
Sunflower planting techniques and matters needing attention

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Sunflowers are also called immortal flowers, so they are easy to feed, but they are still essential for the maintenance and management of sunflowers. Please see below about sunflower planting techniques and matters needing attention.

Sunflowers are loved by the majority of flower friends because of their large and colorful flowers and continuous blooming. Sunflowers bloom in the morning, evening and cloudy days, so they are also known as sunflowers and noon flowers. Today, the editor will talk about how to raise sunflowers. And matters needing attention for breeding sunflowers?

I. Culture methods of sunflowers

1. The best time to reproduce

The best sowing and propagation time of sunflower is in spring, summer and autumn.

2. The best growing soil.

Sunflowers are OK for poor and thin soil or general soil, of course, it is best to choose sandy soil with good drainage to propagate.

3. Growth temperature and humidity requirements

The amount of water should not be too much, just keep the soil slightly moist, take good drainage measures to prevent stagnant water; when sprouting, the temperature should be controlled at 21-24 degrees, about 7-10 will emerge, because the seedlings are relatively weak, so it is necessary to maintain a higher temperature, which is conducive to the rapid growth of seedlings and the formation of sturdy, fleshy branches and leaves.

4. The best growth light

Sunflowers are more like warm, sunny environment of the potted plants, so to ensure that enough light time, in the display, do not put in a wet place without light.

Matters needing attention in cultivating sunflowers

1. Spread fertilizer

Because sunflowers do not have high requirements for fertilizer, sunflowers are easy to deal with at the point of fertilization. Applying 0.1% potassium dihydrogen phosphate every half a month can make sunflowers bright and blooming.

2. Watering key points

A. growth stage: no frequent watering is required.

B, seedling stage: if the weather is not very hot, and the amount of water evaporation is small, you can not pour too much water.

C, flowering period: because the flowering period is in three days, the weather is hot and the water evaporation is large, so when watering, it needs to be watered thoroughly and fully absorbed.

3. Pruning essentials

In the seedling 3-4cm, cut off the tip of the main branch, soon the wound will grow new shoots, wait until the root branch grows to a certain length, it is also possible to cut off the branch tip, so that the sunflower plant shape becomes more beautiful.

4. Replacement of basin soil

A, base fertilizer: when moving the basin, you should first make the base fertilizer. You can use the expired sesame meal and fish intestines (fermented) as the base fertilizer.

B, culture soil: 3 parts of pastoral mature soil, 5 parts of yellow sand, 2 parts of rice chaff ash or fine sawdust, and then mix evenly with a little calcium superphosphate powder.

5. Main points of reproduction

A, sowing seeds

When sowing, it is best to choose when the temperature is above 20 degrees, cover with thin soil after sowing, and it will germinate after ten days. When the seedlings are planted, each plant is planted at a distance of 5 × 6cm, and liquid fertilizer is applied regularly. Under the growth environment of 15 degrees, it will blossom in about 20 days.

B, cuttage propagation

Choose double variety, in summer, the cut branches will be used as cuttings, and buds will appear after cutting and propagation. When cutting and transplanting, there is no need to carry soil with the plant, and the fruit will crack when it is ripe. At this time, the seeds are easy to fall, so it is necessary to harvest in time.

6. Disease and pest control

A, aphids

It mainly occurs before germination, so imidacloprid 4000 × 5000 times can be used during flower bud expansion period. After germination, imidacloprid 4000 × 5000 times and cypermethrin 2000 × 3000 times can be used to kill aphids, and aphids can be used 1500 times after fruit setting.

B. Coccinellidae

Before germination and in late May, 50-80 times of cloth oil emulsion was sprayed and 1500 times of Tilesbon was added.

Third, the experience of cultivating sunflowers

1. Seedlings overwintering

After Frosts Descent's solar terms, sunflowers need to be moved into the room where there is sunshine. After the Qingming Festival in the second year, sunflowers can be placed outside the window. If there is a lower temperature, sunflowers can be moved into the window for maintenance.

2. Peacetime maintenance

Although not often watering, but to maintain a certain degree of humidity, apply 0.1% potassium dihydrogen phosphate every half a month.

