
Perfect Carnation Cuttage Propagation method and Pest Control

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Perfect carnation? There is no doubt that this variety is called perfect carnation, which is a unique carnation hybrid with compact plants, dense branches and leaves, bright flowers and flowers, flowering for more than 10 months, and is deeply loved by people. The landscape is widely used.

Perfect carnation? There is no doubt that this variety is called perfect carnation, is a unique carnation hybrid, compact plants, dense branches and leaves, bright flowers, florescence for more than 10 months, deeply loved by people, the landscape is widely used.

Perfect Dianthus likes to grow in full light environment, suitable for subtropical monsoon climate and tropical monsoon climate zone of 18°30 '~ 32°20' north latitude. Perfect Dianthus is perennial perennial root Dianthus, with strong adaptability, evergreen all year round, light preference, poor shade tolerance, good drought resistance, strong resistance, few diseases and insect pests, simple management, pedaling resistance, flexible and tidy leaves, similar to Jade Dragon Grass, with high leaf viewing effect. It can grow and bloom normally in Hangzhou area at about 40℃ in summer. It can be planted in large areas in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai. It can survive in the open field without wind protection and heat preservation measures in winter. Cuttage survival rate and coverage rate is high, is an excellent landscape ground cover flower plants, market prospects.

1. cutting Orchard

A field with loose, fertile, slightly acidic, neutral or slightly alkaline soil texture is selected as a seedbed, base fertilizer is applied in winter, fully decomposed organic fertilizer is adopted, 1500kg per mu is ploughed, ditching is carried out, beds are made, and deep grooves are dug around the whole field, the depth is 50cm, and the width is 50cm. The bed surface is 120cm wide, the soil on the bed surface is fine, the middle of the bed surface is slightly higher, and the two sides are slightly lower. The trail is 30cm wide and 25cm deep. high-quality double-color cup seedling are transferred to field, and can be transplanted all year round except for high temperature season in July and August, with plant spacing of 30cm and row spacing of 30cm, about 6000 plants per mu, long lateral roots are cut off, transplanting depth is basically consistent with original plant depth, roots are compacted with fine soil piles, root fixing water is irrigated thoroughly in time, and drainage is timely conducted in case of continuous rainy days. About 15 days after transplanting, from March to August, apply calcium magnesium phosphate fertilizer and quick-acting fertilizer (compound fertilizer N: P: K=20:20) once a month. The dosage of two kinds of fertilizers: 15kg per mu each time, dry application, apply between rows, and immediately loosen soil and weed. After half a year of maintenance, it was built into a field planting and harvesting nursery. After harvest, calcium magnesium phosphate fertilizer was applied once, 10kg per mu.

2. cutting propagation

2.1 collecting spike

In addition to winter and summer high temperature season, from March to June and September, from the harvest nursery to collect healthy, good consistency of good quality spike.

2.2 substrate formula

The matrix formula in the tray or tray is peat: pearlite =7:3 (volume ratio), dry bulk density 0.48, total porosity 50.36%, macroporosity 16.70%, microporosity 33.66%, maximum water holding rate 1.56, pH 6.14, EC value 2.88mS/cm. Add proper water to the matrix, stir well, and put into a tray or tray.

2.3 spike specification

The panicle is 3 ~ 5cm long, keep the top tip, cut the bottom at the base of the plant, cut it from below the node (leaf ring), keep all the leaves, and do not select the branches with buds or flowers.

2.4 Disinfection and disease prevention

Disinfect the seedbed and substrate with potassium permanganate solution of 1000 times one day in advance. After cutting, disinfect with 800 times solution of carbendazim. After every half month with 800 times solution carbendazim solution or 1000 times solution mancozeb disinfection once.

2.5 Cutting moisture

Cutting depth is about 2cm, watering is done on the day after cutting, shading net is covered, shading rate is about 75%, necessary cooling measures are taken at the same time, and the temperature in the shed is controlled below 35℃. At ordinary times, we should pay attention to the humidity of the substrate, not too wet or too dry, check it every day, keep the relative humidity of the air in the shed at about 75%, and water it every 10 days or so.

