
How do you grow Melan? Cultivation techniques of potted Cymbidium in Family

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Mo Lan, also known as the New year Orchid. Dark green, sepals lanceolate, light brown, with 5 purplish brown veins, petals short and wide, lip trifid inconspicuous, apex pendulous. The florescence is from January to March and there are many varieties. From ancient times to the present, orchids have been loved by writers and writers.

Mo Lan, also known as the New year Orchid. Dark green, sepals lanceolate, light brown, with 5 purplish brown veins, petals short and wide, lip trifid inconspicuous, apex pendulous. The florescence is from January to March and there are many varieties. From ancient times to the present, orchids have been loved by writers and writers. Let's take a look at how to grow potted plants in the family.

Cultivation methods of potted Cymbidium:

Soil quality selection

Planting Cymbidium chooses the soil with loose soil decay and slightly acidic soil. The cultivation of Cymbidium in the north is generally made of 5 parts of rotten leaf soil and one part of sand and mud. It was also mixed with 4 parts of humus, 2 parts of peat soil, 2 parts of slag and 2 parts of river sand.

Seedling division and disinfection

When dividing the basin, first use the five fingers of the left hand to grasp the base of the orchid seedling, turn the basin upside down, and gently tap around the basin to separate the basin from the basin soil, and then carefully tap the soil to shake off the soil. Carefully clean the orchid root, cut off the rotten root, broken root, withered leaf and dry false bulb, then rinse it with clean water and disinfect the orchid root in 1000-fold solution of topzine or potassium permanganate solution. Kill germs near the wound.

Upper basin

After the basin is selected, before planting, cover the drainage hole at the bottom of the basin with large pieces of broken tiles, spread with window screen, and then cover with coarse grains of mountain mud, and then put into the orchid plant (the distribution of the root system of the orchid plant should be uniform and stretch, do not touch the basin wall). Then fill the basin with humus soil and bury it at the leaf base of the false bulb. And cover the mud surface with a layer of white stone or green cloud grass, which is not only beautiful but also keeps the topsoil moist. Then use the basin bottom water infiltration method to make the soil wet, rinse the foliar soil with a spray can, place the seedlings in the shade place, and transfer to normal management a week later.

Administration and Management

Cymbidium is a semi-negative plant, which requires "warm, moist, astigmatic and ventilated" environmental conditions. Growth depends on maintenance and management. The cultivation site requires good ventilation and shading facilities. The water requirement of Melanias mainly depends on the air temperature, light intensity and plant growth. Rain Water or snow water is the best water for ink orchid. If it is necessary to water the orchid with tap water, it should be exposed to the sun for a day before it can be used. Watering with a spray can, do not spray water into the buds, so as not to cause rot. Avoid showers in summer and must use film to keep out the rain. Watering time, summer and autumn before and after sunset, before night leaf drying is appropriate. In winter and spring, it is best to water before and after sunrise, and spray to increase air humidity to benefit the growth of ink orchid.

Fertilizer application

Mo Lan fertilization "should be light and avoid thick", generally start at the end of spring and stop at the end of autumn. Fertilization temperature of 18 degrees Celsius-25 degrees Celsius is appropriate, rainy days are not suitable for fertilization. Types of fertilizers, organic or inorganic fertilizers are available. Fertilization is applied once a week in the growing season, and the growth of Magnolia is slow in autumn and winter, so it should be applied less every 20 days, and a small amount of water should be sprayed after fertilization to prevent the fertilizer liquid from contaminating the leaves. Fertilization must be carried out in the evening on a sunny day, and there is a risk of rotting roots on cloudy days.

Points for attention in the cultivation of Cymbidium:

Like shade and cool, afraid of exposure to the sun

Most of the natural Cymbidium grows in a cool environment, with 3-5 clumps of leaves, dark green, glossy, variable yellow and white markings, joints at the base, 60 ~ 90cm in length and 2 ~ 4.2cm in width. Because of the wide leaves, long leaves, soft leaves and thin cuticle, the daily maintenance should avoid sun exposure, and shade should be avoided in late spring, summer, autumn and early winter, especially at noon and afternoon, or placed in the lower layer of the orchid rack for maintenance to avoid burning the leaves.

Like to moisten and avoid drying

Wild Cymbidium grows mostly near the shady streams at the foot of the mountain, often filled with water fog, and the air humidity in the environment is high. Family pot cultivation of Cymbidium, especially in the northern region, the air humidity is often on the low side, which is not conducive to its growth. Humidifier humidifier, water tray humidification, water curtain humidification and other ways can be adopted to improve the air relative humidity and strive to create a small environment suitable for the growth of Cymbidium. In addition, the basin should be properly sprayed with water every day, which can also improve the air humidity of potted magnolia.

