
How to raise Daphne odora in Phnom Penh? Detailed explanation of potted techniques of Daphne odorifera in Phnom Penh

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The posture of Phnom Penh Ruixiang is very beautiful, and the flowers bloom with rich fragrance, so it has the laudatory name of "king of fragrant flowers". So how does Ruixiang grow in Phnom Penh? novices who want potted plants can learn the techniques of potted plant management.

The posture of Phnom Penh Ruixiang is very beautiful, and the flowers bloom with rich fragrance, so it has the laudatory name of "king of fragrant flowers". So how does Ruixiang grow in Phnom Penh? novices who want potted plants can learn potted plant management techniques.

First, basin soil management

Phnom Penh Daphne likes loose, fertile and slightly acidic soil rich in humus. The culture soil can be proportioned with garden soil, rotten mushroom material and furnace ash at 4:4:2, or garden soil and peat soil at 1:1. Phnom Penh Daphne must change the basin every two years, before the early spring bud, remove the outer soil of the root, leave the protective soil, change into the new culture soil, and maintain the original depth when planting.

II. Lighting management

Phnom Penh Daphne originated in the shallow mountains and hills hidden and humid zone, like semi-shade, afraid of strong light, winter and spring can be exposed to sunlight, summer and autumn should be shaded or placed in semi-shade. If the light is too strong, the leaves will turn yellow.

III. Temperature management

Phnom Penh Daphne likes to be cold and cool, is afraid of heat and is not resistant to cold, the temperature stops growing when the temperature is more than 25 °C, the lowest overwintering temperature is not less than 5 °C, and the leaves turn yellow or even fall off in summer when the temperature is lower than 5 °. The leaves can be cooled by spraying water in very hot weather.

IV. Watering management

Phnom Penh Daphne leaves leathery, covered with waxy layer, low transpiration, small water demand, not resistant to water and moisture. Watering should be dry and wet. The watering is controlled in autumn, and the basin soil remains semi-dry, which slows down the growth and is beneficial to overwintering. Reduce watering in winter, and the basin soil should be on the dry side.

5. Fertilization management

Phnom Penh Ruixiang like fertilizer, do not like big fertilizer, should be thin fertilizer frequently, the growing season about 10 days to apply thin cake liquid fertilizer, the northern water quality is alkaline, the soil is alkaline, the leaves will turn yellow. A small amount of ferrous sulfate (black sail) can be added to the cake fertilizer solution, semi-dormant in summer, stop fertilization, flower bud differentiation and budding in autumn, spray 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution every 7-10 days, supplement phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, and promote flower bud differentiation.

VI. Shaping and pruning

Phnom Penh Daphne is resistant to pruning, remove weak branches and over-dense branches after flowering, and reshape according to the required tree shape.

Phnom Penh Ruixiang-Phnom Penh Daphne Culture method | Phnom Penh Ruixiang Picture Phnom Penh Ruixiang (scientific name: VC.Aureomariginatn) is a traditional Chinese flower, but also a world-famous flower. In the history of modern horticulture, it is regarded as the three treasures of horticulture together with Changchun monk Gentleman and Japanese five-needle theory. Phnom Penh Ruixiang is famous for its "color, fragrance, appearance and rhyme", leaving behind the singing of "peony flowers are the best in Phnom Penh". Culture method of Daphne odorifera in Phnom Penh

1. Soil: potted Phnom Penh Daphne, pot soil should be fertile and loose, rich in humus with acid rotten leaf soil, mixed with appropriate amount of river sand and mature cake fertilizer.

2, watering: Phnom Penh Ruixiang root is fleshy, usually maintenance and management should pay special attention to control watering, such as too much watering, basin soil is too wet for a long time, easy to cause rotten roots. After the rain, the stagnant water in the basin must be poured out in time.

How to raise Daphne odora in Phnom Penh

How to raise Ruixiang in Phnom Penh? Phnom Penh Daphne has poor ability of sexual reproduction and uses more vegetative organs to reproduce. Therefore, seedlings are in short supply and expensive. The vegetative propagation of Phnom Penh Daphne can be carried out all the year round, usually by cutting, grafting, high branch pressing and so on. The methods of water insertion and bud insertion are introduced below.

