Management techniques of Ivy protected cultivation and Control of Diseases and insect pests
Some people will ask, what is ivy? In fact, many friends have seen ivy, sometimes outside will see the wall covered with a kind of plant, in fact, this is ivy. Today, let's talk about the technology of ivy cutting propagation and the management of ivy facility cultivation and pest control.

1 cutting propagation technique of Ivy
1.1 preparation of cutting sites and facilities
Sites with flat terrain, good ventilation, sufficient light, convenient drainage and irrigation and convenient transportation should be selected. Annual production of ivy pot requires that cultivation facilities should be equipped with cooling and heating equipment to meet the temperature requirements of ivy; matching spray humidification system to ensure sufficient environmental humidity; movable sunshade system to meet the demand for light; irrigation system, pesticide application system, pure water system and so on. Small potted plants need to be equipped with cultivation beds, and hanging cultivation should be equipped with hanging beds.
1.2 preparation of cutting substrate
Ivy cutting substrate should choose high-quality peat 0~5mm or 0~8mm particle size, pH value of 5.5 seedling substrate, before use, you need to use a machine or manual crushing, and then the peat: perlite volume ratio at 3:1 add large particles (3~5mm particle size) perlite, mix well, and then stir, so that the final water content of the substrate is controlled at 60% 70%.
1.3 preparation of cutting containers
The cuttage container was selected according to the cultivation goal. Small potted plants should choose 90mm pot diameter two-color pot and 15-hole tray containing two-color basin; 180mm, 230mm or 360mm pot diameter plastic hanging orchid pot should be selected for hanging cultivation; 72-hole pot or black plastic nutrition bowl can be used for open field cultivation. The newly purchased containers do not need to be treated, and the used cutting containers should be treated with 70% thiophanate methyl wettable powder 800 times or 75% carbendazim wettable powder 800 times or 0.5% potassium permanganate solution.
1.4 preparation of cuttings
The cuttings should be cut on the plants with strong growth and free of diseases and insect pests, and the young shoots of the same year should be selected, the cuttings should retain 2 nodes, and the leaves on the lower nodes should be removed; the internodes of some varieties are short and the length of the cuttings should be 2-2.5 cm; the upper and lower cuttings of the cuttings should be cut flat, and the cuttings should be 0.3~0.5cm above the upper nodes.
1.5 determination of cutting time
The production cycle of Ivy seedling in pot or nutrition bowl was 45 ~ 60 days, that of small pot culture was 90 ~ 120 days, that of 180mm and 230mm pot diameter hanging cultivation was 180 ~ 240 days, and that of 360mm pot diameter hanging cultivation was 300 ~ 360 days. Commercial seedling cultivation and cultivation should choose the cultivation mode according to the facilities and arrange the cutting date according to the time on the market.
1.6 Cuttage method
1.6.1 preparation: fill the treated substrate into the cutting container, light pier, do not press, set aside.
1.6.2 density: the diameters of 90mm, 180mm, 230mm and 360mm were 13, 40, 50 and 90 per pot, respectively.
1.6.3 method: the cuttings are now cut and used, and the prepared cuttings are evenly inserted into the matrix to the base of the upper leaves of the cuttings. The inserted containers are placed on the planting bed frame.
1.7 Management of cutting propagation period
Control light 3000~4000Lux, temperature 23: 25 ℃, humidity above 75%. It is appropriate to turn on the spraying system according to the environmental changes in the site in order to adjust the humidity in the site and ensure good ventilation in the greenhouse. Under the above environmental conditions, the cuttings were watered for the first time about one week after cutting. The first watering can add 70% methyl thiophanate wettable powder or 75% carbendazim wettable powder 800 times liquid, while adding 500 times Artemisia root suspension to avoid the occurrence of rot and promote rooting. The amount of watering should be controlled at 2pm 3 which can infiltrate the cultivation substrate, and heavy water irrigation should be avoided. About 2 weeks after cutting, it is appropriate to carry out the second watering, you can add 500 times Aigen liquid, this time the amount of watering can be controlled to infiltrate the whole basin (hole) matrix, avoid pouring water.
