
How do you raise a lucky star? The cultivation method and precautions of good luck

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The name of Fortune comes from its appearance. The name has the meaning of good luck. It is generally suitable for placement in the courtyard or office area. Today, Xiaobian will share with you the breeding methods and precautions of Fortune.

Good luck is a common green seedling, and there are a lot of people planting in real life, so do you encounter breeding problems in the process of breeding? The following are the breeding methods and precautions of good luck sorted out by the editor. If you have a seed in your family, you can see if it is correct.

I. A brief introduction to good luck

Hongyun is a kind of pineapple flower, which is called Hongyun because its core is bright red. Good luck is a perennial evergreen herb. Leaves broadly band-shaped, curved, dark green. The spike is vertebrate, with dense bracts, bright red and yellow tip.

Second, the environmental requirements for the growth of Hong Yun

1. The good luck of the soil is suitable for the growth of loose, fertile and humus soil. Friends who plan to grow at home can choose 2 parts of peat soil mixed with 1 part of fine sand to prepare culture soil.

2. Most of the good luck needs light intensity of about 20,000 lux, and the daily light time is more than 12 hours and less than 16 hours. If the light intensity is increased to 30,000-40,000 lux, combined with high humidity and good ventilation conditions, the growth will be faster and better, the plant will be short, stout and sturdy, the leaves are wide, short and rigid, and the flowers are bright and beautiful.

3. The suitable temperature is 15 ℃ to 22 ℃, and the lowest temperature in winter should not be lower than 10 ℃, otherwise the plant will suffer frost damage, make the leaf color turn yellow and affect the healthy growth of the plant.

Third, the method of watering Hong Yun

Hongyun prefers a humid environment, keeping the basin soil moist on weekdays, and generally does not water it on rainy days. Family maintenance, it is best to use pure water after drying, not directly irrigated with tap water. Hongyun is a flower that can enjoy both flowers and leaves. It is best to spray water on the leaves once a day to remove dust and make the leaves bright. at the same time, it is also conducive to photosynthesis and promote the healthy growth of plants. (hint: although Hongyun prefers a high humidity environment, it doesn't mean that you can spray water on the leaves.)

IV. The method of fertilization at the head of Hongyun

Liquid fertilizer is usually applied every 10 to 20 days in the growing season, usually with fermented cake fertilizer or chemical fertilizer. Chemical fertilizer usually uses nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (1:1:1) with a concentration of 0.1%-2.3%. It can be applied to basin soil or foliar spraying. When fertilizing, do not apply fertilizer in the leaf tube in the center of the plant, so as not to cause harm. Fertilization should be stopped during flowering, dormancy and summer.

Fifth, the breeding method of good luck

1. After the ramet propagation Hongyundang plant blossoms, it will grow from the base of the mother plant to several tillering buds. When the tillering buds grow to the size of the mother plant, the tiller buds can be cut off from the base of the buds with a knife, the lower leaves are removed, the cut is dried, and inserted into a basin of rotten leaf soil and plain sand. Under the conditions of slightly dry soil, 25: 28 ℃, ventilated and moist environment, it took about 12 to 15 days to take root. After the new leaves begin to grow, normal cultivation and management can be carried out. If it is propagated separately, it can blossom in 1-3 years.

2. The good luck of sowing and reproduction must be assisted by artificial pollination in order to bear fruit, and the seeds are very small. When using seeds to propagate, it is generally required that the temperature should be stable above 16 ℃ before sowing, and acid basin soil should be used. Cover with chopped moss or plastic film to moisturize after sowing. At the temperature of 25-30 ℃, seedlings can emerge 20-25 days after sowing. When the seedlings grow to about 4 cm, they can be divided into shallow plates, then planted separately with the growth of the seedlings, and finally planted in the flowerpot. It takes 3 to 4 years for seed propagation to blossom.