2.6 maintenance management

About 15~20 days after cuttage, about 95% of the ears have taken root, remove the sunshade net, spray foliar fertilizer 5 days after removal, spray foliar fertilizer once every 7~10 days after watering, spray with 1000 times solution of green fenwei, or spray or irrigate with 1000 times solution of urea. Combined with disease prevention, mancozeb spray with 1000 times solution. After the spike takes root, tip the main bud in the morning to promote new buds. Weeding, pest control and timely drainage after rain. The seedlings can be formed after 45 days of maintenance, and the seedling rate is more than 95%.

3. Production of commercial seedlings

3.1 plug seedlings

128 holes or 72 holes were used, each hole was cut with one spike, and after about 45 days of careful cultivation, the plug seedlings were formed. Seedling specifications: plant height of about 3cm, more than 5 branches, strong plants, developed roots, no diseases and insect pests, seedling rate of more than 95%.

3.2 tray seedling

Substrate was spread in the tray, the thickness of substrate was about 5cm, the cutting density was 5cm, the row spacing was 5cm, and the cutting depth was about 2cm. After about 45 days of careful cultivation, the tray seedlings were formed. Seedling specification: plant height of about 3cm, more than 5 branches, strong plants, developed roots, no diseases and insect pests, seedling rate of more than 95%.

3.3 Double-colored cup seedling

transplant that plug seedlings or tray seedling into a hard double-color cup with the diameter of 12cm and the depth of 11cm, and filling the double-color cup with culture soil. Cultivation soil formula: garden soil: compost: sand =6:2:2 (volume ratio) mixed preparation, filling depth 9 ~ 10cm, each container transplanted 1 ~ 2 plants, except for the growth and flowering season to timely watering, usually watering to maintain soil moisture is appropriate, air relative humidity to maintain about 75% is appropriate, appropriate spray moisture before flowering, can prevent flower bud early cracking, rainy season to pay attention to loose soil drainage. In midsummer, the plants are in a semi-dormant state, avoiding sun exposure and shade cooling. Periodically cut off whole flowering branches to encourage new flowers to continue and flowering branches to tiller from the roots. During the growing season, phosphate solution of 1000 times solution was applied once every 2 weeks, and the two-color cup seedlings were formed after careful cultivation for about 90 days. Seedling specification: seedling height more than 5cm, crown width more than 12cm, dense branches and leaves, compact crown shape, plump symmetry, strong plants, no diseases and insect pests, seedling rate more than 95%.

3.4 Potted seedlings

The containers selected are different in shape and size, hard and beautiful, 2 - 3 plug seedlings or tray seedlings are transplanted into the containers, and terminal buds are removed when the seedlings are about 3cm high to promote branching. Remove leaf axils and buds in time to promote flowering of apical buds. After about 90 days of careful maintenance to form potted seedlings. Seedling specifications: seedling height of more than 5cm, flowers in full bloom, dense branches and leaves, compact crown shape, plump symmetry, strong plants, no pests, seedling rate of more than 95%.

4. pest control

Common diseases include calyx rot, rust, blight, wilt, gray mold, bud rot and root rot. Calyx rot was controlled by 600 times solution of manineb, rust was controlled by spraying 800 times solution of chlorpheniramine pentoxide or 1500 times solution of chlorpheniramine 50% WP. Spray carbendazim or chlorothalonil 600-fold solution once immediately after each pruning. For disease prevention, zinc or carbendazim or captan 600 times solution is sprayed on seedbeds and substrates before cuttage or transplantation.

Pests are mainly red spiders, aphids, etc., available 40% omethoate emulsifiable solution 1500 times to kill red spiders, available 40% dimethoate emulsion 1000 times solution to kill aphids.

The above is all the content compiled by today's Huinong network editor for everyone. Welcome to Huinong network to learn more related technologies!

Cultivation Key Points and Measures for Disease and Insect Pests Control of Dianthus chinensis

Changxia Dianthus, a ground cover plant called "winter does not wither, summer does not fall," has beautiful leaves, gorgeous colors, fragrant flowers and long flowering period. It is widely used to decorate large-scale green spaces in cities and is deeply loved by people. Today, I will take you to understand the cultivation points of Changxia Dianthus and the measures taken for pest control.

