
How to raise hanging orchids? Indoor use Analysis and cultivation skills of Cymbidium

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, According to the editor, hanging orchid is a common choice of indoor decoration flowers, easy to feed and beautiful shape, the following is its indoor use analysis and cultivation skills

Hanging orchid is a personal guard of air purification, is the best indoor green seedlings, not only good-looking and simple planting methods, the following editor will give you a detailed analysis of the indoor use analysis and cultivation skills.

Cymbidium, also known as hanging orchid, Diaolan; it belongs to perennial evergreen herbs of Liliaceae.

Appearance form

Leaves: the leaves are linear lanceolate, with a width of 1 cm ~ 1 cm and 5 cm, forming creeping branches and growing downward. Many small plants with air roots grow at the top and nodes of the branches, like inverted green umbrellas, which are very beautiful. Flowers: the flowers are small white flowers, fresh and elegant, and the florescence is from March to June. Variety: the common ones are Phnom Penh, Golden Heart, Silver Edge, Silver Heart hanging Orchid and so on.

Maintenance essentials

Cymbidium is one of the plant varieties that are easy to be planted and cultivated. It is tough and adaptable. As long as it is taken care of, it will grow luxuriantly.

Water: like the warm, humid semi-shady environment, usually as long as pay attention to keep the basin soil moist.

Soil: suitable for fertile sandy soil.

Light: it is also important to note that the orchid is not resistant to severe cold and heat, so don't let it freeze or expose it to the sun.

Reproduction: Cymbidium can be propagated by the split method, or the young plants on the stolons can be cut directly and planted in moist soil, and the survival rate is very high.

Indoor use

1, the hanging orchid has the laudatory name of "green purifier", it can absorb 85% formaldehyde in the air. Putting a pot of orchid in a room of 8 square meters to 10 square meters is equivalent to setting up an air purifier, which can remove 80% of the harmful substances in the room within 24 hours.

2. The orchid can also absorb 95% of the carbon monoxide in the air, and can absorb all the carbon monoxide and nitrogen peroxide emitted by stoves, electrical appliances and plastic products.

3. In addition, the orchid can also absorb carcinogens such as styrene and carbon dioxide in the air, effectively decompose benzene and absorb relatively stable harmful substances such as nicotine in cigarette smoke.

Special hint

1. The natural drooping branches and leaves of the hanging orchid are very beautiful, shaped like a crane that spreads its wings and has the laudatory name of "folding crane orchid". Suitable for high shelves, or narrow space, hanging up more three-dimensional beauty.

2. The hanging orchid is not only chic and beautiful, but also can effectively purify the air. It is suggested that one or two pots should be placed in the newly decorated room.

Cymbidium is a very good indoor green flower, and it is also a favorite of people living in the city. As long as you learn the cultivation skills of Cymbidium to ensure that you have a green garden.

Hydroponic culture methods and indoor hydroponic techniques

Cymbidium, Liliaceae, strong roots, short stems, slightly thick roots. Leaves sword-shaped, 10-30 cm long and 1-2 cm wide, narrowing slightly toward both ends. Alias: hanging pot grass, hanging orchid, orchid soil ginseng, eight-leaf orchid and so on, is a kind of good-nourished and healthy evergreen herb. The common cultivated varieties are as follows: the leaves of Phnom Penh are golden, the center of the leaves are yellow longitudinal stripes, the edges of the leaves are white, and the center of the leaves are white longitudinal stripes. You can choose soil culture and aquaculture according to your personal preferences.

One-soil culture method

Matrix: Cymbidium has strong adaptability to all kinds of soil and is easy to cultivate. Fertile sandy loam, humus, peat soil, or fine sandy soil with a small amount of base fertilizer can be used as potted soil.

Reproduction: it is usually propagated by the method of plant division, which can be carried out in other seasons except that the winter temperature is too low to be suitable for plant division. Small seedlings with aerial roots on the flower stems can also be cut and raised in pots.

