
109-year-old grandma's pickled recipe can be eaten more and more addictive in 3 days.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Pickles are really a craft, which are usually cooked by the elderly at home. Since leaving home, what Huahua misses most is the pickles made by grandma herself! When I went back during the last holiday, I quickly learned a few pickles with my grandmother, and I pickled them in 3 days.

Pickles were really a craft. Usually, the elderly at home would cook them. Since leaving home, Huahua missed the pickles made by Grandma the most! Last holiday back, quickly followed grandma to learn a few pickles method, 3 days to marinate good, can eat a lifetime!

Pickled leek, one eat addiction!

Many people only know fried eggs with leeks. In fact, pickled leeks are the most delicious. It is easy to fail. Even picky nephews can eat addiction and dry three bowls of rice in one breath!

Salting method:

1. Prepare leeks. It is best to choose fine leaves and small leeks. The taste is more fragrant. Wash and dry the water.

2. Prepare garlic and small red pepper. Wash and dry them and chop them up. They can be increased or decreased according to personal taste. The dried leeks are also chopped, and the length is according to personal preference.

3. Put leeks, peppers and garlic together and add salt. Grandma's ratio is 1 jin leek 2 liang salt, heavy taste can add 3 liang. Stir well after adding ~

4. Pour the stirred marinated leek into a small bottle or basin, cover it, put it in the refrigerator or a cool place at home, and open it for consumption after 2-3 days.

Huahua suggestion: pickled leek time is short, family members are few words, each time pickled 1-2 jin can eat for a long time. Eat noodles, steamed bread, drink porridge when to a little, taste unforgettable!

Pickled beans, the last wave has to hurry!

The end of autumn is the last period of pickled beans, pickled well can be eaten until the New Year, sour beans fried meat··light to listen to this name makes people drool DC!

Salting method:

1, beans to choose some tender, do not use old beans. Clean, wash and hang on a hanger to dry (very important). At the same time prepare ginger, garlic, small red pepper.

2, star anise, fragrant leaves, pepper add cold water to cook for about 20 minutes, salt in water to be salty, cooked aside to cool, with this brine, pickled beans more fragrant.

3. Collect the dried ingredients and decide whether to cut them according to personal preference. Chili can also be cut or not cut, garlic peeled on the line, ginger to slice.

4, pickled beans can be used plastic bottles, glass bottles, tile jars, must not bring raw water, beans, ginger and garlic spicy put in, add brine cover on the line.

5, so marinated beans, put in a dry place in the house, do not be exposed to light, about a week can be eaten.

Huahua suggestion: The longer the marinating time, the more sour the beans become. When fishing for beans, use dry chopsticks. Do not see raw water or it will go bad ~

One bite of pickled radish, autumn is indispensable!

Autumn is the harvest season for turnips. The turnips in the vegetable market are tender. Besides frying and boiling, it's really a big loss not to pickle the dried turnips ~

Salting method:

1, buy a few fat green radish, wash clean do not peel, cut into finger thickness radish strips, like crispy mouth can not be dried, like a little fragrant to sun.

2. Put the cut radish strips on cardboard or sieve for 1-2 days, dry them until the skin is wrinkled and dry, then wash the dust with water, put them in the ventilated place in the house and dry them for a while, and the surface will be dry.

3. The dried radish strips, plus chili noodles, salt (ten catties of radish and half catty of salt), a little white sugar to enhance the flavor, a few spoonfuls of soy sauce to enhance the color, finally pour some white vinegar to make the radish more refreshing, and then wear disposable gloves to grasp the seasoning evenly.

4, the adjusted radish strips, put into the bottle sealed preservation, 3-5 days can be eaten. Just grab a little when eating. It's simple and convenient. It's a must for every family ~

Huahua suggestion: drowned radish dried and sesame oil, small grinding oil is also perfect match, eat when mixing a little more fragrant! Like to eat crispy radish with water, do not need to dry directly cut into strips put in salt pepper water pickled, the next day can eat, more trouble!

These 3 quick pickles

Super practical, so to speak.

Flower friends hurry to collect

Make two cans of pickles tomorrow ~