
Cultivation and management techniques of orchid and control of diseases and insect pests

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, How to raise ball orchid? The ball orchid has many varieties and is highly ornamental. At present, many families like to raise one or two orchids at home. Below, the editor of Huinong Network will bring you the cultivation techniques of plant reproduction and pest control of Cymbidium.

How to raise ball orchid? The ball orchid has many varieties and is highly ornamental. At present, many families like to raise one or two orchids at home. Below, the editor of Huinong Network will bring you the cultivation techniques of plant reproduction and pest control.

1. Cultivation and maintenance

1.1 Environmental regulation and control

Cymbidium plants are mainly in the tropics and subtropics, epiphytic on tree trunks and stone walls, and like warmth and drought tolerance. The ambient temperature of artificial cultivation should not be too high, if it is too high, it should be well ventilated and should be high humid and semi-overcast environment. It is necessary to maintain high air humidity in summer and autumn and avoid exposure to the sun, and the suitable temperature is 20 ℃ ~ 25 ℃. Winter temperature should not be lower than 5 ℃, conditional control should be above 10 ℃, shade should be needed in summer, water curtain should be cooled and moisturized, and the temperature should be controlled at about 25 ℃.

1.2 medium ratio

The cultivation medium of Cymbidium should have the characteristics of fertile, air permeability, good drainage and so on. Domestic orchid growers often use a mixture of peat, garden soil and perlite (5 ∶ 2 ∶ 3). According to their own environmental characteristics and planting experience, the author team chose the mixed medium of peat, bark and blue stone (2 ∶ 2 ∶ 1). At the same time, the ratio of medium should be adjusted according to the special requirements of different growth stages and different species. For example, in the seedling stage, because the root system is small, we can choose to increase the proportion of peat and reduce the proportion of bark and blue stone, so as to reduce soil porosity, make a better combination of fine root system and soil, and promote root growth.

two。 Water and fertilizer

Cymbidium plants like epiphytes with high air humidity but not resistant to stagnant water. during daily maintenance, attention should be paid to observing and controlling moisture. Before each watering, the water shortage of basin soil must be checked to achieve "dry and wet". In general, sufficient water will make the ball orchid vegetative growth exuberant, flowering less. The absorption capacity of fertilizer in the root is weak, so slow-release fertilizer should be used in the process of cultivation, and the fertilizer effect is valid for 3 months. For seedlings, N ∶ P ∶ K granule slow release fertilizer (such as Ordovician fertilizer) with the ratio of 1 ∶ 1 ∶ 1 can be applied. With the gradual growth of seedlings, the content of P in fertilizer should be increased, and some foliar fertilizers such as potassium dihydrogen phosphate should be applied at the same time. From November to March of each year, try to reduce fertilization or no fertilization, because Magnolia is native to the tropics, low light and low temperature in winter, they are basically dormant.

3. Reproduction

It is difficult to see seed pod development in most species of Cymbidium, especially the plants cultivated in greenhouse. Because orchid flowers need special insects to help pollinate, such as butterflies and ants. If a seed pod is produced on a plant cultivated indoors, it must be picked until it is fully mature. As the seeds of the genus Cymbidium have crown hair and are easy to drift with the wind, it is recommended to place a net bag or nylon socks around the pods to collect mature seeds when the pods crack. The seeds are sown as they are picked, and the picked seeds should not be preserved because the germination rate drops sharply after a few weeks. In addition, seeds are sensitive to fungi and are extremely perishable under inappropriate conditions.

When sowing, a drainage layer should be padded at the base, small blue stone or deer marsh soil (3~6mm) can be used, and the mixed medium of peat, perlite and vermiculite (1 ∶ 1 ∶ 1) can be used in the sowing layer. After a week to two weeks of sowing, seedlings will emerge one after another. When the root of the seedling extends out of the container, the pot is changed. The author suggests that several plants should be planted together when changing the pot, which is convenient for later maintenance and management.

In addition, orchid can also be propagated by pressing and cutting. Cuttings need to pay attention to the size and age of cuttings, cuttings with two nodes are more likely to grow new buds than cuttings with only one node, and the mature state of cuttings is also critical. For cuttings with the tip of buds, the survival rate of cuttings is often very low because its tissue is very young and will rot. The lower part of the middle of the stem is better used as cuttings because the tissue there is more mature but not yet Lignified. The cutting medium is mainly loose sand, using fine peat or vermiculite as the medium or increasing the proportion of perlite. In the experiment, the author usually lays a layer of large particle medium with good drainage at the base of the cutting medium, such as ceramsite or blue stone, and the medium is a mixture of peat, perlite and vermiculite to increase air permeability.

