
What are the hydroponic plants? Inventory of good-looking and easy-to-raise varieties of hydroponic plants

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, If you are tired of growing soil-grown flowers and plants, you can try hydroponics, so what are the good-looking and easy-to-raise varieties of hydroponic plants?

We know that most flowers are cultivated in soil, but home-grown flowers are sometimes a little messy, which is really troublesome for flower friends who love cleanliness. Let's ask the editor to tell you, in fact, if you are tired of growing soil-grown flowers and plants, you can try hydroponics, so what are the good-looking and easy-to-raise varieties of hydroponic plants?

Ball orchid

The orchid, which is also known as Tripterygium, Ironfoot and Magnolia, is an evergreen woody vine of the genus Cymbidium of the family Cymbiaceae. It is good at climbing shrubs, often attached to trees or stone walls, and has aerial roots on stem nodes. Bulb orchid has fleshy opposite leaves, ovate, front tip base round, lateral veins about 4 pairs, inconspicuous. The inflorescence of Cymbidium is cymose, axillary under the leaf, and about 30 flowers gather into a ball, from which the name comes from. The color of the flower is mostly white, and the calyx is 5-parted dark pink. The florescence is mostly between April and June of each year.

Ball orchid is a kind of climbing plant which likes warm, high temperature, dry, high humidity and semi-shade environment. In summer, we need to pay attention not to let the sun shine directly on it, too strong light will yellowing, affecting the beauty. It can be planted as a potted plant in rotten fertile soil, or as a hydroponic plant. The best temperature during the growth period is 18 Mel 28 degrees, which should not be lower than 5 degrees in winter, otherwise it may be frostbitten to death. In terms of fertilizer, the growth needs can be met by applying liquid fertilizer once a month during the growth period of hydroponic orchid.

Luo Hansong

Luohansong is an evergreen coniferous tree of the genus Pine of the family Luohans. the field plants can be as high as 20 meters away, the bark is gray and grayish brown, and there are shallow longitudinal cracks on the trunk, which will fall off in thin flakes during the growth period. The branches of Pinus elliottii are spreading or obliquely distributed, and the branches and leaves are dense. Its leaves grow spirally and are lanceolate in shape. This is a kind of foliage-based plant, as a potted plant, there are soil culture and hydroponic cultivation, both of which can grow quite robust.

Luohansong like warm and humid environment, negative tolerance is very strong, cold tolerance is weak, winter needs to be placed in heating or air-conditioned room breeding. Its survival ability is quite strong, and it can also absorb harmful gases such as sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulfide and nitrogen oxide at home, and its purification function is powerful. Hydroponic Luohan pine itself is raised in water, so there is no need to deliberately increase the watering link, just flush it with clean water when its branches and leaves look a little bleak. In the aspect of fertilizer, clean and pollution-free compound liquid fertilizer should be used, or some beer can be properly added for maintenance.

Green emperor yellow

Lvdi Huang is an evergreen woody climbing foliage plant of the genus Colocasia of Araceae. Native to Costa Rica, Barnabas and Mexico. Ludi Yellow, with broad green leaves, is a useful household plant that absorbs large amounts of carbon dioxide and releases oxygen. The stem nodes of the green emperor yellow are very short, the internodes often have air roots, and the stems are thick and light brown. The plant shape of the green emperor yellow is rosette-shaped, yellowish green when young, and gradually turn green or dark green after adulthood, and the leaves are full of luster. It can blossom and inflorescences are flamelike axillary.

Green Rehmannia glutinosa is also a kind of plant suitable for soil culture and water culture. after water culture, the watering link can be basically omitted. But because of its powerful function of absorbing dust, when the leaves are dark and covered with dust, you can rinse them with clean water. Green Emperor Yellow is the most suitable for growing between 20 Mel and 30 degrees, and it should be kept above 14 degrees in autumn and winter. In the growing season, topdressing can be carried out according to its leaf shape, and liquid fertilizer can be applied if it is cultivated in water. As for the lighting part, the green emperor yellow is suitable to be placed under bright scattered light, and avoid direct sunlight when the temperature is high.

The best thing about hydroponic plants is that in addition to finding that the water quality is turbid, it needs to be replaced in time, and the watering link can be omitted at ordinary times. They can also grow strong and exuberant when they leave the soil, and their beauty is even more different from that of ordinary plants at home, just choose suitable utensils for them.

