
How can camellias grow luxuriantly? Propagation methods and Culture points of Camellia at Home

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Camellia, also known as camellia, is a common potted flower in life. It blossoms brightly. On a small camellia, dozens or even hundreds of flowers can bloom at the same time. How to raise camellias to grow luxuriantly, blooming more and more, blooming constantly?

Camellia, also known as camellia, is a common potted flower in life. It blossoms brightly. On a small camellia, dozens or even hundreds of flowers can bloom at the same time. How to raise camellias to grow luxuriantly, blooming more, blooming constantly?

1, just bought camellias have a slow seedling process, do not directly bask in the sun, if the soil is wet, do not need to water, put in a ventilated and astigmatic place. Until the tender leaves emerge and then bask in the sun and water normally.

2. Camellias like slightly sour soil, and usually the soil is alkaline, so to improve the potted soil, when watering camellias, you can add some ferrous sulfate to the flowerpot, or dilute edible vinegar, and soak water with orange peel. Pouring it into the flowerpot can improve the acidity and alkalinity of the soil. It is more conducive to its growth.

3. Too little soil in the flowerpot, or too rigid and barren are not conducive to the growth of camellias, either increase the soil, or replace the large pot.

The most suitable soil for growing camellias is mountain soil, decaying leaf soil and garden soil, a small amount of river sand, and mature sawdust.

4, usually watering, indoor ventilation should be maintained, the soil should be watered again when it is dry, once thoroughly watered, and so on. If the root system is moist for a long time, it is not conducive to normal breathing and growth, and the root is easy to rot.

5. if you are exposed to the sun, you should be in the shade in summer, and you need to bask in the sun at other times, because it is a plant that likes sunshine and cannot be kept indoors where there is not enough sunshine for a long time.

6. Rational fertilization, frequent application of thin fertilizer each time, and more application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer in spring will make the flowers bloom more lasting and brighter. Winter and summer are not suitable for fertilization, and do not apply fertilizer to those who have just bought it, because it is easy to burn roots.

7. If you have passed the slow seedling stage, you can put the camellias on the terrace to bask in the sun and breathe.

More blowing and basking in the sun is more conducive to its growth. Only in sunny and ventilated places will it grow more and more exuberant and blossom very beautifully.

Camellias like warm, humid, well-drained growth environment, afraid of the wind, in the maintenance process requires special attention. The above introduces the propagation methods and key points of pot culture of camellias, hoping to be helpful to you!

Cultivation methods and matters needing attention of Camellia (potted) Camellia, also known as Camellia, is an evergreen shrub or small tree of the Camellia family. Because of its beautiful shape, bright green leaves and colorful flowers, it is cherished by the horticultural circles all over the world. There are many varieties of camellias, which is a traditional ornamental flower in China. It ranks eighth among the "top ten famous flowers" and is also one of the most valuable flowers and trees in the world. In this paper, the growth habits, planting requirements, culture methods and matters needing attention of potted camellias were introduced in detail.

▎ growth habit temperature and light requirements because camellia needs sunshine time up to 12 hours to form flower buds, the light requirements are more stringent. The most suitable temperature for camellia growth is 18-25 ℃, and it is more suitable for growth in warm, moist, ventilated and transparent places. The temperature of 10-20 ℃ is suitable for flowering, and the growth will stop when the temperature exceeds 29 ℃, and the leaves will be burned when the temperature is higher than 35 ℃. Therefore, the camellia should be placed in a semi-shady environment during the growing period and cannot accept excessive direct sunlight. There is no need for shade in spring, autumn and winter, but shade nets should be used in summer. Most varieties can withstand the low temperature of-8 ℃. When the temperature is lower than-3 ℃, the potted camellia should be moved indoors to keep warm. The soil requires camellia to like fertile, soft, breathable, well-drained and slightly acidic soil. Generally, black soil, red soil, loose soil, sandy soil and mixing are used to prepare nutritious soil. Red soil contains a lot of organic matter, black soil has solidification effect, rotten soil has loosening effect, and soil can be improved by mixing. The pH value of the soil is 6.5-7, which is the most suitable for the growth of camellia. In view of the fact that the single soil of camellia can not meet the requirements, it is necessary to choose several kinds of soil and medium to meet the requirements of camellia growth to the maximum extent. Mountain mud, perlite and rice chaff ash (6 ∶ 3 ∶ 1) are commonly used. This formula soil is especially suitable for family potted plants and has a good effect. After the preparation of the nutritious soil, sift it with a sieve, bake it with fire after spraying water slightly, and make the sterilized soil for standby. The sterilized soil has the advantages of no insects, no mildew roots, no smell and so on. ▎ planting requires camellia seedlings to be planted as they rise, not overnight seedlings, and must be planted in flowerpots in the shortest possible time. This requires that the flowerpot and pot soil (matrix) be prepared before buying camellia seedlings, otherwise the flower seedlings may lose water and affect the survival rate and rejuvenation after survival. Technical essentials of planting: the roots of camellias should be extended and not overbent to prevent them from breaking the roots by pressing the soil above the roots after covering the soil. The soil above the root should be pressed properly to make the root soil close together so as to improve the water absorption capacity of the root. After potted plants were placed indoors to prevent the wind from moving the camellia seedlings, resulting in a gap between the roots of camellia seedlings and the soil, affecting the absorption of water by the roots. The roots of the newly transplanted camellia seedlings are more or less damaged, and the water absorption capacity of the roots is poor, so the camellia must be pruned properly after planting to reduce water evaporation. Camellia must be watered thoroughly after planting. In order to prevent the water from being watered thoroughly, it should be watered again on the second and third day after planting. In the future, depending on the weather conditions, it will be watered every 1-3 days, and gradually transition to the watering frequency after normal management. ▎ cultivation techniques flowerpots include tile pots, ceramic pots, porcelain pots, plastic pots and other types of flowerpots, with tile pots as the best, glazed porcelain pots or the walls of ceramic pots and plastic pots will block the flow of air. Camellia is a woody flower, it is appropriate to use a larger flowerpot, soak it in water before using the new flowerpot, and wash it with water before using the old flowerpot to prevent the moss from blocking the pores outside the pot. The pot requires that the bottom hole of the basin should be padded with tiles before planting, the bottom of the basin should be added with a small amount of coarse soil, and then the prepared nutrient soil should be added. After planting, the water should be watered enough and cultured in a shaded place on the balcony for two days. after the camellia seedlings grow normally, they will be moved to a sunlit place for culture. The shading time of potted camellia is from June to July noon, August 09, 00 00 17, September 10, 00 00 16, and only noon in October. Peeling buds treatment began to peel flower buds in August, leaving one bud for each branch, which can make the flowers bloom bigger. Water can not control the growth of camellia without water, and water transpiration can regulate the body temperature of camellia. Potted camellias should first keep the soil moist to prevent dry and wet. If too much water, camellia will appear overgrowth phenomenon, inhibit flower bud differentiation, rot roots or die due to too much water; if there is too little water, camellia will wilt, unable to carry out normal life activities. When the camellia grows into the dormant stage in winter, the demand for water is reduced, and the basin soil should be dry. In addition, if it is too wet in winter, it is easy to cause basin soil freezing and damage the root system. Summer is the season of high temperature and drought, and it is also a period of exuberant growth of camellias. The demand for water is much, and the basin soil should be wet. Watering time, spring and autumn should be in the morning and afternoon, summer should be in the morning and evening, winter should be at noon. It is best to spray water on the leaf surface to make the leaves wet through. In hot and dry weather, it needs to be watered 2 or 3 times a day in order to ensure the normal growth and development of camellia. However, it should be noted that water should be properly deducted before budding at the end of spring to facilitate reproductive growth. To fertilize camellia, sufficient base fertilizer should be put on the pot, proper fertilizer should be applied in the process of growth, base fertilizer should be added in March every year, and bean cake water and thin fertilizer should be applied twice a month from June to July. In order to enhance the overwintering ability of Camellia, more nitrogen fertilizer should be applied when branches and leaves are opened, more phosphorus fertilizer should be applied during flowering, and potassium fertilizer should be applied appropriately. Generally, in addition to the plum rain season, more liquid fertilizer can be applied in spring and summer, less liquid fertilizer can be applied in summer, and dry fertilizer can be used instead. It should be noted that when applying liquid fertilizer, the fertilizer liquid should not fall on the leaves; camellias that are sick or just transplanted and have not yet taken root should not be fertilized; and the basin soil should be kept dry and loose before fertilization. After shaping and pruning camellia blossoms, in order to reduce the consumption of nutrients, withered branches, diseased branches, weak branches, fallen leaves and branches affecting tree shape should be cut off in time, and redundant buds and residual flowers should be removed. Picking buds and leaves can inhibit the excessive growth of branches and pick leaves in early summer and early autumn to facilitate the robust growth of plants and form new flower buds. Shaping and pruning can also be carried out according to personal preferences, but camellias should not be heavily trimmed. When the potted soil is changed, the potted camellia can be turned once every two years, and the new pot should be at least one size larger than the old one, so as to facilitate the expansion and development of the root system. When changing the soil, part of the hardened and unnutritious old soil should be removed, replaced with fertile and loose new soil, and the base fertilizer should be placed in combination. The time to turn the basin should be from February to April in spring. You can also turn the basin and change the soil in the first and middle of September to October, but you should be very careful because the new roots grow soon, so it is necessary to prevent the damage of new roots. From setting to flowering, it is not suitable to turn the pot and change the soil, so as not to affect the quality of flowering and even cause early withering and shorten the flowering period; it is not suitable to turn the pot and change the soil in summer, so as not to affect the differentiation of flower buds, and the temperature is high, so it is difficult for plants to resume growth. The common diseases of camellia are anthracnose and black mildew, which can be controlled by spraying 0.5 degree Bordeaux solution. It can also be sprayed with 25% carbendazim wettable powder 1000 times or 60% Fangmaibao ultra-fine wettable powder 800 times for both treatment. The main pests are tea shoot moth, red spider and crustacean. The tea shoot moth harms the young leaves, causing the young shoots to be hollow and withered, which is generally observed from April to June, and the leaves are cut off when they occur. Red spiders and crustaceans can be sprayed with 40% omethoate 1000 times. ▎ propagation technology the reproduction of camellia is divided into sexual reproduction and asexual reproduction, which are mostly propagated by cuttings in daily cultivation. From May to June, young shoots of the same year were selected as cuttings to grow 10cm, peeling off the basal leaves and leaving the top two leaves. The key is to pay attention to the treatment of cuttings before cutting. the method is to soak the base of cuttings in Tsai acetic acid solution for about 10 hours, which can promote cuttings to take root. Spray water and shade in time after planting, do not let strong light exposure, the air humidity is maintained at 85%-95%, the ambient temperature is 25-30 ℃, about 30 days after cutting, wait for the cuttings to grow new roots, then reduce shade and gradually increase light. When camellia seedlings reach 50~80cm, they can be moved to flowerpots for planting. (author: Zhao Lixin)