4. Diseases and insect pests and their control

In the environment of high temperature and poor ventilation, Cymbidium plants will be infected by some diseases and insect pests. It is mainly divided into two categories: insect pests and diseases.

4.1 insect pests

4.1.1 Powder medium

Generally occurs in the back of the leaves, leaf axils, peduncles and other positions, tend to have hair, fragrance and nectar of the ball orchid plants. The secretion of powder medium will also lead to the occurrence of coal pollution disease, which needs to be paid attention to. In general, when the number of powder medium is small, the brush can be used to remove it manually. If the quantity is large, you can use 2000 times liquid (after using 1000 times liquid, it is easy to cause drug damage such as inflorescence disappearing and falling), once a week, 3 times in a row, the effect is better.

4.1.2 aphids

Mainly gathered at the top of young leaves or young branches. When a small number of insect pests occur, clean the leaves with clean water or soapy water, or remove the damaged parts. In chemical control, 1 000 times of imidacloprid or 1 000 times of deltamethrin was used, once a week for 3 consecutive times.

4.1.3 scale insects

Most of the plants of the genus Cymbidium have a certain smell, and different species have different odors, such as citrus and cream, and some species can secrete a certain amount of nectar. This nectar is easy to attract shell insects. Especially in summer, high temperature and poor ventilation can easily lead to the occurrence of scale insects. When a small number of shell insects are found, the insect body can be brushed away with a hairbrush. When insect pests occur in a large area, 2000 times of the solution can be sprayed to kill the shell insects. When spraying, try to avoid spraying inflorescences, and some species will show signs of drug damage. Spraying once a week for 3 times in a row has a good control effect.

4.2 Diseases

4.2.1 Coal pollution disease

It usually occurs on leaves and branches. The symptom is to form black mildew spot first, then expand the piece, so that the whole leaf surface and tender shoot are covered with black mildew layer.

Prevention and control methods:

(1) the planting and placement of plants should not be too dense, ventilated and pruned properly.

(2) use fungicides to prevent the disease at the initial stage of the disease.

(3) the occurrence of the disease is closely related to insect secretions, such as powder, aphid secretions, etc., so killing insects in time is the best way.

(4) 1 000 times mancozeb solution was sprayed during the occurrence of insect pests to prevent them regularly.

4.2.2 soft rot

In the environment of high temperature and high humidity, Cymbidium is prone to soft rot. At the initial stage of the disease, the leaves of the orchid showed a withered shape, and the disease site was mostly at the base of the plant, and the base spread rapidly to the whole plant after infection. The infected leaves are yellow and soft rotten, with brown liquid outflow and a special stench. The control method is to cut off the diseased leaves in time, apply sulfur powder or mancozeb powder to the wound, pay attention to watering and maintaining ventilation, and spray 1 000 times of methyl topiramate or 5 000 times of agricultural streptomycin regularly.

These are all the contents of today. The editor of Huinong Network reminds you that it is very important to plant ball orchid diseases and insect pests.

How to raise bulbous orchid to control diseases and insect pests

Ball orchid bright color, peculiar flower shape, can watch the leaves and flowers, very ornamental, placed in the middle of home decoration. Next, I will introduce to you the relevant knowledge about ball orchid culture.

How to raise ball orchid

1. Soil: humic loam is the best soil for ball orchid cultivation, and good drainage is needed.

2. Watering: ball orchid is a succulent plant, the leaves contain more water, watering should be dry and wet in the growing season. Too much watering can easily rot the roots, but adequate watering should be done in summer. Because it likes to be moist, it should be paid attention to often spray water to the leaf surface to increase air humidity.

3. Sunshine: ball orchids should be placed on the south windowsill or near the indoor south window in the spring and autumn season, that is, they can keep the leaves green and bright and bloom well. But the summer should be moved to the shade to prevent direct light, otherwise the leaf color is easy to turn yellow. If you put it in the lack of light for a long time, the color of the leaves will become lighter, and the flowers will be less and less colorful.

4. Temperature: Magnolia is not cold-resistant, the suitable temperature for growth is 15 ℃-25 ℃, and the room temperature should be kept above 10 ℃ in winter. If it is lower than 5 ℃, it is vulnerable to cold injury, causing defoliation and even death of the whole plant.

5. Fertilization: the fertilizer of ball orchid is mainly organic fertilizer or compound fertilizer, and the thin cake fertilizer with the combination of nitrogen and phosphorus is applied 1-2 times a month in the peak growing season. The rest of the time because of slow growth, to stop fertilization, so as not to waste fertilizer or cause fertilizer damage.

