and can be used to make musical instruments, tableware or furniture. Frangipani language: give birth to hope, resurrection, new life is as simple and ordinary as life, so you can always be so close to people and lose their distance.


Magnolia is a tall deciduous tree with dark gray bark and rough dehiscence; branchlets slightly stout and grayish brown; winter buds and pedicels densely covered with grayish yellow long sericeous hairs. Leaves papery, Obovate, broadly Obovate or Obovate, Obovate-elliptic, base overgrown branches and leaves elliptic. Magnolia is very much like a lotus flower. When it is in full bloom, the petals spread in all directions, making the courtyard blue and white, dazzling in white light, with high ornamental value. Coupled with the refreshing fragrance, it is actually an ideal flower pattern for beautifying the courtyard. Magnolia is light-loving, hardy and can survive the winter in the open field. Love dry, avoid low humidity, planting land waterlogging is easy to rot roots. The sandy soil, which is fertile, well drained and slightly acidic, can also grow on weakly alkaline soil. In the south with higher temperatures, it can blossom from December to January of the following year. Magnolia has strong resistance to harmful gases. If the flower is planted in a factory polluted by sulfur dioxide and chlorine, it has a certain resistance and the ability to absorb sulfur. Artificial fumigation with sulfur dioxide can absorb more than 1.6 grams of sulfur in 1 kg of dried leaves. Therefore, Magnolia is a good anti-pollution greening tree species in air pollution areas. Magnolia likes light, young trees are more resistant to shade, not resistant to strong light and western sun, too strong light or western sun, it is easy to burn trees. Magnolia likes fertilizer, in addition to the application of base fertilizer when planting, it should be fertilized every year after that. Sufficient fertilizer can make the plant grow vigorously, the leaves are green and thick, not only have many buds, but also have large flowers, long flowering period and fragrant. Magnolia is a tree species with strong disease resistance. the main diseases are anthracnose, chlorosis and leaf burn. Magnolia has not only ornamental value but also medicinal value and edible value. Magnolia contains volatile oil, mainly citral, clove oleic acid, magnolia alkaloid, magnolol, decanoic acid, rutin, oleic acid, vitamin An and other components, which has certain medicinal value. Magnolia flower has a pungent and warm taste, which has the effect of dispelling wind, dispelling cold and dredging orifices, dispelling lungs and nose. Can be used for headache, blood stasis dysmenorrhea, nasal congestion, acute and chronic sinusitis, allergic rhinitis and other diseases. Modern pharmacological studies have shown that magnolia has an inhibitory effect on common skin fungi.

Magnolia is rich in vitamins, amino acids and a variety of trace elements, which has the effect of dispelling wind and dispelling cold, invigorating qi and regulating the lungs. Can be processed to make snacks, but also can make tea to drink. Magnolia language stands for gratitude. Magnolia often in a green full of white flowers, with the fragrant fragrance makes people feel an indescribable temperament, really fresh and lovely. Because its plant is tall, flowering position is high, swaying in the wind, in high spirits, just like Tiannu scattered flowers, very lovely.

Bamboo taro

Bamboo taro is an herb. Most varieties have underground rhizomes or tubers, leaves solitary, larger, ovate or ovate-lanceolate, veins pinnately arranged, distichous, entire. Amorphophallus is a good ground cover plant with various colors and a good foliage plant. Amorphophallus is a tropical plant that likes a warm, humid and brightly lit environment, is not cold-resistant, is not resistant to drought, and is afraid of hot sun exposure. If direct sunlight will burn the leaves, the edges of the leaves will be partially scorched, the new leaves will stop growing, and the leaves will turn yellow, so we should pay attention to shading. Bamboo taro is sensitive to water, so it should be fully watered during the growing period to keep the basin soil moist, but the soil should not accumulate water, otherwise it will lead to root rot and even plant death. Bamboo taro should be more "delicate". Enough care should be put into 365 days, and if there are major fluctuations in the environment in a few days, it will leave "evidence of guilt" on the plant, which is the consensus of taro seed dealers and producers. There are not many diseases and insect pests in bamboo taro family, such as shell insects, whitefly and so on. Of course, it has other values, such as medicinal value and dietary value. Bamboo taro powder is almost entirely starch, does not contain vitamins, and contains only 0.2% protein. It can be used as a thickener for soups, sauces, pudding and tails. Add water and boil to make a transparent, odorless, delicious paste. Compared with other starches, the fine quality of taro powder can be cooked at lower temperature and shorter time, and it is easy to digest. It is especially suitable for making egg products such as milk and egg paste that can not be overcooked. It is also suitable for making light, low-salt and low-protein food. Efficacy: clearing lung and relieving cough, clearing heat and diuresis. Main treatment: treatment of cough due to lung heat and acerbity in urination due to damp-heat of bladder

Redrlowered Loropetalum

Evergreen shrubs or small trees. Bark dark gray or light grayish brown, much branched. Twigs reddish brown, densely stellate hairy. Leaves leathery alternate, ovoid or elliptic, 2-5cm long, apex mucronate, base round and oblique, asymmetric, stellate hairs on both sides, entire, dark red. Carthamus tinctorius likes light and is slightly shade-resistant, but the leaf color is easy to turn green when it is shady. Strong adaptability and drought tolerance. Like warmth and withstand the cold. Strong sprouting and branching, resistant to pruning. It is resistant to barren, but it is suitable to grow in fertile, moist slightly acidic soil. Carthamus tinctorius has luxuriant branches, graceful posture, resistance to pruning, resistance to flat binding, can be used for hedges, can also be used to make stump bonsai, blooming season, full of safflower, very spectacular. Liriodendron chinense is an evergreen plant with bright red new leaves. When different strains mature, the leaf color and flower color are different, and the leaf size is also different. In the garden application, it is mainly considered that the two factors of leaf color and leaf size bring leaf color contrast to form color contrast, and the florescence can also be staggered. Main insect pests: aphids, ulnar moths, yellow armyworm, Plutella xylostella, large and small ground tigers and beetles. Common diseases of Carthamus tinctorius: anthracnose, blight, mosaic disease. Anthracnose: it mainly harms the old leaves, basal leaves and leaves because they are red, and the disease spots are

Now black round spots, or nearly round, resulting in early defoliation, serious damage in the rainy season from July to August, the pathogen is actinomycetes. The pathogen overwintered with hyphae on diseased leaves, which was the initial source of disease in the following year. When you find that there is a disease in the branches and leaves of Carthamus tinctorius, you should treat it in time.

Green peach

Green peach is a variety of peach, tree, 3-8 m high; crown broad and spreading; bark dark reddish brown, rough when old is scaly; branchlets slender, glabrous, glossy, green, turning red toward the sun, with a large number of lenticels; winter buds conical, tip obtuse, outside pubescent, often 2-3 clusters, leaf buds in the middle, flower buds on both sides. Leaf blade oblong-lanceolate, elliptic-lanceolate or Obovate-lanceolate. Blue peach is sunny, drought-resistant and intolerant to wet environment. Like the warm climate, good cold resistance, can survive the winter safely in the natural environment of minus 25 degrees Celsius. The soil is required to be fertile and well drained. Do not like stagnant water, such as planting in low-lying areas of stagnant water, it is easy to die seedlings. The garden is worth green peach blossoms, beautiful and beautiful when they bloom, and the ornamental period is as long as 15 days. In landscaping, it is widely used in lakeside, streams, both sides of roads and parks, etc., in small-scale greening projects such as courtyard greening embellishment, private gardens, etc., as well as potted ornamental plants, and often used to cut flowers and make bonsai. It is also common to weave branches and green peaches. The landscaping of Bitao has a wide range of uses, and the greening effect is outstanding, and the planting year has a particularly good effect. Can be planted, piece planting, isolated planting, there was a very good green effect in that year. Green peach is one of the commonly used color seedlings in landscaping, which is usually used together with purple leaf plum, purple leaf dwarf cherry and other seedlings. Flowers and shrubs are planted to form a scene of a hundred flowers blooming. In addition to the ornamental value, there is also medicinal value. The gum secreted on the trunk of the peach tree, commonly known as peach gum, can be used as an adhesive. It is a kind of polysaccharide substance, which can be hydrolyzed to produce arabinose, galactose, xylose, rhamnose, glucuronic acid, etc., which is edible and medicinal, and has the effect of breaking blood, promoting blood and tonifying qi. Diseases often occur in summer and autumn. The main diseases are: White rust and brown rot, perforation, anthrax, gum disease, leaf shrinkage disease. The main pests are aphids, red spiders, shell insects, red-necked longicorn beetles and so on.

Artificial plant community

1. Summer cuckoo + safflower sequel + Phnom Penh boxwood + thornless bone ball

These four kinds of plants have strong adaptability and are widely planted in Fuzhou. Three kinds of leaf color plant linear planting, rich leaf color, coupled with large size no thorn structure bone ball, to form a neat, full, hierarchical road green ribbon effect.

2. Carthamus tinctorius + red leaf heather ball + Michelia mollissima + chicken claw Acer

Carthamus tinctorius itself is widely planted in Fujian, with good adaptability, beautiful leaf color and flower color, while the green of its old leaves are dotted with new leaf red, set off each other, extremely beautiful, and the four kinds of plants are rich in collocation layers. and form a landscape road with longitudinal rhythm and spatial levels, and a strong sense of guidance.

3. Carthamus tinctorius + star anise gold plate + Canadian jujube + egg flower

The combination of these plants is mainly green, with small leaves (safflower wood) and thick leaves (star anise plate, egg flower), while Canadian jujube adds a little tropical flavor. Rich in levels, it has the effect of reducing the space and making people close.

4. Bamboo + Iris

Phyllostachys pubescens is very suitable for planting in Fuzhou. It is a scattered bamboo with dense stems. And Iris has a beautiful posture and beautiful colors, and the two are very attractive together.

5. Gardenia lobularis + Carthamus tinctorius + peach leaf coral + sweet-scented osmanthus

Lobular gardenia, leaves like bird tongue, low plant, can be used as the bottom plant, peach leaf coral leaf color with yellow spots, is a better foliage plant, and Arbor sweet-scented osmanthus, its flowers fragrant, refreshing. The match is dense, the leaf color is changed, and the fragrance of flowers is added.

6. Azalea + Carthamus tinctorius + Huili + canna

Rhododendron flowers are gorgeous, with safflower wood and ash as a lining, more moving, banana leaves thick, narrow space, make people friendly.

7. Ground cover lawn + marigold + red leaf heather + safflower follow wood ball + cinnamon

With the green ground quilt as the base, marigold yellow flowers are extremely beautiful, marigold descendants safflower successor wood and red heather as the lining, cinnamon tree-shaped expansion. Several kinds of plants set off each other and are rich in variety.

8. Ophiopogon + guava tree

Both Ophiopogon japonicus and Ophiopogon japonicus have good adaptability in Fuzhou, with normal growth, soft leaves and suitable ground cover. Ophiopogon japonicus and Ophiopogon japonicus have yellow smooth bark, graceful posture, large leaves and dense leaves, which are suitable for sparse forest paths.

9. Grass + silver tequila + pruned banyan + Huanghua double pod locust

Based on the green grass, tequila leaves are thick, the leaves are silver yellow and green, matched with the built banyan tree and coordinated, while the yellow flower double cheek locust is beautiful and colorful. The collocation levels of these plants are rich, and the color transformation can be coordinated.

10. Grass along the steps + palm bamboo + sunflower + papaya tree

This plant configuration is suitable for one side of the small building, the grass leaves along the steps are thin and soft, while the brown bamboo and loose-tailed sunflower leaves are thicker, while the papaya leaves are palmately large, with fruit and trunk, and its posture is very beautiful.

11. Red mulberry + false forsythia + safflower tree

As a pattern flower bed plant collocation, red mulberry has bright leaf color, as an edge, false forsythia leaf color is yellow and green, while safflower tree leaf color is dark purple, three kinds of plants match as magic pattern flower bed, and it is attractive.

Part II: "maintenance Plan 4"

Maintenance and management scheme of landscaping

Maintenance and management is very important in landscaping, it is a long-term and repeated work, with comprehensive technical requirements, including the destruction of people and animals, sanitation and cleaning, pruning of flowers and trees, watering and fertilization, pest control, flower bed flower planting and so on. The completion of garden green space does not represent the completion of the garden landscape. People often say that "three minutes, seven minutes". Only with high-quality and high-level maintenance and management, the landscape can be gradually formed and perfect.

Characteristics of the present situation of plants in the cultivation park:

1. The greening covers an area of about 2.45419 billion square meters, and the green coverage rate is high. There are a large number of different specifications and varieties of trees and trimmed shrubs, and their initial growth has gradually taken shape. After our careful investigation, the characteristics of plant planting are roughly divided into two areas according to the original general plan:

1) Square area: the plant planting style in this area is relatively open, with ginkgo biloba, Zhengnan and large trees in the square.

