
Can June snow in Phnom Penh make bonsai? Culture skills of snow bonsai in June in Phnom Penh

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, June snow in Phnom Penh belongs to small shrubs, and most people are used for potted plants or garden planting. In fact, it is a very good bonsai plant. If you are interested, you can learn about it with the editor.

Phnom Penh June snow is a variety of June snow, its beautiful tree posture, flowering image is very charming, is a very popular flower. So, how to plant June snow in Phnom Penh? The following is the editor's detailed introduction.

First, lighting: only the appropriate light can make the June snow in Phnom Penh grow better, so in normal times, if the lighting conditions are not good, then the June snow in Phnom Penh should be placed in the sun to receive light; if the sun is too strong, then we should do a good job of shading to prevent the snow in Phnom Penh from being hurt by the strong light.

Temperature: the right temperature can make the snow in Phnom Penh grow better in June. June snow in Phnom Penh generally likes a warm growing environment, and its cold resistance is not very good, so we do a good job of keeping warm in winter. Generally not less than 5 ℃.

Third, moisture: do a good job of watering. June snow in Phnom Penh has a great demand for water, but even so, we should pay attention to the amount of watering. During the growing season, we should water more, but we need to pay attention to not too much watering, so as to avoid stagnant water and affect the growth of the root system. In summer, because the water evaporates too fast, we should not only water more, but also spray water on the plants.

Fertilization: reasonable fertilization can make the snow grow better in Phnom Penh in June. Although June snow in Phnom Penh does not have a great demand for fertilizer, it sometimes needs fertilizer. Generally speaking, during the growth period, the demand for fertilizer is relatively large, but it is not very much, only two or three times of fertilization is needed; when applying fertilizer, you can choose mature and thin liquid fertilizer.

Fifth, construction: timely pruning work: the growth rate of snow in June in Phnom Penh is relatively fast, in order to maintain the beauty of bonsai and avoid bonsai out of shape, we need timely pruning work. Pruning is usually in mid-April, or in June flowering season, when some branches are cut off in April, and in June, some extra flowers need to be removed to avoid excessive waste of nutrients and make the plants grow better.

In fact, June snow in Phnom Penh is very good for farming. As long as you pay attention to the planting techniques such as light, temperature, and moisture, you can grow very good Phnom Penh June snow bonsai. Friends who like bonsai can take a look at the culture skills of Phnom Penh June snow bonsai arranged by Xiaobian above.

Is it easy to raise June snow in Phnom Penh? the breeding method of June snow in Phnom Penh

Phnom Penh June snow, also known as broken leaf holly, white horse bone, Jasminum, Siming, is a cultivated variety of Rubiaceae. Is the snow in Phnom Penh easy to raise in June? Today we are going to tell you about the breeding method of June snow in Phnom Penh.

1, soil: Phnom Penh June snow like fertile partial acid and neutral sandy loam, potted soil should be rich in humus, loose and breathable, good drainage. The culture soil can be mixed with 4 parts of rotten cow dung, 1 part of rotten cake powder, 4 parts of garden soil and 1 minute of frogstone.

2. Watering: June snow in Phnom Penh has a certain ability to withstand drought, but it is not resistant to water and dampness. Watering should grasp the principles of dry and wet, no dry and no watering, prevent stagnant water in the basin in the rainy season, and put it on the side of the basin in rainy weather; when it is hot and dry in summer, it is necessary to spray water to the leaves sooner or later to cool down, increase air humidity, in order to facilitate its growth and flowering. After the end of autumn, the temperature decreases gradually and the water evaporates less, so it is necessary to reduce the times of watering.

3. Illumination: the snow in Phnom Penh in June is afraid of the scorching sun, and the growth period should be placed in the semi-shady and humid tree shade, otherwise it will affect the growth because of the strong light, which is disadvantageous to ornamental.

4. Temperature: the June snow in Phnom Penh is more hardy. If the June snow stays more than 5 ℃ in winter, the branches and leaves will be green and evergreen, but the soil should not be dry, so it should be slightly moist.

5. Fertilization: although the snow in June in Phnom Penh prefers fertilizer, if it fertilizes too much, it will make the branches grow too much, and it is easy to cause new branches to grow. Generally, they only apply rotten cake fertilizer and water before winter and after flowering. If too much fertilizer is applied in the growing season, the plant will grow steeply, which will destroy the bonsai shape.

6. Pruning: the sprouting power of June snow in Phnom Penh is strong, and it has to be pruned twice a year: the first time is carried out in mid-April to facilitate flowering in June; after the second flower withered and fallen, the shoot of the flower is cut off to make it sprout. Although it does not blossom at this time, the new shoots are green and do not have some interest. The tillering branches and over-dense branches germinating from the roots should also be cut off at any time. In the growing season to often pick the heart, so that the branches and leaves to meet the needs of modeling. For steep long branches, generally should be cut off, if you need to make up for the lack of modeling, can also be cut short.

7. Diseases and insect pests: there are fewer diseases and insect pests in June snow in Phnom Penh. Usually shell bugs. 40% omethoate 1000 to 1500 times or 25% imidophos 1000 to 1500 times can be sprayed to control the disease.

The breeding method of June snow in Phnom Penh the difference between Populus tomentosa and June snow in Phnom Penh

We all know that June snow in Phnom Penh belongs to Rubiaceae. Today, we will learn more about June snow in Phnom Penh. Let's talk about the breeding method of June snow in Phnom Penh and the difference between Populus tomentosa and June snow in Phnom Penh.

Basic information about June snow in Phnom Penh:

Phnom Penh June snow (Latin name: Serissa foetidavar.aureo-marginata), also known as holly, white horse bone, Jasminum, Siming, is a cultivated variety of Rubiaceae. Native to the provinces in the south of the Yangtze River, it is sunny, shade-tolerant, cold-resistant, drought-resistant, lax on soil and growing well in fertile and humid acid soil.

The breeding method of June snow in Phnom Penh:

The propagation of snow in June in Phnom Penh is mainly by cutting, and the methods of pressing, dividing and cutting can also be used. Hardwood is usually used in early spring, but it can be used in plum rain season. When making small or miniature bonsai, in order to promote it to take shape as soon as possible, we often take graceful perennial branches in June-July plum rain season, cut the lower incision into horseshoe shape, insert it into warp stone or sand, cover it with heat preservation, and pay attention to water spray. It can take root in about 40 days, and it can be transplanted at this time, and it can be formed with a little binding and pruning. Because this grass is easy to find in all parts of the mountain, some flower growers often dig it back directly from the forest and put it in the pot.

Phnom Penh June snowflake language:

June snow in Phnom Penh also belongs to the category of June snow. June snow is full of stars, and there are many versions of it. It can be used as a supporting role, but indispensable; it also represents true love, care, purity; it can also be a kind of joy, on behalf of watching love.

The difference between yellow poplar and June snow in Phnom Penh:

1. The leaf margin of boxwood in Phnom Penh is serrulate; the snow in June in Phnom Penh is the whole edge.

2. The leaves of Populus tomentosa are leathery, glossy, Obovate or oval, 3mur6cm long, 2Mel 3cm wide, and the petiole is about 6Mel 12mm; Phnom Penh June snow leaves are papery, dull, ovate to lanceolate, 1-3cm long, less than 1cm wide, nearly sessile, stipules persistent

3. The branches of Populus tomentosa in Phnom Penh are thicker, and those of June snow in Phnom Penh are slimmer.