Breeding methods:

Dianthus chinensis can be propagated by sowing, rationing and cutting. Spring sowing and autumn sowing can be, the specific time depends on the local climate, the temperature is about 20 degrees when the most suitable sowing can be in spring or autumn in the open field, cold areas can be in spring and autumn sowing in cold beds or hotbeds. The optimum temperature for germination is 15-20℃. If the temperature is too high, the germination will be inhibited. The seedlings are usually sprayed with new lipid membrane after secondary transplantation to improve the survival rate. Plant propagation in April, cuttage rooting method is better, can be inserted in the spring and autumn sand bed.

Cultivation points:

1. Watering

Because Chang Xia Dianzhu is resistant to drought and barren, the watering time and frequency should be based on the dry weather and soil moisture, flexible water use, in water management, master the principle of dry rather than wet, such as long drought without rain, dry weather, can increase the watering frequency appropriately. Meiyu season or after heavy rain, should pay attention to drainage, in case of lawn water, seedlings were drowned, spraying new lipid membrane, can adjust the amount of water absorption. According to the lawn management experience, the summer pink should be watered in time after each flowering and pruning, and 10 kg-15 kg compound fertilizer should be applied per mu to promote the growth of seedlings and the next flowering ahead of schedule. For the newly planted Chang Xia Dianthus, the first time the root water must be watered thoroughly, and then every 2 - 3 days, according to the situation and then watered.

2, pruning

Pruning plays a very important role in the management of summer dianthus. Proper pruning can make the lawn grow vigorously, the root system developed and the flowers numerous. The flowering period of summer pink flowers from late spring to autumn has been blooming continuously, and the flower stems should be trimmed after each flower failure. Newly planted seedlings, in order to promote growth, reduce nutrient consumption, generally do not let it bloom. In late June and early July, pruning will be carried out after flower failure. The pruning height should be able to destroy the growth point of most branches, so as to facilitate more tillers, quickly form a flat, generally keep about 8 cm-9 cm, and the last pruning should be carried out from late August to early September. This pruning laid the foundation for Dianthus chinensis to survive the winter smoothly and grow healthily in the second year. Therefore, it is necessary to cut it properly to increase its winter cold resistance and ornamental effect, generally retaining a height of about 5 cm.

Pest control:

Summer Dianthus chinensis has strong adaptability, extensive management, few pests, pests mainly occur in summer July to September high temperature season, mainly blight, wilt, etc,

Control methods:

(1)Spray carbendazim and chlorothalonil immediately after each pruning.

(2)Discovered after the disease plant immediately uprooted and concentrated burning, and then the soil disinfection and replanting.

(3)Timely drainage to prevent lawn water.

The above is what I know today about the cultivation of summer dianthus and pest control measures taken by all the content, I hope that flower friends read this article will be helpful to you, want to know more, please continue to pay attention to our fleshy flower beds, we will provide you with more relevant knowledge!

