
Seed Seedling techniques and Pest Control of Bauhinia chinensis

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, How to raise seedlings of Bauhinia seeds? The peel, fruit, wood and flower of Bauhinia can be used as medicine. It is planted in many provinces of our country. It blossoms in early spring. The colors of the flowers are pink, brilliant red, purplish red and so on. They are shaped like butterflies.

How to raise seedlings of Bauhinia seeds? The peel, fruit, wood and flower of Bauhinia can be used as medicine. It is planted in many provinces of our country. It blossoms in early spring. The colors of the flowers are pink, brilliant red, purplish red and so on. They are shaped like butterflies.

1 Life habits

Sex likes sunshine and is more resistant to heat and heat. Like deep, fertile, well-drained soil, cold and drought tolerance is strong, but can not withstand flooding, its sprouting ability is strong, more resistant to pruning. The tree shape is that the basic branches are clustered, and it is suitable for planting in a wide range. It can be planted alone in the courtyard, or in parks, green belts and so on.

2 sowing and raising seedlings

2.1 seed treatment

2.1.1 seed harvest

The fruit of bauhinia ripens from late October to early November. The provenance selects excellent mother trees with strong growth, good productivity, no diseases and insect pests, and full seeds. After the pods are ripe, the pods should be collected in time, and the pods should be removed after drying. Collect the pure seeds. The weight of a thousand seeds is about 30.3 grams.

2.1.2 seed storage

The seeds harvested in autumn and ready to be sown in the following spring can be stored by dry storage. The selected bauhinia seeds can be dried first, and then put into paper bags when they are air-dried. Store them in a low-temperature, dry, ventilated and cool warehouse from zero to five degrees Celsius. Pay attention to frequent observation in order to prevent insect pests and tidal change

2.1.3 seed germination

The seeds should be treated with Cui bud before spring sowing, in order to facilitate the emergence of seedlings quickly and neatly, and the seedling rate is high. The methods of water immersion and stratification are often used to promote bud. The seed coat of Bauhinia seed is thick and hard. Accelerating germination is ten days before the seeds are sowed in warm water in the second year. The Bauhinia seed shell is relatively thick. The water temperature for seed soaking is between 40 and 60 degrees Celsius. After the seeds are poured in, they are stirred to cool naturally, then placed at room temperature, and cold water is changed once every two to three days. After the seeds are swollen by water absorption, they are removed and placed in an earthen basin, mixed with two to three times as much river sand, and placed in a leeward direction for sprouting (note that the wet sand is kept at a moisture content so that it is not dripping in the hands). It is best to seal the flowerpot with plastic wrap. The seeds for sand storage should be turned every day to let it be heated evenly for about 7 days. When the seeds are exposed to more than 40% white, they can be sown.

2.2 Land preparation

2.2.1 Seedling site selection

Choose sandy soil or middle loam with flat terrain, convenient irrigation, leeward and sunny, good drainage, and the soil PH value is 6.87.5. It is not suitable to raise seedlings in continuous cropping land and nursery land where vegetables and fruit trees are planted for a long time.

2.2.2 Land preparation

The main procedures of soil preparation include deep ploughing, fine raking and leveling. The roots of seedlings are distributed at the depth of 0 to 25 centimeters, so deep ploughing is suitable for 25 centimeters. After the first ploughing, water is watered once, and when the soil is not sticky, the second tillage and fine rake can be carried out to keep the soil moist, fine and loose, in order to meet the needs of seed germination, and then flatten it. The finer this work is done, the more advantageous it will be for seedlings to be unearthed after sowing. After the sowing ground is sorted, the upper deficiency and the lower reality are achieved. The upper deficiency is beneficial for the seedlings to absorb oxygen and unearth, so as to reduce the evaporation of the soil moisture in the lower layer; the lower fruit can make the seeds combine with the wet soil in the lower layer, so as to ensure the requirement of soil moisture during seed germination. When preparing the soil, apply sufficient base fertilizer, mature organic fertilizer per mu 3~5.0m3.