Cultivation methods and matters needing attention of potted camellias Camellia japonica, also known as Camellia, Theaceae, is native to China and widely distributed in Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Sichuan and the Yangtze River Basin. Camellia is a famous traditional ornamental flower in China and one of the most valuable flowers and trees in the world. The charming charm of camellia lies in its long flowering period (from October to May of the following year), colorful and changeable flowers, charming flowers and unwithered through winter [1]. In recent years, with the intensification of competition in the flower industry and the Lunar New year flower market, the commercial production of potted camellia has been paid more and more attention by the majority of producers, operators and enthusiasts. The author summarizes the previous and his own experience of potted camellia for many years, and puts forward a set of planting management technology, which aims to provide reference and technical guidance for planting enthusiasts. in order to promote the large-scale and intensive production, management and management of camellia seedlings, and promote the prosperity and development of camellia industry in China. The habit of ▎ camellia is evergreen shrubs or small trees, with dense branches and leaves, ovate crown, simple leaves alternate, leathery and glossy, margin serrulate, flowers bisexual, solitary branch apex, capsule nearly spherical [2]. Like semi-shade, avoid hot sun, like warm climate, the optimum growth temperature is 18-25 ℃, the lowest cold tolerance of general varieties can reach-10 ℃, the highest heat tolerance can reach 36 ℃, suitable for planting in areas with annual precipitation of 1 200mm and high air humidity. It is suitable for neutral or slightly acidic fertile and loose soil rich in humus, and the pH value of 5.5-6.5 is the best. There are two shoots every year, which are spring shoots from March to April and summer shoots from July to September. Camellia has large flowers, bright and rich colors, and its florescence is longer, most of which are 1-2 months, and the single flowering period can reach 7-15 days. ▎ potted camellia planting management soil management the basis of plant growth is the soil, and the physical and chemical properties of the soil determine the growth of potted camellia. Generally, camellia is suitable to grow in neutral or slightly acidic fertile and loose soil rich in humus, and the pH value of 5.5-6.5 is the best. The loose soil has good water absorption and drainage, strong water retention capacity and good air permeability, which is beneficial to the growth of root system and the reproduction of microorganisms. Fertile soil rich in humus can ensure the supply of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and various trace elements, which is beneficial to the growth of camellia. In general, potted camellias need to change pots every 2 to 3 years, using larger flowerpots each time, while replacing new soil to maintain good soil properties, effectively prevent soil hardening and promote root growth again. Water management water is the source of plant life, which directly affects the growth and development of camellia. Water is not only one of the necessary raw materials for photosynthesis, but also an important part of plant cell protoplasm. Through transpiration between cells, camellia can regulate its own temperature. Different varieties, different growth trends, different growth stages and different seasons have different water requirements. Excessive watering will lead to rotten roots and inhibit flower bud differentiation. Under-watering will lead to wilting phenomenon and can not carry out normal life activities. Because the potted camellia is planted in the pot, the water absorbed by the root system is generally difficult to ensure the water supply for the transpiration of branches, leaves and flowers, so it is necessary to follow the principle of "no drying, no watering, watering must be thoroughly", and frequently watering to maintain the water balance in the camellia body. Avoid drying up potted soil and not easy to absorb water [3]. It should be noted that when the winter humidity is high, the camellia enters the dormant period or semi-dormant period, the physiological demand for water decreases, watering should choose the noon with higher temperature, and pay attention to prevent the basin soil from freezing and damaging the root system; it is high temperature and dry in summer, it is in the most exuberant period of camellia growth, it needs a lot of water supply, the watering time is best chosen in the early morning and evening, and the amount of watering water and times should be increased. Light management is an important condition for plant photosynthesis and life activities, along with the whole process of camellia growth, determines its flower quality. Different varieties also have different requirements for light. Generally, safflower camellia is more resistant to direct sunlight than white, light and mixed-colored camellia. Camellia leaves have phototaxis, need light but can not bear strong light, it is best to have sufficient sunlight, at the same time, assist certain direct light, avoid scorching sun to burn leaves, about 50% of the appropriate shading measures can be taken. Under the condition of short-day sunshine (less than 8 hours), the branches and stems of most varieties were dormant; the differentiation of flower buds needed more than 13 hours of light per day; the opening of flower buds needed short sunshine, and too long sunshine could easily lead to a large number of flower buds falling off. Temperature management each camellia needs a suitable temperature during its growing period. The suitable temperature for the growth of most camellias is 15-25 ℃, the highest in summer is not more than 36 ℃, and the lowest in winter is not less than-10 ℃, otherwise it is easy to lose water and suffer frost injury. Generally, it begins to sprout when the temperature rises above 10 ℃, and stops growing when the temperature is above 30 ℃. A large number of flower buds could be produced if the day and night temperature was controlled at 27 ℃, and the flowering condition was the best when the day and night temperature reached 16-18 ℃. In the hot areas of the south, water spraying and shading measures should be taken to reduce the temperature of the small environment in high temperature in summer; in the cold areas of the north, anti-freezing is needed in winter, and facilities such as greenhouses, greenhouses and ground mulches can be used to protect potted camellias to survive the winter safely, otherwise the leaves, flower buds and branches of camellias will be frostbitten, dropped or even withered, and in serious cases, the stems and roots will also suffer frostbite and cause the whole plant to die. Fertilization management rational fertilization plays a decisive role in the flowering number of camellia. Potted camellia, due to the small amount of potted soil, limited fertility and easy consumption, it is necessary to constantly supplement fertilization to meet the nutritional needs of each growth process of camellia. The cultivation of camellia is generally based on organic fertilizer, such as cake fertilizer, human and animal feces and urine, compost and so on. This fertilizer has the advantages of slow nutrient release, long fertilizer effect, not easy to lose and safe to use. However, organic fertilizer should be applied after full ripening, and fertilization should be based on the principle of a small amount of fertilizer for many times. With the application of chemical fertilizer, the release of nutrients is fast but not long-lasting, easy to lose after watering, and excessive application is easy to cause fertilizer damage. According to the different growth stages of camellia, different fertilizers should be selected. Nitrogen fertilizer can promote the growth of camellia leaf bud and flower bud, phosphorus fertilizer can promote the occurrence of camellia flower root and the freshness of flower color. Potassium fertilizer can promote the growth of camellia and the development of root system. Studies have shown that if compound fertilizer is applied, when the contents of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are 26%, 20% and 20% respectively, it is especially suitable for the growth and development of camellia. Fertilization should be noted that in different growth stages, timely, appropriate, appropriate method of combined application of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and various trace element fertilizers in order to get the best effect. For example, in March before spring shoot germination, more nitrogen fertilizer should be applied to promote the rapid and vigorous growth of seedlings; in June, during flower bud formation, more phosphorus fertilizer should be applied to promote flower bud differentiation; after September, more phosphate and potassium fertilizer should be applied, and the interval of fertilization should be more than 10-15 days to promote the sturdiness of flower buds and bright flower color. Flowering control florescence control mainly through variety selection, temperature control and hormone treatment to achieve the purpose of early flowering or delayed flowering. In order to achieve early flowering, early flowering varieties must be selected through heavy fertilization plus hormone treatment: after the growth of camellia stops and flower buds are formed in spring, heavy fertilizer is applied to make the shoots mature early after flowering; 0.05% gibberellin 0.1% gibberellin is applied to the flower buds in July and August, once every 3 days; in September, depending on the hypertrophy of flower buds, gibberellin is applied again, and water topdressing can bloom early to September to November. In order to achieve delayed flowering, late flowering varieties must be selected, their low temperature should be controlled, and the amount of fertilizer should be reduced properly, which can delay flowering for about 30 days. ▎ pruning, maintenance, pruning and trimming can be divided into thinning and dwarfing. Thinning pruning is when the internal branches of the plant are too dense, thinning withered branches, diseased branches, dense branches, crossed branches, overlapping branches, parallel branches, etc., when thinning, the cut should be level with the base of the branches to speed up wound healing. Dwarfing is to limit the endless growth of branches, promote the germination of axillary buds under the cut, the growth of lateral branches, increase the part of flowers, and make the plant more plump. When pruning, we should pay attention to ensure the balance of power among the main branches, so that the stem, branches and leaves have room for growth. When shaping and pruning, we should pay attention to select the lateral buds of the branches, after pruning, the plant shape will be more compact; for the growth of disorganized camellia varieties, we should be diligent in pruning, not too heavy at one time. Coring and pruning is to remove the top buds or shoots of the branches, and pruning is to cut off the aged branches. After the growth point of the main branch is removed, it can not only limit the plant growth, but also stimulate axillary bud germination to produce more lateral branches. after the lateral branch is removed, more secondary lateral branches can be formed, which doubles the flower position, which is beneficial to adjust the overall growth trend of the plant and dwarf the tree at the same time. Through several years of pruning and shaping, the distribution of branches, stems and leaves of camellia can be more reasonable, the plant shape is beautiful, the flowers bloom neatly, the flowers are large and colorful, and the overall ornamental value of camellia is enhanced. Wiping buds and thinning buds is to remove axillary buds from camellia branches, retain individual buds conducive to tree-shaped growth, concentrate nutrients for side branches to germinate and differentiate into flower buds, buds and blossoms. The purpose of bud thinning is to ensure the quality of flowering and reduce the number of buds of the whole plant. Generally, only one main bud is retained on a branch, and the other lateral buds are removed, and the flower buds and buds born on the inner chamber branch and centripetal branch are also removed so as not to disperse nutrients, which can enrich the flower buds and make the flowers colorful. ▎ disease and insect pests control anthracnose mainly harms long leaves and old leaves, the disease spot is irregular round or waterlogged brown wheel spot, the radius is 5~15mm, the diseased leaves turn yellow, dry and easy to fall off. When the disease occurs from May to July, the diseased branches and leaves should be cut off and burned in time, and attention should be paid to loosening soil, weeding and pruning, so as to maintain ventilation and light, and reduce the humidity of the environment. The diseased plants can be sprayed with 70% methyl topiramate 800 × 1000 times or 75% chlorothalonil 600 times 800 times, once every 7 days, 4 times continuously. Removing the old leaves and diseased leaves before spraying can improve the control effect [4]. The size of the primary needle on the leaf of brown spot is light green or reddish brown, and gradually expands into round or irregular spots, the leaf is dark on the front and light on the back, the wet disease surface has gray-black mildew spots, the edge is reddish brown, slightly raised. Brown granular spore clusters can be extruded from mildew spots in moist environment, and the diseased spot tissue can tear leaves or fall off in the form of perforation. Diseased leaves and branches should be removed and burned in time after discovery. Attention should be paid to keeping ventilated and transparent in the hot summer. During the onset of the disease, 50% carbendazim wettable powder 500 × 600 or Bordeaux solution (1mer 100) can be sprayed every 7 days for 3 times continuously for 4 times; or 50% desenamine 800 × 1000 times can be sprayed once every 3 weeks and 3 times can be cured. The scale insects on individual branches or leaves of scale insects can be scraped off with old toothbrushes or bamboo slices. If the damage is too heavy, the damaged leaves should be cut off and burned. Normally, 40% omethoate 1500 times or 8% avermectin 2500 times can be sprayed once every 7 days. Spray 3 times 4 times can be cured. Red spiders are mainly caused by high temperature and low humidity. Summer is the peak period of the disease. Attention should be paid to maintaining ventilation, spraying water to increase environmental humidity, and spraying 40% omethoate or 40% dicofol 1 200 and 1 500 times. Reference [1] Li Jie, Zhu Xiaoguo. Cultivation and management techniques of potted camellias [J]. China Horticultural Digest, 2013 (1): 150,151151.Liu Siye. Growth habits and cultivation techniques of Camellia [J]. Anhui Agronomy Bulletin, 2009 Journal 15 (10): 254-255. [3] Chen Hua, Pan Hong, Lin Fangxi, etc. Camellia [M]. Fujian: Fujian Science and Technology Publishing House, 2003. [4] Zhang Sui list. Garden plant protection [M]. Beijing: China Agricultural Publishing House, 2001 rig 87-88.