The efficacy and planting technology of golden scented tea

Camellia is not only a traditional famous flower of Chinese specialty, but also a valuable ornamental plant in the world. it is the only germplasm resource with golden petals and heritable color in the world flower bed, because of its high scientific research value and ornamental value. it is known as "world treasures, tea queen" and so on. Today, Ai Youwo Xiaobian will work with you to understand this golden camellia: the efficacy of golden scented tea, the planting technology of golden scented tea. [recommended by the editor] Indoor plants touch fragrant wood, hydroponic plants, small potted plants, flowers, plants, fengshui, radiation protection plants, efficacy of golden scented tea, planting techniques of golden scented tea-

[plant archives]-

English name: Golden scented tea

Scientific name: Camellia

Alias: Golden tea yellow, yellow camellia

Family: Theaceae

Genus: Camellia

Distribution of origin: under the forest in the raw valley. It only grows in the low and gentle hills of 100-200 meters above sea level in Shangsi County, Shiwandashan, Guangxi, and its number is very limited, so it is listed as a first-class protected plant in China.

Morphological features: evergreen shrubs or small trees, 2m high, bark gray-white, smooth. Leaves alternate, broadly lanceolate to long elliptic. Flowers solitary leaf axils or subterminal, golden yellow, cup-shaped, pot-shaped or bowl-shaped when blooming, 3-3.5 cm in diameter; petals 9-Murray 11, broadly ovate to Obovate or rectangular-orbicular, fleshy, waxy luster; florescence from November to March of the following year. Capsule triangular-oblate, yellowish green or purple-brown; fruit 10-12 months.

The efficacy of golden scented tea-

Golden scented tea has an obvious effect on regulating blood lipids, blood sugar, cholesterol and enhancing immunity, and can improve various uncomfortable symptoms caused by hypertension. And antibacterial and anti-inflammatory, heat-clearing and detoxification, diuresis and detumescence, enhance liver and kidney vitality, prevent blood arteriosclerosis, prevent cancer and inhibit tumor growth. According to the investigation, Jinhua tea has been used to refresh the mind, clear the liver, detoxify and nourish the vital energy in the folk.

● in the folk, Jinhua tea is used for clearing heat and detoxification, diuresis and dampness, stopping dysentery and hemostasis, etc.

Li Shizhen, Compendium of Materia Medica

● Jinhua tea is a Zhuang folk medicine, mainly used for pharyngitis, dysentery, hypertension, prevention of tumor (water decoction or when tea), flowers for hematochezia, irregular menstruation.

The Compendium of Guangxi ethnic Medicine

● Jinhua tea medicinal leaves, flowers, leaves to treat dysentery, flowers to treat hematochezia, menorrhagia.

The Compendium of Modern Materia Medica

● Jinhua tea medicinal leaves, heat-clearing Shengjin, used for dysentery.

The list of Medicinal plants in Guangxi

● "all kinds of medicine is the medicine of all diseases, tea is the medicine of all diseases, one day without tea is stagnant, three days without tea is dangerous."

"relics of Materia Medica"

[properties of traditional Chinese medicine]-

Astringent; flat.

Astringent; flat.

[efficacy] restrain and stop bleeding. Main hematochezia; menorrhagia.

[indications] refreshing and refreshing, clearing liver fire, antipyretic toxin, nourishing vital energy.

Internal administration: fried soup, 3-9g; or boiled water bubble.

[medicinal material source] is the flower of Camellia, a plant of Theaceae.

The planting technology of golden scented tea-

Habits: like warm and humid climate, like acid soil with good drainage, like shade at seedling stage, and like to transmit sunlight after entering flowering stage. The requirement of soil is not strict, and it can grow in slightly acidic to neutral soil. Endure barren, but also like to be fat. Strong resistance to waterlogging.

Wind direction: Jinhua tea is afraid of strong winds, especially northerly winds and typhoons, so wind prevention measures must be taken.

Soil: fertile, deep, moist, breathable, ph is weakly acidic between 4.5 and 6.5.

Temperature: in order to make the high-yield cultivation of golden scented tea, it is necessary to maintain its most suitable temperature between 20 Mel and 30 degrees, and the lowest temperature should not be lower than 5 degrees below zero.

Lighting: Golden scented tea is a half-shaded and half-sunny tree species, which can be shaded by planting trees or in a shade shed. The design height of the shade shed is 2.2m-2.5m, and the best transmittance is about 30%.