Plant mainly, properly cooperate with low shrubs, the overall space is more transparent.

2) Factory area: the plant varieties in this area are complicated, worn by large and small trees, shrubs and ground cover plants.

Planted in front of the door with more valuable large plants (Canary jujube, blue flower, small leaf banyan pile head

The best sweet-scented osmanthus, etc. Whether it can still keep the office garden elegant, elegant and sparse?

The scenery, can also make the hotel villa courtyard to carry forward its delicate and gentle, leisurely and relaxing atmosphere

It all depends on the acquired maintenance.

two。 In the greening condition of the vertical area, we can find the following problems: the growth of ① shrubs is poor and the shape is monotonous; the potential of ② flowering shrubs is poor, and the flowering condition (including the number of flowers, flower size, color, secondary flowering) is not satisfactory; there are many weeds in ③ lawn, and there is a tendency of grass weeds in some areas; there is a situation of diseases and insect pests in ④.

1. We are prepared to take the following rectification measures:

1. Carry forward three-dimensional horticulture and shape hedges and shrubs. For flowering shrubs planted with embellishment, measures should be taken to promote their growth and shape according to the trend, which depends on the specific plant growth and plant shape. The hedges in the local area are highly regular, and the uniform strip undoubtedly makes the garden which should be free and leisurely mechanical and rigid. We can also try to trim it into a wavy shape, match it with the relaxed and leisure residential landscape, enliven the atmosphere of the whole garden and create a more fluent living environment.

2. Immediately start the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests. For plants with the characteristics of diseases and insect pests, large-scale chemical control should be carried out immediately.

3 、

4 、

5. Apply pesticides and increase the workload of manual pulling for lawn weeds. Different maintenance and management schemes were implemented for different plants (mainly fertilizer supply, base fertilizer, topdressing, foliar fertilizer, different plants have different fertilization methods and fertilizer choices in different seasons). Plants are listed. We classify all the plants, and then make a green sign to mark it.

All the plants in the area are listed for their families, genera, and living habits. This can be done.

Enrich the staff's plant knowledge, can also add to the cultural atmosphere of the park, and can be marked with eye-catching

Make greening get more attention.

6. greening and maintenance is not an overnight thing. While doing a good job in rectification and reform, we will also be right.

The same plants take different maintenance measures at different times, and we arrange our daily work month by month.

(the detailed rules are attached), in order to maximize the landscape effect in the blueprint.

We also ask Party A to put forward more suggestions to make our work perfect step by step.

7. Maintenance responsibility

During the contract maintenance period, our company organizes reasonably and carefully maintains according to the operation rules and quality standards of landscaping maintenance, and dispatches professional horticulturists to organize and arrange the management and protection work, and flexibly dispatch not less than experienced workers according to the weather and plant growth conditions of each season to complete the maintenance and management tasks in quality and quantity.

VI. Maintenance content

1. Management procedures: including the whole process of watering, opening nests and cultivating soil, pruning, fertilization, weeding, pruning and wiping buds, pest control, straightening, seedling replenishment (plus seedling fee). {maintenance measures of southern plant sea jujube.

2. Management tools:

A, flower shears, long shears, high-altitude shears, lawnmowers, lawnmowers

B, sprayer, bucket, bamboo dustpan

C, shovel, hoe, saw, chainsaw, ladder

D, fuel, maintenance costs

3. Maintenance content:

A, Arbor: apply organic fertilizer once a year, 0.25 kg cake fertilizer per plant, once topdressing, 0.1 kg compound fertilizer and mixed urea per tree, hole application, spraying, water and fertilizer, etc., and then covered with soil, drenched thoroughly, water penetration depth of more than 10 cm, timely prevention and control of diseases and insect pests, maintain the natural growth state of trees, without modeling and pruning. Timely cut off yellow branches, disease and insect branches, shade long branches and drooping branches that hinder the passage of vehicles, and clean up the pruning materials in time. Remove weeds around the roots once a week to make sure there are no weeds.

B, shrubs, hedgerows, bag seedlings: fertilize once a quarter, apply urea mixed compound fertilizer 10 kg per 667m2, use sprinkling and water fertilizer, etc., water once within three hours after application, once a day (except rainy days), water penetration depth of more than 10 cm, timely prevention and control of diseases and insect pests, trimmed into a circle, square line or cone line, weekly minor repair, monthly overhaul, cut smooth, beautiful, timely removal of trimmed objects Cut off dead branches, disease and insect branches in time, replant old and dead plants in time, and remove weeds once a week.

C, herbs: fertilize once a quarter, apply urea mixed compound fertilizer 10kg per 667m2, sprinkle water and water fertilizer, water within three hours after application, water once a day (except rainy days), water penetration depth of more than 10 cm, timely control of diseases and insect pests, cut off residual flowers once a week, remove weeds, cut off withered branches and yellow branches in time.

D, Taiwan grass: fertilize once a quarter, apply urea mixed compound fertilizer 10 kg per 667m2, fertilize evenly, water thoroughly, the depth of water penetration is more than 5 cm, control diseases and insect pests in time, replant withered and incomplete parts in time, the coverage rate is more than 98%, and prune 1-2 times a month.

(2) the specific arrangements for the maintenance of gardens in one year:

January: the coldest month of the year, with open-field trees dormant.

1. Winter pruning: fully carry out the shaping and pruning of deciduous trees; pruning dead branches, disabled branches, disease and insect branches on large and small trees and branches that hinder overhead lines and buildings.

2. Inspection of street trees: check the situation of binding and piling of street trees in time, and rectify them immediately when they find that they are loose, lead wire embedded skin, shaking piles and so on.

3. Pest control: winter is a favorable season to eliminate garden pests. The pupae and cocoons of the diamondback moth can be dug up and burned to death in the loose soil under the tree. Scale insects begin to move in mid-January, but they move slowly at this time, so we can scrape off the larvae on the tree trunk. Pest control in winter often has twice the result with half the effort.

4. Green space conservation: green space, flower beds and other places should pay attention to picking out large weeds; lawns should pick grass and cut edges in time; attention should be paid to anti-freezing watering in green space.

February: the temperature is higher than the previous month, and the trees are still dormant.

1. The maintenance is basically the same as in January.

2. Pruning: continue pruning withered and diseased branches of large and small trees. Trim all kinds of trees before the end of the month.

3. Pest control: continue to control diamondback moth and scale insects.

March: the temperature continues to rise. after the middle of the year, trees begin to sprout and some trees (such as camellia) blossom in the last ten days.

1. Planting trees: spring is a favorable time to plant trees. After the soil is thawed, we should seize the opportunity to plant trees immediately. Plan and design before planting large and small trees, dig (plane) a good tree hole in advance, and do as you dig, transport, plant and water. When planting shrubs, they should also be dug, transported and planted, and fully watered to improve the survival rate of seedlings.

2. Spring irrigation: due to spring drought, windy and large evaporation, green land should be watered in time in order to prevent spring drought.

3. Fertilization: after the soil is thawed, base fertilizer is applied to plants and irrigated. {maintenance measures of southern plant sea jujube.

4. prevention and control of diseases and insect pests: this month is the critical moment for the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests. Some seedlings appeared coal fouling disease, melon seeds and yellow poplar leaf roller also appeared (using spraying fenitrothion and other pesticides for control). The method of digging pupae can continue to be used to control diamondback moth.

April: as the temperature continues to rise, trees sprout and blossom or spread their leaves and begin to enter a period of vigorous growth.

1. Continue to plant trees: in the first ten days of April, we should seize the time to plant trees that sprout late, remove and replant shrubs (rhododendron, safflower, etc.) that die in winter, and fully water newly planted trees.

2. Irrigation: continue to water the green space in a timely manner.

3. Fertilization: combined irrigation of lawns and shrubs, topdressing available nitrogen fertilizer, or foliar spraying as needed.

4. Pruning: cut off the dry branches in winter and spring to trim the evergreen hedge.

5. Prevention and control of diseases and insect pests: (1) after the second molting, scale insects gradually transferred to bark cracks, tree holes, trunk base, wall corners and other places to secrete white waxy cocoon pupation. Can be swept with a hard bamboo broom, and then concentrated deep burying or soaking. Or use the method of spraying fenitrothasone and other pesticides. (2) the longicorn beetle begins to move. You can use a grafting knife or self-made steel wire to remove the larvae, but the smaller the wound, the better. (3) Prevention and control of other diseases and insect pests.

6. green space conservation: pay attention to the picking of weeds and climbing plants in large green space. Grass picking and edge cutting should also be carried out on the lawn.

May: the temperature rises sharply and the trees grow rapidly.

1. Watering: trees need a lot of water when they are in full bloom, so they should be watered at the right time.

2. Pruning: pruning residual flowers. The street tree is pruned for the first time.

3. prevention and control of diseases and insect pests: continue to catch longicorn beetles. The first generation of diamondback moth hatched, but it has not reached the degree of harm, so the corresponding measures should be taken according to the actual situation in the conservation area. Coal fouling disease caused by scale insects and aphids has also entered a peak period (on crape myrtle, Haitong, oleander, etc.). In mid-and late May, 10-fold pine resin mixture and 50% trithiophos emulsion 1500-2000 times were sprayed to control diseases and kill pests. (other available pesticides such as insecticides, Huabao, etc.)

June: the temperature is high

1. Watering: plants need a lot of water, so they should be watered in time, not "watching the sky to eat".

2. Fertilization: combine loosening soil and weeding, fertilization and watering to achieve the best effect.

3. Pruning: continue to peel off buds and remove tillers from street trees. Pruning hedges, balls and some flowering shrubs. {maintenance measures of southern plant sea jujube.

4. Drainage work: when there is heavy rain, we should pay attention to the drainage work in low-lying areas.

5. Prevention and control of diseases and insect pests: when the diamondback moth enters the peak incubation period in mid-and late June, timely measures should be taken. Now 50% fenitrothion emulsion is basically sprayed with 500-800 times liquid. (or sprayed with compound BT emulsion) continue to capture longicorn beetles by hand.

6. Do a good job in the inspection in front of the flood prevention platform for trees, and straighten, reinforce and re-bind the trees that are loose and inclined.

July: the temperature is the highest, and there will be strong winds and heavy rain after the middle of the year.

1. Transplant evergreen trees: during the rainy season, conifers and bamboos can be transplanted with sufficient water, but pay attention to weather changes and water them in time once they encounter high temperature.

2. Drainage: drainage should be done in time after heavy rain.

3. Topdressing: dry application of quick-acting fertilizer such as nitrogen fertilizer before rain.

4. Street trees: carry out anti-Taiwan peeling and pruning, trim all branches that are in contradiction with electric wires, and check the stumps one by one, and immediately straighten and tie them up when they are found to be loose and unstable. Prepare the labor organization, materials, tools and equipment in advance, and send someone to inspect it at any time to deal with the dangerous situation in time.

5. control of diseases and insect pests: continue to control longicorn beetles and diamondback moths. To control longicorn beetles, 50% fenitrothion 1:50 liquid injection can be used to control longicorn beetles, (or Guoshubao, or Yuanke No. 3), and then seal the hole, which can also achieve good results. Cinnamomum camphor nest borer should be cut off in time and the nest should be destroyed so as to avoid further harm.

August: it is still the rainy season

1, drainage: after heavy rain, the low-lying water should be drained in time.

2. Taiwan prevention of street trees: continue to do a good job of Taiwan prevention of street trees.

3. Pruning: in addition to the general summer tree pruning, the hedges should be styled and trimmed.

4. Weeding in the middle ploughing: weeds are also growing vigorously, so weeds should be weeded in time, and can be combined with weeding for fertilization.

5. prevention and control of diseases and insect pests: mainly catch longicorn beetles, pay attention to the capture of longicorn beetles in the root. The harm of aphids and camphor nest borer should be controlled in time. Attention should be paid to powdery mildew and rot in wet weather, and timely measures should be taken. September: the temperature has dropped, welcome the National Day to do a good job of related work.

1. Pruning: greet the appearance of the city and peel the buds below the third-level bifurcation of the street tree. Hedge shape trimming. Weeding in the green space, cutting the lawn edge, cleaning up the dead trees in time, so that the trees have green branches and green leaves, and the green space is clean and tidy.

2. Fertilization: for some trees whose growth is weak and the branches are not full enough, some phosphorus and potassium fertilizer should be applied.

3. Prevention and control of diseases and insect pests: perforation disease (cherry blossom, peach, plum, etc.) was the peak, and 1000-fold solution of 500% carbendazim was used to prevent infection. Longicorn beetles began to turn to root damage, pay attention to the capture of root longicorn beetles. The wood beetle moth on poplar and willow should also be controlled in time. Do a good job in the prevention and control of other diseases and insect pests.