Prevention and control of diseases and insect pests of Cymbidium (Picture) many flower friends encounter the problem of diseases and insect pests of Cymbidium, and it is often difficult to determine whether their orchids are diseases or pests, resulting in no timely and effective prevention and control. Here are some common pest control methods for flower friends. (1) Leaf spot disease mainly infects leaves. At the initial stage of infection, small brown spots occur in the leaves, and gradually expand into large yellow-brown to grayish-brown irregular disease spots. The part of the disease is slightly sunken and the edge is slightly raised. In the later stage, the disease spot is dry and there are small black spots on it. The pathogen is a kind of fungus, which survives the winter on the diseased part and the diseased body, and carries on the initial invasion and re-invasion by the transmission of conidia by wind and rain. Invade more from the wound. It may occur in the whole year under greenhouse conditions, and the disease is more common from July to October. When too much nitrogen fertilizer and relatively less phosphorus and potassium fertilizer are applied in cultivation, the disease is easy to occur. Leaf spot disease is easy to occur under the condition of high temperature and drying, or when the insect is seriously damaged. The pathogen lives on the diseased leaves of parasitic plants, mostly from the wound infection. The disease is easy to occur when the plant growth is weak. [prevention and treatment methods] ① removed diseased leaves and remnants, concentrated burning, and reduced infection sources. Improve the permeability of the garden and properly increase the application of potash fertilizer to avoid excessive watering. ② can control shell insects, avoid insect pests and reduce infection. In the early stage of ③, 50% carbendazim 1000-fold solution, 70% topiramine wettable powder 1000-fold solution, 50% Dysenamine 1000-fold solution were sprayed for prevention and treatment. Or timely spray 30% lead chloride copper gel suspension + 80% mancozeb wettable powder (1:1, that is, spray) 800x liquid, or 75% chlorothalonil + 70% topzine wettable powder (1:1) 800mm 1000x liquid, or 40% polybromofol wettable powder 700x liquid, spray alternately, pay attention to spray thoroughly, once every 7 days and 15 days, spray 3 times in a row, dense before and after sparse. (2) soft rot, root rot. The high temperature season occurs everywhere, but it is more common in North China and the south of North China. Stem base and leaves can occur; stem base first produce watery spots, gradually become light brown spots, rapidly expand and spread up and down, tissue decay, resulting in umbrella plant lodging death, leaves easy to detach; leaves can also be directly susceptible, initially watery, dark green, gradually expanded, disease tissue decay is translucent, disease spot atonement has yellow halo, halo is wide band. Under the condition of suitable temperature and humidity, the disease spot expanded rapidly, and the whole leaf rotted and disintegrated into wet rot. There are two kinds of pathogenic bacteria of soft rot reported in China. Erwinia chrysanthemum, gram-negative bacteria. The pathogenic bacteria overwinter in the diseased remains or in the soil and can survive in the soil for several months; the bacteria are transmitted by Rain Water and irrigation water, but also through the mutual contact between diseased leaves and healthy leaves, or through operating tools, etc.; bacteria invade from the wound, the incubation period is short, 2-3 days, and there are many times of re-infection in the growing season. The disease can occur from June to October, but it is the most suitable from June to July. The conditions of high temperature and high humidity are beneficial to the disease, among which high humidity is the main factor affecting the disease. In summer, part of the stem heart of Cymbidium is drenched in the rain, or water is inadvertently poured into the stem heart, which is the main cause of soft rot. More application of nitrogen fertilizer also aggravated the occurrence of the disease. In addition to gentleman orchid, Erwinia chrysanthemum also infects chrysanthemum, dahlia, carnation, silver gum chrysanthemum, evergreen, begonia, taro and other ornamental flowers and trees. The incidence of Cymbidium is higher than that of laughing Cymbidium. The prevention and cure method must not water the human heart leaf when watering, once the watering person absorbs dry immediately. For diseased plants, according to Qingdao Garden reports, pull up the roots in time, remove the soil and decayed parts, soak in 0.1% potassium permanganate solution for 5 minutes, then rinse once with clean water, root up, bask in the sun for half an hour, and then dry in the shade for 4 days. The potted soil is disinfected with high temperature and put on the basin after cooling completely. The soil should not be buried too deep, and new leaves will grow after pouring enough water in a cool place for 10 to 15 days. This method has a good control effect. Reduce the source of infection. Diseased soil can not be used continuously, infected flower bowls and other utensils must be used after thermal disinfection; cut off the disease spots on the leaves in time and burn them. Strengthen cultivation management and control the occurrence of diseases. Apply more phosphorus and potassium fertilizer and appropriate amount of nitrogen fertilizer; irrigation method should be proper to prevent water from pouring into the heart of the stem. Spraying or foaming with streptomycin of 400ppm or injecting the diseased pseudobulb with syringe immediately after the appearance of the lesion has a better therapeutic effect. (3) anthrax occurs all over the country. Anthracnose mainly harms leaves and tender stems. After the onset of the disease, round or subcircular disease spots appear on the leaves, and the disease spots at the leaf tip are semicircular and irregular. The