In the cutting propagation period, foliar spraying was the main fertilizer supplement, every 3 days as a cycle, 1000 times of potassium dihydrogen phosphate was sprayed in the early stage, and 1000 times of average fertilizer was used in the later stage.
Through the above management, the callus began to form in about 7 days, rooting in 15-20 days, new buds sprouting in leaf axils in 30 days or so, and the root system was well developed in 45-60 days, which can be transplanted.
2 protected cultivation and management of Ivy
2.1 small potted plant management
2.1.1 Water management
The small potted plant entered the normal management of the seedling stage one month after cutting. because the cultivation container was small, the substrate was few, and the watering cycle was short, it was suitable to be watered once every 3-4 days, and the watering cycle should be adjusted properly combined with the dry humidity of the substrate to keep the substrate moist and avoid soaking in water. In order to prevent the matrix from being washed out of the container, 400 mesh rain sprinkler was selected.
2.1.2 Fertilizer management. After entering the seedling stage, it is appropriate to replenish fertilizer in time, and fertilization should be based on the principle of frequent application of thin fertilizer. N:P2O5:K2O=20:20:20 compound water-soluble fertilizer is suitable for fertilizer. The initial concentration is 2000-3000 times, which can be increased to 1000 times with the increase of seedling age. Fertilization can be combined with watering, small pot production should be one water and one fertilizer, fertilizer and water interval.
2.1.3 Light management. With the growth of seedling age, the demand for light of Ivy increases, so it is appropriate to increase the light, control the light in 8000~10000Lux, and not exceed 15000Lux.
2.1.4 temperature management. The suitable growth temperature of ivy is 20-28 ℃, and the annual production should be controlled at a low temperature of not less than 15 ℃ and a high temperature of not more than 35 ℃.
2.1.5 ventilation management. Ivy prefers well-ventilated cultivation environment, and epidemic disease is easy to occur in the environment where the substrate is too wet, high temperature, high air humidity and poor ventilation, resulting in stem rot or root rot, which cannot be saved once it occurs, so it is necessary to strengthen ventilation in the facilities. especially in summer ventilation management.
2.2 hanging cultivation and management
2.2.1 Water management
The watering period of hanging cultivation was controlled at 6-8 days, and the dry humidity of substrate and cultivation environment were adjusted properly. Rain sprinkling is used in the initial watering, the root system grows vigorously, and the common watering equipment can be selected after the plant is completely covered with the cultivation container.
2.2.2 Fertilizer management
Fertilization is still based on the principle of frequent application of thin fertilizer, and N:P2O5:K2O=20:20:20 full-material compound water-soluble fertilizer should be selected. The initial concentration is 2000-3000 times, which can be increased to 1000 times with the increase of seedling age. Hanging cultivation container is large, cultivation density is high, fertilizer demand is large, watering cycle is long, fertilization should be combined with watering, watering is fertilization.
2.2.3 other management is the same as small pot management.
3. Prevention and control of ivy diseases and insect pests
The main diseases of ivy are blight, anthracnose, gray mold, leaf spot [3] and sunburn, and the main pests are red spiders, white spiders and thrips. Prevention and control should be given priority to, combined with prevention and control, environmental control should be given priority to, and chemical control should be supplemented.
3.1 epidemic disease
3.1.1 causes and main symptoms. Phytophthora blight is an important disease caused by Phytophthora fungi. Generally, it is easy to occur in high temperature, high humidity and poor ventilation, especially when the matrix humidity is too high. The results showed that the lower leaves of the plant rotted and fell off, the base of the stem began to show dark green water stains, and then turned into black-brown necrosis, root epidermis rotted, branches and leaves withered.
3.1.2 Prevention and control methods. First of all, we should control the temperature and humidity of the cultivation site, create a suitable growth environment, strengthen the ventilation in the site, especially in the cultivation season with high temperature and humidity, we should pay special attention to environmental control. Chemical control can spray 25% metalaxyl water agent or 72% chloramphenicol water agent 750 times or irrigate 72% chloramphenicol water agent 800x 1000 times.
