
Daily maintenance and florescence Control techniques of Rose in Zhangzhou area

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, How to maintain the rose? Today, the editor of Huinong Network explains one by one with a case of rose planting and maintenance in an actual area. Let's learn the methods of rose maintenance and florescence control in Zhangzhou area.

How to maintain the rose? Today, Huinong Xiaobian takes a case of rose planting and maintenance in an actual area to explain for you one by one. Let's learn the methods of rose maintenance and flowering regulation in Zhangzhou.

1 planting and maintenance

1.1 planting time

Zhangzhou area is like spring all year round, and the air humidity is relatively high. Rose can be planted all the year round, but spring and autumn are the best.

1.2 planting density

The planting density of rose varies with variety. Generally speaking, the row spacing of miniature rose is 15cm. The row spacing and plant spacing of Fenghua rose are 35cm × 45cm. The row spacing and plant spacing of big flower rose are 45cm × 60cm, and the row spacing and plant spacing of expansive varieties and rattan rose are about 100cm.

1.3 planting methods

In landscaping, the rose is mostly planted according to the designed color blocks, and the big rose is best planted in the whole bed, which is conducive to growth and soil drainage. Generally, the border width is 70cm, the furrow width is 50cm, and the border length depends on the length of the planting land, with two rows per border.

1.3 watering

After planting, the seedlings should be fully watered for the first time, and then watered at the right time according to the situation. For the newly planted rose, the leaves can be sprayed frequently, but it should not be too wet, so as to increase the air humidity and reduce the temperature, which is conducive to the survival of the plant.

Rose resistant to drought, afraid of stagnant water, water management should be dry watering, wet drainage, when heavy rainfall should be timely drainage. The water management in rose growing period is different from that in dormant period. the soil temperature is high in summer. Watering should be carried out in the morning or after 5: 00 p. M., usually every 2-3 days. Water is watered every 4-5 days in spring and autumn and every 7 days in winter.

1.4 fertilization

Rose likes fertilizer and needs balanced use of fertilizer in the process of growth. the main ways of fertilization are basal fertilizer before planting and topdressing during growth. The amount and mode of fertilizer application of rose are different in different growing seasons. After the newly planted seedlings grow new roots 10, they can apply thin fertilizer once, mainly with compound fertilizer containing nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, and pour about 300 times of fertilizer around the base of the seedling. During the growing period, topdressing should be carried out continuously in order to supplement the nutritional consumption of the continuous flowering of the rose. In order to prevent soil hardening, topdressing can be combined with rotten organic fertilizer and cake fertilizer, usually once every 10 days or so. Usually rose leaves can also be sprayed with potassium dihydrogen phosphate, urea, Gaomeishi, ferrous sulfate foliar fertilizer and so on. Fertilization is avoided in the full flowering stage of Chinese rose. After flowering, with the pruning of branches, a high concentration of compound fertilizer can be applied once, and the concentration is about 50 times, in order to supplement the nutrients paid by the plant in full bloom in time, promote rhizome division and new bud formation.

(2) Disease and pest control

① black spot. Leaves, tender leaves and pedicels can all be damaged. In severe cases, the diseased leaves are wrinkled and uneven, the leaves curl to the back of the leaves, the twigs bend downward or die, and the buds can not expand normally. Prevention and treatment: check frequently during the onset season, remove the diseased leaves in time and destroy them, so as to prevent the spread of the disease. You can choose 75% chlorothalonil 500 times, 50% carbendazim wettable powder 500 ~ 1000 times, or 80% Dysen zinc 500 times, spray once every 7 ~ 10 days. In order to prevent the development of drug resistance of pathogens, agents must be used alternately.

② powdery mildew. It harms the leaves, tender shoots, buds and pedicels of rose. When the damage is serious, the leaves wither and fall off. The surface of the affected area is covered with a layer of white powder. Prevention and treatment methods: timely pruning, removing diseased shoots and diseased leaves, improving ventilation and light transmission between plants, spraying 1000-1500 times of methyl topiramate or 1000 times of Fenru Ning wettable powder during growing period has good control effect.

③ rust. Rust harms buds, leaves, twigs, petioles, receptacles and pedicels of rose. Prevention and control method: remove the disease bud in time, you can choose 50% Fumishuang 500 times solution, or 25% powder 1500 times wettable powder solution.

