
Two kinds of waste residues rich in phosphorus fertilizer are given to crab claw orchid and longevity flower to eat 1 point. Flower buds jump up sharply

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Two kinds of waste residue rich in "phosphate fertilizer","eat 1 point" for crab claw orchid and longevity flower, flower bud suddenly jump flower cultivation has become a living habit of many people, but also become a hobby of many people. A lot of friends and family around always like to raise some flowers...

2 kinds of waste residues rich in "phosphorus fertilizer", give crab claw orchid, longevity flower "eat 1 point", flower bud jumps up fiercely

Flower cultivation has become a habit of many people and a hobby of many people. A lot of friends and family around always like to raise some flowers and plants, put them at home, both to purify the air, but also to beautify the environment, leisure time to take care of them, but also to relax.

Especially for flower lovers, always like to raise a variety of flowers and plants, as more and more potted plants, they need more time and energy to take care of them, sometimes especially to water flowers, fertilization, workload is also very large. Today, I would like to share with you that two kinds of domestic garbage common in life, as long as they are properly treated, are very good phosphorus and potassium fertilizers for flower cultivation.

It is autumn now, is a period of rapid growth of many flowers, especially for such as clivia, crab claw orchid, longevity flowers these flowering plants in winter, autumn must give them sufficient phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, in order to promote the development of flower buds, in winter beautiful flowers.

Egg shells and bones are made into phosphorus and potassium fertilizers

Every household has egg shells. When there are egg shells at home, you can dry them and then smash them into powder. Egg shells are rich in phosphorus and nitrogen, which are essential nutrients for plant growth. If you have fish bones, chicken bones, pig bones, you can wash them in clean water, remove salt, and then put them in the sun for two days, smashed into powder, as a flower fertilizer. Because bones are rich in calcium, phosphorus and potassium, bone meal can be mixed with egg shell powder as fertilizer to supplement phosphorus and potassium. Of course, it can also be used alone.

For example, if you raise crab orchids and longevity flowers at home, you can remove the soil on the surface of the flower pot, then evenly sprinkle a layer of egg shell and bone meal mixture on the flower pot, and then cover a layer of soil on the flower pot for watering and normal maintenance. The plant roots can absorb nutrients, especially the phosphorus and potassium elements in the bone meal and egg shell, which can effectively promote the rapid growth of plant flower buds and promote the beautiful flowers of plants in winter.

Of course, egg shell powder and bone powder can also be mixed with soil when changing pots and soil for plants, so that the fertilizer effect will last longer.

Egg shells and bones are garbage in life and are often thrown away. For flower growers, they can be treated as flower fertilizers, which are not only effective, but also convenient to use.

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