
How to plant a potted fig tree in spring? Planting methods of potted fig trees

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Figs are our favorite fruit. As a very suitable variety for planting in March or April, do you know how to plant potted fig trees?

After the Spring Festival, the cold winter has passed, the spring of the recovery of all things is coming quietly, and many flower friends who like to grow flowers and plants and fruits at home are not idle again. Today, the editor of Huinong Network recommends a potted fig tree which is very suitable for planting in March or April.

Why did the editor recommend fig planting to you? First of all, figs are rich in sugar, protein, amino acids and so on. Eating more figs is also helpful to our intestinal digestion. The second is that the planting of this fig tree is relatively easy to use, basically no difficulty. Last but not least, the vitality of the fig tree is very tenacious, so that even if you plant a fig tree for the first time, you do not have to worry about whether it can be raised or not. So, this potted fig tree is the best fruit tree for the balcony in spring. It not only grows with luxuriant branches and leaves, but also bears a lot of sweet and big fruit.

Next, the editor of Huinong Network will tell you about the planting methods of potted fig trees that are most suitable for planting in spring:

1. Figs are easy to be cultivated and easy to survive, and are generally cultivated by cutting. the best time to collect cutting fruit branches is after defoliation in autumn or before sprouting in spring. After collecting the branches, soak them in clean water for a day and insert them into the fertile soil to keep the soil moist.

two。 After rooting, it can be transplanted to the flowerpot separately, and the soil around the root system can be loosened properly after planting.

3. Figs grow in a doubling number and grow faster, so a relatively large flowerpot is needed so that the yield of the fruit will not be affected.

4. Flowerpots can be placed directly on the balcony on the sunny side, fruit trees like to bask in the sun very much, as long as they are controlled not to water too much, otherwise they are easy to rot.

5. If you want figs to grow better, adding some bacteria properly can reduce the occurrence of diseases and insect pests, so that the fruit will be bigger and more in the later stage.

The above is Huinong net Xiaobian arrangement of spring potted fig tree planting method, is not very easy to learn? If you want to know more about agricultural technology, please follow Huinong School!

Why potted fig trees don't bear fruit? planting methods of potted figs

Recently, many flower friends report that potted fig trees do not bear fruit. What is the reason for this? How to effectively prevent and cure it? Don't worry, the editor will introduce the methods of potted fig trees for you in detail to help you better plant fig trees.

Causes and control methods of non-fruiting of potted fig trees:

1. Pollination

If the flower is not pollinated, the potted fig tree will cause no fruit. Sometimes the fig blossoms, but people just don't notice it and can't see it, so they think that there is no flower. In general, it depends on whether the fig has a pistil. If there is no abnormality, it usually bears fruit.

two。 Light

In the cultivation of figs, light plays an important role, and it is difficult for figs to bear fruit if they are in the case of lack of light for a long time. Therefore, each branch is generally topped once in 7-9 leaves, topped again in mid-August, and the young fruits born in late August and later are removed to improve ventilation and light transmittance and leave fewer branches.

3. Pruning

Planting and pruning of potted figs is very important. if figs are not properly pruned, figs will only grow leaves and will not bear fruit. This is because there is no timely pruning, the growth of the vegetative organs of figs is too prosperous, consuming too much nutrients, and finally inhibit the development of reproductive organs, resulting in unfruitful consequences, so we must timely pick the heart of the exuberant branches, which can promote the formation of fruiting branches.

4. Nitrogen fertilizer application

Potted figs must be careful not to apply nitrogen fertilizer, because too much nitrogen fertilizer will make figs "greedy green" grow crazy, but will not blossom and bear fruit. Nitrogen fertilizer can be applied during the growing period, but after fruit setting and before the rapid growth period of the fruit, you can apply some phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, which can better promote the growth of figs.


In the cultivation of potted figs, ventilation is very important, so cultivated figs must have timely ventilation and adequate light, so as to better promote the fruit of figs.

Planting and cultivation techniques of potted fig trees

Figs are perennial trees with smooth branches, beautiful trees, unique leaves, sweet and delicious fruit and rich nutrition. Potted figs have both ornamental and tasting functions and have their own characteristics. The cultivation techniques are as follows:

1. Potted containers and potted soil

Mud pots, porcelain pots, cement pots, wooden boxes and buckets with good permeability can be used to cultivate figs, but the size should be suitable, with a diameter of 40 cm to 50 cm, not less than 30 cm, and the height can be similar to or slightly larger than the diameter of the basin. The basin soil is required to be loose, rich in organic matter, fertilizer, water and air permeability, and the humus soil under the mountain broad-leaved forest is the best.

two。 Planting method

One-year-old seedlings are planted in a pot after defoliation or before sprouting in spring. Before planting, fill more than half of the basin with nutritious soil to compaction, and the transplanted seedlings should be watered first, and immediately transplant into the basin with soil after water infiltration, with as many roots as possible, and then fill the soil to make the root closely connect with the soil, and the soil surface is flat with the edge of the basin. After watering, the soil surface is 2cm to 3cm away from the edge of the basin. Can also be used in the basin straight insertion method, in early spring sap flow before cutting thick and strong annual branches as cuttings, cut 20 cm branches, straight into the basin. Because fig branches are easy to take root, green wood cuttings with leaves are also easy to survive during the growing period. The strip pressing method is also suitable for the potted plants of figs. The annual or perennial branches of the existing potted figs or figs planted in the field can be pressed into another pot or bucket before germination to the early growth stage, and the striping should be pressed into the basin soil of about 10 cm.

3. Shaping and pruning

The shaping of potted figs can be done in the following two ways. One is the happy pruning method, in which 3 to 4 buds are left at the base of the stem after planting, and three main branches in different directions are selected in the same year. Fig is a light-loving tree species, the main branch angle to open, can be used to pull the main branch to 60 degrees to 70 degrees, the second year on the main branches of the mixed buds can bear fruit. The length of the main branch should be controlled at about 40 cm, and the over-prosperous main branch should be coring in time in summer. The fruiting branches should be weak and strong when pruning in winter. The elongated branches of the three main branches should be retracted and renewed year by year in order to control the crown and make it suitable in size.

The second is the trunk horizontal ring pruning method, which is indefinite in the first year after planting, allowing it to grow naturally. Because of its strong sprouting power, many branches can be germinated from bottom to top in the same year. According to the distribution of branches in winter, about 10 branches are selected and left in a circle according to the distribution of branches. After the branches are extended and grow, they are curved and tied horizontally with thin iron wire to facilitate continuous fruit. Pay attention to the thinning of overdense and overlapping branches, the upward growth of the trunk extension branches should be controlled at 1 meter to 1.2 meters high, and should be coring in time when they are too prosperous. After the third year, the horizontal fruiting branches have formed a whole ring around the trunk from bottom to top, and can be renewed and pruned every year to maintain the fruiting ability, avoid the overlap of circular branches and form a beautiful tree shape.

4. Administration and Management

Potted figs should be controlled to grow to produce mediocre branches, so watering should not be too frequent. Secondly, it is necessary to apply fertilizer reasonably to prevent excessive fertilization and cause fertilizer damage. In general, soaked and fermented bean cake water, horseshoe water or urea diluent are applied every half a month in the general growing season. Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer or superphosphate, bone meal and plant ash can be applied in late August in autumn. Figs have few diseases and insect pests, and basically no spraying is needed. The branches before 5 years old are vulnerable to frost damage, so it is necessary to move the pots indoors or cover the branches and stems against cold and overwinter before winter.