
Practical techniques and daily maintenance management of hydroponic flower cultivation

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, How to cultivate hydroponic flowers? Hydroponic flowers can be said to be quite common in people's life today, so the editor will talk with you about the technological process and maintenance and management techniques of hydroponic flower cultivation.

How to cultivate hydroponic flowers? Hydroponic flowers can be said to be quite common in people's life today, so the editor will talk with you about the hydroponic flower cultivation process and maintenance and management technology.

1 technological process of hydroponic flower cultivation

(1) Root washing and pruning is the first link of hydroponic flower cultivation, first soak the pre-selected flower roots in clean water, gently rub and wash with your hands, remove the soil, and after washing, cut off the old and weak roots, leaving the strong and strong parts.

(2) to disinfect the root, because the pruned part is easy to be infected, this link is essential. It can be soaked in chlorothalonil, carbendazim or potassium permanganate aqueous solution to achieve the purpose of disinfection. Strictly control the soaking time and dry naturally after soaking.

(3) entering the process of domestication and rooting, when the root length reaches 3~5cm, it is quickly put into a glass container. Under suitable conditions, such as temperature and humidity, neat and sturdy aquatic roots can be formed in a short time.

2 maintenance and management technology of hydroponic flowers

After the successful cultivation of hydroponic flowers, the maintenance and management in the later stage is very important, and we need to pay attention to the following six aspects:

2.1 fertilization is scientific and reasonable

Fertilization is an important measure to promote the healthy growth of flowers. Hydroponic flowers can not grow without fertilizer, and the principles of fertilization are light, few and sparse. The N fertilizer in fertilizer can make plant leaves thicker and greener, but excessive fertilization will make the leaves of hydroponic flowers dim, which will affect their ornamental. Therefore, N fertilizer can be used as auxiliary fertilizer, mainly P and K fertilizer, and fertilize scientifically and rationally according to seasonal changes at any time. Such as in summer, it is necessary to reduce the concentration of fertilizer to avoid fertilizer damage.

2.2 Water replenishment and change should be timely.

Hydroponic flowers mainly live in water and are very dependent on water. Water is an indispensable condition for their survival. Water provides nutrients and air for flower growth. Due to the absorption of flower roots and water evaporation, water will be reduced and water needs to be replenished in time. In addition, changing water is also important, because if the fertilizer is not fully absorbed, some of it will remain in the water, endangering flowers. Coupled with other reasons, the root system of flowers will rot, the water will become turbid, mosquitoes and algae breed and so on, thus affecting the healthy growth of flowers. Therefore, fresh water should be replaced in time to promote plant growth. When changing water, the redundant, aging and decaying roots are cut off at the same time to ensure the healthy growth of flowers.

2.3 timely pruning of roots and leaves

Hydroponic flowers have been living in water, after a period of time, the roots of flowers will be woody aging, and there will often be the problem of root rot, which is not conducive to the healthy growth of flowers. In order to solve these problems, the aging and decaying roots should be cut off in time to make flowers grow aquatic roots again. In addition, if the flower root system is particularly developed, affecting the ornamental of the flower, it is necessary to prune these roots to ensure the root activity of the flower. At the same time, we should also pay attention to the branches and leaves of flowers, if the ornamental impact on flowers, pruning is very necessary to ensure that flowers have a higher ornamental.

2.4 replenish dissolved oxygen

The supplement of dissolved oxygen can ensure the normal growth of hydroponic flowers, because hydroponic flowers grow and survive in a static container culture mode, which is particularly easy to cause low dissolved oxygen, so it is necessary to supplement dissolved oxygen. The amount of dissolved oxygen can be increased by increasing the number of times of changing water, especially the use of tap water after a period of static exposure to the sun, the effect is better, and it can also vibrate to increase oxygen. This method is suitable for hydroponic flowers with smaller shape. One hand will fix the plant, the other hand gently shake the container, simple and convenient. The aeration method can also be used to increase oxygen, and the oxygen pump can be used to increase the amount of dissolved oxygen in the nutrient solution from time to time.

2.5 spraying water to wash leaves

Hydroponic flowers can grow healthily in the environment of high air humidity, and have higher requirements for air humidity. Therefore, we should do a good job of spraying water to wash leaves during maintenance and spray water on the leaves of flowers, so as to improve air humidity. Otherwise, the dry indoor air will make the focal edge and tip of the leaf, which not only affects its growth, but also affects its ornamental.

2.6 proper ventilation

In the process of the growth of hydroponic flowers, it is also a necessary condition to maintain a good ventilation environment. If the indoor ventilation is poor, the oxygen content in the water will be rapidly reduced, which will have a negative impact on the growth of hydroponic flowers, while maintaining good indoor ventilation can increase the oxygen content in the water. Therefore, ventilation should be strengthened to promote the healthy growth of flowers.