2.2.3 make a bed

The nursery bed should be made into a low bed, the north-south direction, and the east-west direction between the nursery beds should be made into waterways. The bed surface should be 15 cm lower than the trail, the width of the bed surface is 80 cm 120 cm, the width of the trail is 40 cm, and the length of the seedling bed is 10 cm 20 meters under normal circumstances. The advantages of low bed are labor saving, convenient watering, water saving and soil moisture conservation. The disadvantage is that the bed surface is easy to harden after irrigation, so we should pay attention to loosening the soil in time. 70% pentachloronitrobenzene powder was applied before sowing, with a dosage of 1.5-2.5 kg per mu. And with 2.0%-3.0% ferrous sulfate solution, the seedling bed can be irrigated with a spray can. The drug solution per square meter is 9L.

2.3 sowing

2.3.1 time and amount of sowing

The sowing time is in late April, and the sowing rate is 4-4.5 kg per mu.

2.3.2 sowing method

Using artificial strip sowing, sowing depth 1.50cm~2.0cm, line spacing 25cm~30cm. The day before sowing, the bottom water was poured. After sowing, the soil was covered with fine sand, the thickness of the soil was 1.50cm, and finally covered with plastic film. The plastic film should be compacted all around. The advantage of this is that when the seeds break the soil, they will not come into contact with the plastic film, which can effectively prevent the buds from being burned by high temperature in the afternoon.

2.4 Seedling management

Weed control is carried out when the seedlings grow to 3-4 cm high or 4-5 true leaves, combined with weeding at one time. When the seedlings enter the fast-growing stage, we should pay attention to maintain a reasonable density and keep the plant spacing at 10-12 cm for the second time. June-August is the fast-growing period of seedlings, so it is very important to strengthen topdressing. In June, the seedlings grew 4 true leaves and topdressing for the first time. The topdressing of urea, phosphate fertilizer and potassium fertilizer per mu was 4 kg, 11 kg and 1.5 kg respectively. The second topdressing was carried out in July, 9 kg of urea, 14 kg of phosphate and 2.5 kg of potash, and the third topdressing was carried out in August. Urea 5 kg, phosphate fertilizer 17 kg, potash fertilizer 4.5 kg.

3 ramet seedling raising method

Making use of the habit that the root of Bauhinia is easy to sprout, we can use a sharp knife to cut off the lateral root connected to the mother plant before sprouting in October or day every year, so that the survival rate is higher. Seedlings that split in autumn should be protected through the winter and planted in a nursery in March so that they can blossom the following year.

4 Prevention and control of diseases and insect pests

4.1 Bauhinia angular spot

Bauhinia spot mainly occurs in the leaves, the disease spot is polygonal, the color is yellowish brown to dark reddish brown, in severe cases, the leaves are covered with disease spots, often connected into pieces, and finally lead to leaf death and shedding. The disease usually occurs from July to September. During the onset of the disease, 50% carbendazim wettable powder 700 / 1000 times, 70% mancozeb wettable powder 800 / 1000 times, 80% mancozeb 500 times can be sprayed. Spraying once every 10 days and spraying continuously for 3 times has a better control effect.

4.2 Bauhinia wilt

It is a systemic disease, which is characterized by the occurrence of branches until the whole clump dies. Peel off its bark, and yellowish-brown necrotic spots can be seen in the cross section. In general, the disease is more serious from May to July. In the prevention and control, we should strengthen the maintenance and management, enhance the tree potential and improve the disease resistance of the plant. Rotation in the nursery to avoid continuous cropping, or strip application of 70% pentachloronitrobenzene powder 3-5 jin per mu before sowing. Cut off dead diseased branches and diseased plants in time, burn them centrally, and disinfect them with 70% pentachloronitrobenzene or 3% ferrous sulfate. Root irrigation can be carried out with 50% thiram wettable powder 200x, 50% carbendazim wettable powder 400x, or 100ppm solution, an aqueous agent of antimycin 120.

4.3 Bauhinia leaf blight

The bauhinia leaf blight is mainly harmful to leaves. In the initial stage, the disease spot is reddish brown round, continuous and expands into large irregular spots, and dies when most of the leaves or the whole leaf is reddish brown. Under normal circumstances, the disease began in June. The corresponding control methods: after leaf expansion, spray with 50% carbendazim 800 × 1000 times, or 50% methyl topiramate 500 times 1000 times, spray once every 10 times for 15 days, and spray for 2 times in a row.