4. Do well the inspection of all kinds of greening facilities before the festival.

October: the temperature drops, the early winter begins in late October, and the trees begin to shed their leaves and enter the dormant period one after another.

1. Be prepared to plant trees in autumn. As soon as the leaves of a hardy tree fall, you can start planting.

2. Green space conservation: timely removal of dead trees and timely watering. The work of picking grass and cutting the edge of green land and lawn should be done well. Fertilizers should be applied if the grass flowers do not grow well.

3. Control diseases and insect pests: continue to catch root longicorn beetles. Camphor nest borer should also pay attention to observation and control. November: the soil begins to freeze at night and enters the middle of winter.

1. Tree planting: continue to plant hardy plants and complete the soil before freezing.

2. Turn the soil: turn the soil on the green space to expose the pests that are ready to overwintering.

3. Watering: watering dry and consolidated soil should be completed before freezing.

4. Pest control all kinds of pests will be prepared for winter in the last ten days, and the task of pest control is relatively light.

December: low temperature, start winter maintenance work.

1. Winter pruning: pruning some evergreen trees and shrubs.

2. Eliminate overwintering diseases and insect pests.

3. Prepare for the adjustment work next year: after the deciduous plants have fallen leaves, observe the conservation area and draw the orientation to be adjusted.

VII. Quality objectives of green space conservation

(1) the technical measures of greening and maintenance are perfect and managed properly, so that the loess is not exposed to the sky.

2 garden plants

2.1 normal growth. All kinds of plants in the newly-built green space reached the normal form within three years, and the seedlings survived within one year due to the injury or death of plants and grasslands caused by poor management.

2.2 the crown of garden trees is basically complete, the distribution of main and side branches is symmetrical, the number is suitable, the pruning is reasonable, the inner chamber is not disorderly, and it is ventilated and transparent. Flowering shrubs blossom in time, normal, timely pruning after flowering. The branches and leaves of hedgerows and color blocks are normal and neat. There are no missing trees on the street and no dead trees in the green space.

2.3 the growth of new shoots of deciduous trees is normal, and the size and color of leaves are normal. under general conditions, yellow leaves, scorched leaves, rolled leaves and leaves with wormurine and insect net shall not exceed 5%, and the preservation rate of normal leaves is more than 90%. Needle

Part 3: "Annual Greening maintenance Plan"

Annual maintenance plan for greening


1. Pruning all kinds of deciduous trees in winter, cutting off dry and withered branches, overlapping branches, cross branches, disease and insect branches and lower side branches to ensure that the development of trees tends to be reasonable, the branch shape is improved, and the breeding of diseases and insect pests is reduced.

2. Proper thinning of overgrown trees can reduce diseases and insect pests and increase their growth.

3. Ploughing and turning the soil in winter, improving the soil, and fertilizing all trees, ground covers and lawns in winter to ensure the nutrient demand of seedlings and lawns.

4. Winter is a favorable season to eliminate garden pests. The pupae and cocoons of the diamondback moth can be dug up and burned to death in the loose soil under the tree.

5. According to the situation, individual kinds of lawns should be thinned and trimmed 1-2 times. February

1. Carry on the work of picking, pruning and fertilizing the lawn.

2. Do a good job in the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests, especially pay attention to the powdery mildew of narrow leaves and the grass scale of coral and star anise.

3. In particular, it is necessary to strengthen the anti-freezing and heat preservation measures for trees, and do a good job of loosening and cultivating soil around the roots of trees.

4. The cold-season lawn was topdressing (urea) 10g/ mu at the end of the month.


1. In order to prevent and control spring drought, trees should be watered in time.

2. The lawn should be rolled and weeded in time, and the winter grass in the tree bed and flower bed should be cleaned.

3. Prevention and control of diseases and insect pests: strengthen observation and inspection, and do a good job in forecasting, forecasting and prevention. In particular, special attention should be paid to coal fouling disease and melon seeds and yellow poplar leaf roller. The eggs of purple velvet scale hatched in the middle of March, and pear rust occurred in begonia and cold lawn since late March.

4. The local depressions and low-lying blocks of the lawn were cultivated to cover the sand, and the ryegrass lawn was low-pruned in winter to ensure the germination and growth of the bottom grass.


1. Do a good job of loosening the soil, weeding, fertilizing before flowering and so on. Especially for perennial root flowers and spring sowing grass flowers, thin fertilizer should be applied, lawn and shrub irrigation should be combined, quick-acting nitrogen fertilizer should be applied, or foliar spraying should be carried out as needed.

2. Cut off the dry branches in winter and spring and start pruning the evergreen hedge.

3. Pest control: mainly control aphids, coal fouling diseases and beetles. And make relevant records.


1. This month is the heyday of tree leaf development, which requires a lot of water and should be watered at the right time.

2. Prune the spring flowering shrubs such as sweet-scented osmanthus and crabapple, and peel off the buds of Plum, red-leaf plum, crape myrtle and other trees in time.

3. Weeding the flower beds and shrubs. At the same time, carry on the work of picking grass on the lawn, and prune the turf grass in time to control its height.

4. Prevention and control of diseases and insect pests: do a good job in prediction, forecast and prevention.


1. Water the plants in time to ensure an adequate water supply.

2. Loosen the soil and weed the tree altar and colored shrubs, and pick the grass on the lawn.

3. The lawn should be mowed in time, its growth height should be controlled, and attention should be paid to the occurrence of large-scale diseases and insect pests. Apply compound fertilizer once to the lawn with poor growth or lack of fertilizer in order to pass the summer safely.

4. Prevention and control of diseases and insect pests: do a good job in prediction, forecast and prevention.


1. In high temperature weather, it is especially necessary to ensure the watering of plants.

2. To loosen the soil and weed the colored shrubs in the flower bed, and at the same time do a good job of picking grass under the ground cover. This month, the weather is hot, the temperature is high, the humidity is also high, and weeds are growing fast. We should seize the opportunity to carry out weeding and picking work to prevent the formation of grass famine, and it is necessary to continue to plough weeds and loosen the soil.

3. To conscientiously do a good job in Taiwan prevention and flood control, the trees in the park should be strengthened and strengthened to prevent lodging, and areas with low-lying or serious stagnant water should be dredged and drained in time.

4. Prevention and control of diseases and insect pests: do a good job in prediction, forecast and prevention.


1. Summer pruning of evergreen trees requires styling and pruning of hedges.

2. Lawn weeds grow vigorously, weeding and pruning should be done in time, lawn height should be controlled, and fertilizing should be combined with weeding. It is necessary to replenish fertilizer and topdressing in time, mainly P and K fertilizer, combined with N fertilizer, thin fertilizer and frequent application to small seedlings, shrubs and herbaceous flowers, at the same time, pay attention to the fertilization period and climate.

3. In hot weather, we must ensure that the daily watering work is not carried out at 10: 00 am, so as to avoid burning seedlings. (including: tree altar conservation, weed control, soil looseness, etc.)

4. Continue to do a good job in Taiwan prevention and flood control, further strengthen and strengthen big trees in residential areas to prevent lodging, and timely dredge drainage channels in low-lying and other places where water is easy to accumulate, so as to prevent water accumulation for too long.

5. Prevention and control of diseases and insect pests: do a good job in prediction, forecast and prevention.


1. Trim the hedges. Weeding in the green space should clean up the dead trees in time, so that the trees are green and the green space is clean and tidy.

2. Thinning the overgrown trees and peeling buds should be carried out at the same time.

3. Lawns should be pruned, edged and weeded in time, and attention should be paid to the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests.

4. Weeding flower beds and colored shrubs, picking grass on the ground and collecting flower seeds should be done at the same time.

5. Prevention and control of diseases and insect pests: do a good job in prediction, forecast and prevention.


1, pruning spherical shrubs, in order to ensure a beautiful appearance, neat and hierarchical. The tree type of evergreen trees is pruned to make their growth and development more reasonable and the shape of the trees improved.

2. Strengthen the management of newly recommended flowers, fill the empty space and water in time, and fertilize those with poor growth.

3. Prevention and control of diseases and insect pests: do a good job in forecasting and forecasting, actively prevent and control, and make relevant records. November

The main results are as follows: 1. Evergreen trees and evergreen shrubs carry out thinning and pruning, mainly for ventilation and light transmission, reducing diseases and insect pests and enhancing growth.

2. Flower beds, colored shrubs and green spaces should pick up grass, cut edges and remove weeds in time, and replant in time where there is empty baldness. According to the situation, the trees in the local layout can be adjusted, and some evergreen trees and a few deciduous tree species can be transplanted. And start the work of preventing cold and keeping warm, the ability to resist cold.

Poor trees are bandaged with straw and cultivated with soil.

3. Strengthen the maintenance and management of new plants, pay attention to timely watering and proper pruning. The lawn should be combed and punched according to the situation, and the lawn should be trimmed for 3 times.

4. Fertilization will be carried out in the second half of this month, combined with the application of organic fertilizer to turn the green land.

5. prevention and control of diseases and insect pests: do a good job in forecasting and forecasting, actively prevent and control, and make relevant records. December

1, color shrubs, green space to do a good job of picking grass, edge cutting work to pull out weeds in time.

2. Thinning and pruning evergreen, deciduous trees and shrubs, mainly to remove stumps and dead branches, in order to make the trees grow better in the second year (flower shrubs that form flower buds can not be trimmed), and pay attention to clearing the cocoons on the trunk branches.

3. Bandaging grass rope for southern plants such as iron tree and sea jujube to ensure their safe overwintering.

4. prevention and control of diseases and insect pests: do a good job in forecasting and forecasting, actively prevent and control, and make relevant records.

Part IV: "the latest plants commonly used in Southern Landscape"

Garden plants commonly used in Southern Landscape

Evergreen trees:

Southern fir, slash pine, Cunninghamia lanceolata, Caribbean pine, cypress, mahogany, mahogany, false Pingpo, Chinese carefree flower, lychee, longan, face, firewood, sausage tree, Platycladus orientalis, juniper, dragon cypress, Fujian cypress, Luohan pine, willow, bamboo cypress, long-leaf bamboo cypress, Magnolia, Magnolia magnolia, incense, camphor, cinnamon, bitter catalpa, Hainan red bean, Taiwan Acacia, iron knife wood, safflower Bauhinia, Safflower Bauhinia Bauhinia, Bauhinia, almond, mango, palm wood, water Weng, water banyan, avocado, potted shelf, false betel nut, sunflower, fishtail anemone, queen sunflower, pu peach, Hainan peach, pistachio, lemon eucalyptus, eucalyptus, big leaf eucalyptus, eucalyptus globulus, white thousand layer, butterfly fruit, Torreya grandis, Cephalotaxus, Indian rubber banyan, mountain banyan, small leaf banyan, big fruit banyan, vertical leaf banyan, banyan banyan, banyan tree, Casuarina equisetifolia, wood polo, camphor leaf maple, maple Castanopsis carlesii, Castanopsis glauca, Castanopsis carlesii, Castanopsis carlesii, Castanopsis glauca, Castanopsis carlesii, Castanopsis carlesii, Castanopsis glauca, Castanopsis carlesii, Castanopsis lanceolata, Castanopsis lanceolata, Castanopsis carlesii,

Deciduous trees:

Small-leaf olive kernel, water pine, water wax gourd, Chinese tallow, Fructus Aurantii, sand pear, whole-margin Koelreuteria, egg flower, falling feather fir, Liriodendron chinense, Liriodendron mandshurica, Magnolia mandshurica, Chestnut, Quercus variabilis, Quercus variabilis, Quercus mandshurica, Elm elm, White Oak, Camptotheca acuminata, Beautiful Elm, White Oak, Camptotheca acuminata, Beautiful different kapok, Phoenix Wood, Jinfeng, South Flower Flower, Yellow Locust, neem, neem, Caulownia, Chestnut, Acacia, Liriodendron, Liriodendron, Liriodendron, Qiao magnolia, purple leaf plum, green peach, plum, papaya, India

Red sandalwood, red leaf plum

Evergreen shrubs:

Cycad, Torreya grandis, rice orchid, big leaf yellow poplar, Elaeagnus angustifolia, Elaeagnus angustifolia, Camellia oleifera, South China coral tree, sprinkled golden coral, hypericum, betel nut, loose-tailed sunflower, Qiong brown, four seasons rice orchid, soft branch yellow cicada, lobular bark bone, red thousand layer, Fujian tea, gardenia, tiger prickly plum, poinsettia, Yunnan yellow carnation, peach leaf coral, structural bone, rhododendron, bright leaf plantain, variable leaf wood, red mulberry, golden edge mulberry, golden leaf banyan, bright leaf deciduous, Ma honeysuckle, purple Taurus, Jiuli incense, red back cinnamon, eagle claw, camellia, Camellia oleifera, Camellia oleifera, oleander, oleander, floret yellow cicada, June snow, smile, Haitong, Ten Gong Lao, Nantian bamboo, star anise, night flower, big safflower, chandelier, Ying Shan Hong, Phoenix tail orchid, silk orchid, South China yellow poplar, axis palm, soft leaf sunflower, short panicle fishtail sunflower, dwarf palm bamboo, Jintou bamboo, bamboo