These are all the contents brought by the editor of Huinong Network today. Friends who have ideas to grow hydroponic flowers can refer to them more.

Management and methods of hydroponic flower cultivation hydroponic flowers, like other cultivation, also need certain management. Compared with soil cultivation or substrate cultivation, although the management is relatively simple and the technology is not very complex, strengthening scientific management is still a very important link in the whole process of hydroponics, which is the key to the success of hydroponics.

[1] rational fertilization. As we all know, the medium of hydroponic flowers is water, and the fertilizer used is completely mineral inorganic nutrition, and it is made of a variety of nutrient elements {a large number of elements and trace elements}. For the nutrients contained in water, we are also relatively clear; flowers need a large number of elements nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium is almost blank, the trace elements compared with the soil, is also very different. It is far from being able to meet the normal needs of flowers, so it is said that the timely and reasonable fertilization of hydroponic flowers. It is undoubtedly a very important management measure. So how to master the characteristics, quantity, time and technology of fertilization for hydroponic flowers?

First, we should know that the flowers we plant use pots, bottles, vats and other utensils without bottom holes to apply liquid fertilizer {nutrient solution} in the way of hydroponics, so their fertilization techniques are different from other cultivation. Because the substrate of soil cultivation is soil, and the surface of soil particles can absorb some nutrients, and the excess nutrients can be lost automatically through the leak at the bottom of the basin, so it plays a certain role in buffering the concentration of fertilization. But the fertilization of hydroponic flowers is different. all kinds of nutrient elements in the nutrient solution we apply are all dissolved in water, as long as they slightly exceed the tolerance of flowers to fertilizer concentration, it will cause harm. Due to the above characteristics, it is very important to strictly control the amount and types of fertilizer applied to hydroponic flowers. Therefore, in the application of nutrient solution, attention should be paid to the selection of special fertilizer for hydroponic flowers. And use in strict accordance with the instructions, strictly prevent the application of too much, excessive concentration caused by fertilizer damage.

Second, in the amount and time of fertilization, we should mainly grasp the principle of less application, and according to the number of times of changing water, we should add nutrient fertilizer every time. To replenish the fertilizer loss caused by the change of water. Third, hydroponic flowers should be fertilized scientifically and reasonably according to their different conditions. Reasonable fertilization according to different flower species: this is because different flower species have different adaptability to fertilizer. The general rule is that flowers with slender roots, such as coloured leaf grass, begonia and other flowers have poor fertilizer tolerance and do not need a large amount of fertilizer and higher concentration. Therefore, the principle of light, little and sparse should be grasped when fertilizing. On the other hand, many flowers, such as grain taro, ruby and Xilin taro, are more fertilizer-resistant. The principle of less application and diligent fertilization can be mastered. In addition, the foliage flowers should be fertilized mainly by nitrogen fertilizer, supplemented by phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, in order to ensure that the leaves are thick, smooth and pure. However, we must pay attention to the flower species with color stripes or patches on their leaves, and apply less nitrogen fertilizer appropriately, because when there is too much nitrogen fertilizer, the foliar color will fade, or even disappear, and appropriate application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer should be applied. For flowering flowers, they must be in the stage of flower bud differentiation and flower bud development, mainly phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, and properly supplemented with nitrogen fertilizer, so as not to cause excessive plant growth, resulting in excessive vegetative growth and affecting reproductive growth, resulting in small flowers, few flowers, light flower color, and even the adverse consequences of not blooming. Reasonable fertilization according to season and temperature: generally, when the summer temperature is high, the adaptability of flowers to fertilizer concentration decreases, so the concentration of fertilizer should be reduced at this time, especially for some flowers that are afraid of hot and hot heat, they both enter a dormant state in the high temperature season. the physiological activity of flowers is slow, and their growth is also in a state of semi-stop and stop. For this kind of flowers, fertilizer should be stopped at this time to avoid causing fertilizer damage.

Fertilize according to the growth potential of flowers: as we all know, our indoor lighting conditions are relatively poor. Although most of the foliage flowers cultivated indoors prefer shade or semi-shade environment, the growth of their plants will be relatively weak in the case of lack of light or too weak light for a long time, so the adaptability to fertilizer concentration will also be reduced. for poor growth in poor light conditions, or poor plant growth caused by other reasons, we should stop fertilization, or less fertilization, and try to reduce the concentration of fertilization.