[micro-succulent] inventory of succulent plant varieties that can be hydroponically cultivated! Follow and click on the blue word "steamed Manor" at the top of the picture, ↑↑ steamed Manor-love to eat, love to play, love succulent! Just as many problems can be encountered in the normal cultivation of succulent plants, the hydroponic culture of succulent plants only provides a possibility and attempt, rather than simply throwing it into the water. here are some succulent plant varieties that can adapt to hydroponic culture. for reference, practice carefully (some families and genera may be slightly different because of the long history of reference materials). 1. Most species of Camellidaceae can adapt to hydroponic growth, and hydroponically cultured silver crown genera: silver hair crown, silver hair crown brocade, heavy fan, Paek Sul Hui and so on can root and grow quickly after water insertion. two。 Many species of succulent plants in Liliaceae are very suitable for hydroponic culture. through experiments, the species that can be hydroponically cultured are Aloe vera: Aloe vera, snowflake, sea tiger orchid, jade temple, never night city, Longshan, Huancheng music, Tang aloe, Dike aloe, etc.; twelve volumes: twelve volumes, precious grass, Zhu feast, jade dew, jade green, Jing Zhihua and so on. 3. The succulent plants of crassulaceae are also suitable for hydroponic cultivation, such as lotus palms, red lotus palms, black mages, brilliant flowers, ink dyes and so on. Silver wave brocade, reincarnation, etc.; green lock dragons: green lock dragon, silver sky girl, flower moon, fire sacrifice, if green, etc.; stone lotus: black prince, star shadow, Xu he, seven blessings, special jade lotus, jade butterfly, colourful butterfly, pink lotus, Moshi lotus, dance of arriving at the garden, Lushi stone lotus, Jinxuangxing, Jinsihuang, Yiji flower hat, etc. Galan cabbage: rabbit ear, plum rabbit ear, butterfly dance, Edo purple, brocade butterfly, undead bird, longevity flower, jade hanging bell, broad leaf falling to the ground to take root, etc.; Rhodiola: Mingyue, jade bead curtain, etc.; Euphorbiaceae: emperor brocade, spring peak, imperial decoration, jade unicorn, flower unicorn, Caiyun Pavilion, red Caiyun Pavilion and so on. 4. Polygonaceae: Orchid, Phnom Penh, short-leaf Cymbidium and so on. Other succulent plants suitable for water cultivation include Wanbao (blue pine), big flower rhinoceros horn, purple dragon horn, dragon horn, hanging money (dream of love). 5. At first glance, cacti native to tropical and subtropical arid regions seem to have nothing to do with "hydroponics", but many of them can also adapt to hydroponics. The following are the genera and species of cacti which have been cultivated in water and achieved ideal results. They are Golden Succinia, Wang Jinju, unarmed Jinjia; Aya waves: Ayanagi, short thorn waves; strong thorns: Wang Guanlong, Chicheng, Sunrise, Amber; there are stars: Douwan, Yingfengyu, Biyingyu, Prajna, Naked Prajna; mastoid: Yuweng, full Moon, Fengming Maru, Yuanping Maru, Bai Hong Wan Naked calyx genus: Xintiandi, new world, peony jade, black peony, tripping jade, spelling brocade, snake dragon pill, Shengwang pill, balance pill; melon jade: Cuiyun, Liangyun, magic cloud, Ziyun, Feiyun; orchard jade: Yuehua banquet, group plate jade; top flower genus: ivory pill, black elephant (magic elephant); hairy jade: Golden shaker, golden crown, English crown jade; sea urchin: Jinsheng pill, short hair pill, Changsheng pill; hairy column: sleeve bridge Celestial wheel column genus: immortal treasure, Fulesou, rock lion, burr column magic Jinlong; group fan: sword, safflower fan, naked fan, single thorn fan; long defect genus: Venus, Neptune; verruca: Liguang hall; remnant snow column genus: ink remnant snow, can snow peak; South jade genus: lion king pill, small town; Chile: purple Yuji and other 20 genera and 60 species. The above succulent plants are suitable for water cultivation, which can be used as a reference for everyone to do water culture. after our attempts in the future, I believe that succulent plants that can be cultivated with water will become more and more colorful. Radiation protection plants rank as the largest inventory and the strongest air purification experts.

Modern people go to work every day to work in front of the computer, entertainment in front of their mobile phones after work, and watch TV and watch dramas at leisure. Every moment, everyone is exposed to the radiation of electronic devices. Although the amount of this radiation is small, it will cause damage to the body in the long run. How should we deal with it?

Radiation-proof plants can absorb radiation from the environment and reduce the harm of radiation to human body. In addition, these radiation protection plants can also produce oxygen through photosynthesis, absorb carbon dioxide and other gases that pollute the environment, so that people can breathe green and fresh in the "urban forest".

The best choice of radiation protection plants

Anti-radiation plants refer to plants that can absorb computer radiation. Cactus, cactus, cactus finger, measuring ruler and other plants can prevent radiation and absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen.

Through photosynthesis, green plants can absorb harmful gases, easily absorb and dissolve the electromagnetic field radiation toxins in the surrounding environment, reduce indoor and outdoor pollution, and are beneficial to human health.

Cactus or cactus is a good variety of flowers for garden greening and beautification. Although they are covered with thorns, they are beautiful in appearance and can be used for processing, medicine and consumption. They also have the "special function" of absorbing electromagnetic radiation and reducing the harm of computers to human health.

Radiation protection plants include: cactus, gem flower, Sedum and other succulent plants.