Golden banyan, banyan, willow banyan, golden vein jade bed, duck foot wood, flower leaf false forsythia, yellow leaf false forsythia, bark bone Dan, golden leaf privet, sea taro, spring feather, tortoise back bamboo, orchid, tiger tail orchid, thick leaf grouper wood, flower leaf Fu mulberry, purple brocade wood, small leaf yellow poplar, African jasmine, mandarin duck jasmine, Xi Mei, Wenshu orchid, spider orchid, beautiful flower, safflower, mandarin mandarin, white paper fan, red paper fan, rhododendron, rhododendron, Rhododendron, double pod cassia, hard bone Lingxiao, myrtle, dragon boat flower, Yunnan yellow Jasmine, jasmine, Qin leaf coral, blue snow, blue star, Tibetan butterfly, Phyllostachys pubescens, pepper wood, red back cinnamon,

Deciduous shrubs:

Hibiscus, hemp leaf Spiraea, diamond leaf Spiraea, modern rose, glutinous rice strips, pomegranate, purple bead, purple magnolia, Hu Zhizi, honeysuckle, woody hydrangea, hibiscus, bauhinia, Yu Li, Xiaoli flower, pearl flower, butterfly tree, elderberry, fig, pepper, Chinese wolfberry, drunken fish grass, small wax


Tortoise back bamboo, leaf flower, chicken blood vine, firecracker flower, gentleman, Akebia trifoliata, honeysuckle, Fufang vine, Ficus pumila, kiwifruit, crawling spear, Hong Kong cliff horn vine, grass finch, ball orchid, unicorn tail, green apple, Luoshi, Chinese ivy, foreign ivy, South Schisandra, Dijin, Lingxiao, passionflower, multi-flower crape myrtle, periwinkle sesame vine, big flower old raven mouth

Eagle claw flower, big flower old duck beak, make gentleman, coral vine, creeper, firecracker flower, white flower oil sesame vine, beautiful Zhengtong, wisteria, Pili, turnip, morning glory, maple leaf morning glory, snake vine, plain square flower, big flower horse petals, garlic rattan, wood rose, Lianlian, passionflower


Phyllostachys pubescens, Phyllostachys pubescens

Lawn and ground cover plants:

Bermudagrass, Chinese Zoysia grass, fine-leaf Zoysia grass, carpet grass, false thrift grass, double-ear paspalum, Manila grass, Zoysia grass, Guangdong evergreen, purple dew grass, clam flower, step grass, big leaf fairy grass, Ophiopogon japonicus, auspicious grass, one-leaf orchid black eye, calamus, onion orchid, leek orchid, suddenly laugh, white butterfly, butterfly, safflower pulp grass, hanging bamboo plum,

Purple back bamboo taro, synthetic fruit taro, white butterfly fruit taro, green apple, hanging bamboo plum, kidney fern, cold water flower, small clam orchid, white crane taro, silver edge along step grass, safflower Lantana, yellow flower Lantana, purple flower tassel

Dan, silver leaf chrysanthemum, longtuzhu, shrimp clothes flower, firecracker red, Tianmen winter, seaside evening primrose, saddle vine, ivy, lily, ginger flower, dry umbrella grass, papyrus, iris, chrysanthemum, daffodil, lotus, water lily, trifid chrysanthemum, safflower clover, Brazilian peanut vine, horseshoe, purple silk amaranth, round leaf amaranth, colored leaf grass, fine leaf cherry, red and green grass, green orchid, leek orchid, Zhu Ding Hong, lily, calla lily, periwinkle, Pseudo-thrift grass, Manila grass, Korean sesame grass, Bermuda grass, big-leaf oil grass, variegated grass, Bahia grass, short-leaf Ophiopogon japonicus


King coconut, Washington coconut, triangular coconut, king coconut, foxtail coconut, Budi coconut, wine bottle coconut, stick coconut, Middle Eastern sea jujube, Canada sea jujube, overlord palm, oil palm, Dong palm, dragon scale palm, wasabi, golden wasabi, fishtail, golden wasabi, old sunflower, beautiful needle sunflower, short-spiked fishtail anemone, long-spiked fishtail sunflower, loose-tailed sunflower, three medicine betel nut, tourist banana, palm bamboo, sunflower

Time flower

Star flower, African impatiens, four seasons begonia, red, petunia, hybrid carnation, kale, peacock grass, marigold, dry golden lotus, pansy, pansy, calendula, thousand-day red, hundred-day grass, pine peony, horse-toothed peony, big Persian chrysanthemum, melon-leaf chrysanthemum, drunken butterfly, Xuancao, lavender, pansy

Part 5: an example of Plant allocation in South China

Plant allocation in South China

Spring feather + windmill grass + alpinia officinalis

Big ponytail iron + colorful ponytail iron + southern bamboo + kidney fern + stone

King coconut + Dong brown + beautiful needle sunflower + canna + colored leaf grass + variable leaf wood

King coconut + Canadian jujube head + red iron + red mulberry + dragon boat flower

King coconut + false betel nut + loose tail sunflower + big leaf palm bamboo + golden leaf

Part 6: "Common Garden plants in South China"

Common plants in southern courtyard

First, palms:

1. King coconut 2, fake betel nut 3, Washington palm 4, silver sea jujube 5, Canada sea jujube 6, three medicine betel nut

7, Pukui 8, Old Kui 9, loose tail Sunflower 10, Brown Bamboo (fine leaf brown bamboo) 11, Jinshan Brown 12, soft leaf sunflower

2. Trees (street trees, shade trees):

1. Phoenix wood 2, kapok 3, beautiful kapok 4, paulownia 5, pointed leaf Duying 6, pot shelf

7. Fine-leaf banyan 8, water stone banyan 9, mango 10, neem 11, shade incense 12, big-leaf Vladivostok

13. Red sandalwood 14, egg flower 15, olive kernel tree 16, tourist banana 17, red thorn forest 18, autumn maple

19. Carambola 20, Xielan 21, dachshu 22, Nanyang 23, Bai Qianlian

Eucalyptus 25, Hainan Putao 26, neem 27, Bauhinia 28, mahogany

29. Alpine Ficus 30, Flame 31, Huanghua Phoenix Suzuki 32, Luan tree with multiple feathers

3. Flowering shrubs:

1. Osmanthus fragrans 2, Phyllostachys tenuifolia 3, Alsophila spinulosa 4, Yellow Rong 5, Rhododendron

6. Robinia pseudoacacia 7, Hongqianlian 8, Phnom Penh sisal 9, Safflower 10, Huili 11, Ficus ficus

12. Carthamus tinctorius 13, Mianxiao 14, Ziwei 15, Meiruhua 16, Gouya 17, Longshilan

18. Ten thousand hemp 19, silk orchid 20, firecracker flower 21, yellow oleander 22, Fulutong

Fourth, the ground cover or color block:

1. Haitong 2, tortoise back bamboo 3, green pineapple 4, bird's nest fern 5, ruby 6, big leaf clover 7, duck foot wood

8. Angel 9, Golden Leaf 10, Cigar Flower 11, Frog Orchid 12, Samsung Taro 13, Rhododendron

14. Dwarf sunflower 15, Chunyu 16, flower and leaf forsythia 17, arachnoid 18, hanging bamboo plum 19, soft branch yellow cicada

20. Flower leaf fine ginger 21, Tianmendong 22, golden peanut 23, fine leaf dragon boat flower 24, kidney fern 25, yellow shrimp flower

26. White butterfly 27, cold water 28, flower evergreen 29, rainbow Zhu Jiao 30, variable leaf wood 31, grass along the steps

32, Euphorbia officinalis 33, Jasmine 34, Velvet Taro 35, Taiwan Grass 36, Euphorbia angustifolia

37. Manila grass 38, Bermudagrass 39, ryegrass 40, tall fescue grass

There are also some commonly used plants:

1. Bodhi banyan 2, alpine banyan 3, Shuishi banyan 4, Fengling flower 5, National Day flower 6, sausage tree

7. Iron knife wood 8, hanging melon tree 9, Thailand rhubarb flower ball 10, golden willow

11. Cassia 12, Robinia pseudoacacia 13, Sakura 14, Shuiweng 15, Magnolia mandshurica

16. Hainan Shajin 17, Flowers 18, Hainan Hongdou 19, mahogany

Nanyang Gui 21, sandalwood Gui 22, Autumn Gui 23, Laurel 24, Old Kui 25, Phyllostachys pubescens

26. Indian yellow (purple) sandalwood 27, red sandalwood 28, mountain tube orchid 29, Leizhou banyan 30, cat tail wood

Common garden plants in South China

1. Evergreen trees

Norfolk Southern Cryptomeria, Kenn's Southern Cryptomeria, Cryptomeria fortunei, Pinus elliottii, Pinus massoniana, Pinus elliottii, Cinnamomum camphora, Cinnamomum, Eucalyptus grandis, Eucalyptus grandis, Eucalyptus urophylla, Peach, Hainan Peach, Autumn Maple, Taiwan Acacia, Red sandalwood, small Leaf Banyan, Alpine Banyan, Ficus, Banyan, Chestnut, mahogany, Dylan peach, potted shelf, olive, benevolent tree, banyan tree Small leaf olive kernel, wood pineapple, even fog, face, pistachio, neem, Casuarina equisetifolia, white orchid, night flower, firewood, small leaf Duying, Magnolia, yellow hibiscus, mango, longan, litchi, olive, loquat, bayberry, grapefruit, water banyan, Luohansong, dragon cypress, bamboo cypress, sweet-scented osmanthus, osmanthus, smile, Milan, camellia, banyan, butterfly fruit, oblique leaf banyan

2. Deciduous trees

Metasequoia, Taxodium, Cryptomeria fortunei, Pinus elliottii, Liriodendron mandshurica, Liriodendron chinense, Liriodendron chinensis, Leucaena leucocephala, Maple incense, weeping Willow, hanging Gua Tree, Tuanhua, Silver Birch, Park Tree, No-trouble son, Coptis chinensis, neem, Sapium sebiferum, Moutong, Ginkgo biloba, Apple Po, Persimmon, Fig, Mulberry, Papaya, Guava, Red Maple, Acacia

3. Palms

Fake betel nut, king coconut, king coconut, wine bottle coconut, stick coconut, triangular coconut, fox tail coconut, queen sunflower, oil palm, sugar palm, big silk sunflower, Washington palm, Canadian sea jujube, Middle East sea jujube, Elank jujube, sunflower, Dong palm, sugar coconut, spiny sunflower, soft leaf sunflower, three medicine betel nut, green palm, fragrant palm, long-spiked fish-tail sunflower, short-spiked fishtail sunflower, loose-tailed sunflower, palm, plantain, tourist plantain, Zhu plantain, Brown bamboo, fine-leaf brown bamboo, Nikolai crane orchid, red handle happy forest taro, false sea taro

4. Foliage shrubs

Golden leaf banyan, golden banyan, Qin leaf banyan, willow leaf banyan, Fumu, Reed bamboo, weeping branch Dark Luo, red thorn tree, Haitong, flower leaf Fu mulberry, cycad, red thousand layer, woody night incense, pretty yellow clover, golden vein juniper bed, star anise plate, ground cypress, flower leaf cassava, southern bamboo, goose palm wood, flower leaf goose palm wood, pepper wood, red back cinnamon, red mulberry, Japanese clove, forsythia, flower and leaf forsythia, yellow leaf false forsythia, Jiuli incense, Euphorbia mandshurica, Euphorbia angustifolia, Amorphophallus, Spring feather, Tortoise back Bamboo, Euphorbia angustifolia, Caulownia, thick Leaf Stone spot, Colored Leaf Mountain Lacquer Stem, Ceylon Leaf Pearl, Rose

5. Flowering shrubs

African jasmine, mandarin duck jasmine, thin jasmine, hibiscus, Fusang, chandelier, hanging bell, poinsettia, plum, Gardenia jasminoides, hydrangea, red bract, wild peony, safflower, mandolin, white paper fan, red paper fan, yellow cicada, rhododendron, double-pod cassia, hard bone Lingxiao, myrtle, dragon boat flower, Phoenix tail pearl, Yunnan yellow Jasmine, jasmine, Wenshilan,

Spider orchid, crab claw flower, dwarf canna, Shihai pepper, Qin leaf coral, blue snowflake, blue star flower, Tibetan butterfly