Like warmth and fear of frost damage

The origin of Melan is mostly in the tropics and subtropics, the climate is warm, and the temperature in winter is rarely around 0 ℃, so Meran is most afraid of being frozen. Practice has proved that the best temperature of Mo Lan in winter is not less than 5 ℃. Except for Hainan, Taiwan, Guangdong, Fujian, Guangxi and other places, it is best to spend the winter in a greenhouse or indoor maintenance with heating equipment to avoid freezing damage.

Apply thin fertilizer frequently and plant in large pots

Cymbidium has tall plants, broad and thick leaves, well-developed roots, many flowers with one arrow, and a great demand for fertilizer. Daily maintenance should be thin, fertilized and applied frequently, which is an important condition to promote the luxuriant roots of Meilan. No matter which planting material is used to cultivate Cymbidium, it is necessary to apply fertilizer properly, and the amount of fertilizer can be a little more than that of other countries. Because of its developed root system, it is better to choose a larger orchid pot according to the number of plants and root system.

The above is the family pot cultivation technology of Mo Lan. Friends who like Muran, let's try it.

Key points of potted Cymbidium Culture

The leaf of Mulan is like a sword, it shines brightly, just like the frost of Longquan sword. Chinese orchid, also known as Chinese orchid, is one of the precious flowers in the flower market. Born in forests, shrubs or moist but well-drained shaded places beside valleys, 300-2000 m above sea level. Potted magnolia is a good choice for flower lovers, so how to maintain potted plants? What are the key points of potted magnolia culture?

Key points of potted Cymbidium Culture

1. Light and temperature

Like other orchids, Cymbidium has a sexual preference for semi-overcast environment, which can be satisfied with 3-4 hours of light every morning. Spring and summer is the period of new buds and vegetative growth of orchid plants, the light time should not be too long; with the growth of new buds, the need for light also increases, and full light can be received from November to March of the following year.

Ink orchid likes warmth and is not cold-resistant. The Beginning of Winter should enter the room for maintenance immediately after that. The room temperature should be maintained at about 5 ℃ throughout the winter, and the low temperature limit is 2 degrees. If the temperature is below 0 degrees, it will suffer frost damage. In case of wind and snow, cold current and freezing, measures must be taken to prevent cold and keep warm. The temperature in spring is cold and warm, and sometimes there are disasters such as cold in late spring and frost. It is appropriate for orchid plants to leave the room after Qingming Festival.

two。 Watering and fertilization

Although ink orchid likes to be wet, it depends on specific conditions and environment. Generally speaking, strong light, high temperature, large flowerpots, hard plants, growing period, strong seedlings, summer and autumn should be watered more, and vice versa. Watering method, it is best to use ladle spoon or thin-eyed pot from the edge of the basin, do not spray with water pipes. Watering or spraying must not splash water into the bud to prevent rotten bud.

Rainy season should pay attention to rain, and after the rain should be timely removal of stagnant water in the basin, in order to prevent rotting roots. Watering time, summer and autumn should be in the evening, winter and spring should be at noon, water temperature should be close to soil temperature. In order to apply fertilizer, we must apply thin fertilizer frequently, avoid applying raw fertilizer and thick fertilizer. The best fertilization time is 15 ℃ ~ 25 ℃, and it is not suitable to fertilize more than 30 ℃ under 10 ℃. Nitrogen fertilizer is the main fertilizer in the vegetative growth period, and phosphorus and potassium fertilizer should be applied in the reproductive growth period. In addition to fertilizing the plant material in the basin, it is also necessary to spray foliar fertilizer with potassium dihydrogen phosphate.

3. Humidification and ventilation

Ink orchid originally grew in rainy and humid areas, requiring a growing environment with high air humidity. In summer and autumn, water basins and troughs were placed under the orchid basin, sponges and absorbent carpets were laid on the ground, bricks and sand were laid on the ground, automatic spray humidifiers were installed in the orchid shed, and wet curtains were hung on doors and windows. Spray the orchid plant in winter and spring and sprinkle water on the ground.

However, if the air humidity is too high, it will cause rotten buds, damage orchid leaves, and are prone to diseases. Therefore, when there is too much humidity in the room during the rainy period, we must pay attention to ventilation. The orchid shed can open the doors and windows and turn on the fan if necessary to make the air convection and dry the moisture on the orchid plant.

4. Disease prevention and pest control

Cymbidium is vulnerable to diseases and insect pests because of its low light and high humidity. The most common diseases are black spot and mycosis. Black spot is caused by bacterial infection, the onset of the disease is slow, from less to more, gradually developed. The key to the prevention of black spot is careful management to make the orchid plant grow healthily and enhance the ability to resist the disease.

It is best to spray the orchid plant and the surrounding environment of the orchid field with 0.6% equivalent Bordeaux solution in early spring. Can also be used in the growing period with carbendazim, thiophanate, Dysen zinc, can be killed and other agents sprayed, disinfection and sterilization. The main pests are shell insects and red spiders, which can be killed with drugs such as omethoate, malathion, fenitrothion and so on.