A preliminary study on the cultivation and management techniques of potted camellias Camellia needs specific conditions such as temperature and humidity, light and soil. Potted camellias should be more careful and considerate in daily management such as watering, fertilization and pruning, and special protective measures such as shading, ventilation, water prevention and heat preservation should be taken at the right time. Change the basin and soil in time. Camellia, alias camellia, camellia, mandala, late camellia, winter endurance, Hawthorn, foreign tea, Touchun, Toona sinensis and so on, belongs to the Camellia family and is one of the specialties of our country. It is mainly distributed in the east and southeast of Asia, approximately between 80 °E and 145 °E, 40 °N and 9 °S, and at an altitude of 50m to 3000m. China is mainly distributed under the mountains and valleys and jungles from the Qinling Mountains to the south of the Huaihe River Basin. Jinhuashan camellias are famous for harvesting ya you, and have been cultivated for nearly 800 years. With many local varieties, large and colorful flowers, and blooming in the winter season, they are deeply loved by people. As one of the characteristic flowers in the garden, camellia has been widely used in the construction of landscaping. Especially with the improvement of people's living standards, camellia has gradually become a part of indoor flower cultivation, potted camellia is born in response to the trend. However, its specific geographical distribution determines the specificity of its growth conditions. because potted camellias are planted in flowerpots of a specific size, the growth space is very limited, and most of them grow in front and back of the house, balcony or greenhouse. Temperature, humidity, light conditions and ground planting environment are very different. Therefore, potted camellia should be more careful and considerate in daily management than local camellia in watering, fertilization, pruning and other aspects. Protective measures such as shading, ventilation, prevention of stagnant water, heat preservation and other protective measures should be taken at a specific time, and the basin and soil should be changed in time. ▎ Ecological habits Light and temperature Camellia is a semi-negative plant under Arbor forest in wild environment, which is suitable for growing under scattered light and afraid of direct light exposure, otherwise it is easy to cause leaf burn or even branchlet withering; seedlings and juveniles prefer shade, but too shade will lead to poor growth, sparse branches and leaves, falling buds, less flowering and small flowers; strong and old trees should have more light than young trees. Camellia is a kind of long-day plant, which needs to go through a stage of long sunshine (13.5-16 hours) and higher temperature (20-30 ℃), which can promote the increase of hormone content in the plant, thus breaking dormancy, promoting vegetative growth and flower bud differentiation, and experiencing a stage of short-day sunshine (8-9 hours) and low temperature (winter temperature 0 ℃-10 ℃), which can promote flowering. It is difficult for camellias to blossom under constant temperature conditions that are neither hot nor cold. The diurnal variation of air temperature is beneficial to the flower bud differentiation of camellia. Camellia prefers a warm environment, which is not suitable for extreme heat and cold. Generally speaking, the most suitable temperature for growth was 20 ℃ ~ 25 ℃, and the growth of new shoots stopped at 30 ℃. When the temperature reached 35 ℃, the leaves would be anxious. Camellia also has a certain degree of cold tolerance. Generally speaking, camellia can withstand a low temperature of-10 ℃ without freezing injury. The cold tolerance of potted plants is weaker than that of ground plants. when the temperature drops to-5 ℃ or the pot soil freezes, the plants are at risk of death. Humidity the origin of camellia is mostly coastal hills and islands, these areas are affected by sufficient precipitation and marine transpiration, have a high environmental humidity all the year round, and the air relative humidity should be 70% to 80%. If the environment is too dry, camellia is easy to lose water, easy to drop leaves and buds. The soil of Camellia is fertile, high in organic matter, deep, loose, both good water retention and good drainage acid soil, generally can grow normally in the range of PH4.5~6.5, the most suitable PH value is 5: 6, neutral soil is poor growth, alkaline or over-acidic soil is not suitable for growth. Camellia likes fat but can't bear it, and doesn't like thick fertilizer. Potted camellia should choose podzolic soil and mountain red-yellow soil with more organic matter, or prepare suitable culture soil to make the acidity, fertility and air permeability meet the good requirements, so as to promote its growth. ▎ daily work watering potted camellia because of the limitation of its growth space, watering must become one of the frequent and indispensable work in daily maintenance. Camellias cultivated in the open field generally do not need to be watered, but in the summer season of high temperature and little rain, we should pay attention to drought-resistant watering when necessary, at least keep the roots moist. On the whole, potted camellias should master the principle of "no dry, no watering, dry then thoroughly", and rivers and lakes should be used. The easiest way to grasp the dry humidity is to look at the surface color of the basin soil and water it when the color changes from deep to white; you can also use your fingers to touch the basin soil surface if it becomes hard. The above watering principles should be strictly carried out when watering. The dry basin must be watered on the same day and must be watered thoroughly. The basin that seeps too fast should be watered repeatedly for 1 or 3 times to prevent the basin soil from seeping completely. The pots that are not dry that day should not be watered, and do not water them all, otherwise it will easily lead to the death of rotten roots due to excessive dampness over a long period of time. The growing period and flowering period need more water, and the growth potential is strong, so it is advisable to check and water frequently. Do not spray water on branches and leaves when sprouting new shoots in spring, because the turn of spring and summer is a frequent occurrence period of camellia diseases, which is easy to spread germs or viruses into leaf tissues. If it is hot and hot in summer, it should be watered before 10:00 or after 4 o'clock in the afternoon, and you can also spray water on the leaf surface properly, but it is not suitable to use foliar spray instead of basin watering, so it is easy to miss watering or not to water thoroughly, which will make the plant lack of water and wilt. In the long run, it will grow poorly or even die. In winter, the dry and wet color of the basin soil surface is similar, it is more necessary to carefully observe and judge whether it should be watered or not, and the watering time is suitable when the temperature is higher at noon. Fertilizing camellias like fertilizer, but avoid thick fertilizer, it is necessary to grasp the principle of timely, thin and diligent application. Commonly used fertilizers are mature cake fertilizer (rapeseed meal, soybean meal), compound fertilizer, organic-inorganic compound fertilizer and so on. It takes about 8-9 months for camellia to differentiate from flower bud to blossom. Rational fertilization is the key link to make camellia blossom and bloom. The specific fertilization methods are as follows: Camellia is generally not dormant after flowering, so the flowering period of Camellia population is coming to an end, and the new buds have not yet sprouted. From May to August, new branches matured, flower buds differentiated, phosphorus-based compound fertilizer was applied once a month or semimonthly, rapeseed meal could be applied once a month in the rainy season in June, and both organic and inorganic fertilizers were applied to meet the needs of plant bud pregnancy. In the second growth peak period of Camellia from October to November, compound fertilizer based on phosphorus and potassium was applied once a month, and rapeseed meal could be applied again in October to promote the rapid expansion of flower buds. Camellia enters the full flowering stage before and after the Spring Festival, applying compound fertilizer or organic-inorganic compound fertilizer once a week to promote the stamina of the flowering period and ensure good growth in the coming year. The rotten rapeseed meal can be applied 0.1 / 0.2 kg per plant. Rapeseed meal can also be directly applied in the form of stacking without ripening, but it should not cover the basin surface or directly touch the root of the stem. It should be stacked into 2-3 stacks around 15-20 cm from the root, 0.25-0.4 kg per plant, and then sprinkled with water to soak, rot and agglomerate the cake fertilizer. Compound fertilizer is 50 ~ 80g per plant, depending on the plant size, and the amount of compound fertilizer can be added appropriately. Pest control of ① aphids is one of the most common pests, which will cause varying degrees of harm except for the severe cold in winter. It mainly occurs on young leaves, twigs and buds, causing the leaves of camellia to shrink, curl and fall off. This pest is easy to attack and easy to treat. 