
How to plant petunia in pots? Methods of sowing and raising seedlings of Petunia

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Recently, a flower friend left a message on Huinong net to ask about the family cultivation methods of petunia. Next, the editor will explain the sowing and seedling management methods of petunia.

Recently, a flower friend left a message on Huinong net to ask about the family cultivation methods of petunia. Next, the editor will explain the sowing and seedling management methods of petunia.

Petunia, an annual herb, has single and double flowers, which are spherical and can produce red, purple and white flowers. The flowering period can be from April to Frosts Descent. Very beautiful, seeds with a few cents can be easily planted and exploded. A pot can reproduce many pots, and the balcony will soon become a small garden. The specific planting methods are as follows:

First, sowing seeds

Spring, February, March and April can be sown, and autumn is suitable for sowing in September and October. The seeds are covered with one centimeter of soil and watered and placed in a ventilated place. They germinate very quickly and can grow compact branches.

1. Put the seedling block into the box and soak it with water until it is all soaked. Pour out the excess water.

2. Dip the seed in water with a toothpick, put it in the middle of the seedling block, cover it, put it in the darker part of the balcony, open and ventilate for one or two hours a day, and then cover it. If the seedling block is slightly white, add water until it is filled with water and pour out the excess water. After a week or so, it sprouted.

3, wait for two small buds, to put into another box, do not cover, see the light, the first to scatter light. I put the seedlings into the shade of mulberry flowers outside the balcony, well ventilated, seedling blocks to keep moist, lack of water to add water, do not accumulate water. Spray water once or twice a day, humidity is the most important, ventilation is the most important.

II. Transplant

When the seedlings grow to four leaves, they can be transplanted into larger flowerpots. The flowerpot is about 25 cm in diameter, and the soil is prepared for ordinary garden soil to add some nutritious soil, or to add some large sand grains and rotten leaf soil. If you are planting on the stage, beware of snails eating leaves. The others are basically pest-free.

Use disposable paper cups or small flowerpots with a diameter of 8CM, drill holes with seedling soil and paper cups, and plant them together with seedling blocks, be sure to pour thoroughly and can be flooded. Put it in the sun, in the ventilated place, preferably outside the balcony, spray water every morning and evening. How to know the lack of water? as soon as you take the cup and feel lighter, you can water it thoroughly, pick it up again in two days, and then add water.

III. Seedling management

After planting in the open field after the final frost, 6-8 large branches with more than 50 leaves could be cultivated in about 90 days, some varieties reached hundreds, and large seedlings with at least one flower could be cultivated. If sown in April, it will blossom in more than 60 days. During the period of sowing and emergence, the ability of resisting adverse environmental conditions of some hybrid varieties is far lower than that of conventional varieties, so we must pay attention to the control of environmental conditions when sowing. The sowing amount is about 1.5 grams per square meter of seedbed, such as expensive seeds, no more than 1.2 grams. Because the seeds are very small, the seeds should be mixed with 30-50 times fine soil or fine sand before sowing. Cover fine soil 0.2 cm after sowing to prevent hanging and drying the buds. The emergence rate of thin covered soil is higher than that of non-covered soil.

During the period of seed germination, the temperature was controlled for 20 ~ 24 ℃, and the single petal varieties of dried seeds emerged in 4 ~ 5 days. When there is a true leaf, it is best to transplant only once and cultivate the seedlings in a container with a diameter of 7cm and 8cm. If you need to plant seedlings that have already flowered and have a large growth rate, you can first move them into a 72-hole hole tray, and finally use plastic pots with a diameter of 13 cm or slightly larger to form seedlings. The optimum temperature for growth was about 23 ℃ in seedling stage in daytime, 27-28 ℃ in adult stage and 13-15 ℃ at night. When raising seedlings in protected areas, petunia should be placed in the place with the best light, with sufficient light and flat leaves. Under the condition of low temperature and short day, the stem and leaf grow luxuriantly, and the top of the stem and leaf grow buds quickly under the condition of long sunshine. The most suitable soil pH value is 6.0-6.5. The soil should be kept moist and avoid too much humidity. The temperature of spring seedlings decreased 5-7 days before planting, and gradually increased ventilation and moderate control of moisture to refine seedlings.

IV. Topping

If you want the dwarf to grow thick, compact and burst into a flower ball, there is only one word: pinch, constantly pinch off the top branches and leaves, and keep hitting the top, so that more branches and lateral buds will grow, and in the process of growth, the larger leaves below will also be trimmed, so that the lateral buds can get enough light and the plants can be more ventilated.

5. Cutting

Do not throw away the twigs that have been topped off, for they can be planted in the soil and propagated. If some river sand is added to the soil, it will take root more quickly. At the initial stage of cutting, the soil will remain moist and not be exposed to the sun. Take root and sprout very quickly, it is easy to grow a brand-new petunia from a twig. Plant as many pots as you want.

VI. Fertilization

Petunia needs a lot of water and fertilizer because it grows very fast.

So in the maintenance process, every half a month to apply liquid fertilizer, often topdressing, will be very good, open the basin!

How to plant potted Petunia and management methods of potted Petunia

Petunia is a perennial herb of Solanaceae, which is usually cultivated annually. It is more temperate and slightly hardy, and it blossoms luxuriantly in hot summer. Avoid rain and waterlogging, Rain Water more leaves are prone to diseases, and fewer flowers, directly affect the ornamental effect. Because of the large and colorful flowers and excellent ornamental effect, it has become one of the main varieties placed in many families.