6. Pruning: young plants of Cymbidium should pick their hearts early to promote the germination of new branches, and set up scaffolds in time to make them grow upward. After the flower fades, it should be allowed to wither naturally, and the flower stem should not be cut off, because most of the flower buds in the second year will sprout in the same place. If you do not understand this habit, it will affect the number of flowers in the coming year.

7. Flowering management: before flowering, some liquid fertilizer is available, and the orchid needs 3-5 hours of light every day to blossom, so the flowerpot can not be moved at will when it blossoms, and its flowering period is usually about 10 days. then it will automatically fall and re-grow flowers until mid-October.

Prevention and control of diseases and insect pests of Cymbidium

Ball orchid is generally prone to powdery mildew, anthrax, soft rot, shell insects, aphids and other diseases and insect pests.

1. Ball orchid powdery mildew

In the early stages of leaf spot and powdery mildew, 50% carbendazim wettable powder or 70% mancozeb wettable powder 1000 times can be sprayed.

Anthrax: it is usually infected through a wound, with black spots on the leaves as a common symptom. It can be sprayed regularly with 80% anthrax Fumei 600x solution and 70% methyl topiramate 1000 times solution.

Preventive measures: can strengthen ventilation, usually pay attention to watering and plant wounds.

Soft rot: it is easy to develop in the environment of high temperature and high humidity. it usually has spots on the leaf surface at the beginning, and then wilts and droops, losing its ornamental value. It can be sprayed with 5000 times of agricultural streptomycin or 1000 times of methyl parathion.

Prevention: once the plant is sick, the diseased leaves should be cut off in time, and the wound should be smeared with Mmur45 cornflour to prevent re-infection.

2. Anthracnose of ball orchid

Ball orchid anthracnose is generally infected by wounds and is characterized by black spots on the leaves. At first, a number of light yellow, dark brown or light gray areas appeared on the leaf surface, and sometimes formed a number of black belts. When the disease spot expanded, the surrounding tissue became yellow or grayish green and sunken, which could lead to the death of the whole plant.

Prevention and control methods: strengthen management, do not plant too closely, maintain good light transmission and ventilation, water from the edge of the basin when watering, if there are damaged leaves, cut off the diseased leaves in time, avoid sunburn, cold injury, fertilizer injury, drug damage, and reduce the occurrence of anthrax. To do a good job in peacetime prevention, 80% anthrax Fumei 600x solution and 70% methyl topiramate 1000 times solution can be sprayed and killed regularly.

3. Ball orchid soft rot

The soft rot of ball orchid is easy to occur in the environment of high temperature and high humidity. it is easy to occur in the cloudy and rainy season in early summer and less in winter. At the initial stage, water-immersed spots appeared on the leaf surface and petiole, and then wilted and drooped, losing ornamental value. Generally, the disease occurs in the whole plant, and when the leaves are damaged, they are small spots in the form of dark green water immersion, rapidly expanding in the form of yellow-brown soft rot, and there are brown water droplets exudating, with a special stench.

Prevention and treatment: once the plant is sick, the diseased leaves should be cut off in time, and the wound should be smeared with Mmur45 cornflour to prevent re-infection. Spray control with agricultural streptomycin 5000 times or methyl parathion 1000 times.

4. Scale insects:

It is generally parasitic on leaf sheaths and stems to absorb plant nutrients.

Prevention: keep a ventilated environment and find bugs in time. At the same time, you can use a small amount of brush to remove the worms. At the same time, you can spray chemicals for 1 or 3 times. For example, 80% dichlorvos EC or 3% pyrethroid 1000 times solution is sprayed once every 7 to 10 days for 3 consecutive times.

5. Aphids

There are many kinds of aphids, which is a kind of small and soft common insects, which often gather in the young stems of branches and leaves to absorb nutrients, which stagnates the growth of the damaged plants and turns the leaves yellow. Its secretions often lead to the parasitism of various molds, especially the occurrence of coal fouling disease.

Control methods: when a small amount of insect pests occur, the leaves can be washed with water or soapy water, or the damaged parts can be removed. In chemical control, deltamethrin 1000-1500 times, 40% omethoate 2000 times or trichlorfon 1000 times can be sprayed for 3 times every 5~7d1, which has a good control effect.

The above is for you to introduce the relevant knowledge about ball orchid farming, I hope it can help you, more household knowledge please pay attention.