Cactus is a kind of cactus with high ornamental value in stems, leaves and flowers. the traditional cactus is planted in the desert and the hydroponic cactus cultivated by plant aquatic mutagenesis technology can enjoy its white and tender roots. and you can see the lovely little fish swimming among the roots, which is really pleasing to the eye. It is a fine art of hydroponic flowers.

Fairy finger

Phellodendron mandshurica (Thunb.)

Fairy refers to usually potted ornamental, blooming for a long time, and can be decorated or hung. It has plump plants, numerous and colorful flowers, and blooms before and after the Spring Festival, so it is rare to enjoy flowers indoors.


Cactus and succulent plants are individually called "lazy plants". This kind of plant cultivation does not need much care and care, and hydroponic cactus is easier to maintain, because cactus grows in places with strong sunshine. so the ability to resist ultraviolet radiation is particularly strong.

Hydroponic cactus has no peculiar smell because of its cleanliness and environmental protection. If you put one or two pots of hydroponic cactus next to your computer, it can help the human body absorb as little radiation as possible from the computer.

Because the cactus grows in places with strong sunshine, it has a strong ability to absorb radiation.

Pendulous leaf banyan

This kind of plant shows many excellent characteristics. It increases the humidity of the room and is good for our skin and breathing. At the same time, it can also absorb formaldehyde, xylene and ammonia and purify the turbid air.

In addition, the small leaves of drooping banyans make them beautiful decorations in the room, and they are often used by interior designers to create a cheerful atmosphere.

Golden Pueraria lobata

Through a process similar to photosynthesis, it can break down toxic substances released from fabrics, walls and smoke into plant-owned substances.

The beautiful heart-shaped leaves of Pueraria lobata are uniquely decorative, especially when they hang outside the hanging basin.

Thousand-year wood

Its charming appearance and its ability to adapt to the dark and dry environment of the office are loved by interior designers. As long as you pay a little attention to it, it can grow for a long time and bring good air.

It is difficult for other plants to compare with millennium wood in terms of inhibiting harmful substances. Leaves and roots can absorb xylene, toluene, trichloroethylene, benzene and formaldehyde, and decompose them into non-toxic substances.

Measuring ruler

Climbing shrub, plant height 3-6 cm, stem trigonous, much branched, margin wavy, angular after growth, with small depression, 1-3 inconspicuous spines, with aerial roots.

The flower is large, the sepal base connects to synthesize the long tubular, wired lanceolate large scale, the flower periphery is yellowish green, inside has the white, the florescence is summer, opens at night, the time is extremely short, has the fragrance.

In addition to the above radiation protection plants, you can also choose some plants that purify the air. The following six kinds of plants are experts in air purification:

No. 1 hanging orchid

The bright green hanging orchid of the four seasons is a "master" of absorbing dirt. People in southern Fujian and Taiwan think highly of its ability to absorb pollutants.

A pot of hanging orchids is equivalent to an air purifier in a room of 8 to 10 square meters, which can kill 80% of the harmful substances in the room and absorb 86% of formaldehyde within 24 hours.

The second place, tiger tail orchid.

Tiger skin orchid, also known as tiger tail orchid, is a plant of Liliaceae, which smells sweet and elegant, has a strong ability to adapt to the environment, and is a kind of indomitable plant.

Tiger tail orchid can be called the "anti-pollution expert" of the bedroom. One pot of tiger tail orchid can absorb more than 80% of harmful gases in the room of about 10 square meters, and two pots of tiger tail orchid can completely purify the air in the general room.

Tiger tail orchid can also release a lot of oxygen during the day, the ability to absorb radiation is also very strong, put a beautiful pot next to the computer, absolutely make you feel more comfortable!

Third place aloe vera

As the saying goes, "hanging orchid aloe is a strong hand, formaldehyde is scared to avoid." Under the condition of 24-hour lighting, 90% formaldehyde in 1 cubic meter of air can be eliminated.

Its meat contains colloid crude fiber, can moisturize the intestines, can detoxify, and can absorb harmful substances in the intestines to be excreted with the stool.

It is precisely because it has this function that it can absorb any radiation, and it is very beneficial to put it next to the computer. In addition, it is a tropical plant that is resistant to drought, and it is best for lazy people to raise it. It is no problem not to be drenched for ten or eight days.

Fourth place, Ivy.

A pot of ivy can destroy 90% of benzene in an 8-10 square meter room, deal with bacteria and other harmful substances brought back from outdoors, and even absorb dust that is difficult to absorb by vacuum cleaners.

Fifth place, tequila.

In a room of about 10 square meters, tequila can eliminate 70% benzene, 50% formaldehyde and 24% trichloroethylene.

No. 6, Luluo.

This most common plant is not only easy to raise, but also can beautify the environment and purify the air. It is also a good product for radiation protection. It can also inhibit the release of xylene and toluene from computer monitors and printers.

The above is the introduction of the editor, I hope I can help you!