6. Ground cover

Purple back bamboo taro, synthetic fruit taro, white butterfly fruit taro, green apple, hanging bamboo plum, kidney fern, cold water flower, small clam orchid, white crane taro, safflower Lantana, safflower Lantana, yellow flower Lantana, purple flower Lantana, silver chrysanthemum, dragon spit bead, shrimp clothes flower, firecracker red, Tianmen winter, seaside evening primrose, saddle vine, ivy, lotus, ginger flower, dry umbrella grass, papyracea, iris, thousand qu vegetables, daffodils, lotus, water lily, water lily, dry umbrella grass Trifid chrysanthemum, safflower pulp grass, Brazilian peanut vine, calla, purple silk amaranth, round leaf amaranth, colored leaf grass, fine leaf cherry, red and green grass, onion orchid, leek orchid, red top red, lily, calla lily, Catharanthus roseus, false thrift grass, Manila grass, camellia grass, Bermuda grass, big leaf oil grass, zebra blunt grass, Baishi grass, short leaf Ophiopogon japonicus

7. Fujimoto

Big flower old duck bill, make gentleman, coral vine, Parthenocissus, firecracker flower, white flower oil sesame vine, beautiful Zhengtong, wisteria, Pili, turnip, morning glory, maple leaf morning glory, snake vine, plain square flower, big flower horse petals, garlic vine, wood rose, Lianlian, passionflower

Part 7: "document on the configuration of Common plants in South China"

Practical table of plant configuration-brief table of common plant configuration

Aquatic plants:

Wet plants: dry willow, weeping willow, cotton willow, sand willow, artemisia willow, soap willow, small leaf poplar, Liaoning poplar, sand cypress, round cypress, Platycladus orientalis, metasequoia, neem, maple poplar, ash, forsythia, elm, split leaf elm, pumpkin elm, Chinese tallow, cherry blossom, Eucommia ulmoides, Luan tree, hibiscus, hibiscus, oleander, Parthenocissus, grape, wisteria, acacia, Tamarix, buttercup, water hyacinth seedling, long leaf alkali hair, marsh willow leaf, willow leaf lai, Mao Su, Mao Su Fructus thunbergii, peppermint, fresh vegetable, mother-in-law, watercress, watercress, water sedge, water sedge, flower sedge, squash, red phosphates, bamboo rushes, rushes, small rushes, fine rushes, flat storage, common Polygonum, red Polygonum, tufted Polygonum, Polygonum polygonum, Polygonum willow, Polygonum polygonum, Rhizoma Polygoni, Polygonum officinalis, Polygonum officinalis, Polygonum cuspidatum, Polygonum cuspidatum. Euphorbia angustifolia, Rabdosia angustifolia, long Awn stick head, Wild Ancient Grass, Reed, Coix, Verbena, Wet plaque Bud,

Water-standing plants: spring onion, Reed, lotus root, mushroom, broad-leaf moss, alisma, lotus, Euphorbia angustifolia, cattail, Hedyotis diffusa, rainy flower, calamus, barracuda, rice, water pen, daffodil, water celery, Zizania caduciflora, taro, field grass, Reed, water chestnut, Jing trigonous, needle, water candle, umbrella sedge, broad-leaf cattail

Floating plants: duckweed, water hyacinth, water lily, Euryale seed, Wang lotus, Pingpeng grass, water hyacinth, water shield, raccoon, floating fern, keel petal,

Submerged plant: goldfish algae, in front of the water wheel

Color-leaf plants:

Red or purple: maple incense, lacquer tree, chicken claw maple, tea striped maple, southern snake vine, red oak, maple, tallow, torch tree, salt skin wood, Juglans mandshurica, southern Tianzhu, Wei spear, Hawthorn, Coptis chinensis, maple poplar, Berberis, Hubei goose ear poplar, Parthenocissus chinensis

Golden or yellowish brown: ginkgo, persimmon, Koeluan, goose palm autumn, sycamore, elm, walnut, catalpa, metasequoia, crape myrtle, elm, nan tree, sour jujube, kiwifruit, seven-leaf tree, water elm, wax plum, pomegranate, yellow locust, witch hazel, free from disease, acacia

Aromatic plants:

The aromatic plants that can be planted in residential areas are: peppermint, basil, bee flower, chamomile, lemon grass, sage, dandelion, marigold, thyme, chicory, geranium, mallow and other herbs, lavender, rosemary, gardenia, rose, lemon verbena and other shrubs.

The four seasons take turns fragrant woody plant configuration such as: spring plum blossom, orange blossom; summer gardenia, white orchid; autumn sweet-scented osmanthus and winter wax plum.

Anti-pollution and anti-exhaust plants: Robinia pseudoacacia, paulownia, white pine, juniper, coral tree, heather, Haitong, star anise gold plate, etc.

Nitrogen-fixing plants: Robinia pseudoacacia, honeysuckle, acacia, Caragana, soybean, Huzhizi, sweet sweet pea, red bayberry, Elaeagnus cycads.

Honey source to attract birds and butterflies plants: dwarf yew, rohan pine, Torreya grandis, tortoise torreya torreya, tortoise torreya torreya, camphor, Yangmei, Yangmei, peach, leaf coral, firethorn, yellow pod, Haitong, Jinpan and other large-leaf intoxicated fish grass and Coptis chinensis other fragrant flowers (such as citrus plants of Rutaceae)

Perennial (persistent root) flowers: torch flower (torch lotus) feather fan bean blue fescue falling bride golden chicken chrysanthemum passing by yellow chicken chrysanthemum passing by yellow chicken chrysanthemum, large flower okra, peppermint, red flower, thistle leaf chrysanthemum iron chopsticks, garlic, day lily, Iris, purple dew grass, hairpin, flower leaf, canna, red leaf, canna, Dutch chrysanthemum, big Wu wind grass, Bletilla striata, persistent root beauty

Flowers and trees of the four seasons:

Spring: all kinds of cherry blossoms (morning cherry, evening cherry, weeping cherry, etc.), all kinds of begonia (Xifu begonia, papaya begonia, stick stem begonia, etc.), Magnoliaceae (Magnolia, Michelia, Michelia, etc.), Bauhinia, Red leaves, etc.

Plums, peach blossoms, camellias, primroses, cloves and so on.

Summer: crape myrtle, hibiscus, eight immortal flowers, Michelia, summer cuckoo, pomegranate (flower), gardenia, Lingxiao, acacia, acacia autumn: sweet-scented osmanthus, crape myrtle, hibiscus, pomegranate, hibiscus, Lingxiao, etc.

Honeysuckle, Phyllostachys pubescens, Plum Blossom, Michelia, Camellia, Camellia, etc.

Classification of common greening tree species:

(1) evergreen conifers

1. Trees: Cedar, Korean pine, black pine, dragon cypress, Masson pine, cypress, cycad, Nanyang fir, Cryptomeria fortunei, Torreya grandis

two。 Shrubs: (Luohan pine), cypress, cypress, creeping cypress, Japanese Cryptomeria fortunei, five-needle pine

(2) deciduous conifers (no shrubs):

Trees: Metasequoia glyptostroboides, Pinus elliottii, Cryptomeria fortunei, Cryptomeria fortunei

(3) evergreen broad-leaved trees:

1. Trees: camphor, magnolia, privet, palm

two。 Shrubs: coral tree, big leaf yellow poplar, melon seed yellow poplar, sparrow tongue yellow poplar, wolfbone, orange tree, heather, Haitong, sweet-scented osmanthus, oleander, Huang Xin, Yingchun, golden coral, Phyllostachys pubescens, June snow, lobular privet, star anise plate, gardenia, mosquito mother, camellia, hypericum, rhododendron, silk orchid (polo flower, arrow hemp), cycad (iron tree), ten great efforts

(4) deciduous broad-leaved trees:

1. Trees: weeping willow, straight willow, maple poplar, dragon claw willow, Sapium sebiferum, Sophora japonica, Qingtong.

Paulownia, Platycladus orientalis (French sycamore), Sophora locust (Robinia pseudoacacia), Robinia pseudoacacia, Albizia, Ginkgo biloba, neem (neem), catalpa

two。 Shrubs: Cherry blossom, Magnolia, peach blossom, wax plum, crape myrtle, bauhinia, Qi tree, green maple, red leaf plum, sticking begonia, bell hanging begonia, eight immortal flowers, hemp leaf hydrangea, golden bell flower (gold bar), hibiscus (hibiscus), mountain hemp pole (Guiyuan tree), pomegranate

(5) Bamboo: Cixiao bamboo, Phyllostachys pubescens, Phyllostachys pubescens, Guanyin bamboo, Phoenix tail bamboo, Buddha belly bamboo, gold inlaid Jasper bamboo

(6) Fujimoto: wisteria, Luoshi, Dijin (Parthenocissus, Parthenocissus), ivy, grapevine, Fufang vine

(7) Flowers: sunflower, everlasting chrysanthemum, red, canna, amaranth, cabbage, chrysanthemum, orchid

(8) Lawn: velvet grass, Zoysia grass, Ophiopogon japonicus, four seasons grass, tall fescue, Manila grass, clover, horseshoe Jin

Detailed list of common plant configuration

Commonly used street tree table

Tree features of nomenclature family

Camphor Cinnamomun camphcra large evergreen trees of the family Lauraceae, with alternate leaves, Ternate veins, two aromas and globose berries.

Platanus Platanus x acerifolia Egg-shaped like warm, anti-pollution, resistant to pruning. The crown is big and shady, so it is suitable for street trees and courtyard shade trees.

Maple Liquidamdar formosana Hance. Conical deciduous tree of the family Hamamelidaceae, having smooth gray bark, triangular leaves, slow growth and beautiful appearance.

Phoenix wood Delonix regia Raffin haemataceae umbrella-shaped positive, like warm and hot climate, not cold-resistant, fast-growing, anti-pollution, wind-resistant; beautiful red flowers, florescence from May to August

The umbrella-shaped pollen of the mimosa family of Albizia julibrissin is red, from June to July, it is suitable for ornamental trees and street trees.

Acacia Albizia farnesiana Wild. Umbrella-shaped deciduous subtrees of the mimosa family, fast-growing, dense branches and leaves, golden flowers and excellent tree potential

Weeping willow Salix babylonica Linn. The umbrella-shaped deciduous subtree of Salicaceae, suitable for low temperature, luxuriant and rapid growth, and beautiful tree appearance.

Banyan Ficus retusa Linn.. Spherical deciduous tree of Moraceae, having a broad crown, fast-growing and strong canopy, suitable for all kinds of pruning

Camphor tree Cinnamomum camphora Ness. Spherical evergreen tree of the family Lauraceae, having a broad, large round crown, strong growth and beautiful appearance.

Pukui Livitonia chinensis R.Br. The umbrella tree of Palmaceae is erect with dark green leaves, strong growth and beautiful posture.

Longan tree Euphoria longana Lanark. The round evergreen trees of the disease-free family have a round crown, strong canopy, slow growth and beautiful posture.

Azadirachta azedarach Melia azedarach Linn. Umbrella-shaped deciduous tree of the family Azadirachaceae, having a fast-growing, deformed crown, slightly umbrella-shaped, and lilac flowers.

Sycamore Sterculia platanifolia L. Umbrella-shaped evergreen trees of the family Polygonaceae, having broad leaves, rapid growth, erect young, and scattered crowns of the eldest.

Broussonetia papyrifera Vent. Umbrella-shaped evergreen trees of the family Shouma, with large, thin leaves, scattered branches, umbrella-shaped crown and beautiful posture.

Red poplar Alnus formosana Makino. Fagaceae umbrella-shaped evergreen tree, able to withstand heat and humidity, uncomfortable on dry land and hard soil, tall and beautiful

Faxinus insularis Hemsl. Oleaceae umbrella-shaped evergreen trees, strong, fast-growing, graceful leaf-shaped southern fir Araucaria cuninghamii coniferous evergreen coniferous trees, positive, like warm and hot climate, not cold-resistant, like fertilizer, fast growth, narrow conical crown, graceful posture

Qinghai spruce Picea carassifolia Pinaceae tower-shaped evergreen coniferous tree, neutral, shallow root, suitable for Northwest China

Pinus koraiensis Pinus koraiensis tower-shaped evergreen conifers, weakly positive, like cold, cool, humid climate and acid soil, needles blue-green

Round cypress (juniper) Sabina chinensis conical evergreen coniferous tree, positive, young trees slightly tolerant to shade, drought and barren, cold, slightly resistant to moisture, pruning, dustproof and sound insulation

Magnolia Magnolia grandiflora L. Ovoid evergreen tree of the family Magnoliaceae with fragrant white flowers and graceful tree shape

Acacia Acacia confusa Merr. Leguminous umbrella-shaped evergreen trees having smooth bark when young, rough when the eldest, curved trunk and strong growth

Sea jujube Phoenix dactylifera L. Palmaceae pinnate evergreen broad-leaved tree with bifurcated trunk, strong heat resistance, strong growth and beautiful posture

Long-leaf sunflower (Canary jujube) Phoenix dactylifera pinnately evergreen broad-leaved tree of the family Palmaceae, having a stout trunk, tall and majestic, and densely spreading pinnate leaves

Wang Brown (King Coconut) Oreodoxa regia H.B.K. Palm family umbrella-shaped single-stem erect, up to 18m high, slightly hypertrophy in the central part, pinnately compound leaves, strong vitality and great ornamental value

Ginkgo biloba Ginkgo biloba, umbrella-shaped deciduous broad-leaved tree of Ginkgo biloba, having yellow autumn leaves, cold tolerance, deep roots, resistance to stagnant water, resistance to a variety of poisonous gases

Liriodendron (Liriodendron) Liriodendron chinense umbrella-shaped deciduous broad-leaved tree of Magnoliaceae, like warm and humid climate, strong resistance, fertile acid soil, rapid growth, long life, leaves similar to mandarin, yellow-green flowers, large and beautiful.

