
Home-grown flowers, home-made fertilizer, cut the peel into a small piece and spread it in a flowerpot to blossom for 7 days.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Fertilizer is needed for all plant growth and flowering and fruiting, so it is appropriate to apply liquid fertilizer once in ten days or so. In order to prevent fertilizer damage, fertilizer should be rotten, and it is better to be sparse than thick, but do not apply fertilizer in full bloom, prevent flowers from falling early, nine.

Fertilizer is needed for all plants to grow and blossom and bear fruit, so it is appropriate to apply liquid fertilizer once every ten days or so. In order to prevent fertilizer damage, the fertilizer should be rotten, and it should be sparse rather than thick, but it is not fertilized during the full flowering period to prevent flowers from falling early. In September and October, a long-acting organic solid fertilizer should be applied before winter dormancy in woody potted plants, which should be buried in shallow topsoil to lay a good foundation for growth in the coming year. It can be used for home-made fertilizer and potted flowers at home.

Home-grown flowers self-made "fertilizer", cut the pericarp into a small piece, sprinkle in a flowerpot, blossom in 7 days!

Self-made culture soil

When making culture soil, first lay a layer of old soil in the jar, add all kinds of food feet, melon peel, etc., and then spread a layer of old soil, slightly compacted, pour some water to wash rice, and then have all kinds of lower feet spread on it. Add a layer of old soil, so that layer by layer, after ripening, turn and mix evenly, let it slowly dry, it can be used as the cultivation soil after turning the basin.

Raise flowers in pericarp

Many flower lovers like to use self-made flower fertilizer to grow flowers, but in fact, there is also a lot of food waste or peel, which can be used as a good raw material for growing flowers. For example, citrus peels at home can be used for composting. Their peels contain nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, all of which are good sources of fertilizer. Adding them to compost can effectively improve the nutrition of the soil, and many flower lovers may not know that citrus composting can speed up the process of decomposing compost, reduce the breeding of insects in composting, and get rid of unpleasant temperatures.

Cut the remaining skin of the watermelon into a small piece, which can be directly and shallowly buried in the soil around the basin (without direct contact with the roots of the plant) and watered normally. After 5-7 days, the fertilizer water seeps into the soil to see the fertilizer effect, no odor, no insects, and the foliage plants used in growth are the best. They can be used continuously once every ten days, and no fertilizer damage is found.

Pericarp regulates alkaline basin soil

Some flowers in the south are not easy to survive or blossom in the north because the potted soil is too alkaline. There are many ways to neutralize alkaline soil, this method is to peel the apple and apple core soaked in cold water, often use this water to water the flowerpot, can gradually reduce the alkalinity of the potted soil, conducive to the growth of some plants.

Common longevity flowers, many colors, you can pick several varieties of leaves, shallow into the flowerpot, pot soil must be loose and breathable, not deep insertion, not easy to sprout, half a month or so, can take root, a month or so, the root system is very long, a few months later. And the rose at home can use vermiculite cutting method, first choose the branches of rose, use semi-lignified branches, or small buds trimmed with rose can be cut, with a flowerpot or mineral water bottle, drill a few holes in the bottom, filled with vermiculite, cut the branches of rose into

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