The planting method of Camellia


① cuttage: in the dry season from May to June, select the young mother tree, cut one-year-old twigs from the top, about 10cm, remove the lower leaves, flatten the lower leaves with a blade at the bottom of the node, keep one lateral bud at the top, and insert 2-3 leaves into the medium of river sand or gravel. After insertion, cover up the grass curtain to shade, enhance the foliar spray, adhere to the air humidity of the bed, and promote rooting. In order to improve the survival rate of cuttings, cuttings can be soaked in 50~100ppm 's ABT rooting powder solution for 8 hours and 12 hours.

② grafting: choose strong seedlings or camellia species that can easily survive by cutting as rootstocks, truncate at the ground diameter 4~5cm, split about 1.5cm deep through the pith, use 1-2-year-old branches as scions, keep 1-2 leaves in the upper part of the scion, cut into wedges in the lower part, and stab into the split of the rootstock, and the constituent layers on both sides should be closely joined, and then tied tightly with plastic belt.

After grafting, cover the scion with a plastic bag and tie it with a belt below, but not too tight, so as to form water droplets in the bag and drop on the rootstock from time to time. Add a packing paper bag to the outside of the plastic bag to cover the direct sunlight.

③ bud insertion: take each bud node as a segment, save a leaf, about 1.5cm, cut the lower part oblique, and then stab it into the medium, the depth is to cover the branches. This method can make full use of branches and is suitable for many reproductive needs.

④ potted plant: when potted Jinhua tea is planted, it is appropriate to choose rotten leaf soil or peat soil plus part of garden soil and river sand to prepare culture soil. In order to make it grow rapidly. It should be planted in a well-breathable tile basin. When planting, it is best to choose a deep and simple basin, first fill a layer of broken tiles at the bottom of the basin to facilitate drainage; then apply a small amount of rotten cooked cake fertilizer or bone powder as base fertilizer, and fill a layer of culture soil above the fertilizer; then put the seedlings into the center of the basin and fill them layer by layer into the culture soil layer by layer, fill them layer by layer while compacting, and finally leave about the first centimeter of the basin edge. After planting, it was watered and cultured in a semi-shady place, and the seedlings were slowed down and transferred to normal management. Conclusion: Golden scented tea has the laudatory name of "tea queen" and "giant panda in the plant world". It is called "imaginary yellow camellia" abroad, with drooping pedicels, beautiful shape, thick waxy petals, golden color, long flowering period and high ornamental value. it is an ideal garden tree species for greening and beautification of courtyards and parks in tropical and subtropical areas. it not only has high ornamental value, but also has high medicinal value. It is a valuable ornamental plant in the world and a traditional famous flower of Chinese specialty.

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Culture methods and matters needing attention of Scutellaria barbata

Latin name ScutellariabarbataD. Don

Also known as herb, Hanxin grass, mountain whip, toothbrush grass

Binomial Scutellaria barbata

The plant kingdom.

Phylum angiosperm

Dicotyledonous class

Subclass synpetalous flower

Order Tubularia

Suborder labiformes

Department of labiology

Subfamily Scutellariae

Belongs to Scutellaria

Subgenus Scutellaria baicalensis

Plant Scutellaria barbata

Distributed in Argentina, southern Brazil, Uruguay and Chinese mainland

English name Scutellaria barbata

Scutellaria barbata (scientific name: Scutellaria barbata D. Don), also known as: Scutellaria barbata (botanical dictionary), pine leaf peony, dragon beard peony, rhododendron, purslane, sunflower, noon flower, is a perennial herb of Scutellaria baicalensis. The half-branch lotus plant can be up to 55 cm high, with dense clusters, colorful flowers and long flowering period. it is an excellent flower match for decorating grasslands, slopes and roadsides. It is also suitable for planting on the edge of flower beds and flower borders. Potted plants are small and exquisite, and can be displayed in balconies, windowsills, corridors, doors, poolsides and courtyards. Distributed in Argentina, southern Brazil, Uruguay and Chinese mainland parks and other places, often born in Yisheng, native to South America, Scutellaria barbata whole grass used in medicine, with heat-clearing and detoxification, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, detumescence and pain, anti-cancer and other functions. Cold taste sour, the whole grass contains a variety of vitamins, trace elements and amino acids and other ingredients. It has the effect of cooling blood and detoxification, dispelling blood stasis and relieving pain, detumescence and clearing heat and dampness.