④ withered branch disease. It mainly harms the branches of rose, and ulcers appear in the branches. In severe cases, the disease spot ring cut the stem, and the branches below the disease shrank and withered. Control method: thoroughly cut off the diseased and withered branches and burn them in autumn and winter. Strengthen cultivation management and apply sufficient base fertilizer. 0.1% urea solution can be sprayed during the growth period to enhance plant growth. During dormancy, spray 25% carbendazim wettable powder 600x, or 50% carbendazim wettable powder 1000 times, or 50% chlorothalonil wettable powder 500x.

⑤ aphids. Mainly gather on buds, tender leaves, buds to suck juice. When it occurs in large quantities, there are nectar-like black secretions. When cultivated in open field, early spring and early summer are the most frequent periods. Control methods: 40% omethoate 1000 times or 80% dichlorvos 1000 times can be sprayed during the initial incubation period and before spawning.

⑥ red spider. The high temperature and dry season is beneficial to the occurrence of a large number of hazards. Mainly sucking leaf juice, the damaged leaves showed small yellow spots, and then gradually spread to the whole leaf, resulting in leaf curling, withered and yellow shedding. Prevention and control methods: strengthen cultivation management, remove the surrounding dead branches of weeds, enhance ventilation and transmittance, and remove and burn the damaged leaves in time. During the occurrence of insect pests, 2000 times EC was sprayed, or 2500 times was sprayed with 50% bromoacarate emulsion, or 1000 times was sprayed with omethoate. Due to the strong drug resistance of red spiders, attention should be paid to the alternate use of acaricidal drugs.

⑦ scale. The harm is characterized by piercing and sucking the juice of tender stems and young leaves of rose, resulting in poor plant growth, mainly caused by high temperature and humidity, poor ventilation and poor light. Prevention and control method: when the insect population density is not high, it can be removed with a hairbrush. During the nymph incubation period, 40% omethoate 1000 times or 50% fenitrothion 1000 times can be sprayed, or aldicarb and other granular insecticides can be embedded in the roots. 2 ~ 3G per plant can be effectively controlled.

(3) florescence regulation

3.1 effect of temperature on florescence

High temperature and drought will promote rose dormancy or rosette, and low temperature is beneficial to restore the growth activity of rose plant. Zhangzhou area except summer, other seasons are suitable for rose growth. In the landscape, most of the rose is planted in the open air, the temperature can not be artificially adjusted, grow in the natural environment, the temperature of each season directly affects the growth status of rose. The author selected several varieties of rose in the park to maintain the normal water and fertilizer management of the experimental varieties, and each flower control pruning was heavily cut to make it sprout to blossom naturally. It was observed and recorded for one year, and the flowering and growth of each season were recorded.

The experiment shows that most roses have strong adaptability to temperature, and the temperature is controlled mainly by adjusting flower bud formation period, flower stem extension period, dormancy period and so on. Temperature is closely related to the growth and development of rose branches and flower bud differentiation. The temperature in the growing period is in the range of 18 ℃ ~ 30 ℃, which is more suitable for the growth of rose, and the rose goes into dormancy over 30 ℃, which affects the growth of rose. It can also be observed that the time from pruning to flowering of rose decreases linearly with the increase of temperature. The rate of flower bud development increases with the increase of temperature, so the more important means for the regulation of rose florescence is to change the temperature of rose growth and development.

The prediction and regulation of flowering period is mainly based on the effective accumulated temperature needed for flowering of different varieties, and within the limit range of ensuring good fertilizer and water conditions and suitable temperature, the pruning date of rose is predicted and calculated according to the annual daily average temperature, and the flowering date is regulated.

The flower bud differentiation of rose is mainly affected by temperature and nutritional status of branches. The increase of light intensity increased the photosynthetic rate of rose and provided sufficient nutrition for flower development. The light time affected the germination of lateral buds and the accumulation and transport of assimilating substances.

3.2 effect of plant hormones on florescence

In the landscape, temperature and pruning are the main methods to control the flowering stage of rose. Plant hormones are rarely used, but plant hormones also have an effect on the growth and florescence of rose. Plant hormones are involved in regulating all aspects of the growth and development of rose. The content of cytokinin in the base of rose branch is high, which indicates that cytokinin is an essential substance for bud germination and growth. Spraying gibberellin on young rose can relieve dormancy, increase the number of flowering branches and promote the growth of flowering branches. Spraying gibberellin 50ppm could significantly increase the length of rose, increase stem diameter, leaf number, chlorophyll content, maximum flower diameter and flower fresh weight, and improve flower color grade. If the flower buds on the new shoots, such as soybean, are in the same month, they can be sprayed on the leaves with 10gB9 mixed with water 6kg in advance of the controlled flowering time. Spraying once can postpone the flowering period for 2 ~ 3 days. In addition, ethephon can be used to spray or irrigate the leaf expansion period of rose, which can prolong or promote the flowering of rose.