Chinese white poplar Populus tomentosa umbrella-shaped deciduous broad-leaved tree of Populus tomentosa, like warm and cool climate, anti-pollution, deep roots, fast-growing, long life; straight tree shape, straight trunk, gray-white bark

Populus tomentosa Populus nigra var. Italica Salicaceae narrow cylindrical deciduous broad-leaved tree, cold-resistant and drought-resistant, slightly resistant to saline-alkali and water humidity, and growing fast.

Ulmus parvifolia Ulmaceae umbrella-shaped deciduous broad-leaved tree, like warm and humid climate, resistant to drought and barren, deep-rooted, fast-growing, long life, resistant to smoke and dust, strong dust retention ability

Feather-leaf maple (double-leaf maple) Acer negundo umbrella deciduous broad-leaved tree, like fertile soil and cool and humid climate, smoke and dust resistance, dry and cold resistance, light saline-alkali resistance, pruning resistance, autumn leaf yellow {conservation measures of southern plant sea jujube.

Commonly used landscape tree property table

Tree features of nomenclature family

Camphor Cinnamomun camphcra large evergreen trees of the family Lauraceae, with alternate leaves, Ternate veins, two aromas and globose berries.

Platanus Platanus x acerifolia Egg-shaped like warm, anti-pollution, resistant to pruning. The crown is big and shady, so it is suitable for street trees and courtyard shade trees.

Magnolia Magnolia grandiflora L. Ovoid evergreen tree of the family Magnoliaceae with fragrant white flowers and graceful tree shape

Magnolia Magnolia denudata umbrella shape is quite hardy, afraid of stagnant water. The flowers are white and blossom from March to April. Suitable for garden viewing.

Liriodendron (Liriodendron) Liriodendron chinense umbrella-shaped deciduous broad-leaved tree of Magnoliaceae, like warm and humid climate, strong resistance, fertile acid soil, rapid growth, long life, leaves similar to mandarin, yellow-green flowers, large and beautiful.

Platycladus orientalis Thuja orientalis Linn conical evergreen tree, neatly shaped when young, often curved when the eldest, strong growth, long life, beautiful tree

Faxinus insularis Hemsl. Oleaceae round evergreen tree, strong, rapid growth, beautiful leaf shape Chongyang Bischoffia javanica Blanco Euphorbiaceae round evergreen tree, young leaves sprouting, very beautiful, strong growth, beautiful tree

Weeping willow Salix babylonica Linn. The umbrella-shaped deciduous subtree of Salicaceae, suitable for low temperature, luxuriant and rapid growth, and beautiful tree appearance.

Calocedrus macrolepis Kurz cypress umbrella-shaped evergreen trees with grayish brown bark irregularly longitudinally lobed; branchlets alternate green when young flattened.

Dawang coconut Roystonea regia Palmaceae umbrella-shaped erect, up to 18m high, slightly hypertrophy in the central part, pinnately compound leaves, strong vitality and great ornamental value

Euonymus tomentosa Euonymus japonica is ovoid in warm and humid climate, resistant to poisonous gases. Watch the leaves. Suitable for hedgerow and basic planting.

Maple Liquidamdar formosana Hance. Conical deciduous tree of the family Hamamelidaceae, having smooth gray bark, triangular leaves, slow growth and beautiful appearance.

Maple poplar Pterocarya stenoptera Walnut has strong umbrella adaptability, moisture resistance and fast growth. Suitable for shade trees, street trees and bank protection trees

Evergreen creeping dwarf shrub of the family Sabina procumbens, with branches climbing to the ground and leaves with spiny leaves. Slow growth, unique tree style, green and smooth branches. The suitable land is beautified around the courtyard stone, pool, sand pit, slope and so on. {maintenance measures of southern plant sea jujube.

Duranta repens round evergreen shrubs of Verbenaceae. Suitable for large potted plants, flower beds and hedges. Yellow leaf forsythia is mainly for viewing leaves and has a wide range of uses. it can be used for ground cover, trimming modeling, forming patterns or emphasizing color matching. Chinese wolfberry Ilex cornuta is round and resistant to poisonous gases and grows slowly. Green leaves and red fruits are very beautiful. Suitable for basic planting. Broussonetia papyrifera Vent. Umbrella-shaped evergreen trees of the family Shouma, having large, thin leaves, scattered branches and beautiful posture

Ulmus parvifolia Ulmaceae umbrella-shaped deciduous broad-leaved tree, like warm and humid climate, resistant to drought and barren, deep-rooted, fast-growing, long life, resistant to smoke and dust, strong dust retention ability

A conical evergreen middle tree of Juniperus Chinensis Linn cypress family, having dense dark green branches, strong growth, suitable for pruning and beautiful posture.

The round white flower of Pittosporum tobira family is fragrant and blossoms in May. Suitable for basic planting, hedges or potted plants. Sea jujube Phoenix dactylifera Linn has umbrella-shaped dry tillering, up to 20-25m high, gray-white leaves with curved bow, strong growth and beautiful trees.

The umbrella shape of Salix matsudana Willow is suitable for shade trees, street trees and bank protection trees.

The umbrella-shaped pollen of the mimosa family of Albizia julibrissin is red, from June to July, it is suitable for ornamental trees and street trees.

Black pine Pinus Thumbergii Porl. Conical evergreen trees of the family Pinaceae, having grayish brown bark, orange-yellow branchlets, hard two-tufted leaves and long life

Red leaf plum Prunus cerasifera. F.arropurpurea small deciduous umbrella-shaped tree of the Rosaceae, having smooth, reddish-brown branchlets, ovate leaves, all-purplish red, light pink flowers in April, and purple drupes. It is suitable to plant alone and in groups, setting off the background.

Washington Palm Washingtonia filifera Wend. Palmaceae umbrella-shaped single trunk cylindrical, base hypertrophy, as high as 4cm 8m, fan-shaped round leaves, healthy growth, beautiful tree posture {conservation measures of southern plant sea jujube.

Sophora japonica Leguminosae has dense umbrella-shaped branches and broad crown, so it is suitable for shade and street trees.

Huanghuai Cassia glauca Lam. Round deciduous tree of the family Leguminosae having even-pinnately compound leaves and yellow flowers and fast-growing beautiful trees

Feather-leaf maple (double-leaf maple) Acer negundo umbrella-shaped deciduous broad-leaved tree of the family Aceraceae, like fertile soil and cool and humid climate, resistant to smoke, dry and cold, light saline-alkali, pruning, yellow autumn leaves

Acer palmatum Aceraceae has beautiful umbrella-shaped leaves with red autumn leaves. It is suitable for garden viewing and potted plants.

Pseudolarix amabilis Rehd. Pinaceae ovoid tower-shaped evergreen trees, branches and leaves sparse, leaves strip-shaped, long branches alternate, leaflets radial, tree posture strong and straight.

Wine bottle coconut Hyophorbe amaricaulis Mart. Palmaceae umbrella-shaped dry height of about 3 m, the base oval hypertrophy, forming a wine bottle, the posture is very beautiful

Orange tree Citrus reticulata Rutaceae round flowers white, fruit yellowish green, fragrant. Suitable for cluster planting.

Melia azedarch Linn. Round deciduous tree of the family azadirachaceae, having grayish brown bark, bifurcate odd, pinnately compound leaves, purple flowers, and rapid growth.

Serissa serissoides round evergreen shrubs of Rubiaceae. The leaves are dark green, the flowers are snow-white and slightly pink. Slender branches and leaves, good texture, suitable for potted plants, hedges, ground covers, flower beds, pruning shapes.

Juniperus chinensis var. Kaituka, Hort Cypress erect tower-shaped evergreen middle trees, dense branches, dark green, strong growth, long life, beautiful posture

S. J. cv. Pendula leguminous umbrella-shaped branches drooping, suitable for garden ornamental, opposite or row planting

S. M. cv. The round branches of Tortuosa Salicaceae are twisted like dragons, which are suitable for shade and ornamental trees.

Prince Robbie Phehix Roebelenii Brien. Palmaceae umbrella-shaped stem erect, 2m high, petiole thin and small, leaflets alternate, or opposite, is an excellent variety of beautiful leaves.

Podocaarpus macrophyllus D. Don long conical evergreen trees of the family Luohansong, elegant and elegant, can be trimmed into high-grade bonsai materials, or shaped into circles, cones and layers for landscaping.

Masson pine Pinus massoniana Lamb. Umbrella-shaped evergreen trees of Pinaceae having reddish-brown dry skins and brown winter buds. The tree is majestic.

South Nandina domestica berberaceae umbrella-shaped branches and leaves are beautiful, autumn and winter red fruit; garden ornamental, can be planted in clusters or pots. Araucaria ecelsa Br. Conical evergreen coniferous trees of Taxodiaceae, having whorled branches, drooping lower parts, dark green leaves, beautiful appearance and strong growth

Ligustrum lucidum Ligustrum lucidum. Oleaceae ovate flowers white, flowering in June. Suitable for hedges or street trees.

Livistona chinensis R. Br. The umbrella-shaped stem of Palmaceae can be up to 612 m high, with round leaves, spiny edges of petiole, luxuriant growth and elegant posture.

Junlperus chinensis cv. Globosa. Broad-rounded shrubs of the cypress family, without trunk and clustered with branches.

Green maple Acer serrulatum Aceraceae umbrella-conical deciduous trees. Dry upright. The posture of the tree is light and soft, which can form a noble bonsai for elegant street trees, landscaped trees and forest bath trees.

B. bodinieri is suitable for ornamental garden because of its fine ovate branches and leaves. It can be planted in clusters, hedges or potted plants. Japanese Cryptomeria fortunei Cryptomeria japonica D. Don Taxodiaceae conical, ovate, round evergreen trees. The branches are whorled, euphemistic

Part 8: cultivation and Conservation of Palm plants

Palmaceae is a very characteristic evergreen plant in Monocotyledon class, its stem is solitary or tufted, erect or climbing; leaves gather at the top of the stem, developed roots, drought tolerance, barren tolerance, strong resistance to diseases and insect pests, excellent effect in creating tropical landscape style. This edition will introduce its introduction, transplanting and disease control.

Brief introduction of introduction process

There are about 2400 species of palms belonging to 183 genera in the world, which are widely distributed in tropical and subtropical humid areas of the world. High temperature and high humidity are important conditions for the normal growth and development of most palm plants. a few palm plants have a unique ability to adapt to adverse environment, such as silver jujube (wild jujube) distributed in extremely arid areas on the edge of the desert. and many palm species that can endure flooding for a long time, such as swamp palm. Most palm plants are rich in fiber, tough stems, well-developed roots, and strong wind resistance, such as false betel nut and sunflower.

Since the 1940s, the landscape effect of palm plants has been recognized in the construction of many tropical and subtropical cities around the world, and they have been used as key varieties for urban greening and beautification, such as Miami in the United States, Jakarta in India, Bangkok in Thailand, and Cape Town and Singapore in South Africa.

Some garden companies in Guangdong began to introduce and apply palm plants since the early 1980s. Over the next two decades, southern provinces such as Guangxi, Fujian and Yunnan, as well as Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shanghai, Chongqing and Yunnan, have successively set off an upsurge of introduction, production and application of palms.

