
You can grow pepper self-made woven bags without pots. You can't even eat 100 jin a year.

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Flower friends can no longer be satisfied on the balcony. Some flower friends think of planting chili potted plants at home and planting vegetables at home. Among the varieties of potted vegetables, the more common ones are potted onions, potted sweet potatoes, potted chili peppers and so on.

Flower friends can no longer be satisfied on the balcony. Some flower friends think of planting chili potted plants at home and planting vegetables at home. Among the varieties of potted vegetables, the more common ones are potted onions, potted sweet potatoes, potted chili peppers, and so on. For example, these flowers are ugly and can be eaten. Below, there are flower friends who can grow chili peppers without pots. Self-made "woven bags" can harvest 100 jin a year.

We all use flowerpots for potted chili peppers, while some netizens use "weaving bags", which are self-made, saving money for buying flowerpots and using home-made woven bags as flowerpots, which can be regarded as the second use, waste utilization. The chili peppers in each bag look good and want to be picked. It is said that they can harvest 100 jin a year.

If flower friends want to grow chili peppers on the balcony, it is also OK. Potted chili peppers do not need much space to grow. About 30 centimeters of flowerpots can plant chili peppers. Chili seeds that are cultivated with seeds and soaked in water overnight are easy to germinate and seedlings grow quickly. Adult chili is also very good-looking, no worse than green pineapple and hanging orchid, but also very interesting.

It should be noted that the planting container should be at least 25 centimeters deep, the planting place should not be exposed to the sun at first, and the seedlings should be given enough scattered light. Planting chili peppers should choose the right time, the temperature is about 17-20 degrees Celsius can be planted, usually after the spring is warm, pepper cultivation can choose different varieties, each variety is identified.

If you choose to sow seeds, you can soak the seeds in carbendazim solution before sowing, then soak them in clear water for one night, or soak them gently for half an hour, and then sow seeds. The germination rate is particularly high and the germination is faster. Avoid direct sunlight in the seedling stage, maintain sufficient scattered light, and so on when the seedlings grow to 4 true leaves, you can transplant, choose the seedlings with strong branches and leaves to cultivate, other seedlings can only give up.

The flower friend above who raised chili peppers in a woven bag said that if the flowerpot is better breathable, then the plant's roots will grow more vigorously. In the past, when watering flowers, I always worried about watering too much or not watering them to the end. now we use woven bags, which can avoid some situations that are easy to water wrongly, which is easier to raise than green pineapple. Interested flower friends might as well give it a try and use the method of sowing seeds first.

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