Several problems that should be paid attention to when fertilizing: first, freshly hydroponically cultivated flowers, which have not yet adapted to the environment in the water, often appear that the leaves turn yellow or individual rotten roots are present, so don't rush to apply fertilizer at this time, but stop for about ten days. Fertilize after adapting to the environment or taking new aquatic roots. Second, do not apply urea directly into the water, because urea is a kind of artificial inorganic synthetic organic fertilizer, and hydroponics is cultivated in the state of asepsis or few bacteria. if urea is applied directly, not only flowers can not absorb nutrients, but also some harmful bacteria or microorganisms will multiply quickly and cause water pollution, and cause ammonia damage to flowers and cause flower poisoning. Third, if it is found that excessive fertilization causes the root system of flowers to rot, and causes water quality to deteriorate and pollute and stink, the rotten roots should be cut off quickly, and water should be changed and washed in time.

[2] change the water to wash the roots. The management technology of hydroponic flowers changing water and washing roots is an important link to ensure the good growth of hydroponic flowers. So why do you want to change the water to wash the roots of hydroponic flowers? First, the conditions for plant growth are mainly water, nutrients and air, the water and nutrients of hydroponic flowers can absolutely guarantee their needs, and the oxygen content of oxygen in water will gradually decrease with the growth of flowers, when reduced to a certain extent, it will affect the growth of flowers due to hypoxia, although the oxygen in the air will continue to be replenished to the water, but the amount of oxygen is far from enough. Second, the roots of hydroponic flowers growing in water, on the one hand, absorb nutrients in the water.

On the other hand, some organic substances are discharged into the water, as well as wastes or toxins, which are deposited in the water. When these organic compounds are cultivated in soil, they mainly dissolve the nutrients which are not easily absorbed by the roots, while the wastes and toxins are distributed in the soil space or flow out from the leaks at the bottom of the basin, which will not be absorbed by the roots and affect the normal growth of flowers. On the other hand, there is no bottom hole in the hydroponic container, and these organic substances, wastes or toxins are all deposited in the water and are easily inhaled into the body by plants again, resulting in a vicious circle of repeated absorption, excretion, re-absorption and re-excretion. it is very unfavorable to the normal growth and physiological function of flowers.

Third, hydroponic flowers often apply nutritional fertilizer to the water, except for some mineral elements absorbed by the root system, the rest remain in the water, when the residual material reaches a certain amount, it will also do some harm to the flowers. Fourth, the roots of hydroponic flowers growing in water for a long time will produce a kind of mucus, which will not only affect the absorption of nutrients by flower roots, but also pollute the water.

Due to the above reasons, hydroponic flowers must be managed by regular water change and root washing. So, how do we master the technology and time of root washing by changing water?

One is to change water regularly according to different kinds of flowers and their adaptation to hydroponic conditions. Some flowers, especially aquatic or wet flowers, are well adapted to the hydroponic environment. After hydroponic cultivation, they can continue to grow new roots on the original roots and grow well. For these flowers, the interval between changing water can be longer. However, some flowers do not adapt to the hydroponic environment after hydroponic cultivation, and their recovery and growth is slow, and even root rot occurs after hydroponic cultivation. For these flowers, in the early stage of entering the hydroponic environment, the water should be changed frequently, or even once a day or two. The times of changing water can not be gradually reduced until the new roots germinate and return to normal growth.

Second, there is a close relationship between the temperature and the growth of plants. The higher the temperature, the less the oxygen content in the water; the lower the temperature, the higher the oxygen content in the water. On the other hand, the higher the temperature, the stronger the respiration of plants and the more oxygen they consume; the lower the temperature, the weaker the respiration of plants and the less oxygen they consume. Therefore, the oxygen content decreases when the temperature is high, and there is more oxygen in the water when the temperature is low. Therefore, the water should be changed frequently in the high temperature season, and the interval of water change in the low temperature season is longer.

The third is to master that the flowers grow normally and the plants are strong, and the time of changing water is longer, while those that cause poor growth of flowers and plants due to various reasons, change water frequently. According to the above aspects, for the requirements of changing water and washing roots, we can roughly grasp the following principles; in hot summer, change the water every 4-5 days, and change the water about once a week in spring and autumn. The time of changing water in winter should be longer, generally changing water once every 15-20 days. When changing water, wash away the mucus from the root very carefully, and remember not to break or damage the root system. If you find utensils, rocks and other moss, you should remove them in time. In order to improve the ornamental value and facilitate the normal growth of flowers.

[3] spray water to wash leaves. Hydroponic flowers, especially indoor hydroponic foliage plants, most of them like higher air humidity, if the indoor air is too dry, it will cause the focal tip or edge of the leaves. Thus affecting the ornamental value of flowers. Therefore, usually should often spray water on the plant, so as to improve the humidity of the air, which is conducive to the normal growth of flowers.