VI. Hong Yun immediately changed soil and basin  .

Hongyun changed pots and used the cultivation method of epiphytic orchid to plant potted plants. That is to use potted materials such as moss, fern roots, bark and so on. The bottom of the basin is filled with granular broken bricks and other objects to facilitate drainage. The plant has no obvious dormancy period, so the pot can be changed at any time. After changing the basin, of course, it should be compacted and watered thoroughly, half-yin and half-yang should be placed, and a week later, it can be changed to normal maintenance. After that, liquid fertilizer was applied every two weeks. Keep the basin soil moist, and often spray water on the leaf surface and pour clean water into the blade tube. The sun can be about 70%, the flowers are more colorful, and the leaves are more greenish. The optimum temperature is 22 ~ 25 degrees, not less than 10 degrees in winter, and watering should be reduced appropriately.

7. The causes and treatment methods of yellowing of Hongyun's leaves

1. Water is yellow. Due to excessive watering, it is characterized by no obvious change in the old leaves and yellowing of the young leaves, which should be controlled immediately.

2. Dry and yellow. Due to lack of water and drought, it is characterized by the yellow of the old leaves from the bottom to the top. If the lack of water is a little longer, the yellow leaves of the whole plant, or even death, should be watered in time.

3. Fat yellow. Caused by excessive fertilization or high concentration; characterized by thick, shiny and uneven young leaves; fertilizer, ploughing and watering should be controlled.

4. Hungry yellow. It is caused by insufficient fertilizer, low fertilization concentration, and long fertilization interval; it is characterized by yellow young leaves and tender stems, and if it is not fertilized in time after seeing this phenomenon, it will also cause yellow leaves and even death of the whole plant; for flowers that lack fertilizer, do not apply a large amount of thick fertilizer at one time, so as not to cause root burning.

5. Iron deficient yellow leaves. Due to the great changes in soil fertility conditions, yellow leaves often appear, characterized by obvious young leaves, light old leaves, yellow mesophyll and green veins. The solution of ferrous sulfate can be used to solve the problem, and the method is as follows: 7 parts of cake fertilizer, 5 parts of ferrous sulfate and 200 parts of water.

VIII. Prevention and control of diseases and insect pests at the forefront of good luck

1. The main disease is Fusarium oxysporum. It can be controlled with 75% chlorothalonil 500 times or 50% carbendazim 500 times.

2. The main pests are shell insects, red spiders and so on. The scale insect can be sprayed with the mixture of trichlorfon and dimethoate at 1:2, once every 7 days and 3 times in a row, and red spiders can be sprayed with 800 × 1000 times trichlorofol once every 10 days and 15 days.

IX. The method of hydroponics at the head of good luck

1, the water level should not be deep, do not soak all the roots into the water, just put in the water 1pm, 3pm, 2pm.

2. The water quality should be clean. Cleanliness here does not mean pure water, but pollution-free water. Nutrient solution can be added to the water to strengthen its potential. In addition, in addition to the water in the bottle, we should also often add water to the "leaf cup". It is appropriate to add water to the "leaf cup". When there is less water in the leaf cup, it is necessary to add water, which is the key to the conservation of pineapple.

3, the problem of light, now the season can be direct, but from May to October as far as possible shade, due to different light intensity, shading is slightly different. Of course, it should not be too shady.

4. the problem of air humidity, even for hydroponics, if the air is dry, the plants also grow poorly, mainly on inflorescences and leaves, which are sensitive to leaf tips, and easy to dry tip is a sign! Need to spray water to the plant or humidify the surrounding environment frequently.

In addition, when changing water, it is appropriate to rinse the mucus on the root system, rinse the bottle, and then inject new water and nutrient solution.

10. The location of good luck

Good luck should be placed in the living room, with the intention of gathering wealth and getting fat. In addition, it also likes the moist environment, you can put it in the bathroom to absorb dirt. Of course, if the bathroom is spacious, bright and air-conditioned, you can decorate the bathroom like a mini garden with gorgeous plants like Hongyudang. However, you can also put good luck on the balcony and properly let good luck absorb some sunshine.

The maintenance of the four seasons at the head of good luck

Good luck has to pay attention to different maintenance all the year round. In winter and spring, we should pay attention to the change of temperature. Once the temperature is lower than 10 ℃, we should put on transparent plastic bags in time to reduce the stimulation of cold and open the plastic bags in time when the temperature rises. The summer sun is in the sky, and the ornamental pineapples should avoid direct sunlight so as not to be burned. The sunshine in autumn is shortened, but the sun is still strong. It is still necessary to maintain semi-overcast and avoid direct sunlight. More sunshine can be given after autumn is cool, while keeping the humidity in the air above 50%.