The above is all about bauhinia planting technology, if you also want to know how to breed bauhinia, then hurry to Huinong network to learn it!

Seedling raising techniques and Seedling Management of Pinus tabulaeformis in North China

In the northern part of our country, there are many seedling farmers who have planted Pinus tabulaeformis. Recently, some farmers are consulting how to cultivate Pinus tabulaeformis seeds and how to manage Pinus tabulaeformis seedlings. Therefore, the following editor has sorted out an article about the seedling raising techniques of Pinus tabulaeformis in the northern region!

1. Land selection and preparation

Pinus tabulaeformis likes the land with fertile, loose and deep soil layer, and requires good drainage and convenient irrigation. When sowing and raising seedlings, choose sandy loam or loam, and require pH value to be neutral or weakly acidic. In the northern region, seedlings in mountainous areas can generally choose shady or semi-sunny slopes with flat terrain and small slope, and have a higher content of humus. Because there are root fungi in the root of Pinus tabulaeformis seedlings, continuous cropping can be used in raising seedlings, and the effect of continuous cropping is very good. In addition, seedlings can be raised in conifers, bauhinia and other stubble, but the effect is not good in elm, Robinia pseudoacacia and the former crops are corn, potatoes, melons and vegetables. After selecting the land, ploughing the plot in the autumn of the year before sowing requires deep ploughing, and the best ploughing depth is 30~50cm.

2 seed treatment

In order to improve the germination rate of seeds and reduce the occurrence of diseases and insect pests, it is necessary to do disinfection, seed soaking and germination treatment before sowing Pinus tabulaeformis seeds. In disinfection, generally choose 0.5% formalin solution or 0.1% potassium permanganate solution to soak the seeds for 30-60 min, and rinse the seeds with clean water after disinfection. The main purpose of seed soaking is to eliminate the effect of waxy layer on the seed surface of Pinus tabulaeformis. It can be soaked in warm water about 35 ℃ for 24 h. After soaking the seeds, the seeds were taken out and placed in the environment of 25: 30 ℃ to accelerate germination. When the seeds were cracked, the seeds could be sown.

3 sowing and raising seedlings

In the northern region, generally sowing in April, it is necessary to clean up the sundries in the nursery before sowing, and then make the bed, which is generally made into a seedbed with a width of about 1m, while the length can be determined according to the topography, and a 30cm walkway is needed between the seedbed belts, which is convenient for weeding, loosening soil and other operations. In addition, in order to reduce the occurrence of soil diseases and insect pests, the pesticide (about 375 kg/hm 2 with ferrous sulfate and 45 kg/hm 2 with 3% trichlorfon powder) can be evenly sprinkled into the soil, and then ploughed, or mixed with base fertilizer and applied to the seedling field. When sowing, the best base fertilizer is rotten farm organic fertilizer, and the amount of fertilizer is 30000 kg/hm 2. In addition, it can also apply an appropriate amount of urea 225 kg/hm 2, phosphate fertilizer 375kg/hm 2, potassium fertilizer 225 kg/hm 2.

4Seedling stage management

After sowing and emergence of Pinus tabulaeformis seeds, the growth time of Pinus tabulaeformis seedlings is longer, generally need to grow for about 3 years, in the seedling growth stage, if not managed properly, the growth rate will be slowed down. Therefore, in the growth stage of Pinus tabulaeformis seedlings, we must do a good job of management.

4.1 Protection before emergence

Because of the fragrance of Pinus tabulaeformis seeds, it is easy to attract some insects, birds or mice to eat. Protective measures should be taken before the seedlings are ready after seed germination, especially the prevention and control of birds and mice, which can be protected by artificial care, placing rodenticide and so on until the seedlings come out.