[4] proper ventilation. As we said earlier, the quality of hydroponic flowers is directly related to the oxygen content in the water, and the oxygen content in the water is related to the activities of indoor personnel and the quality of ventilation. When the indoor ventilation is poor and the personnel are active frequently, the oxygen content in the water decreases rapidly, which will affect the growth of hydroponic flowers, while maintaining good indoor ventilation can increase the oxygen content in the water. Therefore, for places with hydroponic flowers, ventilation should be strengthened to keep the indoor fresh air and flowers growing well.

[5] pruning in time. For some hydroponic flowers with luxuriant growth and relatively developed roots, when the overlong branches of the plant affect the plant type, the overlong branches should be pruned in time so as not to affect the ornamental, and the cut branches can also be inserted into the utensils of the flowers. let it take root and grow, so that the whole plant is more plump and perfect. The best time to cut the roots is when the flowers begin to grow in spring, or they can also be combined with changing water to cut off the redundant, aging and rotten roots at any time to facilitate normal growth.

[6] keep it hygienic. We know that hydroponic flowers are inorganic nutrients, the most avoid organic matter into the water, not to mention the use of organic fertilizer. Therefore, keeping hydroponic flowers clean and hygienic is the key measure to ensure their good growth. Therefore, usually do not put food or organic fertilizer into hydroponic flowers. You can't put your hands into the water at will to ensure that the water quality used will not deteriorate or pollute, make it clean and hygienic, and ensure the growth of flowers.

[7] keep warm in winter. The warm work of hydroponic flowers in winter is a relatively difficult management content, generally mastering the temperature above 8 degrees, for most hydroponic flowers will not suffer, and the lowest temperature is less than 5 degrees, necessary warm measures must be adopted.

Teach you to manage hydroponic flowers-the daily management method of hydroponic flowers for normal growing general flowers, the water should be changed once in 7-10 days in summer, 15-20 days in spring and autumn, and 15-20 days in winter. When changing water, wash away the mucus from the roots and cut off the rotten roots and yellow leaves. For hydroponic flowers that have just changed pots, because there are many new wounds in their roots and are easy to rot, it is necessary to change water frequently; especially in the high temperature, the oxygen content in the water is reduced, and the water should be changed frequently, and every death should be changed, until the flowers grow new white roots in the water. can gradually reduce the number of water changes. Before changing water, first pour out the stagnant water in the basin, then rinse the inner basin matrix or single-layer basin repeatedly with clean water to wash the remaining nutrient solution, at the same time rinse the plant roots with water, and then pour enough fresh nutrient solution. At ordinary times, when the water consumption is 20% to 30%, it must be replenished with water; be careful not to let the water be too full, but to let part of the root system rise to the surface. The fertilization results of hydroponic flowers are different from those of soil flowers. Because the surface of soil particles can absorb some nutrients, and the excess nutrients can also be lost along with water through the pores at the bottom of the flowerpot, the soil can buffer the concentration of fertilization to a certain extent. Under the condition of hydroponic culture, due to the lack of this regulation mechanism, all fertilizers given to human beings are dissolved in water, and fertilizer damage will occur as long as its concentration slightly exceeds the degree that flowers can endure. Therefore, hydroponic flowers should generally apply special nutrient solution quantitatively, which is prepared according to the proportion, concentration and pH of nutrients needed by flowers. The use of nutrient solution should be strictly in accordance with the requirements listed in the instructions, and do not use it blindly. Ensure appropriate temperature, humidity and ventilation environment. The suitable growth temperature of hydroponic flowers is 18 °C and 25 °C. Often in high-temperature nutrient solution, the roots of hydroponic flowers will turn dark brown and, in severe cases, rot, resulting in the death of the whole plant. Therefore, in summer to prevent direct sunlight basin, lest the water in the basin hot, damage the root system of the plant. Flowers overwintering, to avoid cold air attack, so as not to produce frost damage. Measures can be taken to increase the temperature, such as watering the ground with hot water, turning on the hot fan or electric stove, filling people with heat, and so on. Most indoor foliage plants prefer higher air humidity, usually 50% to 70% relative humidity. Too dry can easily lead to the scorched edge of flower leaves, thus affecting the growth. Plants should often spray water, which can not only improve air humidity, but also remove dust from leaves and beautify the ornamental effect of flowers. The growth of hydroponic flowers is closely related to the oxygen content in water, and the oxygen content in water is related to indoor ventilation and other factors. Keep the room in good communication.