(1) Water plug. Water insertion is generally carried out in summer, when new branches tend to mature, which is a good season for water insertion. The water insertion method has the advantages of fast rooting and high survival rate (almost 100%), which can reduce the number of water spraying. The specific method is: take the branches of the same year, with a length of 8-12 cm. The day before cutting, it is best to cut a circle with a sharp knife at the branch point of 1-2 mm (do not use scissors), so as to speed up the healing and rooting. After ring cutting at the branch point, smooth the wound, remove the lower half of the branch leaves, keep 3-4 leaves in the upper part, and cut off the rest. And then put it in a jar prepared in advance. Pour water into the bottle about 3pm 4 and drip 2-3 drops of vinegar. The cuttings are about 1 stroke 3 in water, straightened and fixed. The mouth of the bottle is covered with gauze and fastened. Insert it and put it on the indoor windowsill. When the amount of water decreases, add water to the original water level. After about 5 days, spray the foliar surface with water 1-2 times, change the water once a week, and take root within a month. Transplant it into the pot in time.

The leaves of Phnom Penh Daphne turn yellow.

Phnom Penh Daphne leaves yellowing: 1. Soil alkali

Potted Phnom Penh Daphne should use fertile and loose, humic acid-rich saprophytic soil, if the selected soil is alkaline, it will cause the leaves of Phnom Penh to yellowing and fall. Solution: change the basin soil or apply ferrous sulfate solution to ensure the acidity of the soil.

Phnom Penh Daphne leaves yellowing: 2. The sun is too strong.

Phnom Penh Ruixiang is afraid of the hot summer sun, summer should be placed on a cool and ventilated flower rack, or in a place where there is no direct sunlight, the sun shines too violently or causes the leaves to turn yellow. Solution: put Phnom Penh Daphne in a place with plenty of astigmatism for breeding.

Common diseases of Daphne odora L. in Phnom Penh

1. Stem rot of Daphne odorifera in Phnom Penh

Daphne disease in Phnom Penh is not easy to be detected at the initial stage. The first manifestation of the disease is the rhizome. The phloem of the disease blackened and rotted, and gradually developed to the root. However, the xylem was normal, the leaves were green and did not fall until death, and no disease was found on the surface.

Solution: for Phnom Penh Daphne stem rot, comprehensive prevention and control should be carried out.

(1) the choice of environment for placing potted flowers: Phnom Penh Daphne is a kind of plant that likes cool and ventilated environment. From June to October, potted flowers should be placed in a cool place from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Or take the method of setting up a shed to solve the problem.

Is Phnom Penh incense poisonous?

Is Phnom Penh Daphne poisonous? Ruixiang is very fragrant and not poisonous. if you can smell it, you can put it in the bedroom, but it's hard to say. Of course, it has its disadvantages as well as its benefits. Smelling more is not good for the human body. Isn't there a western language in China? Things go to extremes. When one thing goes too far, the good will become bad, and the bad may become good.

The function of Phnom Penh Daphne

The function of Phnom Penh Daphne: 1. Watch. Phnom Penh Daphne has high ornamental value, beautiful tree posture, natural branches, neat and bright leaves, green and green, rich flower fragrance and long flowering period. it is a kind of precious flower with excellent appearance, color, fragrance and rhyme, which is favored by the majority of flower lovers.

The function of Phnom Penh Daphne: 2. Medicinal. Phnom Penh Daphne not only has ornamental value, but also has high medicinal value. Phnom Penh Daphne contains daphnetin, its roots, stems, leaves and flowers can be used as medicine. The effects of reducing inflammation and relieving pain, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis and dispersing knots have been included in the "Dictionary of traditional Chinese Medicine".

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How does Phnom Penh Daphne cultivate Phnom Penh Daphne leaves turn yellow?

Phnom Penh Daphne is not only a traditional famous flower in China, but also a famous flower in the world. Phnom Penh Daphne is also known as Daphne, sleeping incense and dew nail. Next, let's take a look at the reproduction of Phnom Penh Daphne.

Basic information of Ruixiang in Phnom Penh:

Phnom Penh Daphne is not only a traditional flower in China, but also a famous flower in the world. In the history of modern horticulture, it is regarded as the three treasures of horticulture together with Changchun monk Gentleman and Japanese five-needle theory. Phnom Penh Ruixiang is famous for its "color, fragrance, appearance and rhyme", leaving behind the singing of "peony flowers are the best in Phnom Penh".

