
Cultivation techniques of cut sunflower

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Cut flowers are flowers cut from blooming sunflowers and arranged into bouquets, flower baskets and other floral decorations. Therefore, cut sunflower is mainly used for decoration and planting varieties. The following is an introduction to the cultivation techniques of cut sunflower

Cut flowers are cut from blooming sunflowers to arrange flowers and make flower bouquets, baskets and other flower decorations. Therefore, cut sunflowers are mainly planted for decoration. Next, let's introduce the planting techniques of cut sunflowers.

Suitable temperature for germination: 24 ℃

Suitable temperature for growth: 13-18 ℃

Planting site selection:

Cut sunflowers are suitable for growing in soils under most conditions. Choose a place with good light and good drainage.

Soil preparation:

Cut sunflowers are suitable for planting in soils with relatively low levels of nutrition. The soil with EC value greater than 0.7 will cause the plant to grow too high. Excessive nitrogen fertilizer in summer will lead to overgrowth of plants and abnormal flower patterns.

The sowing of seeds:

Sow the seeds directly on the seedling bed and cover them gently with soil. Fully watered, it should be noted that the soil is loose and has enough oxygen. If sowing in greenhouse, the highest room temperature is 25 ℃ and the lowest temperature is 10 ℃. If you want to sow seeds outdoors, you need to keep the soil temperature above 10 ℃. The seeds germinated in about 6 days. The ideal spacing is 15cm to 15cm. Intensive planting production will help to reduce the number of lateral branches and facilitate the production of 12 cm flower heads.


The temperature at night is not less than 10 ℃ and the temperature during the day is not higher than 25 ℃.


Less fertilizer is needed to produce high-quality cut sunflowers. When the balanced calcium nitrate fertilizer with nitrogen content of 50-75ppm was sprayed, the EC value of the medium was controlled in the range of 0.6-0.7. In order to keep the color of sunflower leaves healthy, magnesium sulfate is used to supplement magnesium in 30ppm every month. Moderate watering prevents overgrowth or weakness of the plant.


It blossoms for about 60 days in summer and 80 days in winter, depending on the temperature and sunshine length of the cultivation site. Generally speaking, plants blossom faster when the sunshine length is less than 12 hours, but the disk and stem are smaller. Under the condition of long sunshine of more than 13 hours, the plant blossomed late, but the disk was large and the stem was high.


When the flower bud is opened for about 1 / 4, in order to ensure the longest vase life, it is necessary to ensure that it is harvested at the right time. Postponing the harvest will shorten the vase life.

Bottle care measures:

Insert it into a vase containing fresh water. The flowers usually last 10-14 days (pruning the base of the stem is recommended for each change of water, and the vase time will be increased). It is recommended to keep the vase in a cool room (7-10 ℃) and avoid direct sunlight.

The above is the planting technology of cut sunflower. I hope it will be helpful to you. If you want to know more about agricultural technology, please follow Huinong School!

Cultivation techniques of cut sunflower

The variety of cut sunflower 'Golden 08' has come to the fore in the market in recent years and has been recognized by growers and professionals. it is currently planted in more than ten cities such as Beijing, Guangzhou, Shanghai and Xi'an. This variety won the Bronze Award for fresh cut Flowers at the Seventh China International Flower Expo held in 2009. Golden 08' is an annual herb of the genus Compositae sunflower, which has the advantages of warm sex, drought tolerance, high temperature resistance, lodging resistance and adaptability, and can be planted annually (in winter in the north). This variety is not easy to be attacked by diseases and insect pests, is resistant to close planting and can be managed extensively. Cultivation management 1. Seedling raising and transplanting can improve the uniformity of plants and the yield of commercial cut flowers. The seedling can be raised by acupoint plate and nutrition bowl, and the ratio of seedling substrate is two parts of peat, one part of vermiculite and one part of sand, and a small amount of organic fertilizer can be mixed at the same time. In unconditional places, the ground seedling method can also be used to raise seedlings, the specific method is to make a small high border of about one meter to level the fine border surface, and sow seeds according to the plant row spacing of 5 cm × 5 cm. 'Golden 08' is a hybrid F1 seed, the ability of top soil is relatively weak, sowing should not be too deep, generally about one centimeter. Covering soil after sowing, light suppression, such as raising seedlings in winter and spring can be covered with plastic film to keep warm, and shorten the emergence time. Keep the soil moist after sowing. Seedlings generally emerge 3 to 5 days after sowing in summer and 5 to 10 days in winter and spring. two。 Transplanting as early as possible can not only shorten the slow seedling time, but also prevent the occurrence of "tall seedlings". Generally, it can be transplanted when a pair of true leaves are grown. The row spacing of plants is 20 cm × 20 cm. 3. After planting slow seedlings with water and fertilizer management, the water should be properly controlled to prevent overgrowth. After budding, it was properly watered according to the growth of the plant to meet the growth needs. It is not recommended to apply base fertilizer so as not to make the stem too thick and affect the ornamental quality. Topdressing or foliar spraying can be used according to plant growth. 4. The growth of weeding in middle tillage is relatively slow in seedling stage, so we should do a good job in weeding and cover soil in combination with middle tillage to enhance its lodging resistance. 5. Because the lateral buds of the bottom leaves are relatively dense, the old leaves at the bottom can be properly removed after budding to increase the permeability and prevent the old leaves from being infected by diseases. 'Golden 08 'seldom has lateral branches, but if individual plants appear, the lateral buds should be knocked out as soon as possible. 6. Rotation planting taboo soil continuous cropping, after planting three or four crops need to rotate land, do a good job of soil disinfection, in order to prevent the breeding of diseases and insect pests. 7. The main diseases for disease control are bacterial leaf spot, rust, stem rot, powdery mildew, black spot and Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. Insect pests include aphids, blind bugs, red spiders and beetles, which can be prevented if they occur. The time from sowing to flowering of 'Golden 08' is greatly affected by the planting season. In Beijing, when sowing in the open field from April to August, it usually blossoms from 50 to 55 days after sowing. Those planted in ordinary solar greenhouses in February, March, September and October blossom in 70 to 80 days. Those planted in ordinary solar greenhouses in January, November and December generally bloom from 100 to 120 days after sowing. The study shows that the harvest time has a great influence on the inflorescence diameter, the final opening degree and the vase period of vase cut flowers. The harvest time is neither too old nor too late, and the specific time can be determined according to the time required for the harvest to be put on the market. Under normal circumstances, the bud crack and yellow filament protruding can be harvested.