40% omethoate can be sprayed with 1000-1500 times dilution. Dichlorvos and permethrin can also be used, which can be effectively eliminated. 2.3.2 one of the common insect pests, often clustered on the branches and leaves of camellia, sucks sap for a living, and in serious cases can cause branch wilting or whole plant death, and its secretions can also cause coal fouling disease. It is found that there are shell insects in individual branches or leaves, which can be gently brushed off with a soft brush, or combined with pruning to remove insect branches and leaves. It is required to brush clean, cut clean, focus on burning, do not throw. According to the occurrence of scale insects, 40% omethoate 1000 times or 50% dichlorvos 1000 times or 2.5% deltamethrin 3000 times can be sprayed during the nymph peak. Spray once every 7-10 days, 2-3 times in a row. The common ② mites are short-whisker mites, also known as red spiders. When the mouthparts of adults and nymphs pierce into the leaves to absorb juice, the chlorophyll of the damaged leaves is destroyed, and the leaves show yellow spots or patches, resulting in irrecoverable diseased leaves, affecting the beauty of the plant and even deciduous leaves. The main time of occurrence of the disease is during the period of high temperature and humidity from July to October, such as in the semi-closed ventilation environment such as multi-span greenhouse, it is easier to get this pest and the harm degree is more serious. Therefore, it is urgent to control red spiders. Usually, it should be observed that when individual leaves are damaged, insect leaves can be removed; when more leaves occur, they should be sprayed as early as possible, and pesticides should be sprayed once a week or every semimonthly in the high incidence period. The commonly used pesticides are avermectin, propargite, dicofol, omethoate, Huachongjing, and so on. One of the common pests of ③ tea bark moth. From August to September, the larvae feed on the stems or branches, resulting in the withering of the damaged branches or the whole plant, which does great harm to the camellia. The common and effective method is to find out where the wormhole is through the excrement of insect feces and sawdust from the wormhole, directly kill it or plug it into the wormhole with cotton dichlorvos and omethoate, then seal it with wet mud to kill the larvae. In addition to the above diseases, ④ will also cause pests such as diamondback moth, leaf roll moth, leafy green cicada, anthrax, coal pollution, algae spot and other diseases. This requires us in the usual maintenance process, pay more attention to observation, pay more attention to maintenance, timely detection and timely treatment. Pruning is especially necessary for potted camellias. Pruning is usually done after flowering. Growing branches can be carried out at any time during the growing period. The shaping of potted camellia can be divided into dormant period and growing period. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages, which can be determined according to the specific circumstances. The main purpose of dormant plastic surgery is to reduce the height of individual branches and adjust the distance between branches, so as to achieve the purpose of beautiful plant shape. During the growth period, plastic surgery is easy to operate because the sap has flowed, and new branches have grown after pruning, which will not stimulate the germination of hidden buds in the lower part (which is often unable to germinate because of limited nutrition accumulation). As a result, the crown width of plants with large pots and unsuitable for changing large pots (the pots are too large for handling) are greatly reduced and the aesthetics is improved. The obvious effect of pruning and shaping is that the number of new buds is large, the new buds are strong, the elongation is obvious, and the overall height of the plant is reduced. What is more gratifying is that the lower hidden buds are stimulated to germinate, which makes up for the lack of lower branches and achieves compact and plump plant shape. The improvement of ventilation and light transmission and the corresponding reduction of diseases and insect pests. Through pruning, the time of changing pot and soil of potted camellia can be prolonged, and the probability of poor growth caused by not changing pot for a long time can be greatly reduced. In addition, pruning can also be a good way to rejuvenate camellia plants. For some degraded camellia grafted seedlings, we pruned them heavily, leaving a small amount of branches and leaves, while maintaining a complete tree shape, which restored their growth and became luxuriant because of their concentrated supply of nutrients. The nutrition of potted camellia flower pot soil for bud thinning is limited. If it is left to nature and bud thinning is not carried out, it will lead to poor bud development, small flowering, poor flower color and weak tree body after flowering, which will affect the vegetative growth after anthesis and the quality of flowering in the following year. Therefore, it is all the more necessary to soothe Lei in time. The suitable time for bud thinning is from July to September, and the small buds, weak buds, introverted buds, abnormal buds and over-dense buds should be removed, so that each strong branch retains one bud, such as pine flower piece, flower heling, mandarin duck and Phoenix crown, etc. when one bud is still dense, the bud can be thinned again, leaving 1 bud and 2 buds per 10 ~ 20 branches. Sparse buds should each retain a certain number of large, small and medium buds, do not blindly leave big buds, in order to prolong the flowering period. Due to the limited size of the potted camellia pot, the long time, and the hardening of the potted soil, the nutrients it can provide are increasingly insufficient, and the growth of camellias will be inhibited, so it is necessary to change the pot and soil in time, generally every 2-3 years. When changing the basin, the watering should be controlled in advance, and then change the basin when the basin soil is dry, which is beneficial to take off the basin and prevent the basin soil from loosening and injuring the root. The new basin should be soaked in water for about 12 hours in advance to remove the heat. The old basin should be soaked and disinfected with a fungicide solution in advance and then replaced. Take off the soil ball of the basin, can remove part of the resident soil, but should hurt the root as little as possible or not. Change the basin to add a layer of well-drained matrix at the bottom, such as pebbles, coarse sand, etc., and add a thin layer of nutritious soil on it. The soil used for camellia can be prepared with weathered acid fine soil and rotten organic fertilizer, and can be cultivated with coarse fiber peat soil + perlite under certain conditions. As far as possible loose air permeability, good drainage, weak acidity can be. ▎ protective measures shading and heat preservation because camellias prefer warmth and semi-shade and are not resistant to extreme heat and cold, especially potted camellias, they should be shaded during the high temperature period in summer. The shading net frame with 40% to 60% shading rate can be used for shading. During the low temperature period in winter, Yunnan camellia, golden scented tea, stem-holding tea and rhododendron red camellia must be moved into the greenhouse to keep warm for the winter. If not, it is easy to cause falling flowers and buds, or even plant death. On the other hand, local camellia varieties, whether potted or planted in the open field, can survive the winter without heat preservation. To prevent stagnant water camellia like to be wet, but avoid basin soil waterlogging, the most avoid long-term root soaking in water, or basin soil ventilation is not smooth. Therefore, we should pay special attention to the plum rain season or usually rainy days, we should check the water accumulation of potted camellia at any time, once the stagnant water is found, it should be eliminated in time. Otherwise, the plant is easy to die. Ventilation has obvious effect on the growth and development of camellia. It can promote photosynthesis, regulate the temperature and temperature in the air, improve transpiration efficiency and strengthen the absorption function of roots. Therefore, we should pay attention to potted camellias in an environment with moderate air flow, the breeze is the best, but also avoid strong winds and cold winds, and at the same time, we should also change pots and soil in time to prevent stagnant water and keep the small environment in the camellia pots breathable and ventilated to ensure the healthy growth of potted camellias. The cultivation and management of other camellias should not only take the above measures, but also pay attention to the removal of weeds at any time, maintain the environmental hygiene of the management site, and often use pine in the basin. It is believed that with the deepening of practice and the continuous maturity of management technology, potted camellias will bloom more brightly and appear more widely in people's field of vision. Reference [1] Chen Shaoyun. Zhejiang Camellia [M]. Zhejiang Science and Technology Publishing House, 1985. [2] Xia Quansheng. Camellia [M]. Shanghai Science and Technology Publishing House, 2000, 23-25, displacement 162-174. [3] Chen Youmin. Garden tree science [M]. China Forestry Publishing House, 1990,573-584.