4.2 Water and fertilizer management

Pinus tabulaeformis seeds are different from other tree seeds which are easy to germinate, and sufficient water is needed after sowing, so it is necessary to sprinkle the seedling field once every morning and evening after sowing, but we should pay attention to not spraying too much water and no stagnant water. The soil can be moist after each sprinkling. After the seedlings come out, they can be irrigated according to the soil moisture. With regard to fertilization, generally speaking, fertilization is no longer carried out in the same year because sufficient base fertilizer has been applied before sowing; in the second year, fertilizer can be applied according to the growth of the seedlings, if the seedlings show obvious malnutrition phenomena such as slender stems and yellowing needles, or when the seedlings are in the fast-growing period, they need to be topdressing in time, mainly nitrogen fertilizer, and appropriate matching of phosphate fertilizer and potash fertilizer.

4.3 weeding and loosening the soil

After the seedlings come out, if the surface sprinkles too much water or more rainfall, the soil will harden. Because the root system of Pinus tabulaeformis seedlings is underdeveloped and the growth is weak, it is difficult to absorb enough nutrients after soil hardening. It is necessary to loosen the soil in time to promote the growth of Pinus tabulaeformis seedlings. At the same time, when there is more rainfall or watering, it will also accelerate the growth rate of weeds, the growth of weeds will not only compete for soil nutrients, but also occupy the growth space, affecting the growth of Pinus tabulaeformis seedlings. Therefore, when weeds are found, weeds should be weeded in time.

4.4 overwintering protection of seedlings

It is cold in winter in the northern region, and Pinus tabulaeformis seedlings have weak cold resistance due to underdeveloped root system and weak growth. in order to ensure the survival rate of seedlings in winter, scientific and reasonable cold prevention measures need to be taken. Before overwintering, the effect of freezing injury can be reduced by winter irrigation on the surface of the soil. In addition, in very cold areas, the seedlings can be buried in the soil, or choose wheat straw to cover the seedling bed, or use plastic film to cover the seedling bed.

(5) Disease and pest control

The main diseases of Pinus tabulaeformis seedlings are blight, rot, powdery mildew and so on, and the main pests are Dendrolimus punctatus, pine sheath borer and so on.

5.1 Diseases

5.1.1 Fusarium wilt damage characteristics: shortly after Pinus tabulaeformis was unearthed, brown stripes could be seen. With the passage of time, the stripes gradually expanded, the roots of seedlings became reddish brown, the root cortex began to rot, and then withered and died. Pinus tabulaeformis seedlings will die. Prevention and control methods: first of all, select the nursery to avoid raising seedlings in the plant growing areas that are susceptible to the disease, and at the same time, when fertilizing cultivated land, you can sprinkle 70% dimethopone 4% 6 g Aigao 3, or irrigate the seedling site with 2%-3% ferrous sulfate solution, the dosage is 9 Lago 3. Secondly, when sowing, it is necessary to fertilize reasonably, and when applying farm organic fertilizer, it must be fully mature. After emergence, the plants at the early stage of the disease can be sprayed with 72.2% of Purek 400 times, or 20% methyl rifampicin EC 1,200 times, or 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder 600x, or 50% wettable chlorpromazil 80000g 1000 times, or 1 ∶ 1 ∶ 100 Bordeaux solution.

5.1.2 Rot disease damage characteristics: it mainly damaged the central trunk and the lower cortex of the main branch. The disease is reddish brown at first, slightly raised, watery, posterior cortical rot, often flow out of yellow-brown juice, wet rot, with the smell of wine lees, the disease spot is round or oval, the edge is not clear, sometimes showing a deep and shallow wheel shape. Control methods: strengthen cultivation management, cut branches in time, cut down diseased plants and burn them, and select local tree species with strong stress resistance. In addition, you can also shave off the diseased skin and apply fungicides for 1 or 2 times, which can be treated with 40% thiophanate, acetonitrile, stone sulfur mixture, 843 rehabilitation agent, rotting agent and so on.

5.1.3 powdery mildew harm characteristics: mainly damage to new shoots and young leaves, after the new shoots were damaged, the internodes shortened, the leaf margin rolled up, the quality was hard and brittle, the injured part was covered with a layer of white powder, and the whole shoot withered in the later stage. Control methods: remove pathogens; strengthen cultivation management; chemical control mainly include methyl topiramate, carbendazim, benate, formearsine and so on.