3.3 effect of pruning on florescence

In the landscape, we should scientifically grasp the opportunity of pruning, control the florescence of rose and improve the quantity and quality of rose, prune and regulate plants in time, transfer and concentrate limited nutrients on the reserved branches, so as to promote the formation of the next crop of buds. In order to make the rose have exuberant growth ability, correct pruning is beneficial to maintain tree potential and plant renewal, and improve the quality of flowers. Pruning should follow the principle of thinning the weak and keeping the strong, leaving horizontal and straight.

Rose from axillary bud differentiation to flower branch bud budding and flowering, the time needed is called "to the number of flowering days". Generally speaking, most of the flowering days of rose varieties are about 35 ~ 65 days. For the same variety, with high temperature, sufficient light and balanced nutrition, the number of flowering days was shortened; when the air temperature was low, partial shading, phosphorus and potassium content was high, the flowering days were prolonged. To master this basic law, the flowering time can be determined by artificially pruning and regulating the flowering time according to the required time.

In practice, the florescence regulation of open-air rose is mainly controlled by pruning because the growth temperature can not be adjusted. When regulating the flowering period of rose, in addition to the comprehensive growth of rose plant, the temperature of pruning season and the characteristics of plant variety, the suitable pruning position should be selected according to the development of flower bud to ensure the expected flowering and good quality. In the season suitable for rose growth, in light pruning, 2 ~ 5 leaves under the pruned flowers, the buds growing in the upper part of the branches are pointed, the flower branches are short, the buds appear early, usually bloom in about 20 days, and the flowers are smaller.

In moderate pruning, the buds growing in the middle of the branches (6 ~ 9 leaves under the flower) are round, the flower branches from the round buds are long, and the budding time is longer, usually blooming in about 30 days, and the flowers are large.

In heavy pruning, when the base of the branch is pruned, the growing bud eye is flat, the bud activity is low, the branch is slow, it is easy to grow branch, the budding time of flower branch is longer, usually blossom in about 40 days, and the flower is larger.

4 methods of regulating and controlling the florescence of festivals

According to the climatic characteristics of each season and the variety characteristics of each rose in Zhangzhou, the rose plant is pruned reasonably, so that the scenic spot can enjoy the colorful flowers in each festival.

New Year's Day, during the Spring Festival, rose blossoms in New Year's Day and Spring Festival, and the growth environment temperature is about 20 ℃, which is suitable for rose growth.

If most large flower roses are heavily pruned, it takes about 50 days from new bud germination to flowering. Therefore, the rose can be heavily pruned and pressed around November 10. After the buds grow, water, fertilizer and pest management should be carried out in time. After New Year's Day, prune the residual flowers in time, and the full bloom of the rose can be extended from New Year's Day to after the Spring Festival.

Fenghua and floret rose can be pruned moderately. It takes about 30 days from bud germination to flowering, and the pruning can be postponed by about 20 days. Follow up the management of water, fertilizer, diseases and insect pests in time after the buds grow.

During the May Day period, the growth environment temperature was controlled at about 28 ℃. After the Spring Festival flowering, the management of fertilizer, water, diseases and insect pests should be strengthened in time.

The large flower rose can be combined with heavy shearing and moderate shearing, and all the residual flowers can be cut to the position of round buds in the mature part of the flower branch around March 20, and the water, fertilizer and pest management should be carried out in time after the buds grow. The viewing period of blooming flowers is about May 1 ~ 15 days.

Fenghua and floret rose can be pruned moderately. It takes about 30 days from bud germination to flowering, and the pruning can be postponed by about 10 days. The management of water, fertilizer, diseases and insect pests should be carried out in time after budding.

The florescence of National Day is a high temperature season from June to October, and the rose enters the summer growth period. in order to make the rose blossom well on the National Day, it should blossom as little as possible, sparse buds in time, water heavily in case of drought, and spray leaves frequently to reduce leaf surface and surface temperature and increase air humidity. Thin fertilizer can be applied to accumulate nutrients and promote the healthy growth of plants.

The large flower rose can be cut by a combination of moderate and light shearing, all the residual flowers and diseased branches can be cut off around August 25, and some of the flower branches can be cut to the round bud position of the mature part in the middle, so as to strengthen the cooling measures, and the viewing period of the full flower is about October 1-15.