According to the theories of plant geography and ecology, several units headed by Guangdong Palm Garden Company observed and studied the growth and mortality of introduced and domesticated palms. It is found that the plants originating from the northern hemisphere generally have the potential of cold tolerance because of the ancient glacial climate, while the species native to high latitudes and high elevations in the southern hemisphere also have strong cold tolerance. Through the study of cold tolerance and cold tolerance mechanism of palm plants, researchers found that the main factors affecting introduction and domestication are temperature, light, humidity, moisture, soil and so on. The most significant role of temperature factor is to dominate the growth and development of plants, and low temperature in winter is the dominant factor affecting the success or failure of palm introduction and domestication; through the study of salt tolerance and shade tolerance of palms, researchers have selected a number of varieties with strong salt-alkali tolerance and shade tolerance; at the same time, through the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests such as palm Phytophthora, coconut leaf beetle and red palm weevil, the incidence of palm diseases and insect pests has been greatly reduced. In addition, the researchers also studied the mechanism of palm seed germination, summarized and invented the technology of palm seed germination, and mastered the techniques of full crown transplantation and large container seedling cultivation of palm plants. and effective work has been done on soil improvement, cold protection and conservation in winter.

At present, researchers have selected and popularized about 80 species of palm plants in South China, including Dawang coconut, sunflower, palm bamboo, southern coconut, fish-tail sunflower, and so on. More than 10 species of palm plants have been successfully applied in Shanghai and its surrounding areas, such as Budi coconut, Washington palm, Canary jujube, Washington coconut, and so on.

Take Washington Brown as an example.

Discussion on the occurrence and control of Phytophthora

Harm and general symptoms of Phytophthora palmiti

The disease is often harmful to palm plants such as coconut, sunflower, Washington brown, old sunflower, Canadian jujube, etc., the heart leaves of the diseased plant can not erupt normally, the new leaves shrink and wither, and in serious cases, the whole plant wilts. The pathogen of Phytophthora is caused by Phytophthora and can be identified by incubator. The pathogen overwintered mainly in the soil or on the remains of diseased plants. Germs spread through watering, rain splash, air flow and so on.

Incidence regularity of Phytophthora in Washington

The disease occurred during the period of high temperature and humidity in summer and autumn. Poor management before drought and rain or after transplanting, such as pouring water, soil water content

Plants that are suddenly elevated, poorly ventilated, or located in the tuyere are susceptible to disease. The disease is serious in low-lying, poor drainage and continuous cropping land. In addition, the disease is often related to serious root injury caused by digging seedlings and long-distance transportation.

When it occurs, the base of the undeveloped young heart leaves rot, and the leaves are grayish green and drooping, which can be pulled out with a little effort. Dissecting the stem, it can be seen that there are paste secretions and foul smell in the growing point and even the heart of the whole plant, and white mildew can grow in the susceptible tissue. Seriously affected plants often suffer from root damage, and the main symptoms are blackening and rotting of the roots.

Taste. The disease mainly occurs in the seedling stage and nursery, and the adult trees planted on the green space rarely occur.


In recent years, the damage in the nursery is quite serious. At the initial stage of the disease, the yellowish-brown watery spot occurred near the ground, the spot expanded rapidly, slightly sunken, the surface was dense white cavernous mold when it was wet, and the disease part rotted and smelly. When the disease occurs on the leaves, the diseased part is yellowish brown and white mildew grows under wet conditions. When the disease occurred on the stem, it was dark green at first, then expanded, moist and softened, and the upper part of the stem withered in the later stage. The disease can harm the whole palm plant. Sometimes the roots and stems are cut open with purulent fluid exudation, and in severe cases, the veins of young leaves have a large number of gray-black mycelia. Phytophthora is a vascular bundle disease. In severe cases, the whole plant wilts, droops and dries up to death, and the mortality rate is high.

According to the investigation, the peak period of the disease is the period of high temperature and humidity, that is, the optimum temperature is 27 ℃ to 35 ℃. For example, in 2006, the onset period in the coastal areas near the Pearl River Delta was from July to October, from August to November in Xiamen, from June to September in Shanghai (also in early spring), and from August to November in the mountains in the western Pearl River Delta. However, the disease can be seen in all parts of the country from January to February after typhoon and rainstorm. Sometimes sporadic, sometimes in patches.

Prevention and cure method

1. Prevention of cultivation measures

1. Pay attention to the ventilation, dryness and drainage of the nursery, trim the leaves appropriately in autumn and winter every year, and dig holes and cultivate the soil to keep the nursery dry. Potassium fertilizer can be applied at ordinary times, quicklime and superphosphate can also be applied respectively to enhance plant tissue density and infection resistance and improve plant disease resistance.

two。 To select a good plot, it is necessary to choose loam or sandy loam land with high topography and good drainage for planting.

3. Rotation is implemented, requiring rotation for more than three to four years on land that has been planted with Washington brown.

4. Strengthen field management, increase the application of organic fertilizer, promote plant growth, deep roots and leaves, and improve resistance. Carry out high ridge (border) cultivation. Proper control of watering in the rainy season, timely drainage after rain, so that the rain is dry; timely watering in case of drought, flooding is strictly prohibited during watering, and carried out in sunny afternoon or evening.

5. Give priority to prevention and comprehensive prevention. Usually pay attention to observation, often prune dead branches and leaves, find diseased plants, clean them up in time, bury them deeply or burn them, and disinfect the diseased points with lime.

II. Chemical control

One or two months before and during the onset of summer, 64% alum wettable powder (1 ∶ 500 to 600), 80% aluminum ethyl phosphate (1 ∶ 400), or other dioxin, such as carbendazim, that is, Tushuxiao (common dosage is 600 to 700 times), stone sulfur mixture (1 ∶ 1 ∶ 100), dioxone (500 times), etc. Specific prevention and control methods: when transplanting Washington brown, first spray the planting site and Washington brown roots with 600 to 700 times solution of soil bacteria, or dig a pit to sterilize in the sun on a continuous sunny day, or sprinkle lime powder to disinfect, or disinfect the soil with 500 times solution of dimethazone.

After the typhoon, timely spray disinfectant alum (better) or ethyl phosphate aluminum (easy to produce drug resistance), add 0.4% washing powder to heart or spray prevention and treatment. It can also be sprayed with 80% mancozeb 700 times solution, once every 7 to 10 days, even two or three times, which can effectively prevent and control the occurrence of Phytophthora. After taking this measure, the incidence of Washington Brown and Mao Washington Brown in the Shanghai base of Guangdong Palm Garden Company has dropped from 20% in 2004 to less than 10%.

Experience of prevention and treatment

The control effect of carbendazim is not obvious. At the initial stage of the disease, if all the leaves are cut off and transplanted elsewhere, about 30% of the plants can be revived one after another after 2 to 3 years, but the growth is poor.

It is understood that the disease rarely occurs in high-temperature and dry areas such as Los Angeles, so the disease is related to high temperature and humidity, and it is infected through surface water, groundwater and Rain Water. When the roots, trunks and leaves of the plant are damaged, the bacteria invade and multiply in large quantities when the water is sufficient, which eventually leads to the blockage of vascular conducting tissue and the loss of water and wilting and death of the plant. In fact, the heart rot introduced in the literature is also Phytophthora, but it occurs in the heart lobe.

The disease is different from anthrax, which occurs in leaves, appears watery spots, and then expands into larger spots, which is easy to be found. generally, carbendazim and other agents can be used for prevention and treatment. As for leaf spot disease, it refers to the disease on leaves, the common pathogens are leaf spot mold, Alternaria, and so on, which often cause leaf blight, but anthracnose and leaf spot rarely cause plant death. Technique of transplanting large seedlings of single stem

Preparation before transplantation

l. The roots of the seedlings to be transplanted were cut in advance, the size of the soil ball was twice the diameter of the ground, and the depth of the roots was 50 cm to 60 cm. The broken root soil should be backfilled in time after removing stones and broken roots, and do a good job of moisturizing: the purpose is to calcine the adaptability of seedlings and tend to grow new roots. After cutting the root, it is best to retain it for more than 30 days, and not transplant until the new root begins to germinate. If the use of false planting seedlings, the effect is better.

two。 Dig holes and prepare for ploughing. The planting site is burrowed 20 days before transplantation, and the size of the hole is generally 1.5 times that of the earth ball. When the burrowed soil is exposed to the sun in the open air for a period of time, it is best to use pre-prepared mixed soil: pond mud + farm manure or mushroom soil + appropriate amount of mature phosphate fertilizer + appropriate amount of river sand, sand ∶ mud is 4 ∶ 6.

Planting time

The Pearl River Delta region can be transplanted throughout the year, preferably in spring and autumn, and try to avoid summer and winter, especially in January and July. Palm plants mostly like temperature and humidity, the summer air temperature is high, and the seedlings evaporate quickly, which is easy to cause too much water loss and affect survival; in winter, the temperature is low, there is even frost in some places, and the strong north wind is easy to cause frostbite or even freeze to death of seedlings.

Transplanting seedlings

The stem of some single-stem palm seedlings is thicker, the workload of transplanting is heavy, and the seedlings are easy to be injured, so it is necessary to use gunny bags or straw to cover the trunk, especially the green trunk at the boundary between the trunk and petiole. One is to protect and expand the tree trunk, and the other is to moisturize and protect against the sun. In addition, the seedlings are combined with pruning leaves to remove old leaves and retain 40% to 45% of the leaves (depending on the strength of the tree). At the same time, cut off the leaf and petiole to reduce the evaporation of water.


The seedlings had better be planted on the same day. If the time is too long, the water evaporation of the seedlings is large, and it is easy to survive due to water loss. If you can't finish planting on the same day, cover it with a shade net and spray a small amount of water on the leaves every day to shade and moisturize.

1. Return to the soil to set the position of the seedlings, that is, to return to the soil. When you return the soil to half the height of the earth ball, the loose soil will be compacted first. After returning to the soil, the mound is made into a "water storage basin" with a slightly higher surrounding and a slightly lower middle to facilitate water retention and moisturizing.

two。 Immediately after dripping water back to the soil, immediately drench the root water, before dripping water, use bamboo sticks to insert the loose soil around the soil ball, until the loose soil no longer sinks.

3. There are many kinds of fixed supports, and the triangular support made of three bamboo poles is the most economical and practical one. The height of the binding is at 2 stroke 3 of the trunk.

Post-planting management

l. Moisturizing spray leaf and trunk bandage twice a day, except in rainy days, to spray wet leaf and trunk bandage. The roots are not drenched with water, because there is excess water flowing down, and the stagnant water causes rotten roots. Cover straw around the tree head to prevent the soil from hardening caused by excessive soil temperature difference, and keep the soil around the soil ball loose, moist and aerated, which is conducive to the germination of new roots.

two。 Fangfeng is generally tall because the large seedlings of single-stem palm plants are generally high, and they are often affected by thunderstorms and strong winds after transplantation, so it is necessary to regularly check whether the support is loose after planting, especially if you find that the trunk is tilted after the gale.

3. About a month after topdressing, urea water can be used as extra-root topdressing, spray, topdressing time about half a month. After the first new leaf is grown and ripe, dig holes and fertilize with fully mature peanut bran. The hole-digging position is outside the edge of the soil ball to open a circular trench with a width and depth of 30 cm, and the fertilizer and backfill should be mixed evenly.

4. Because of the relatively weak tree potential, the newly transplanted single-stem palm seedlings are extremely vulnerable to diseases and insect pests, especially young leaves and heart leaves. Insecticidal can be killed with 5% methamidophos and 5% omethoate. At present, the invasive pest "coconut leaf beetle" is very harmful to palm plants. Adults and larvae concentrate on the foliage of heart leaves that have not yet been unfolded, resulting in the death of some or all of the newly extracted leaves and slow growth of the damaged plants. even withered. There are the following prevention and control methods: ① 81% marathon emulsion 1000 times, ② cypermethrin 500x solution, ③ use of "coconut Jiaqing", can achieve a good control effect. According to the actual operation, the author thinks that the most simple, convenient and long-term method is to combine with binding "Coconut Jia Qing" to prevent and cure it on the heart leaves.

About a month after planting, palm science university seedlings can determine whether they survive according to whether their leaves remain green or not, but in order to really determine their survival, it is generally necessary to wait for a growing season and take whether they have sent out new shoots and roots as the standard. After the author adopts the above transplanting techniques, the transplanting survival rate is increased from 75% to more than 90%, and the above techniques are highly operational, so it is necessary to popularize and apply them.

Transplanting techniques of seedlings, big trees and clump seedlings

Key techniques of seedling transplanting

Palm plants are most suitable for transplanting within a period of time after they germinate and take root. At this time, the seedlings are small and can be transplanted with seeds. in addition, there are few whisker roots, so it is not easy to damage the roots when transplanting seedlings. Using nutrition bag to raise seedlings, the size depends on the time of cultivating seedlings. Generally speaking, it is appropriate to use 16 cm × 18 cm container for 1-year-old seedlings and 19 cm × 20 cm for 2-year-old seedlings. Too small nutrition bag is not conducive to the rapid growth of seedlings. Loose topsoil, burning soil and wheat bran were mixed with a small amount of phosphate fertilizer according to the ratio of 5 ∶ 2 ∶ 1, and then bagged. First put in half a bag of mixed soil and then release the seedlings, then straighten the seedlings and compact them, so that the roots of the seedlings are close to the mixed soil and drenched through water. Palm plants should not be planted too deep, otherwise the growth of seedlings will be affected. When it is too deep, the seedlings should be lifted up to make the roots of the seedlings expand.