Propagation and cultivation and maintenance techniques of camellias 1. Propagation techniques 1. Cuttings. In the rainy season from May to June, select the young mother tree, cut one-year-old shoots from the top, about 10 cm long, remove the lower leaves, flatten the lower leaves with a blade at the bottom of the node, keep one lateral bud at the top, and insert 2-3 leaves into the medium of river sand or gravel. After insertion, cover the grass curtain to shade, strengthen the foliar spray, maintain the air humidity of the bed, and promote rooting. In order to improve the survival rate of cuttings, the cuttings can be soaked in 50 mg / kg ABT rooting powder solution for 8 hours. two。 Grafting. Select strong seedlings or camellia varieties that are easy to survive as rootstocks, cut off at about 4 cm from the ground, split 1.5 cm deep through the pith, use 1-2-year-old branches as scions, keep 1-2 leaves in the upper part of the scion, cut into wedges in the lower part, and insert into the split of the rootstock, the cambium of the two sides should be closely joined, and then fastened with plastic tape. After grafting, cover the scion with a plastic bag and tie it with a belt below, but not too tight, so as to form water droplets in the bag and keep dripping on the rootstock. Add a wrapping paper bag to the outside of the plastic bag to block out the direct sunlight. 3. Sprouts. With each bud node as a segment, retain a leaf, about 1.5 cm long, the lower oblique cut, and then inserted into the medium, the depth to cover the branches as the degree. This method can make full use of branches and is suitable for mass reproduction. Second, planting in the open field. Soil selection. The slightly acidic loam with fertile and good drainage was selected and the pH value was between 5.5 and 6. two。 Planting time. It was mainly planted in spring from February to March, and the effect was better in autumn after November. 3. Fertilize. Camellia does not like fertilizer, generally 10-11 before flowering, 4-5 months after anthesis, fertilizing 2-4 times. Fertilizer mainly uses compound fertilizer, compost, and combined with appropriate amount of phosphate fertilizer. The principle of fertilization is applied sparsely and more. The strong seedlings are applied more, the weak seedlings are less or not. 4. Trim. Camellia grows slowly and is not suitable for intensity pruning; the crown grows evenly and does not need special pruning, but only need to cut off disease and insect branches, over-dense branches, weak branches and long branches. Newly planted seedlings can also be moderately trimmed in order to ensure survival. Bud picking is an important part of cultivation and management. generally, each branch retains at most 3 buds and keeps a certain distance, which can reduce the excessive nutrient consumption of the plant and affect the flowering. The flowering period of camellias is as long as half a year, so it is of great benefit to get rid of wilted flowers in time, reduce nutrient consumption and enhance the tree potential. 5. Pest control and weeding in ploughing. The main diseases of camellia are brown spot and chlorosis. Pests include red spiders, all kinds of shell insects, diamondback moths, rose leaf wasps and so on. The occurrence of diseases and insect pests greatly affects the tree potential and its ornamental ability. The control methods are as follows: spraying Bordeaux solution before spring germination, continue spraying every half a month to prevent, and pay attention to drainage and fertilization, remove the damaged leaves and burn. Chlorosis is mainly caused by the lack of trace elements in soil, which can be prevented by spraying ferrous sulfate or magnesium sulfate solution frequently. Red spiders and various shell insects are sprayed with turpentine mixture and enhanced ventilation. All kinds of diamondback moth, rose leaf wasp and so on were sprayed with 40% omethoate 400 × 155 times or 80% dichlorvos EC 1000 × 1200 times. Ploughing and weeding and cleaning the garden can also effectively control diseases and insect pests, enhance the tree potential and make the flowers fat. It needs to be ploughed for 6 or 7 times in the whole year. Third, potted plant 1. Potted soil choice. The slightly acidic, loose and fertile mixed soil was selected as basin soil. The proportion of mixed soil was 6 in garden soil, 3 in pine humus and 2 in sandy soil. two。 The choice of basin. It is better to cultivate the mud tile basin, the ratio of the size of the basin to the seedling is: the height of the seedling is 40-50 cm, the crown is 20-25 cm, and the diameter of the basin is about 20 cm. Other sizes, and so on. Purple sand basin is better for commercial seedlings, which can improve the ornamental effect. 3. Selection of potted seedlings. Select the plants with strong growth, trunk, single stem and no branches, beautiful crown, green leaves and no diseases and insect pests. 4. Watering management. The newly planted seedlings should be watered thoroughly for the first time and watered frequently within 2 months to keep the basin soil moist. In the future, it will be watered like other potted plants. The number of times depends on the climate, it is appropriate to keep the soil moist. More watering in spring to meet the needs of sprouting; watering in the morning and evening in summer, prevention of stagnant water in rainy season, timely watering in autumn drought, anti-freezing in winter, watering at noon. 5. Shade and cold protection. Camellias should be given plenty of sunshine in spring and rainy season, shade and cooling in summer and autumn; when the temperature drops to zero in winter, they need to be moved indoors to prevent the cold. 6. Florescence control. It is mainly through variety selection, temperature control and hormone treatment to achieve the purpose of early flowering or delayed flowering. For example, in order to delay flowering, late flowering varieties can be selected and controlled at low temperature (plants treated with bandaging and cold protection are stored in cold storage of more than 2 to 3 ℃), which can delay flowering for one month. In order to make its early flowering, it is necessary to choose early flowering varieties, such as small peach red, snow tower, when not up to the requirements, appropriate application of penicillin, accompanied by water topdressing, etc., treatment. The method is to stop the growth of camellias in spring and after the formation of flower buds, apply heavy fertilizer to make the shoots mature and stop growing as early as possible; in mid-July or early August, apply 500-1000 mg / kg gibberellin to the flower buds, once every three days, accompanied by reasonable water and fertilizer; in September, according to the hypertrophy of flower buds, gibberellin is applied again, and the buds will grow rapidly and can bloom as early as late September to November. (author: Wang Longsheng)