The above is the main points of potted magnolia culture. Magnolia is suitable for loosening and breathable, water and fertilizer conservation, and growth in slightly acidic soil rich in humus. The cultivation site requires good ventilation and shading facilities. Domesticated potted Cymbidium is mostly overwintered indoors, and there is no need to take heating measures in winter and spring to safely survive the cold period. If overwintering in the courtyard or balcony leeward, plastic film can be used to build a temporary greenhouse.

The family culture method of Cymbidium the breeding method of Cymbidium

Cymbidium is a Luzhou-scented flower, which is a potted plant with excellent ornamental value at home, and many people will raise it. So we still need to know about Mulan in many aspects. So, how do you breed Melan? How do you reproduce? Next, I would like to introduce to you the relevant knowledge about the breeding and reproduction of Cymbidium.

The method of Family Culture of Melilan

1. The matured bark, peat soil and rotten leaf soil are commonly used in potted Magnolia substrate. Pay attention to cleanliness in watering and avoid direct spraying with tap water. Water once a day in midsummer and once every 4-5 days in winter. The room temperature should not be too high, otherwise it is easy to get sick in spring. Fertilization is applied once a month during the growing period to prevent drought in autumn and the basin soil should not be too wet in winter. From August to September, the larger clumps of Cymbidium were pulled out of the pot and divided into 3-4 tubes.

2. After buying bare root Magnolia seedlings, first soak them in clear water to make the dried fleshy roots full without wrinkles, then wash the roots, cut off the rotten roots, and dry them until the roots are white and softer, then they can be planted on decaying leaves with waste from the culture substrate of ink orchid or edible fungi or coal furnace ash. The basin soil can also be dug under the trees or between the rocks on the mountain, and then mixed with the river sand to facilitate air and water permeability and ensure that it is not hardened. The cultivation needs to be sterilized, and it can be exposed to the sun for three or four days, or it can be sterilized by heat in a pot. Avoid deep planting when putting on the basin, and it is appropriate to use the false bulb to expose the soil surface 2 to 3. Do not water the orchid immediately after planting, put it in the shade for two days and then water thoroughly, about 10 plants per pot.

3. "Qi" is the root of the orchid's life, and it should be ventilated both above ground and underground. Cover the bottom of the basin with a layer of charcoal or sand 3 cm thick. Keep the basin soil loose, do not water too much, spray more foliar water and surface water to increase air humidity. Pay attention to shade from May to October, not in direct sunlight, but in the morning light. Especially in the period of flower bud differentiation, that is, six or seven months before flowering, a windowsill or balcony should be placed to receive sunlight to promote flower bud differentiation. After the new leaves of Cymbidium were grown, the thin liquid fertilizer mainly composed of phosphorus and potassium was applied once a month, and once more after the flowers were withered. Remember: the leaves of ink orchid are yellow and thin because of lack of fat. The leaves are black and green and the scorched leaf tips are too fat.

Propagation method of Cymbidium

(1) ramet propagation.

This method is simple and reliable, blossoms quickly after ramet, and can preserve the original characteristics of the variety. It is a method of reproduction by dividing the pseudobulbs of tufted orchids into single or 2-3 groups and planting them independently in order to achieve the purpose of proliferation. The ramet propagation of orchids is best carried out in the dormant period, that is, the dormancy period before the new buds are unearthed, before the new roots grow, or after flowering. Separate orchid plants should be viewed, cut off rotten roots and withered leaves. In the method of disinfection, the 10~15min of the root of orchid plant can be soaked in 70% methyl topiramate 800mm 1000 times solution, and then it can be replanted after soaking and drying slightly.

Although ramet propagation is simple and easy, and can maintain the inherent characteristics of varieties, so that many valuable varieties can be preserved, but after all, the ramet reproduction coefficient is small, it is difficult to meet the needs of large-scale production and market. Therefore, we must explore more scientific and advanced methods of reproduction. The tissue culture propagation of orchids is a more advanced propagation method which can meet the needs of production and market.

(2) tissue culture.

Tissue culture is an advanced science and technology developed on the basis of cell theory and plant cell totipotency theory. At present, it is constantly popularized in the field of forest reproduction. According to the analysis of relevant statistical data, the tissue culture propagation of herbaceous plants is easier and the success rate is higher than that of woody plants. The propagation of orchid tissue culture is an advanced method of orchid propagation using advanced equipment and modern science and technology.

The orchids cultured in tissue culture have strong resistance, few diseases and insect pests, high survival rate, and can be mass produced. In the past 20 years, some domestic scientific research institutions, such as the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, Kunming, South China Botanical Research Institute, Shanghai Garden Institute, Sichuan Academy of Agricultural Sciences and so on, have carried out this work and made varying degrees of progress. The meristematic asexual seedlings of Chunlan, Jianlan and Mulan were obtained. Tropical orchid has a large scale in automatic control, industrial production, tissue culture and rapid propagation and new variety breeding in Taiwan.

The above is for you to introduce the relevant knowledge about the breeding and reproduction of Cymbidium, is it clear to everyone? Please pay attention to more household knowledge.