Ball orchid pest control ball orchid (Latin name: Hoya carnosa (L.F.) R. Br), also known as Magnolia, Tripterygium, Tripterygium, etc., belongs to the genus Cymbidium of the family Asclepidium. Climbing shrubs, attached to trees or stones, angry roots on stem nodes. Distributed in Yunnan, Guangxi, Guangdong, Taiwan; cultivated or wild in other tropical and subtropical areas. Raw plains, forests or cultivation. The whole plant is used medicinally to treat pneumonia and so on.

Ball orchid pest control 1, disease control (1) ball orchid anthracnose: ball orchid anthracnose is generally infected through the wound, showing black spots on the leaves. At first, a number of light yellow, dark brown or light gray areas appeared on the leaf surface, and sometimes formed a number of black belts. When the disease spot expanded, the surrounding tissue became yellow or grayish green and sunken, which could lead to the death of the whole plant. The method of prevention and control is to strengthen management, not to plant too closely, to maintain good light transmission and ventilation, and to water from the edge of the basin when watering. If there are damaged leaves, diseased leaves should be cut off in time to avoid sunburn, cold injury, fertilizer injury, drug injury and reduce charcoal growth. To do a good job in peacetime prevention, 80% anthrax Fumei 600x solution and 70% methyl topiramate 1000 times solution can be sprayed and killed regularly. (2) soft rot of ball orchid: soft rot is easy to occur in the environment of high temperature and high humidity, and it is easy to occur in cloudy and rainy season in early summer and less in winter. At the initial stage, water-immersed spots appeared on the leaf surface and petiole, and then wilted and drooped, losing ornamental value. Generally, the disease occurs in the whole plant, and when the leaves are damaged, they are small spots in the form of dark green water immersion, rapidly expanding in the form of yellow-brown soft rot, and there are brown water droplets exudating, with a special stench. The prevention and treatment method is that once the plant is sick, the diseased leaves should be cut off in time, and the wound should be smeared with Mmur45 cornflour to prevent re-infection. Spray control with agricultural streptomycin 5000 times or methyl parathion 1000 times. (3) Ball orchid rust: orange spots appeared on the leaf surface in the early stage, and brown spores appeared on the back of the leaf in the later stage. The prevention and control method is to disinfect the cultivation medium in advance, strengthen environmental management, maintain ventilation and light transmission, and remove diseased leaves if necessary. During the onset of the disease, 50% carbendazim 800x or 70% methyl topiramate 1000 times spray control. 2. Pest control (1) scale insects: scale insects often parasitize on the leaf sheath and stem, especially in the dark places such as the back of the leaf sheath, and use piercing mouthparts to penetrate into the stomata of the plant to absorb nutrients, which has a great impact on the growth of Cymbidium. As a result, the seedlings gradually decline and yellowing, and are prone to disease and death. High temperature and rainy summer, poor ventilation or lack of sunlight, it is very easy to cause the harm of scale insects. The method of prevention and control is to pay attention to ventilation, find the insect body as soon as possible, brush it with a brush when a small amount occurs, and then rinse it with water. When insect pests occur in a large area, chemical methods are used to control them. During the peak incubation period of nymphs, the insecticide was sprayed for 1 or 3 times. For example, spray 1000 dichlorvos EC or 3% pyrethroid once every 7 to 10 days for 3 times in a row. (2) aphids: there are many kinds of aphids, which are a kind of small and soft insects, which often gather in the young stems of branches and leaves to absorb nutrients, which stagnates the growth of the damaged plants and turns the leaves yellow. Its secretions often lead to the parasitism of various molds, especially the occurrence of coal fouling disease. When a small number of insect pests occur, the leaves can be washed with water or soapy water, or the damaged parts can be removed. In chemical control, deltamethrin 1000-1500 times or trichlorfon 1000 times can be sprayed once every 5-7 days for 3 consecutive times, which has a good control effect. (3) mite pests: mite pests are mainly red spiders, yellow spiders and false spiders, which are most likely to occur in dry and high temperature environments. Insects are parasitic on leaves, and sunlight often lives on the back of leaves or leaf sheaths, absorbing nutrients from new buds and leaves and discoloring leaves. The damaged leaves often appear a gray dot, and then become silver-gray or grayish brown rough irregular spots or patches. In severe cases, screen leaves can be found on the back of the leaves, and scorched dents gradually appear, and soon atrophy and deform. The control method is to spray the upper and lower sides of the leaves with soapy water, which can be attached to the leaves to form a film to prevent or reduce the parasitism of mites, and to spray with chemicals such as alkyne and dacarine. When spraying, the upper and lower sides of the leaf and the base of the leaf should be sprayed once a week for 3 times in a row.