The cultivation methods and matters needing attention of potted camellias breeding plants at home to make their home life full of vitality, vitality and elegance, has become a popular trend nowadays, among which, camellias have become the first choice for many families because of their relative advantages, but it is inevitable to encounter various problems in breeding. Today, the editor will tell you about the culture methods of camellias. So that people no longer have to worry about its breeding. The culture method of camellias first, temperature attention, camellias are not cold-resistant or heat-resistant, the most suitable temperature is 18-25 degrees, so the ambient temperature should not be too high and too low, otherwise it will affect its growth, especially in winter, the indoor temperature must be above 3 degrees, if it is lower than 0 degrees, it will be frostbite. Second, lighting conditions, camellias avoid strong light, so we must pay attention to the sun when planting, spring and autumn require sufficient light, but in summer, we must avoid being exposed to direct sunlight, as long as camellias are exposed to strong light for too long, it is easy to die, if there are conditions, it is best to transplant to the sunshade. Third, the main points of fertilization, camellias prefer fertilizer, so in the whole breeding process, we should pay special attention to the use of fertilizer, such as adding phosphorus and potassium fertilizer on the pot, but fertilization also has a degree, must not be too much, generally in the nearly half a year after flowering, fertilization about 3 times, once in winter, in order to make the flowers more beautiful, it is best to put more phosphate fertilizer in fertilizer. Fourth, watering matters, camellias like a humid environment, so we must pay special attention to not too dry, not too wet, can not be wet when dry, generally can be more watering in spring, this is conducive to germination, summer should be watered both morning and evening, it is best to water the leaves, do not water when the plant is high temperature, autumn and spring, but in winter watering should pay attention, it is best to water before and after the plant And don't water it every day, preferably every two or three days. Fifth, flower branch pruning, camellia pruning is very important, generally will affect the shape of branches and disease, weak branches cut off, as well as the arrangement of buds, once the buds are too dense, but also to comb, flowers should be picked in time after withering, can reduce the consumption of nutrients. Sixth, turning the pot of camellias, which many people will ignore, many people will not turn the pot once planted. In fact, this is very wrong. Camellias are usually turned once every two years, and a large basin should be changed. Only in this way can it be beneficial to its growth. Special attention should be paid to the time of turning the pot, preferably in April. When turning the basin, we should be careful not to remove all the old soil and add a small amount of base fertilizer to it. And then water it. Seventh, the prevention and control of diseases and pests, camellias are very easy to get sick, there are two common diseases-black mold, anthrax, then only need to spray 0.5 degree Bordeaux liquid, camellia pests are mainly tea tip moth, then the main cut off the tip of the insect. Eighth, soil requirements, soil is the root of the growth of camellias, all nutrients of camellias are obtained from the soil, so the demand for soil is quite high, generally its soil contains high humus, PH value between 5-6.5, slightly acidic, the best soil configuration is: mountain soil 50%, sawdust or edible fungus residue 40%, cake fertilizer powder or livestock manure and phosphorus fertilizer powder 10%. Ninth, air fluidity, the place where camellias grow requires extremely high air circulation, it is most suitable to grow in the breeze, but camellias are afraid of northwest wind and strong wind, because northwest wind and strong wind are easy to make water evaporate too fast, camellia supply and demand lose balance, which is not conducive to the growth of camellias. Next, Xiaobian introduces to you that the first kind of propagation and sowing techniques of camellias are very common in many professional breeding gardens, which are mainly used to select new varieties. Generally speaking, if you use this method, seeds are collected in December, sown in 2-3 months, blossom 3-4 years later, and the thickness of the covered soil is about 2 cm when sowing. It will sprout in a month to a month and a half, and it can be transplanted in the next spring. The second, cutting technology can be said to be the most widely used now. It is generally used to cut the twigs of the tree in spring, but one thing must be paid attention to. Before sowing, the base of the cuttings should be soaked in Tsai acetic acid solution for about 10 hours, which can greatly improve the rooting rate. After planting, spray water to shade, never let the strong light shine directly, and keep the humidity between 85% and 95%. The ambient temperature is 25-30 degrees, so that a month or so after insertion, new roots will be produced at the base of the cuttings, which will gradually reduce shading and increase light. When the seedling is 50-80 cm high, it can be planted. Third, the grafting technology is somewhat difficult, which can not be done by ordinary people. The grafting time is generally better from early April to late September. Grafting has many advantages, and varieties can be artificially improved, but the technical requirements are very high. Family decoration is not recommended. Fourth, tissue culture techniques are relatively tedious. Generally, the explants have anthers, seed embryos, buds, etc., which are usually divided into young and adult. The two kinds of culture medium are different, the young can use 0.5-1.0mg / L 6-ganglionic glands, and the adult is WPM plus 2.0mg / L 6-ganglionic glands and 0.01mg / L. The main purpose of this method is to pay attention to the rooting method. The specific method is as follows: the base of the shoot is dipped in 1 mg / L noise butyric acid solution for 20 minutes, then inoculated on the basic medium without growth substance, dark treatment for 10-15 days, and seedlings can be transplanted 20-30 days after rooting. The editor then introduces the breeding skills and matters needing attention of camellias, hoping to help you: the breeding skills of camellias 1, how to prune? When will you cut it? Camellia growth is relatively slow, do not over-pruning, as long as the unwanted buds can be removed, flowering, generally can not retain all the flowers, can be artificially adjusted, pay attention to the spacing between flowers. Breeding skills of camellias 2. When should camellias change pots? The change time of potted camellias is generally in spring, you can change the pot once a year or two, and change the new soil, the new pot had better be a little bigger than the original pot, which is conducive to the growth of camellias. Cultivation skills of camellias 3. How to prevent diseases and insect pests? Camellia is good-looking, but also easy to get sick, mainly anthrax, black mold and so on, can be sprayed with 0.5 degree Bordeaux solution for prevention and control, but also can cut off diseased branches. Cultivation skills of camellias 4. What temperature should the flowers be placed in? Camellias are generally placed in the environment of 15-25 ℃. If the winter temperature is too low, camellias are easy to freeze, so breeders need to take warm measures. In summer, if the temperature is too high, in order to prevent camellias from dehydration, you should often spray the foliar surface with water and shade if necessary. Cultivation skills of camellias 5. What kind of soil should be chosen for planting flowers? Camellias like acidic soil, the soil should be loose, water absorption and drainage should be good, fertilization should keep up, and timely add new fertilizer, which is conducive to the growth of camellia roots. Cultivation skills of camellias 6. What kind of sunshine should camellias accept? The flower of camellia is relatively large, and its growth needs plenty of light.