1. Morphological characteristics.

Perennial herbs, Scutellaria barbata rhizome short and thick, bearing fascicled fibrous roots.

Stem erect, 12-35 (55) cm tall, 4-angled, basal group 1-2 mm, glabrous or sparsely adherent above rachis, unbranched or with more or less branches.

Leaves shortly stipitate or subsessile, stalk 1 × 3 mm long, abdomen concave and dorsally convex, sparsely hairy Leaf blade triangular-ovoid or ovoid-lanceolate, sometimes ovoid, 1.3 × 3.2 cm long and 0.5 × 1 (1.4) cm wide, apex acute, base broadly cuneate or subtruncate, margin with sparse but obtuse shallow teeth, olive green above, light green sometimes purplish below, both surfaces sparsely adherent hairy or glabrous along veins, lateral veins 2-3 pairs, and midrib elevated above and below.

Flowers solitary in axils of upper leaves of stem or branches, with flowered stems 4-11 cm long; lower bracts resembling leaves, but smaller, up to 8 mm long, upper ones smaller, 2-4.5 mm long, elliptic to long elliptic, entire, upper scattered sparsely hairy along veins above; pedicels 1-2 mm long, puberulent, with a pair of acicular bracteoles ca. 0.5 mm ciliate in the middle. Calyx ca. 2 mm when flowering, outside puberulent along veins, margin ciliolate, scutellum ca. 1 mm high, fruiting calyx 4.5 mm long, scutellum 2 mm high. Corolla purplish blue, 9 × 13 mm long, outer pubescent, inner throat sparsely pilose; crown tube basal sac large, 1.5 mm wide, tapering upward, to throat wide to 3.5 mm wide; limb 2-lipped, upper lip galeate, semicircular, 1.5 mm long, apex rounded, lower lip middle lobe trapezoid, entire, 2.5 mm long, 4 mm wide, 2 lateral lobes triangular-ovoid, 1.5 mm wide, apex acute. Stamens 4, anterior pair longer, slightly exserted, fertile semidrug, degenerated semidrug inconspicuous, posterior pair shorter, included, with whole medicine, locule fissures bearded; filaments flattened, anterior to medial and bilateral inferior sparsely pilose. Style slender, apex acute, lobed. Disk discoid, raised in front, rear extending into a short ovary stalk. Ovary 4-lobed, lobes as large.

Nutlets brown, oblate, ca. 1 mm in diam., verrucose. Flowering and fruiting period from April to July.

2. Growth environment

Born on the edge of paddy fields, streams or wet grass, below 2000 meters above sea level. Scutellaria barbata likes warm climate and humid, semi-overcast environment. It is better to cultivate sandy loam or humus loam with deep, loose, fertile and well-drained soil. Heavy soil and low-lying plots prone to stagnant water are not suitable for planting. It is often wild near fields or ditches in hilly and flat areas. Like relatively humid environment, too dry areas grow poorly.

3. Geographical distribution

Distributed in Hebei, Shandong, southern Shaanxi, Henan, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Taiwan, Fujian, Jiangxi, Hubei, Hunan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan and other provinces and regions; northeastern India, Nepal, Myanmar, Laos, Thailand, Vietnam, Japan and North Korea. The model standard wood is collected from Nepal.

4. Cultivation techniques

Land preparation and fertilization selected plots, 2000 kg of rotten barnyard manure per 667m2, 15 cm of ploughing depth, and 50 kg of ammonium dihydrogen phosphate and urea per 667m2. Rake fine and flat, making a border 1.2m wide.

Seedling raising and transplanting

In the whole border, sow the seeds according to 1215g / m2, soak the seeds in 60 ℃ water for 24 hours, fish them out and dry them a little, mix them with fine sand (fine sieve) according to the ratio of 1: 100, and then sprinkle them evenly into the border. Cover the grass grass or agricultural film, spray water once a day, keep it moist, and germinate and germinate in 15-20 days. After the seedling comes out, remove the mulch, spray water immediately, and then spray water once every 3-4 days. The seedlings were transplanted to the field when the seedling height was 5 cm, with a row spacing of 20 cm and 1 plant per hole.