Cultivation techniques of Oil Sunflower

[FAQ] how to cultivate oil sunflowers?

[expert answer] cultivation techniques of oil sunflower:

1. Determination of plot selection, sowing date, sowing amount and density

Do not plant sunflowers in continuous cropping or compartment planting. The same piece of land should be planted at an interval of at least 3 years. Continuous cropping will lead to the occurrence of diseases and insect pests and the imbalance of soil nutrition, resulting in serious yield reduction. The soil salt content should not exceed 4500 plants / 667m2, follow the principle of "fertile land should be sparse, thin land should be dense", and the density should be controlled properly. Sowing is available from the beginning of April to the end of June. The selection of sowing time in spring is based on the principle of avoiding high temperature period in flowering, and early in summer sowing. Sunflower planting in saline-alkali land should be arranged before returning salt.

Fertilization, irrigation and field management

Sunflower has strong resistance to barren and can absorb nutrients from deep soil, but it needs more fertilizer. Fertilizer application is mainly based on foot fertilizer before sowing and combined with irrigation and topdressing at bud stage. Generally use diammonium phosphate as seed fertilizer before sowing, apply 20kg/667 square meters, seeds and fertilizers can not be mixed to avoid burning seeds. Bud stage combined with soil topdressing urea 20~25kg/667 square meters. Generally, sunflower is irrigated three times in growth period, and once in seedling stage, bud stage and flowering stage respectively, but special attention should be paid to irrigation in saline-alkali land, especially when seedling height is 20~40cm, improper irrigation can easily cause salt damage and even death of seedlings. Flood water is better for irrigation in bud stage, which can not only meet the requirement of water content, but also press alkali. Field management is mainly about ploughing and soil cultivation to prevent weeds and lodging. The seedling should be fixed at 1: 2, too late will affect the yield, and special attention should be paid to the harm of 4D-butyl ester to sunflower at seedling stage.

III. Florescence management

Sunflowers are mainly pollinated by bees in production, so we must ensure that there is an adequate source of bees. The number of beehives in the field is the best with 3 bees per hectare. The yield can be increased by 10% to 30%. In the flowering period, if the number of bees is very small, artificial auxiliary pollination should be carried out. Generally, the "powder puff" pollination method should be used to gently touch the disk and pollinate for 2 or 3 times. Do not use too much force during pollination so as not to damage the stigma.

IV. Timely harvest

The timely harvest of sunflower is very important. Early harvest results in unfull grain maturity, low 1000-grain weight, high husk degree, high moisture content and low oil content, which have an impact on yield and quality. Too late harvest results in excessive water loss of seeds on the disk, loose arrangement between seeds, easy to drop grains, and later harm to birds and rats, but also encounter natural effects such as rain and hail, but can not achieve the goal of increasing production and income.

[editor's comments] Sunflower cultivation has many uses, such as cutting flowers, eating sunflower seeds, or squeezing oil. the cultivation and management methods of the three are all different. We have introduced the cultivation methods of the first two before. Now, the first agricultural economic editor has introduced the cultivation and management techniques of oil sunflowers for you. I hope it will be helpful to you. That's all for you in this article. Thank you for your support!