Hongyuchou is a kind of potted plant with good meaning, which is very popular in daily life. If you like flowers, you can cultivate them according to the way shared by editors.

How to raise good luck in the face of good luck? the breeding methods and matters needing attention.

The pineapple is an indoor ornamental flower in winter and spring. it is evergreen in four seasons, with beautiful inflorescences and rich colors, such as bright red, pink, golden yellow, rose and so on. How do you support good luck? Next, let's learn about the breeding methods and matters needing attention at the head of good luck.

The aquaculture method with good luck

Temperature: Hongyundang is native to tropical South America, with a suitable temperature of 15 ℃ to 22 ℃. The lowest temperature in winter should not be lower than 10 ℃, otherwise it will cause freezing damage to the plant, yellowing the leaf color and affecting the healthy growth of the plant.

Lighting: to make pineapple leaves bright and blossom regularly, light is very important. In winter, there should be at least 4 to 5 hours of direct sunlight every day. In case of cloudy and rainy days, lights can be used to increase the light. In summer, the seedling pot should be placed in the shade, and indoor cultivation can also be set up as a shade net.

Soil: Hongyun is suitable for the growth of loose, fertile and humus soil. In family cultivation, peat soil can be mixed with 2 parts of peat soil and 1 part of fine sand to prepare culture soil.

Fertilizer: the breeding methods and precautions of Hongyun are in bloom in winter, and sufficient fertilizer is required. Dilute organic liquid fertilizer, such as bean cake and sesame sauce dregs, can also be used every two weeks. Soaking liquid or fermented rice washing water can also be used.

Watering: Hongyun likes to wet the environment, keep the basin soil moist on weekdays, and generally do not water on rainy days. Family farming, it is best to use dried water, not directly irrigated with tap water. Pineapple is a flower that can enjoy both flowers and leaves. It is best to spray water on the leaves once a day to remove dust and make the leaves bright. At the same time, it is also conducive to photosynthesis and promote the healthy growth of plants.

Matters needing attention in breeding at the head of good luck

1. In the environment of high temperature, humidity and poor ventilation, Hongyun is prone to diseases and insect pests, such as soot disease, shell insects and so on. If diseases are found, carbendazim can be sprayed in time, and pests can be sprayed with omethoate.

2. No matter what kind of liquid is sprayed, it must be carried out outdoors to prevent pollution of the indoor environment.

3. In addition, sterilization and insecticidal tablets can also be purchased in the flower market and buried in the basin soil to eradicate diseases and insect pests.

4. Red luck is fond of water, but watering needs to be carried out before noon, or in the morning and evening in summer, but it must be watered in the leaf cup, not only in the basin soil. And keep the leaves dry and clean at night, in order to humidify, you need to replenish water and humidify in the growing environment, such as sprinkling water on the ground or starting a humidifier.

How to raise the good luck of potted plants? Breeding methods and matters needing attention at the head of good luck

Hong Yun, also known as torch pineapple, cone vine and so on, is a perennial evergreen herb of the pineapple family. The bracts of Hongyun are bright red and the spikes of flowers are very beautiful, which is of high ornamental value. At the same time, good luck also has a very good meaning, so it has become a common indoor potted plant, favored by flower lovers. So, how to cultivate good luck in pots? The breeding methods and matters needing attention of Hongyun are introduced as follows.

Photo: good luck is on the rise.

I. the breeding method of good luck

1. Lighting: if you want to see bright leaves and blossom regularly, light plays an important role. You need at least 4 to 5 hours of sunshine every day in the cold season. If it is cloudy, light can be used instead of sunlight. It is not suitable to be exposed to the sun, so it is appropriate to put it in a cool place in summer.

two。 Temperature: the suitable temperature for Hongyundang is 15 ℃ to 22 ℃, and the lowest temperature in winter should not be lower than 10 ℃, otherwise it will cause freezing damage to the plant, yellowing the leaf color and affecting the healthy growth of the plant.

