
These five succulent plants not only have good looks, but also have their own fragrance to intoxicate your sense of smell.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The succulent plant of "meat toot" has always been favored by flower lovers, and it can be said that it is very popular in the flower and plant world in recent years. Succulent plants with their own "small and fresh" flavor, raising a few pots at home can not only bring us visual enjoyment.

The succulent plant of "meat toot" has always been favored by flower lovers, and it can be said that it is very popular in the flower and plant world in recent years. Succulent plants with their own "small and fresh" flavor, raising a few pots at home, can not only bring us visual enjoyment, but also bring us olfactory intoxication.

Why do you say that? That is because some succulent plants, not only "good-looking", but also with a certain fragrance, really other people appreciate meat and I smell meat. So, next, let's introduce five kinds of succulent plants with their own fragrance, which are not only good-looking, but also very good-smelling. Don't miss it!

Aromatic wave

[fragrance] fragrance is not the traditional sense of "meat", its appearance is not good-looking, and even a little ugly! But its flowering feature is night blooming and diurnal cooperation, and it is a plant with few flowers with fragrance in succulent plants. The fragrance of flowers is a kind of fragrance that is not greasy to people. It smells very good. Two or three flowers can scent all over the balcony. It is also a good choice.

In the maintenance process of aromatic waves, watering during the growing period of aromatic waves should not be more, frequent spraying should control watering and keep the basin soil slightly moist. In particular, it is necessary to master the links of water control, ventilation, shading and fertilizer cessation during the summer dormancy period.

Ice berry

[ice berries] Ice berries belong to the moon shadow series succulent, with sweet aroma similar to Vanilla Ice Cream, and the state is tight, bag and pretty, pink and changeable, jelly green, ice orange, pink and so on can be controlled, meat appreciation can also smell meat, it is worth taking care of at home!

When maintaining ice berries, watering should not be too frequent. Watering 1-2 times a month is enough. Into the growing period should also properly control the amount of watering, watering must be watered thoroughly after drying, not too wet. In addition, we must pay attention to watering, as far as possible to avoid water on the plant, water droplets will form water stains are not very beautiful, to keep water in the middle of the plant, so as not to rot, need to pay special attention!

Lily Lily

Lily lily belongs to the succulent plant of lotus palms. Its leaves are thick and spoon-shaped, the leaf tips are not obvious, and the lotus flowers are closely arranged. With the same conservation environment, the leaves are green to pink-orange-green, and the leaf aroma is obvious.

Lily maintenance, the spring and autumn growth season can be fully watered, basin soil dry for seven or eight minutes can be thoroughly, avoid long-term dry, rainy season should avoid long-term rain, to prevent stagnant water rotten leaves. At the same time, the growing season in spring and autumn should give sufficient light as much as possible.

In the case of sufficient light, the leaves will be more wrapped, more compact and thicker, showing a charming orange pink green color. If the light is not enough, the leaves will spread out, and the leaves will turn green and a piece of vegetable, and it will become "ugly meat".


[Raul] Raul's fragrance is not available all the time. If it is not properly maintained, the color will turn green and grow, and then there will be no fragrance. In addition, Raul's fragrance is relatively light, the more the sun is more fragrant, the more controlled, the more fragrant, so if there are conditions, it is best to bask in more sun.

When maintaining Raul, Raul likes a warm, ventilated environment and should be placed on a balcony with plenty of light, but to avoid exposure to the hot sun. Watering pay attention to "no dry, no watering, watering thoroughly", to avoid stagnant water rotten roots, once every 2 weeks is appropriate. Raul should be moved indoors when the weather is colder to avoid frostbite.

Blue bean

[blue beans] Blue beans are mini succulent, with small leaves and look very cute! Out of the state, the color of the leaves will show a micro-powder or slightly orange, beautiful do not want! In addition, blue beans also have a certain flavor, and the more the sun is getting better and better, it is a very good choice.

When curing blue beans, the principle of "do not dry, do not water, water thoroughly" should be mastered in order to avoid stagnant water in the basin soil, otherwise rotten roots will occur. Water can be sprinkled around the plant when the air is dry, but the leaf surface, especially in the center of the leaf clump, should not accumulate water, otherwise it will cause a rotten heart, especially to avoid long-term rain.


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