initial spot is small, reddish brown, and then gradually enlarged, the color is also deepened, the center becomes grayish white, and sometimes there is a yellow halo on the edge. Finally, the disease spot is dark brown, wheel-shaped, with upper black dots, that is, the conidium disk of the pathogen. Pink mucus gushes from the black spots when it is wet. [pathogen] the pathogen is fungus, Cyclospora. The disease of the old leaves began to occur at the beginning of April in the following year when the hyphae overwintered in the host residue or soil, and developed rapidly at 22-28C from May to June, and the disease was serious in the plum rain season with high temperature and humidity. Conidia are spread by airflow, wind and rain, watering and so on, and often invade from the wound. The damage of seedlings was more serious than that of adult plants, which could harm the young stems, and the whole plant died in severe cases. Too much watering and too dense placement are easy to develop. [control methods] (1) Horticultural control: cut off diseased leaves or diseased spots, cut off the position should be larger than diseased spots, and destroy them in time; improve watering methods, irrigate people from the edge of the basin; improve ventilation conditions. Strengthen cultivation management and cultivate healthy plants. (2) Chemical control: 50% carbendazim wettable powder 700-800 times, 50% anthrax Fumi wettable powder 500 times, 70% methyl thiophanate 800 times, 75% chlorothalonil 500 times can be sprayed at the initial stage of the disease. If necessary, spray 70% anthrax 500 times solution. (4) White silk disease mainly occurs in the root neck near the ground, showing wet rot from water-stained yellow-brown to reddish brown, and the affected surface is covered with white silk-like hyphae, which spreads to the soil surface; later, the sclerotia is produced on the mycelium, and the sclerotia is white at the beginning, and then turns yellow, reddish brown to dark brown, the size is like rapeseed, the whole plant is killed seriously, it is easy to pull up, and the leaves are easy to pull away. The pathogen is fungi, Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. Plants planted in bacteria-carrying soil are easy to occur in hot, rainy and humid summer. The disease can occur early under the hot and humid conditions in the greenhouse. Drug treatment: (1) Drug control: lightly injured diseased plants, remove the diseased part, use 0.1% mercury water at the base, disinfect it for 5 minutes, then wash it with water, then immerse it in a naphthalene acetic acid solution with a concentration of 50x10-6 ~ 100 × 10 _ 6 for several hours, re-cuttage in aseptic wet sand soil, can re-root; when changing basin soil, the soil should use sterilized fertile soil, chemical disinfection see orchid white silk disease. 82 Trichoderma bran biological preparation (produced by the Department of Plant Protection of Zhejiang Agricultural University) can be applied to the soil to maintain a certain humidity in order to promote the mass reproduction of Trichoderma, inhibit pathogens and control diseases. (2) at the initial stage of the disease, 15% trimethoprim or 50% methyl chlorophos wettable powder was used to spread 200 parts of fine soil on the rhizome of the diseased part, and the control effect was obvious. 1000 times of desenamine can also be sprayed on the base of the plant and the surrounding soil, and then sprayed again after 7 days. After that, 70% topiramate 1000 times or 50% carbendazim 1000 times was applied to the rhizosphere soil to restrain the spread of the disease. After the seriously diseased plants are removed, 50% Dysenamine 500 times solution, or lime powder can be used to irrigate and scatter the disease points to disinfect the soil. (5), Cymbidium sunburn [symptom] indistinct yellowing dry plaques appeared on the edge of the susceptible leaves. [pathogen and incidence regularity] sunburn disease (Clivia sunscald) is a physiological injury of Cymbidium. Cymbidium sunburn disease mostly occurs in hot summer, especially when the leaves are tender and the sun is too strong in the seedling stage, sunburn disease is easy to occur. [control methods] when planting Cymbidium in ① greenhouse, it should be shaded properly from June to September. When the indoor temperature exceeds 30, it is necessary to strengthen ventilation or spray water to cool down. ② should be placed in a cool and ventilated place. Once sunburn occurs in ③, the injured leaves should be cut off to prevent the injury from spreading and cause other diseases. (5) erythema is a disease caused by viruses, bacteria and some physiological factors. The regularity of the disease: the back of the leaves showed white or pink or apricot dots at the beginning of the disease. After discovering the disease, if measures are not taken in time, the spots become bigger and bigger, the color deepens gradually, the spots are sunken and rotten, and the light spots are linked together to rot the leaves, resulting in "wiping the head". The cause of the disease is mostly caused by virus infection. To investigate the source of the virus, most of the fertilizer is not fully fermented and ripened, and the raw fertilizer rots in the soil, resulting in more microorganisms and viruses multiplying in the stem and root base of Cymbidium. These microbes and viruses stick to the root system of Cymbidium to absorb nutrients, which hinders the physiological function of Cymbidium and causes the leaves to show red spots. Prevention and treatment: the red spot of Cymbidium mostly comes from the root. If red spot is found, immediately turn the basin and change the soil, then wash the roots and stems of Magnolia, and rinse off all microorganisms, viruses and bacteria. You can use 65% wettable zinc powder plus 400 times 500 times water to make a solution. Spray once every 10 days or half a month, 2 times 3 times. After changing the basin, it is appropriate to use magnetized water to irrigate.