3. Soil: Hongyun is suitable for the growth of loose, fertile and humus soil. Friends who plan to grow at home can choose 2 parts of peat soil mixed with 1 part of fine sand to prepare culture soil. (hint: because many flower lovers bring dirt when they buy it, there is no need to change the soil, unless what they buy is a very small one.)

Photo: good luck is on the rise.

4. Fertilizer: when Hongyun blossoms in winter, there must be enough fertilizer. Dilute organic liquid fertilizer, such as bean cake and sesame sauce residue soaking solution (with a concentration of 20%), can also be used every two weeks, or soy bean soaking solution or fermented rice washing water can be used. (hint: flowers are suitable for thin fertilizer to avoid too much at one time.)

5. Moisture: Hongyun prefers to wet the environment, keep the basin soil moist on weekdays, and generally do not water on rainy days. Family maintenance, it is best to use pure water after drying, not directly irrigated with tap water. Hongyun is a flower that can enjoy both flowers and leaves. It is best to spray water on the leaves once a day to remove dust and make the leaves bright. at the same time, it is also conducive to photosynthesis and promote the healthy growth of plants. (hint: although Hongyun likes a high humidity environment, it doesn't mean a lot of watering, such as foliar spraying.)

6. Diseases and insect pests: pineapple flowers are prone to diseases and insect pests in the environment of high temperature, humidity and poor ventilation, such as soot disease, red spider, shell insects and so on. If diseases are found, carbendazim can be sprayed in time, and pests can be sprayed with omethoate. No matter which solution is sprayed, it must be carried out outdoors to prevent pollution of the indoor environment. (hint: most flower friends' good luck is bought directly from the flower market, generally disposable flowers, so there are not many opportunities to encounter diseases and insect pests.)

Photo: good luck is on the rise.

II. Matters needing attention in breeding at the head of Hongyun

1. Good luck likes to be warm and afraid of cold, like a humid, semi-shady environment, and avoid direct glare. When the light is too strong, the leaves appear yellow, markings and fade, and lose their ornamental value, so they should be shaded by 50-60% in spring, summer and autumn. Colorful leaves, such as red back luck, are fond of more light, and their leaves are colorful in strong sunlight, so they should be maintained in sunny windowsills, balconies and other places. It is suitable to grow in loose, aerated and permeable soil.

two。 The growth temperature of Hongyundang is 18-30 ℃, the suitable temperature is 20-25 ℃, and the lowest temperature is above 12-15 ℃. It is safe to survive the winter when it is more than 10-12 ℃ in winter, and it is vulnerable to chilling injury below 10 ℃, and the suitable temperature is 16-20 ℃. If the summer temperature is too high, the leaves will be dry because of excessive moisture, so we should pay attention to spray to the leaves often, increase air humidity, and properly shade and strengthen ventilation to reduce the temperature.

Photo: good luck is on the rise.

3. Hongyun prefers acidity and requires a pH value of 5.5-6.5, not salts, especially calcium and sodium salts. If the pH value is higher than 7, the plant absorbs nutrients poorly, leaves lose luster, photosynthetic ability decreases, and it is easy to cause heart rot and root rot. Hard water contains too much calcium and magnesium salts and should not be used. Tap water contains a lot of chlorine and sodium and is not suitable for use. The composition of groundwater varies greatly from region to region, so it should be analyzed before use. In addition, Hongyun is most afraid of flooding, the water content of the matrix is too high, drainage or permeability is poor, often resulting in rotten roots and bad hearts.

4. The suitable relative humidity of Hongyun is 50-75%. If it is higher than 80%, ventilation should be strengthened, otherwise it is prone to disease or overgrowth. When the leaf tip is less than 40%, it is easy to wither the leaf tip, so it is necessary to spray water regularly to moisturize or humidify through the high-pressure spray humidification system. Efforts should be made to strengthen ventilation during the period of high temperature and humidity in summer, but not to spray more water in the period of low temperature in winter and more water in the period of high temperature and dryness in spring.

[editor's conclusion] Hongyun likes a warm, humid, sunny environment, is not cold-resistant and afraid of direct light, so special attention should be paid to it in the process of maintenance. The above introduces the breeding methods and matters needing attention at the head of Hongyun, hoping to help you!