5.2 insect pests

5.2.1 Dendrolimus tabulaeformis generally occurs in the Spring Festival, the initial occurrence period is in late March, the overwintering larvae begin to do harm to the tree crown, the requirement of living environment is getting higher and higher, and the beautiful garden environment has become the main factor for people to consider. The growing material and cultural demand has stimulated the development of leisure tourism and health preservation industry, while the development of leisure tourism and health preservation industry is inseparable from the support of the garden industry, and the development of the garden industry has led to the recovery of the seedling market.

These are all the key points in the seedling raising stage of Pinus tabulaeformis. Friends of seedling farmers must learn to prevent well in advance.

Bauhinia cultivation and management technology Bauhinia is a deciduous tree of the genus Bauhinia Leguminosae, which is widely used in gardens. The cultivation and management techniques are introduced as follows.

I. morphological characteristics and ecological habits

With a height of up to 15 meters and a breast diameter of 50 centimeters, Bauhinia is mostly used in gardens in the form of shrubs. The flowers are purplish red, 4 to 10 are clustered on the old branches, flowering in April, flowering first and then leaves, and the fruit ripens in mid-late September. The white flower bauhinia is its common form, the flower is pure white.

Bauhinia likes light, grows vigorously in places with sufficient light, and has a certain degree of cold tolerance. Adult seedlings in North China can survive the winter safely without cold protection measures. Bauhinia prefers fertile, well-drained sandy loam and grows poorly in clayey soil. It has a certain saline-alkali tolerance and grows healthily in pH8.8 and saline-alkali soil with 0.2% salt content. Bauhinia is not tolerant to flooding and it is easy to die from root rot when planting in low-lying areas.

II. Water and fertilizer management

Bauhinia likes the humid environment. It should be watered immediately after planting, second water on the third day, three water on the sixth day, and watering according to the weather conditions after the third day, so as to keep the soil moist without stagnant water. Timely watering in summer, and leaf spray, timely drainage after rain to prevent water rotting roots. After entering autumn, if the temperature is not high, watering should be controlled to prevent autumn hair. Pour enough antifreeze water before winter. The green water was watered back in early March of the following year. Except for the precipitation in July and August, it was watered once from April to October, and anti-freezing water was poured before winter. The same method was used in the third year and entered the normal management in the fourth year, but the antifreeze water and green water should be watered thoroughly. If conditions permit, irrigate once in mid-late April and late September, and grow reliably in other seasons. Some people think that Bauhinia is resistant to drought and afraid of flooding. in fact, Bauhinia likes a moist environment, but it cannot grow in stagnant water.

Bauhinia like fat, fat foot is luxuriant branches and leaves, colorful flowers, lack of fertilizer, sparse branches and leaves, few flowers and light colors. It is better to apply sufficient base fertilizer when planting, with rotten leaf fertilizer, ring fertilizer or dried chicken manure, and mix it well with the planting soil before use, otherwise the root system will be burned. After normal management, nitrogen fertilizer is applied once a year after flowering to promote vigorous growth. the application of phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer in early autumn is conducive to flower bud differentiation and new branches to survive the winter safely after Lignification. Early winter combined with frozen water, the application of cattle and horse manure. Poor plant growth can be foliar sprayed with 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution and 0.5% urea solution.

III. Shaping and pruning

Bauhinia is often used as a shrub in gardens, so pruning should be strengthened from the beginning of seedling cultivation to facilitate the formation of good plant shape.

After transplanting, seedlings can be cut short to promote multiple branches, expand nutrient area, accumulate nutrients and develop roots. The next spring can be heavy short, so that it sprouted new branches, select the better growth of 3 branches to retain, the rest are all cut off. Strengthen water and fertilizer management during the growth period, and pick the remaining branches. After planting, the excessive sprouts will be removed in time, and the tending of the branches left in the first year will be strengthened. The topping treatment will be carried out more in order to produce more secondary branches. In cultivation, we should strengthen the regeneration of flowering branches. Practice has proved that more than 5 years of old branches, the amount of flowers is less, and flower buds move up, affecting viewing, it should be updated in time.