How to plant potted petunia

1. Variety selection

Large flower varieties commonly used in production are "Dream", "Iridescent", "Frost White Edge" and other series; medium-sized "Merlin"; small flower varieties have "fantasy" series; flower shape and color are varied, there are single and double, petal margin wrinkles or irregular sawtooth; flower colors are white, red, pink, purple, blue, two-color series and so on.

two。 Sowing requirements

Under suitable conditions, petunia can sow and raise seedlings all the year round. Because the florescence is generally controlled on May Day and National Day, the sowing time is from October to November and from June to July. Install the medium before sowing, pour water thoroughly, and wet the seeds with fine spray after sowing. The seeds can not be covered with any medium, otherwise it will affect germination.

3. Seedling stage management

After sowing, the medium temperature was kept at 22: 24 ℃, and the seedlings emerged at 4: 7 days. After the appearance of the first pair of true leaves, spray the urea solution of 50mg/kg, and pay attention to ventilation, the seedlings can also gradually see light. When 2-3 pairs of true leaves appeared in the seedlings, the medium temperature could be reduced to 18-20 ℃, and 0.1% urea solution or 0.1% compound fertilizer solution of nitrogen: phosphorus: potassium-15:15:15 was applied every 7 to 10 days.

At this stage, attention should still be paid to ventilation to prevent diseases, and chlorothalonil or methyl topiramate 800 / 1000 times should be sprayed every week or so. When three pairs of true leaves appear in the plant, the root system has been formed intact, and the requirements of temperature, humidity and fertilization are the same as before, so we should still pay attention to ventilation and disease prevention.

Management methods of potted Petunia

1. Light regulation

Petunia production in summer is more resistant to high temperature, generally only a few days after transplanting to shade, slow seedlings, in the whole growing period do not need sunshade.

two。 Temperature control

After petunia transplantation, the temperature should be controlled at about 20 ℃, not lower than 15 ℃. If the temperature is too low, the flowering will be delayed or even not. In the actual production, those who require National Day flowering should be produced in the greenhouse to avoid the influence of low temperature on flowering before the National Day.

3. Watering

Watering always follows the principle of no dry and no watering, and watering means thorough watering. Avoid too much moisture in the medium, it is very important to keep the medium dry, so the potted soil should be well drained, and more water can be given at the initial stage of growth, but it should be kept dry about a week before coming out of the nursery to prevent overgrowth.

How to plant potted petunia? the management method of potted petunia is introduced here today. I hope Xiaobian's article can help you.

Petunia sowing time, Petunia sowing methods and items

Petunia is a very beautiful potted flower plant, many flower friends will raise, and sow their own petunia. But petunia is usually sown through seeds, which is easy to burst, so when is the better time to sow petunia, and what matters need to be paid attention to in the sowing process? please read the following article about the sowing method and time of petunia.

Petunia sowing time

Petunia is a kind of plant that likes warmth and sunshine, is not tolerant to frost, and is afraid of rain and waterlogging. The suitable temperature for its growth is 13-18 ℃. The suitable temperature for germination of dwarf cattle is about 18-25 ℃, so it is necessary to consider that this environmental condition is very suitable for sowing. Under normal light conditions, it takes about 100 days from sowing to flowering.

1. Sowing in spring

Although the temperature begins to warm up in spring, petunia is easy to grow in vain because of more Rain Water and less sun in early spring, so the best sowing time is late spring and early summer, that is, June-July.

2. Sowing in autumn

The time of sowing in autumn is mainly from October to November, and under normal conditions, petunia takes about 100 days from sowing to flowering, so flowers can usually be seen next spring, but for flower friends who live in places where there is no heating, sowing needs to be cautious at this time, because it is an arduous task to ensure a smooth winter for petunia.

Sowing method according to Petunia 1. Temperature condition

The suitable temperature to ensure the smooth germination of Petunia is about 18-25 ℃, and the suitable temperature for further seed growth is about 22-34 ℃. Under normal conditions, it can germinate in 3-7 days. Flower friends had better create such a temperature environment for petunia sowing, otherwise it will be unknown whether a healthy petunia can be successfully bred.

2. Soil conditions

In the selection of soil during sowing, the mixed soil of culture soil, rotten leaf soil and fine sand after high temperature disinfection can be used. After sowing, there is no need to cover the soil, as long as a light pressure can make the seed germinate smoothly, about 5-7 days.

3. Watering and sunshine

Dwarf cows like to drink water, and when they are full, they are not afraid of the sun! But remember to bask in the sun! If you don't get enough sun, you will test your topping skills if you want to become a bouquet. When you sow in autumn, the four true leaves of the dwarf can be illuminated all day long, and the premise is still enough water. My practice is to throw it directly on the terrace from the very beginning of germination, but after all, the temperature in autumn is not high, and there is enough water in the bottom box of the seedling box all the time.

4. Water condition

The seedling soil can be watered thoroughly before sowing, and the wetness of the soil should be ensured after sowing, so as not to be too dry and affect normal germination.

5. Fertilize and give adequate nutrition

Petunia likes to be fattened, and there is a big difference between whether or not to use fertilizer. My experience is that after 4 true leaves are produced, to the stage of pseudo-planting (the small grid of the nursery box is full of roots), 2000 times of Biwang is fertilized once a week. From pseudo-planting to colonization stage, 1500 times of Biwang is fertilized once a week, and a little slow-release fertilizer can be added appropriately when pseudo-planting. When planting to the full stage, Biwang was fertilized 1000 to 1500 times twice a week (the concentration increased with the plant size). Add sufficient base fertilizer when planting.