Camellia cultivation methods and matters needing attention Camellia, also known as Camellia, is an evergreen shrub or small tree of the family Theaceae. Originated in China, it is one of the famous traditional flowers in China, and there are a few in Japan. Camellia tree beautiful, luxuriant leaves, flowers, red as fire and white as jade, under the green leaves arch, appears extremely delicate and elegant and chic. Camellia is gorgeous but not demon, and has a long life; the tree is vigorous and straight, evergreen all the year round, and blossoms from February to March, which is the season with few flowers, so it is very suitable to watch potted plants. Camellia is also suitable for South Park and garden layout, suitable for decorating living room and study, and suitable for window and balcony, which adds joyful atmosphere and interest to New Year's Day and Spring Festival. 1. According to the growth characteristics of camellia, the slightly acidic, loose, fertile and well-drained mixed soil should be selected as basin soil. Special attention should be paid to good drainage and do not use calcareous soil. The proportion of mixed soil is 6 parts of red soil, 3 parts of orchid mud (rotten leaf soil) and 2 parts of fine sandy soil. The size of the basin should be moderate, not too big or too small. The general ratio of pot to seedling is: a camellia with a height of 40 cm and a crown of 20 cm should be planted in a purple sand basin or tile basin with a caliber of about 20 cm. Other sizes, and so on. two。 The pot time of camellia culture is November in winter and February to March in early spring. At this time, the buds are enlarged and the flowers are in full bloom, which is the most suitable for pots. When the flowers are withering and the new roots are still sprouting, if you want to put them on the pot, you must pay special attention not to hurt the roots. Generally stop potting before and after the sprouting period, because at this time the new shoots are waiting to be sent and the leaves are developed, which requires a lot of water, such as pots, new roots are injured, which can easily affect the growth and development of the year. High temperature and severe winter season also avoid pots, so as not to cause plant atrophy and death. 3. The pot method of camellia culture is to first put 3 or 4 pieces of broken tiles on the bottom hole of the selected flowerpot, then fill part of the coarse soil, plant the seedlings in the basin, fill the root with fine soil, and then slowly fill the basin with larger grains of soil around the basin, gently shake the basin and press it by hand to make the pot soil and the root close. Large pots can be gently compacted down with bamboo sticks, and be careful not to hurt their roots. The basin soil should account for 4% of the basin height and 5% for watering. 4. The watering method of camellia culture the seedlings in the new pot should be watered for the first time until the bottom of the basin is permeable. The seedlings newly put on the pot should be kept moist and can be watered like other pot seedlings after 2 months. The frequency of watering depends on the climate, based on the principle of keeping the soil moist. Generally, it can be watered more in spring to meet the needs of sprouting and shooting. summer watering should be carried out in the morning and evening; water should be prevented in the Meiyu period, timely watering in autumn drought, and watering in winter should be carried out at noon to prevent the basin soil from freezing, and the soil is dry and frozen more intensely. 5. The fertilization method of camellia culture Camellia does not like fertilizer very much, so it is not necessary to apply too much fertilizer. Generally, it is fertilized for 2 times from 10 to 11 before flowering and 4 to 5 months after anthesis. General use of mixed fertilizers (human feces and urine, cake fertilizer, barnyard manure, phosphate fertilizer), it is best to give priority to phosphate fertilizer, nitrogen fertilizer as a deputy, in order to prevent branches from growing and flowers decreasing. All kinds of fertilizers must be fully mature and used, but rapeseed cakes and fish meal can be removed directly on the soil surface without decay, covered with a thin layer of soil, and allowed to slowly rot and seep into the soil for root absorption. The amount of fertilizer application should be mastered that the strong seedlings should be applied more, and the weak seedlings should be applied less or not. for the seedlings whose growth is too weak, replace the pot soil instead of fertilization, the effect is also very good. 6. Methods of shading and protection against cold in camellia culture Camellia prefers a warm and humid climate, and overheating is not conducive to growth and development. The potted camellias should be given plenty of sunshine in spring and Meiyu period, otherwise the branches are weak, which can easily cause bituminous disease and shell insects, or epiphytic moss, resulting in withered branches, senescence or death. The high temperature season in summer and autumn should be sheltered and cooled in time. When the temperature drops below zero in winter, it will cause buds to fall off or stamens to be frozen, affecting the quality of flowering. Therefore, the indoor overwintering temperature of potted seedlings should be kept at about 3Mel 4 ℃. If the temperature exceeds 16 ℃, it will promote early germination and serious defoliation and bud drop. 7. Control of diseases and insect pests in camellia culture the main pests of camellia are stem borer and shell insect. The main diseases are anthracnose on the leaf, black coal and mossy parasitism on the branches. The damaged branches should be cut off and sprayed in time. 8. Matters needing attention in camellia culture Camellia should not be pruned intensively. Its flowers, leaves and buds take a long time to develop, and the crown is formed evenly. Basically, there is no need for special pruning, just cut off disease and insect branches, over-dense branches, weak branches and truncated long branches. Camellia is a multi-flowered tree species, especially on weak plants, if the buds are dense, it will consume too many nutrients, which is disadvantageous to the plant growth. Therefore, bud picking is an important part of cultivation and management, it is appropriate to leave 1 bud and 2 buds on each branch, only 3 buds at most, and keep a certain distance. The sparse buds can be used medicinally. The flowering period of camellia is longer, and the whole flowering period is as long as half a year. Therefore, picking close to withered flowers in time is of great benefit to reduce nutrient consumption and enhance the tree potential. 