IV. Pest control

1. Insect pests have striated must be the same edge bug, cotton aphid, green bag moth, brown edge green thorn moth, beautiful green thorn moth, white eyebrow thorn moth and so on. If there is occurrence, spray 48% Lesben EC 3500 times or 25% Dejinsu suspension emulsion 1000 times at the nymph stage to kill it. If there is cotton aphid, spray stone sulfur mixture in early spring. If there is green bag moth, spray 20% diflubenzuron suspension 7000 times before its newly hatched larvae form protective capsules to control it. If there are brown edge green thorn moth, beautiful green thorn moth, white broomstick thorn moth occurrence, can use Bt emulsion 500 times liquid or 25% high permeability phenoxycarb wettable granules 300 times liquid or 1.2% nithamine emulsifiable concentrate 1000 times liquid to kill.

2. The main diseases are Bauhinia angular spot disease, Bauhinia stem blight disease, Bauhinia coal pollution disease.

Bauhinia angular spot infects the leaves of Bauhinia chinensis. Brown spots are found on the leaves in the early stage of the disease. With the development of the disease, the spots gradually expand and form irregular polygonal patches. Dark green powder particles are found on the spots in the late stage of the disease.

This disease is caused by infection of pseudocercospora bauhinia, a semi-known fungus. The fungus overwinters on diseased branches and fallen leaves by mycelium. In the spring of the following year, conidia are transmitted by wind and rain, invading through stomata or wounds. The rainy season is the peak period of disease, large-scale disease often leads to leaf blight, early defoliation.

Control methods should be reasonable pruning, pay attention to ventilation and light transmission; strengthen water and fertilizer management, pay attention to nutrition balance, do not apply nitrogen fertilizer; spray 75% Dakening wettable granules 800 times solution for control, once every seven days, continuously spray three or four times.

Branches of Bauhinia chinensis were mainly damaged by shoot blight. Small spots appeared at the beginning of the disease, and then the spots expanded, the infected parts were sunken, the center of the spots was black, the edges were cracked, the xylem of the spots became brownish black, and when the spots expanded one circle around the stems, the branches and leaves above the infected parts withered.

The disease was caused by infection of hyphomycetes vitis, which overwintered on the spots of branches by mycelium and began to infect when the humidity and temperature were suitable in spring.

Prevention and control methods should be timely cut off diseased branches and burned; for large branches and stems, the diseased spots can be scraped off, and sulfur powder paste or 50% Tuijunte 50g and 50% sulfur suspending agent 250g mixed on the wound; spray 75% chlorothalonil wettable granules 700 times solution in the season of onset, once every 10 days, continuously spray three or four times.

Bauhinia coal pollution mainly damages leaves. In the early stage of the disease, there are spot and flake soot layers on the leaves, which gradually increase and thicken, and connect with each other. Serious ones can cover the whole leaves.

The disease was caused by infection of Meliola of Phylum Phy Pathogens overwinter on diseased leaves and branches by mycelium, and are transmitted by aphids, scale insects and wind and rain. When scale insects and aphids occur in large numbers in June, they use their excretions and plant exudates as nutrients to induce a large number of bacteria to reproduce.

Prevention and control to kill aphids and scale insects in a timely manner; strengthen pruning, maintain ventilation and light transmission; a small amount of available clean cloth scrubbing.

V. Breeding methods

Can sow, divide plant, cuttage and layering breed, but with sow more commonly used.

The fruit ripens in October and is stored dry after pod removal and seed cleaning. Choose easy irrigation, fertile loose sandy loam seedlings, apply organic fertilizer 400 kg per mu. In April of the following spring, the seeds are soaked in warm water at 45℃ for 24 hours and then drilled. After sowing, it can sprout after 25 days by stepping on it and irrigating it. After emergence seedlings grow slowly, and take root is not deep, in addition to timely watering to keep the soil moist, but also should be properly shaded in hot summer to prevent seedlings from being burned. Daily management should pay attention to loosening soil, weeding, disease prevention and pest control. The seedlings should also be covered with soil for cold protection after pouring antifreeze water at the end of autumn.