Phnom Penh Daphne is a variety of Daphne odora, which belongs to the evergreen shrub of Daphne. Fleshy roots. Leaves densely whorled oval, about 5-6cm, 2-3cm wide, smooth and thick, leathery, both sides glabrous, surface dark green, leaf back light green, leaf margin golden yellow, petiole thick and short; terminal inflorescence, perianth tube-shaped, upper four-lobed diameter about 1.5cm, each flower consists of dozens of florets, blooming from outside to inside, flowering for more than two months, during the Spring Festival, the flower color is purple and bright, and the fragrance is rich.

The culture method of Phnom Penh Daphne:

1. Soil: potted Phnom Penh Daphne, pot soil should be fertile and loose, rich in humus with acid rotten leaf soil, mixed with appropriate amount of river sand and mature cake fertilizer.

2, watering: Phnom Penh Ruixiang root is fleshy, usually maintenance and management should pay special attention to control watering, such as too much watering, basin soil is too wet for a long time, easy to cause rotten roots. After the rain, the stagnant water in the basin must be poured out in time.

3. Sunshine: although Phnom Penh Daphne likes semi-shade, it should be placed in a sunny environment in winter and spring. During the growth period, such as sufficient light and suitable fertilizer effect, it can make Ye Dai and flowers strong, and it should be placed in a cool place with good ventilation in summer. spray water to cool down when hot.

Temperature: after Frosts Descent, Phnom Penh Daphne moved into the sunny part of the room, the room temperature was kept at about 5 ℃, and the watering was controlled; the water content of the basin soil was controlled at about 45% before it could pass the winter.

5. Fertilization: Phnom Penh Daphne prefers fertilizer, and thin liquid fertilizer should be irrigated every 10 days or so in the growing season. It is appropriate to apply sparse pancake fertilizer and water before and after flowering.

6. Insect pests: the main pests that harm Phnom Penh Daphne are aphids and shell insects, which mostly appear in the dry and hot climate and should be controlled as soon as possible. The disease is mainly caused by virus mosaic disease, infected plant leaves appear color spots and deformities, poor flowering and growth stagnation, should be found to root out and burn with fire.

7. Pruning: Phnom Penh Daphne has numerous branches, strong germination, resistance to pruning and pruning after flowering.

The leaves of Phnom Penh Daphne turn yellow.

1. Soil alkali: potted Phnom Penh Daphne should use fertile and loose, humus-rich acid-rich saprophytic soil. If the selected soil is alkaline, it will cause the leaves of Phnom Penh to yellowing and falling. Solution: change the basin soil or apply ferrous sulfate solution to ensure the acidity of the soil.

2, the sun is too strong: Phnom Penh Ruixiang is afraid of the hot summer sun, summer should be placed on a cool and ventilated flower rack, or in a place where there is no direct sunlight, the sun shines too hard or causes the leaves to turn yellow. Solution: put Phnom Penh Daphne in a place with plenty of astigmatism for breeding.

3. The temperature is too low: the cold resistance of Phnom Penh Daphne is poor. If the temperature is too low, the leaves will yellow and fall, and the plants will also be damaged by freezing. Solution: the potted plant of Daphne odorifera in Phnom Penh should be moved indoors in front of Frosts Descent and keep the room temperature not less than 5 ℃.

Is Phnom Penh incense poisonous?

Ruixiang is very fragrant and not poisonous. if you can smell it, you can put it in the bedroom, but it's hard to say. Of course, it has its disadvantages as well as its benefits. Smelling more is not good for the human body. Isn't there an old saying in China? Things go to extremes. When one thing goes too far, the good will become bad, and the bad may become good.

The function of Phnom Penh Daphne

1. Viewing: Phnom Penh Daphne has high ornamental value, graceful tree posture, natural branches, neat and bright leaves, green and green, rich flower fragrance and long flowering period. it is a kind of precious flower with excellent appearance, color, fragrance and rhyme, which is favored by the majority of flower lovers.

2. Medicine: Phnom Penh Daphne not only has ornamental value, but also has high medicinal value. Phnom Penh Daphne contains daphnetin, and its roots, stems, leaves and flowers can be used as medicine. The effects of reducing inflammation and relieving pain, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis and dispersing knots have been included in the "Dictionary of traditional Chinese Medicine".

3. Gifts: Ruixiang in Phnom Penh is famous for its "color, fragrance, appearance and rhyme". It opens before and after the Spring Festival, full of branches, clusters, flowers and rich fragrance, which adds a sign of auspiciousness to the Spring Festival, and it is also one of the choices for many people to give gifts among relatives and friends.

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