3.2 anthracnose
3.2.1 causes and main symptoms. Anthrax is an important disease caused by anthrax fungi. It usually occurs under high humidity conditions. In the early stage, yellow-brown near-round disease spots were formed on the leaves, and gradually enlarged with the development of the disease, and brown or black sporangia grew on the disease spots in the later stage. Necrotic and shedding of susceptible leaves with serious damage.
3.2.2 Prevention and control methods. The disease can be controlled by controlling the air humidity in the cultivation site. Chemical control can choose 70% methyl thiophanate ultra-fine wettable powder 1000-1200 times liquid, 80% anthrax Fumei wettable powder 800x liquid, 50% carbendazim wettable powder 1500 times liquid spray control.
3.3 Gray mold
3.3.1 causes and main symptoms. Botrytis cinerea is caused by Botrytis cinerea fungi, mainly showing a large water-immersed brown spot on the edge of the leaf, gradually expanding, tissue necrosis, high humidity to produce gray mold. It usually occurs under the condition of low temperature and high humidity.
3.3.2 Prevention and control methods. Strictly control the temperature, humidity and ventilation conditions in the cultivation site. Chemical control can use 65% Dysen zinc wettable powder 500x solution; spraying 50% Sukeling wettable powder or 50% carbendazim wettable powder 1000 times can effectively control the occurrence of Botrytis cinerea.
3.4 Leaf spot
3.4.1 causes and main symptoms. Leaf spot is caused by extremely hairy rod-shaped bacteria and is easy to occur when it is warm and humid in the cultivation site. At the beginning of the disease, the leaves were small round brown spots with oil-like halos, and then increased to 4~5mm black spots, sometimes polygonal, and some of the spots were brown.
3.4.2 prevention and control methods. Strictly control the humidity in the greenhouse. Chemical control can choose 72% agricultural streptomycin powder 4000 times liquid spray control.
3.5 days of burning
3.5.1 causes and main symptoms. Sunburn is caused by improper light control in the cultivation site, especially when the substrate humidity is not enough and the air is dry, excessive light will cause sunburn. The results showed that the water supply of plant leaves was insufficient and wilted, and the leaves were gray to gray. If the light was too strong, the mesophyll tissue of the leaves was necrotic directly, and large necrotic white spots appeared in the leaves.
3.5.2 prevention and control methods. Combined with the health status of the plant and the environmental conditions of the cultivation site, the light intensity should be adjusted reasonably.
3.6 Red spider and white spider
3.6.1 occurrence and harm. Red spider and white spider mainly occur in the environment of dry air and high temperature in the cultivation site. Mainly living on the back of the leaf sucking plant juice, destroying the mesophyll tissue, the leaf surface showed white spots, with the aggravation of the damage, the leaf yellowed and withered and fell off.
3.6.2 prevention and control methods. Strengthen the control of the temperature and humidity of the cultivation site. For drug control, it is appropriate to use 1200 times of 15% paraben EC or 3000 times of 24% acarate EC for spray control.
3.7 thrips
3.7.1 occurrence and harm. Thrips are easy to occur in high temperature and low humidity environment. Mainly suck plant sap on the leaf surface, the harm is similar to that of red spiders.
3.7.2 Prevention and control methods. Use Huijian 21% suspension or Aktai 25% water dispersible granule (active ingredient is thiazine) 3000 × 4000 times liquid spray control.
The above are the cutting propagation methods of ivy and the management techniques of facility cultivation. Friends who are interested in ivy planting should come and learn!
Control techniques of common diseases and insect pests in Ivy
Ivy is our common indoor planting species, so what diseases often occur in the process of ivy planting? How to prevent and cure it? This is what the editor wants to talk about for you today.
[expert answers] the main diseases are algal leaf spot, anthracnose, bacterial leaf rot, leaf spot, root rot, blight and so on. The damage of leaf roller borer, shell worm and red spider is more serious.