Fenghua and floret rose can be pruned by a combination of moderate and mild pruning, with an appropriate delay of about 10 days. After the buds grow, the cooling measures should be strengthened and the management of water, fertilizer, diseases and insect pests should be carried out in time.

4.1 Regulation of florescence during the Flower Expo

Zhangzhou Flower Expo is held on November 18 every year, the temperature is more suitable for rose growth, but in the past few months, the temperature is higher, rose nutrients are insufficient, so that the rose can blossom during the exhibition, the rose can not bloom during the National Day. In the early stage, we should strengthen plant maintenance and management, strengthen cooling measures, make it accumulate nutrients and promote the healthy growth of plants.

The large flower rose can be cut by a combination of moderate and heavy pruning. On September 25, some of the twigs were heavily pruned and the strong flower branches were cut to the position of round buds in the mature part of the flower branch. The viewing period of full bloom is about November 10-30.

For abundant flowers and floret roses, a combination of moderate and heavy pruning can be carried out, and pruning can be postponed for about 10 days. After the buds grow, the cooling measures should be strengthened and the management of fertilizer, water, diseases and insect pests should be carried out in time.

The above is the whole content of rose maintenance and flowering regulation in Zhangzhou area. Welcome to continue to follow Huinong Network, there are more wonderful content here!

The technology of low temperature regulating florescence is adopted for the first time to ensure that the rose is in full bloom during the rose assembly.

(the original title: "Rose Conference" first used the technology of low temperature to regulate florescence)

Tomorrow, the 2016 World Rose Intercontinental Congress will be held in Daxing District, Beijing. the reporter learned from the Beijing Academy of Landscape Sciences that the Academy of Garden Sciences has adopted low temperature control florescence technology for the first time to ensure that the rose is in full bloom during the conference.

In the indoor potted rose exhibition of "Rose Congress", the Academy of Sciences will take part in the rose 'Spectrum', 'scarlet Fan', 'Alec Red', 'Princess of Monaco' and 'Meilang lipstick'. According to the normal flowering period, the potted rose in Beijing is from the end of April to the end of April, in order to delay the flowering so that all rose varieties reach full bloom on May 18, the Academy of Garden Sciences uses cold storage for the first time to treat the exhibitors at low temperature. to ensure that during the conference, the highest level of self-bred varieties and potted roses of Beijing Institute of Landscape Sciences will be presented to participants from all over the world. (Wechat ID:fzwb_52165216)

Rose, as a city flower in Beijing, is deeply loved by the public because of its variety, rich colors and easy maintenance and management. In the self-bred variety park in Longhe Park, the theme park of the Congress, the Academy of Sciences planted six varieties: 'red May', 'Spring Tide', 'Pearl of the Orient', 'pink blanket', 'snow child' and 'lovely ice cream'. Now all the plants grow neatly, robust and budding, and the best ornamental effect will be achieved during the conference.

At present, the environmental improvement and upgrading of the core area and expansion area of the rose assembly have been completed, with more than 2.17 million rose flowers, more than 432000 trees, 3.669 million shrubs and 262000 square meters of lawn cover.

In addition, in order to improve the surrounding environment of the venue, since the beginning of this year, Daxing District has carried out the demolition of various types of buildings of about 96000 square meters, road hardening of about 128000 square meters, building facade and wall painting of about 71000 square meters, standardized renovation of 790 advertising plaques, 76 bus stop signs, and updated installation of 570 peel boxes. (Wechat ID:fzwb_52165216) the landscape layout around the venue is also fully in place, including 14 groups of three-dimensional flower beds, 3564 groups of hanging flowers on bridges, 1228 groups of ground pendulum containers, 9 groups of node sketches, 3600 groups of hanging flowers in the central isolation belt of the central axis, and 40 rose styles.

Rose conference author: Geng Xueqing

Source: legal Evening News

Responsible Editor: Wang Xiaoyi _ NE0011

How to control the florescence of Chinese rose at the beginning of the month

There are many varieties of rose, and the interval between flowering periods is also different, but most of them have a long interval of 40-50. The higher you go, the shorter the interval. The best way is to observe the flowering interval and pruning position according to the variety habits in daily maintenance, so as to ensure the timely supply of flowers. But it is customary to prune about 35 days in advance and basically blossom on time. Dwarf, small flower, single flower, short flowering interval, almost monthly flowers, old flowers will be disabled, new flowers will bloom immediately, can be maintained according to routine maintenance, can bloom on time without pruning.