
How to cultivate mirror grass? The main points of attention in the culture of mirror grass

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The leaves of mirror grass are nearly round, very much like the ancient dressing mirror, also known as money grass, if you do not look carefully, and copper grass is very similar, very fresh and beautiful, is a more aesthetic indoor pot. So how can mirror grass grow vigorously?

The leaves of mirror grass are nearly round, very much like the ancient dressing mirror, also known as money grass, if you do not look carefully, and copper grass is very similar, very fresh and beautiful, is a more aesthetic indoor pot. So how can mirror grass grow vigorously?

1. In fact, it is quite different from Tongqian grass. Tongqian grass likes a warm environment, while mirror grass is more hardy, as long as it is all right above zero, and it prefers a cool environment.

2, mirror grass growth temperature is suitable for about 15 degrees, usually do not be illuminated by strong light, otherwise the leaves will curl, as long as not in the sun, astigmatism on it. Proper sunshade is needed in summer.

3. It is suitable to be planted with rotten leaf soil, plus peat, a small amount of river sand, coal ash, and some base fertilizer. If the soil can not be found, it can be planted with humus soil under the big trees on the mountain.

4. Watering should be timely. During the spring and autumn growing period, frequent watering is needed to keep the soil moist, or keep spraying water on the leaves to maintain a humid environment and increase air humidity.

5. It is a perennial herb, that is, if it is raised this year, it will continue to grow next year, so it is easy to feed. Reproduction is simple.

In spring, some lateral buds with adventitious roots grow on the plant, as long as four leaves are left, cut off with adventitious roots, and then planted in wet basin soil, they will take root and sprout in more than ten days.

Or select healthy branches, cut off, cut into the flowerpot, can also easily grow roots to survive.

6, usually give it some potassium dihydrogen phosphate, supplement phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, or organic fertilizer liquid, will make its branches grow strong, leaf color green, luxuriant.

7. When it is colder in winter, you can put it on the balcony or raise it indoors. Less than 5 degrees will affect your growth. If you put it in a warm place, you can continue to grow, the leaves are many, green and luxuriant, very beautiful.

Tongqian grass likes to be warm and humid, it is better to cultivate in half-day sunshine or shade, avoid direct sunlight, regardless of cultivation soil, and soft and well-drained soil is the best. Shade-resistant, moisture-resistant, slightly drought-resistant, highly adaptable, amphibious.

Raise a mirror grass to make the home high and tight in an instant!

Mirror grass is perennial fleshy herb, fleshy leaves are thick and round, just like the bronze mirror of ancient fairies, so it is called mirror grass. The leaf of copper noodle grass is dark green and very glossy, and there is a golden dot on the petiole above the center of the leaf, so it is also called "a little gold".

Mirror grass is very beautiful and lovely, the leaves are as small as copper coins, the plant leaf shape is strange, beautiful posture, very suitable for indoor, courtyard cultivation, is a very good-looking foliage plant. The editor has seen a lot of simple and fresh homes, and they all like to decorate them with mirror grass. No matter they are put in the living room, the dining table or the room, they all have a good mood ~ raise a plant at home, and the overall pressure of the family will become higher.

The following is to talk about the main points of potted maintenance of mirror grass.


Mirror grass is not resistant to severe cold, and the overwintering temperature should not be lower than 10 ℃. If it encounters a long-term low temperature of 31-51 days, it is easy to die from cold. Mirror grass can be put in a medium-temperature greenhouse in winter. Mirror grass is very shady, as long as it can grow in the light of a general newspaper, so it is very suitable for family indoor potted plants.


The cultivation of mirror grass should always keep the basin soil moist and avoid stagnant water to prevent the leaves of mirror grass from discoloration, withering and even stem rot. Watering to see dry and wet, in order to maintain air humidity, can often spray to the mirror grass leaf.


Mirror grass is shady and mainly scatters light. If you find that the petiole becomes longer and the leaf becomes thinner, this is a sign of lack of light. Move to the bright spot quickly.