One is to remove the dead branches and leaves in late autumn or early spring and cut off the diseased branches and leaves in time and burn them.
The second is to spray 65% Dysen zinc 600 times solution before the disease.
Third, rational fertilization and watering, pay attention to ventilation and light transmission
Fourth, spraying 50% carbendazim or 50% thiophanate 500-600 times, or 75% chlorothalonil 600-800 times at the initial stage of the disease. Rust: in addition to the above-mentioned 1-3 methods, spray 97% diphacinone 250,300 times (plus 0.1% washing powder) or 1500-2500 times after onset.
Leaf spot disease
Bacterial leaf spot occurs in the leaves and stems of plants. At the initial stage of the disease, the susceptible leaves produced water-immersed, light green round spots, and then gradually expanded and turned into brown or black spots, the edges were slightly red, and the petiole also turned brown, causing leaf withering. The disease of the branch extends downward from the top of the branch, and goes deep into the xylem. When the disease is serious, the canker can cut the stem around, causing the branches and leaves above the disease to wither. When it is wet, it is spread by Rain Water splash when the condition is suitable, and invades the plant through stomata, water pores or wounds. Under warm and humid conditions, bacterial overflow appears in the disease part.
Prevention and cure method
① reduces the source of infection: cut off the diseased tissue in time, and burn the infected plants in time when they are found.
② strengthen cultivation management: irrigate the plant from the rhizosphere, do not drench, lest spread germs and expand the harm.
③ soil treatment: soil contaminated by bacteria can be treated with 2% formalin solution.
Ivy anthracnose
Common diseases. Mainly harmful leaves, the leaves are grayish white when the damage is serious, and it is easy to occur when the autumn rain continues.
Prevention and treatment: put it in a ventilated and transparent place, and it is forbidden to water the leaves. After the onset of the disease, spray 50% carbendazim wettable powder 500 times, once every 7 days, even 3-4 times to prevent and cure. Other methods can be seen in the section on pest control of Chamaecarpa angustifolia.
Leaf spot disease
Common diseases. It is easy to cause withered and yellow leaves, which is mostly caused by poor ventilation and muggy environment.
Prevention and treatment: the diseased leaves were removed at the initial stage of the disease and burned centrally. Spray 1% Bordeaux solution at the same time, once every 7 days, for 4-5 times.
Shell worm
Shell worm
Common pests. The damaged plants grow poorly and can pollute soot disease, causing leaves to turn yellow. early defoliation.
Prevention and treatment: manual scraping. When the occurrence area is large, you can also spray 40% omethoate cream 800 times solution. For other methods, see the cycad pest control section.
Epidemic disease
The main results were as follows: (1) symptom characteristics: the whole leaf or most of the leaves turned brown and rotted or the base of the stem vine and tender node showed dark green water stains, became soft and constricted, then turned brown to brown-black, and the branches and leaves above the diseased part withered. Some directly form rotten tops or dead heads; sometimes the stem base of cuttings also occurs and produces stem rot. When the cuttings carry bacteria or the soil carries bacteria, and the soil and air humidity is high, the disease is easy to occur and expand rapidly.
(2) Prevention and control methods
① found that the diseased plants were pulled out in time, and watering was controlled properly.
When planting ②, we should pay attention to select cuttings from plants that are free from diseases and insect pests and insert them in the substrate that has been sterilized or has not occurred epidemic disease. Planting should not be too dense, pay attention to ventilation and light.
③ drains in time during the rainy season to prevent moisture retention.
In the early stage of ④, spray or irrigate 25% metalaxyl wettable powder 800x or 58% metalaxyl. Manganese zinc wettable powder 600 times liquid, 64% poison alum wettable powder 600 times liquid, 72% Kelu 600 times liquid.
Grey mold disease
The main results are as follows: (1) symptom characteristics: watery brown or black spots are produced at the edge of the leaves, which can occupy most or the whole leaves in severe cases, and gray mold layer in damp cases.