Key techniques for transplanting big trees

Palm plants are cultivated in the nursery for 5 to 10 years, and most of them need to be transplanted in separate beds for several times, so sparse planting and strong seedlings are selected, and the survival rate is higher.

To reduce the damage to the root group, the root tissue of palm plants is young, and there are many lateral roots and capillary roots. When digging, they should take large soil balls as much as possible and prevent them from loosening and cracking. The course of root injury should be reduced to a minimum in order to maintain normal respiration and water absorption and improve the survival rate of transplantation. During the construction, the line should be accurately laid out and the hole should be determined to avoid overwork and prevent the soil ball from being loose.

The amount of leaves retained in leaf pruning and transplanting should be comprehensively determined according to different species, climate at the time of transplantation, transplantation and maintenance conditions.

Generally, about 40% of the original number of leaves should be retained. Too many leaves will lead to withered and yellow leaves due to large water evaporation; if there are too few leaves, the plant recovery is difficult and the cycle is long, and the initial landscape effect is not good.

In the process of digging, transporting, loading and unloading the stem and its pseudostem, the stem should be protected from damage, and the part of the pseudostem should not be squeezed and bent, which is the guarantee of plant health and rejuvenation as soon as possible.

Palm plants in the newly planted soil will damage the root tip during transplantation, and it is difficult to germinate new root tip within one month after transplantation, so the water absorption capacity is weak. At this time, good water permeability and air permeability of the soil is conducive to the survival of seedlings, so large holes should be dug and attention should be paid to the quality of guest soil, and peat soil and compound fertilizer should be added to facilitate recovery after palm planting.

Maintenance within one month after planting, the adaptability of the plant is poor, to deal with the careful maintenance of seedlings, must be timely replenishment of water, proper shade, and strive to make it have new leaves to sprout within three months. If there is a rainy climate for several consecutive days after transplanting, palm seedlings will recover better because they can avoid the influence of adverse factors such as hot sun on rainy days.

Key techniques for transplanting large-scale clustered seedlings

The tufted species of Palmaceae have multiple growing points and can grow new roots more quickly after transplanting. However, tufted palms also have some disadvantages, such as large water evaporation due to trunk weight and large leaf area, and being vulnerable to strong winds because of poor air permeability. Therefore, in addition to the disposal according to the transplantation of dry palms, the following technical measures should be added:

1. After the implementation of the "hairy root method" transplantation, after digging up the larger soil balls, use a small shovel to remove part of the soil along the outer edge of the soil balls, retain more fibrous roots and moderate soil balls, and immediately outsource moisturizing lightweight materials to reduce the weight of the soil balls and ensure survival. For example, this method can be used for the transplantation of clump palms with slow recovery, such as fishbone sunflower and betel nut.

two。 The implementation of bare root pseudo-planting or pot planting concentrated maintenance until the new root germination, plant stability before formal planting. This method is suitable for rough tufted palms such as loose-tailed sunflower, strange wrinkle palm and Hawaiian coconut, which can reduce freight and facilitate construction.

In short, the transplantation of large seedlings and big trees of palm plants is to grasp five aspects, namely: selecting strong seedlings; digging soil balls and carefully transplanting seeds; moderately pruning leaves; doing a good job of ventilation and drainage of planting land; and sun protection and moisturizing after planting. The sign of the success of transplanting big seedlings and trees is that most of the leaves can be preserved and new leaves can be sprouted within half a year after planting, among which three healthy new leaves can be used as the complete success of the transplant.

Drainage: the hydrological condition of the planting land should be understood first, and the bottom of the soil ball should be placed at the position where the soil ball is 100-150CM above the perennial underground water level line and the soil layer is thick. at the same time, the underground soil ball root hydrophobic layer and the surface runoff drainage network should be done well to prevent the soil ball from accumulating water after planting. If the hydrological conditions can not meet the requirements, the method of throwing high soil balls can be adopted, that is, mixing fertile soil with loose medium or heaping high planting land with coarse sand to meet the above requirements as far as possible, and then placing the plant on the soil mound, and filling the soil ball with mixed loose soil or planting soil mixed with rot soil; remove debris from the soil around the planting site, or properly use loose medium to improve the soil, so as to achieve the condition of loosening and ventilating the root of the plant. Strengthen the inspection in the rainy season, dredge the drainage facilities and loosen the soil at the roots in time, so as to prevent waterlogging and drainage. Moisturizing: immediately after planting, the fixed root water should be irrigated to ensure that the root of the soil ball is moist and closely combined with the surrounding soil to promote the development of the root system, and then irrigate the soil ball three times in time to prevent the topsoil from cracking. In the hot summer, more water should be sprayed on the ground and canopy to increase the ambient temperature and reduce transpiration; the moisturizing treatment of the leaf surface includes: a, the newly planted seedlings should be properly built to reduce the transpiration area of the leaves; b, anti-transpiration agents should be properly sprayed on the leaves to inhibit the physiological metabolism of plants and reduce the physiological dehydration of plants. C. Under fine weather conditions, we should spray water to the leaves as much as possible, strengthen the water absorption of leaves and weaken transpiration; check the water status of soil balls and roots at any time and replenish water in time to ensure the moisture of soil balls and the permeability of root respiration. Fertilization: after planting, in addition to moisturizing the plant, foliar fertilizer with appropriate low concentration can be sprayed to strengthen the nutritional supplement after planting. Check the root germination status of the plant frequently, if it is found that the plant grows new roots, you can consider increasing root fertilization, generally choose the season when the monthly average temperature is higher than 20 ℃, apply organic fertilizer as much as possible, and properly apply compound fertilizer with high P and K content, so as to promote the nutritional balance of the plant and ensure its Shaanxi to restore healthy growth. Pest control: spraying medicine before the nursery comes out of the nursery, and after arriving at the construction site, it is also necessary to spray the plant before unloading, and to ensure that the plant is sprayed three times at intervals of one week to ten days after planting, and then it is necessary to formulate a reasonable pest control plan. Special

Part 9: "maintenance Program"

Shilien (Nanjing) Optoelectronics Co., Ltd.





Nanjing Gensen Flower and Tree Co., Ltd.

October 8, 2010

General situation of project

Shilien (Nanjing) Optoelectronics Co., Ltd. is located at No. 31 Hengfei Road, Nanjing Economic and technological Development Zone, with a green area of 28186 square meters. The greening plant configuration in the factory area is relatively reasonable, the color is rich, and the seasonal change is obvious, forming a hierarchical and natural ecological plant community, which basically shows the natural landscape of plants. The configuration of plant flowers, shrubs and hedges among factories makes each plant form different landscape styles. The factory has planted dozens of plant varieties, such as camphor, magnolia, beech, sweet-scented osmanthus, crape myrtle and so on, among which there are boulevards composed of camphor, ancient red maple, fruit pomegranate, Xifu begonia, ginkgo, Canadian jujube and other varieties.

In view of the existing situation of the greening landscape in the factory area, we think that the initial construction of greening is relatively extensive, and the understanding of plant habits is not enough, especially the replacement of planting soil in the greening land is not in place, and the garbage soil in some areas has not been replaced, resulting in poor plant growth.

Arrangement of greening maintenance plan

January (Lesser Cold, Greater Cold)

1. Fruit trees are shaped and pruned.

two。 Always pay attention to check cold-proof equipment, facilities and seedling cold-proof bandages.

3. Turn the land for winter ploughing and apply sufficient winter fertilizer.

4. Cut off the branches and leaves of withered, residual, disease and insect pests, and thoroughly remove the overwintering skin insect sac, stinging moth cocoon and latent overwintering insect pests.

February (the Beginning of Spring, Rain Water)

1. Continue to prune deciduous and fruit trees in winter.

two。 Continue to cut off the branches of diseases and insect pests, and pay attention to observe the occurrence of diseases and insect pests (such as cotton blowing scale, grass scale, etc.).

3. Continue to accumulate fertilizer and make compost, prepare culture soil, and continue to apply winter fertilizer to all kinds of deciduous trees. March (stinging, the Spring Equinox)

The weather is getting warmer and many diseases and insect pests are about to occur. It is necessary to maintain and repair all kinds of pest control and disease prevention equipment and prepare medicines. Pay attention to the occurrence of aphids and paramecium and control them in time. April (Qingming Festival, Grain Rain)

1. Do a good job in the prevention and control of scale insects, mites, ground tigers, aphid grubs, mole crickets and powdery mildew and rust.

two。 Do a good job of loosening soil, weeding, fertilizing before flowering and so on. Thin fertilizer should be applied to perennial root flowers and spring sowing grass flowers every week.

3. Do a good job of peeling and pruning trees. Remove superfluous buds and inappropriate branches at any time.

4. Dredge and repair the drainage system.

May (the Beginning of Summer, Lesser Fullness of Grain)

1. The shrubs that bloom in spring are pruned after flowering and hedgerows are trimmed. According to the technical operation requirements, the trees are pruned, and the roots of the seedlings that sprout are pruned at any time.

two。 Continue to strengthen the maintenance and management of trees, do a good job in replenishing seedlings, interspersing seedlings, fixing seedlings, increasing topdressing and frequently applying thin fertilizer.

3. As the temperature is getting higher and higher this month, a large number of diseases and insect pests do harm to trees and flowers, so we should pay attention to the prediction and forecast of insect situation and do a good job in pest prevention and disease prevention.

4. Carry out lawn rolling and cutting to continue to remove weeds from the lawn.

June (Grain in Beard, the Summer Solstice)

1. This month enters the plum rainy season, the temperature is high, the humidity is high, should carry on the replanting as soon as possible.

two。 The flowering shrubs were pruned and fertilized after flowering, and some spring sowing grass flowers were pruned.

3. Continue to remove weeds and continue to roll and cut.

4. To do a good job in the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests, this month we will focus on the prevention and control of bag moth, diamondback moth, poisonous moth, inchworm, tortoise scale and other pests as well as leaf spot, anthrax and coal pollution.

July (Lesser Heat, Greater Heat)

1. The weather is hot this month and weeds are growing fast. We should continue ploughing, weeding and loosening the soil.

two。 There are a large number of pests such as bag moth, diamondback moth, longicorn beetle, tortoise scale, shield scale, the second generation cotton blowing scale, mites and so on. at the same time, we should continue to control anthracnose, powdery mildew, leaf spot and so on.

3. When the temperature is high in summer, Rain Water should be irrigated to fight drought. This month is also a month with more torrential rain, so we should pay attention to flood prevention.

4. As the typhoon and tidal flood season enters this month, it is necessary to do a good job in Taiwan prevention and flood control, check regularly, and correct the wind and fallen trees in time.

August (the Beginning of Autumn, the End of Heat)

1. Continue ploughing, weeding and loosening the soil.

two。 Continue to do a good job in drought prevention and drainage to ensure the normal growth of seedlings.

3. The seedlings are growing vigorously this month, so fertilizer should be applied in time and thin fertilizer should be applied to the seedlings.

4. Continue to do a good job in typhoon prevention and flood control, and correct the fallen trees as soon as they are found.

5. To continue to do a good job in the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests, it is necessary to conscientiously control the main pests that harm trees (diamondback moth, second-generation diamondback moth, longicorn beetles, mites, etc.) and major diseases (powdery mildew, anthracnose, leaf spot, etc.).

September (White Dew, the Autumn Equinox)

1. Continue to do a good job in pest control and disease control; in particular, it is necessary to regularly check the occurrence of aphids and cysts, and immediately prevent and cure them as soon as they are found.

two。 Continue to carry out intermediate ploughing and weeding, continue to remove lawn weeds, carry out lawn rolling and pruning, and trim balls and hedges.

3. Continue to do a good job in pest prevention and control. In particular, it is necessary to check the occurrence of aphids, pocket moth, diamondback moth, brown spot, flower and shrub coal pollution and other diseases and pests, timely prevention and control.

October (Cold Dew, Frosts Descent)

1. Do a good job in the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests and eliminate all kinds of adults and eggs.

two。 Continue to plough and weed.

3. After the seedlings stop growing, check the survival rate, find out the family background, and ensure the smooth progress of winter and spring greening work.

November (the Beginning of Winter, Lesser Snow)

1. Do a good job in preventing the cold, whitening some trees or bandaging them with grass rope.

two。 Pruning trees in winter, cutting off diseased branches and dead branches; there are insect egg branches and competitive branches.