How to keep Der Spiegel? Maintenance points and matters needing attention of Der Spiegel

[FAQ] how to keep Der Spiegel? Maintenance points and matters needing attention of Der Spiegel

[expert answers]

Brief introduction of plants:

Aeonium tabulaeforme, also known as pachylotus palm, is a perennial succulent herb of crassulaceae and lotus palms. The plant is low and consists of 100,200 fleshy leaves to form a rosette-shaped leaf disk with a maximum diameter of 50 cm. The leaf is sessile, spatulate, the leaf color is grass green to gray green, dark green, the leaf edge has white cilia, all the leaves grow horizontally from the center to the surrounding, so that the whole leaf disk is flat as a mirror, without a trace of space. Because the leaf edge is slightly darker and has white cilia, while the outer blade is large and the inner blade is small, the mirror-like disc is like an exquisite geometric pattern, which is very strange. During flowering, the leaves in the center of the leaf disc gradually break away from the leaf disc and appear alternately, and a cylindrical scape appears in the middle, and finally develops into a 60 cm high, huge, terminal panicle, with yellow florets, seeds after flowering, and then the whole plant dies.

Spiegel, also known as "Der Mirror Crown", is a variant of Der Spiegel. The growing point develops horizontally, and the leaves are small and located on both sides of the growing point, making the plant flat and banded, while the plants that have grown for many years gradually grow taller, the lower leaves fall off, lignified, brown, like steep peaks. Sometimes the mirror of a primitive rosette-shaped leaf cluster grows on the affixed plant, which is also very interesting.

Spiegel is native to the Canary Islands in the Atlantic Ocean. The area has a Mediterranean climate, with hot and dry summers, little rain and mild and humid winters, so it is suitable for growing in cool, dry and sunny environments, resistant to semi-overcast and drought, and afraid of waterlogging. The main growth period is in spring and autumn, and sufficient light should be given in the growing season. If the light is insufficient, the plant will grow too long, the plant shape will be scattered, the leaf spacing will be large, and the leaf cluster will not be disk-shaped, which will seriously affect the ornamental plant.

Key points of maintenance:

Watering to achieve "no dry, no watering, watering thoroughly", to avoid stagnant water in the basin soil, otherwise it will cause rotten roots; apply mature thin liquid fertilizer or compound fertilizer every half a month or so. Put it indoors in a sunny place in winter, the lowest temperature at night is about 10 ℃, and there is a certain temperature difference between day and night, the plant can continue to grow and can be watered and fertilized normally; if you can not maintain such a high temperature, control watering, keep the pot soil dry, make the plant dormant, and can also tolerate 5 ℃ low temperature.

Reproductive management:

Propagation mirror, the sprouting lateral plants can be cut in the growing season, if there is no lateral plant, the rosette-shaped leaf disk at the top of the plant can be cut off, and the lower part is still left in the soil, growing many lateral buds, and so on, these lateral buds can be removed and cut. Der Spiegel cuttings should be hung for 1 or 2 days before cutting. after the wound is dry, the lower part is inserted in sand or vermiculite to keep it moist and easy to take root. If the seeds can be collected, they can also be sown and propagated.

The cultivation and management of Der Spiegel is basically the same as that of Der Spiegel, but attention should be paid to avoid excessive water and fertilizer, so as not to cause the plant to grow excessively, or even "revert" to grow into the original rosette-like foliage, so it is difficult to highlight the characteristics of the variety. Its propagation can cut the banded plants into pieces, dry them for about 2 days, cut them in sand or vermiculite, and then move them into the culture soil after rooting and survival.

The plant type of Der Spiegel is peculiar, and its rosette-shaped leaf disk is as flat as a mirror, and there are exquisite patterns on it, which is very beautiful; Der Spiegel is twisted and colorful, especially the plants cultivated for many years are like undulating peaks. Suitable for small potted plants, decorated with table cases, several frames, windowsills and other places, exquisite and beautiful, the effect is unique.


When the summer temperature is high, the plant growth is slow or completely stagnant, so it is appropriate to keep it in a ventilated and cool place; avoid hot sun exposure, do not water too much, let alone rain for a long time, so as to avoid plant rot caused by muggy, humid and stagnant soil; do not fertilize and return to normal water and fertilizer management after it is cool in autumn. If no seeds are left in cultivation, when the center of the leaf disc begins to protrude and the scape is about to appear, it should be cut off in time to promote lateral buds.

When the basin is turned every 1 or 2 years in spring or autumn, the basin soil should be made of sandy soil with fertile and loose and good drainage, mixed with rotten leaf soil, garden soil and river sand, or mixed with a small amount of calcareous materials such as bone powder.

[editor's comments] this mirror is not the other mirror, the mirror here is a succulent plant, also known as the lotus palm, I believe many people have seen it, so, are you interested in raising one on your own? The first Agricultural Economics Xiaobian above introduced to you the main points of reproductive management and maintenance of this plant, as well as the matters needing attention in breeding Der Spiegel. Interested friends can raise and see by themselves.