(2) Control methods: cultivate with disease-free new soil, control watering, and don't apply too much nitrogen fertilizer. Remove the diseased leaves in time and burn them. When you get sick, spray 75% chlorothalonil 500 times. Once every 10 days for 2 or 3 consecutive times.
Purple oyster scale
The main results are as follows: (1) the characteristics of damage: sucking branch and leaf sap with nymph and female adult. In severe cases, it is covered with leaves and branches, resulting in plant drying, yellowing and death.
(2) Prevention and control methods: in winter, combined with plastic surgery, cutting off insect branches and leaves, and concentrated burning. During the nymph incubation period, 1000 times of 50% phoxim or 1500 times of rapid culling were sprayed.
Sunburn disease
Symptoms: upper leaves or new leaves become light gray, gradually withered and fallen leaves.
Etiology: physiological disease. In summer, the ivy, which has been in the shade for a long time, is easily burned by the scorching sun when it is suddenly put on a sunny day.
Control method: the cultivation environment is easy to be semi-shaded, and the sunshine is about 50%, 70%. Avoid strong direct sunlight.
Prevention and Control of main Diseases and insect pests of Ivy
1. Epidemic disease
The main results were as follows: (1) symptom characteristics: the whole leaf or most of the leaves turned brown and rotted, or the base of the stem vine and tender node showed dark green water stains, softened and constricted, then turned brown to brown-black, and the branches and leaves above the diseased part withered. Some directly form rotten tops or dead heads; sometimes the stem base of cuttings also occurs and produces stem rot. When the cuttings carry bacteria or the soil carries bacteria, and the soil and air humidity is high, the disease is easy to occur and expand rapidly.
(2) Prevention and control methods
① found that the diseased plants were pulled out in time, and watering was controlled properly.
When planting ②, we should pay attention to select cuttings from plants that are free from diseases and insect pests and insert them in the substrate that has been sterilized or has not occurred epidemic disease. Planting should not be too dense, pay attention to ventilation and light.
③ drains in time during the rainy season to prevent moisture retention.
In the early stage of ④, spray or irrigate 25% metalaxyl wettable powder 800x or 58% metalaxyl. Manganese zinc wettable powder 600 times liquid, 64% poison alum wettable powder 600 times liquid, 72% Kelu 600 times liquid.
two。 Grey mold disease
The main results are as follows: (1) symptom characteristics: watery brown or black spots are produced at the edge of the leaves, which can occupy most or the whole leaves in severe cases, and gray mold layer in damp cases.
(2) Control methods: cultivate with disease-free new soil, control watering, and don't apply too much nitrogen fertilizer. Remove the diseased leaves in time and burn them. When you get sick, spray 75% chlorothalonil 500 times. Once every 10 days for 2 or 3 consecutive times.
3. Leaf spot disease
(1) symptom characteristics: at the initial stage, only small round dark spots appeared on the leaf surface, with oily halo. After enlargement, it is black, some become polygonal, and sometimes there are brown deposits around the lesion. Occasionally there are ulcer spots on the petiole. Infected leaves generally do not fall off. The bacteria overwintered in the diseased tissue. Under warm and humid conditions, germs overflow from diseased tissue and spread by wind, rain or insects, causing primary infection and re-infection. Poor ventilation, poor light transmittance and poor management are easy to occur.
(2) Prevention and control methods: select the disease-free mother plant to propagate. At the initial stage of the disease, 3000 times of streptomycin sulfate or 12% green copper EC and 20% Longke bacteria suspension were sprayed.
4. Purple oyster scale
The main results are as follows: (1) the characteristics of damage: sucking branch and leaf sap with nymph and female adult. In severe cases, it is covered with leaves and branches, resulting in plant drying, yellowing and death.
(2) Prevention and control methods: in winter, combined with plastic surgery, cutting off insect branches and leaves, and concentrated burning. During the nymph incubation period, 1000 times of 50% phoxim or 1500 times of rapid culling were sprayed.
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