Watering: there is enough water in the basin soil all the year round, but it has a certain ability to resist drought; avoid stagnant water in the basin. Below 5 degrees in winter, less watering, basin soil should not be too wet, otherwise the leaves are easy to yellowing.

Fertilization: liquid fertilizer is applied every 2-3 weeks in the growing season. Flower and leaf varieties should apply less nitrogen fertilizer, otherwise the white or yellow markings on the leaves will become less obvious. Stop fertilizing when the ambient temperature is below 10 degrees.

Lighting: hanging orchid likes semi-overcast environment and can be cultivated in bright indoor all the year round. Avoid direct sunlight in summer, shading about 50%, not shading in winter.

Temperature: the hanging orchid is resistant to high temperature and strong adaptability. The suitable growth temperature is between 15-30 ℃, and the winter overwintering temperature is above 10 ℃.

Humidity: like the moist environment, in order to make the orchid fresh and fresh green, you can often spray water to the leaves.

Pruning: cut off the yellow leaves at any time. The basin can be turned once a year in March to cut off the old root, rotten root and excess fibrous root. Cutting off some of the old leaves of Cymbidium in the first and middle of May will promote the germination of more new leaves and small ones.

Two-water culture method

After the orchid is dug up, clean the roots, cut off the rotten leaves, hurt the dead roots, insert the thick native meat into a wide-mouth transparent glass bottle filled with water, do not change the water frequently, just keep the bottle full, but the joint of the rhizome needs to show water.

Nutrient solution: choose foliage plant nutrient solution, the concentration can be diluted to the standard concentration 1pm 3pm 1-2 months update.

Sunshine: avoid exposure to the sun, grow well under the sparse sun, indoor furnishings should be more oblique sunlight.

Temperature: when the temperature is 20-24 °C, the growth is the fastest, it is easy to draw creeping roots, and the growth stops above 30 °C.

Maintenance: often remove dead leaves, often remove seed plants.

Yinxin Cymbidium, Jinxin Cymbidium and other root washing water is easy, but the degree of green varieties is difficult.

Cymbidium is not only an excellent hanging foliage plant in the room, but also a good indoor air purification flower. Hanging orchid has a very strong function of absorbing toxic gases, one room raises 1-2 pots of hanging orchids, the poisonous gases in the air can be absorbed, so the hanging orchids also have the laudatory name of "green purifier".

Environmental arrangement and cultivation skills of Indoor planting Cymbidium

The difficulty of cultivation of Cymbidium is relatively low, which is one of the reasons why many friends can cultivate Cymbidium by themselves. If some orchids are planted well, not only the leaves are green, but also they will blossom. So what are the skills of growing orchids indoors? Indoor cultivation of hanging orchids should give the hanging orchids what kind of environment?

Hanging orchid

Hanging orchids like a warm, humid, semi-overcast environment. It has strong adaptability and is resistant to drought and cold. Instead of soil, it grows better in loose sandy loam. Light requirements are not strict, a ship is suitable for growing in medium light conditions, but also resistant to weak light.

Except that the winter temperature is too low to be suitable for ramet, it can be carried out in other seasons. When potted plants were planted for 3 years, the dense potted seedlings were removed from the old culture soil and divided into two to several clumps when the pots were changed in spring. Cymbidium can also be propagated by small plants on the walking stem. In the growing season, the small plants on the stems are cut, planted in the culture soil or in water, and then transplanted into the basin after the small plants take root.

In potted cultivation, rotten leaf soil or peat soil, garden soil and river sand are often mixed with a small amount of base fertilizer as substrate. Change the basin every 2-3 years and re-prepare the culture soil. The fleshy root has well-developed water storage tissue and strong drought resistance, but it needs more water during the peak growth period from March to September, so it should be watered and sprayed frequently to increase humidity.

Nitrogen fertilizer is the main fertilizer, but Jinxin and Phnom Penh varieties should not apply too much nitrogen fertilizer, otherwise the line spot of leaves will not become obvious. Hanging orchid likes the semi-shady environment, if the light is too strong or insufficient, the leaves will easily become light green or yellowish green, lack of vitality, lose their due ornamental value, or even die.