9. The propagation methods of camellia culture can be propagated by sowing, cutting, striping, grafting and other methods, and most of them are propagated by cutting and high branch pressing. The main results are as follows: (1) Cuttage propagation: cutting propagation is mostly carried out from May to June. It is appropriate to choose strong annual branches as cuttings, cut them into 10-12 cm long, leave the upper 2-3 leaves, and remove the lower leaves. Insert into Susha seedbed or flowerpot. River sand or loose mountain soil can be used as basin soil. After planting, pour water thoroughly, spray water properly later, keep the soil moist, and provide shade, it can take root in about 60-70 days. (2) High branch striping propagation: the high branch pressing is mostly carried out between April and May. The method is to select the last year's branches, peel the ring in the high pressure part, and peel the ring 0.5 cm wide; wrap the ring peeling part with a moderate size plastic film, the length of which is 10-15 cm, tie up the lower mouth first, and fill the moist culture soil inside, often keep the soil moist, and then fasten the upper mouth; after root, you can cut it off and plant it again. The cultivation and conservation methods of camellias many flower friends have potted camellias at home, but how to take good care of camellias is lack of experience. We introduce one by one according to several major breeding points: 1. Soil is the growth basis of potted camellias. Because the root system of camellia depends on soil growth and development, the water and nutrients needed for camellia life activities are mainly absorbed from the soil. Camellia likes acidic, high humus, loose and aerated mountain red (yellow) loam, the pH value is between 5 and 6.5, alkaline soil or heavy clay soil can not be used as potted camellia substrate. Soil preparation: mountain soil (mature red soil of crops) 50%, sawdust or edible fungus residue 40%, cake fertilizer powder or livestock manure and phosphorus fertilizer powder 10%, mix well, water appropriate amount bag ripening, summer and autumn more than 20 days, spring and winter more than 30 days, this kind of soil is not only loose and aerated, but also can preserve fertilizer and water, which is suitable for the growth and development of camellias. 2. Camellias need proper light, but they are afraid of direct sunlight. At the end of spring and autumn, camellias should be moved to the balcony or the ground where there is much light, and receive all-day light to promote plant growth and development, flower bud differentiation and strong buds. When the sun is strongest in summer, you should move the flowerpot to a sunlit and well-ventilated environment for maintenance, or you can move it to the north balcony or the lower part of the south balcony. 75% sunshade net can also be used to cover the plants from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. to avoid direct sunlight, causing foliar trauma or small plant withering, and the camellia can be moved safely under the balcony for summer. 3. Temperature is one of the important conditions for the growth of camellia. Camellia likes warmth, and the most suitable temperature for growth is 18 ℃ to 25 ℃, and the relative humidity is 60 to 65%. For the growth of camellias, spring shoots generally sprout in mid-late March, begin to sprout in April, form terminal buds in mid-late May, stop growing, and gradually differentiate into leaf buds or flower buds. It takes 180 to 240 days from flower bud formation to flowering. Summer shoots germinate in late July and stop growing in early September. Although Camellia is resistant to low temperature, when the cold wave invades, the air temperature suddenly drops below 0 ℃ or encounters a dry northwest gale, it will cause twig frost injury, and the flower bud will wither when it is frozen. For this reason, the flowerpot will be moved to the north to the south to maintain it safely through the winter. 4. Camellia has many leaves, large leaf area and fast transpiration. Camellia likes humid climate and moist soil as well. Therefore, it is necessary to replenish water to potted camellias, watering once a day in the spring and autumn growing season, once in the morning and evening in summer, especially in the "dog days", and watering or spraying the ground and the periphery of the flowerpot once or twice if the ground is dry, maintain a certain amount of air humidity, and the plant will grow luxuriantly. At the same time, pay attention to because there is a lot of watering, and most families are watering tap water, the soil of flowerpots will be alkalized for a long time. To this end, when watering, 0.5% to 1% ferrous sulfate is added every month, or 5% to 8% edible vinegar can be used to spray the leaves. Camellias like moist soil, but are afraid of stagnant water in the flowerpots. If there is stagnant water in the pots on rainy days, they must be removed in time to prevent the roots from suffocating and rotting in the water. 5. Camellia is a fertilizer-loving flower, because the tree is strong, there are more leaves, and the flowering period is longer, so it needs more fertilizer. In the process of fertilization, apply sufficient liquid fertilizer, combined with changing pots, apply 3 to 80 grams of rotten cooked cake fertilizer powder or sun-dried chicken and duck manure in each pot according to the size of the flowerpot, and mix well with the bottom soil. Increase the application of organic fertilizer according to the growth period of the plant. Except when it is the coldest and hottest in winter and summer, the rotten dry cake water is applied once or twice a month. The fertilization method is as follows: peel off the basin edge soil for about 2 minutes, and apply liquid fertilizer into the ditch to cover the ready-to-use soil to avoid odor. The rotten cake powder can also be applied on the edge of the basin and mixed well with the basin soil to allow the flowers to be absorbed slowly. Urban flower lovers can go to the flower market to buy special fertilizer for flowers, which is both hygienic and safe. In order to make camellias grow better, during the peak period of camellia peanuts, extra-root fertilization was carried out once or twice a month, and leaves were sprayed with 0.2% to 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate and 1% to 2% plant auxin. The principle of fertilization: light rather than heavy, light rather than thick, less and not more. We must adhere to the method of applying thin fertilizer frequently, especially not applying raw fertilizer. 6. Camellia likes to grow in an environment with moderate flow of air, and likes the breeze most. It likes the water vapor brought by the southeast wind, but it is afraid of the northwest wind and strong wind, which makes the water evaporate too fast, the supply and demand of camellia is out of balance, and the plant leaves are easy to be damaged. causing the plant to drop buds and flowers. In winter, camellias should be maintained in a sheltered and sunny environment with a certain temperature and humidity. In spring and autumn, the flowerpot should be moved to the balcony to make it ventilated and shaken by the breeze, which is not only good for plant growth, but also conducive to flower bud differentiation, flower bud growth and development, but also reduce the occurrence of diseases and insect pests. Years of practice shows that moderate ventilation and suitable light can play a role in preventing diseases and insect pests. The cultivation methods and precautions of how to raise camellias first, camellias should not be exposed to strong light, so we must pay attention to sunlight when planting, and sufficient light is required in spring and autumn, but in summer, we must avoid being exposed to direct sunlight. Camellias are easy to die as long as they are exposed to strong light for too long, and it is best to transplant them under the sunshade if there are conditions. Second, temperature attention camellias are not cold-resistant or heat-resistant, the most suitable temperature is 18-25 degrees, so the ambient temperature should not be too high or too low, otherwise it will affect its growth, especially in winter, the indoor temperature must be above 3 degrees. If it is lower than 0 degrees, it will be frostbitten. Third, watering camellias like a humid environment, so we must pay special attention to not being too dry, not too wet, not too wet when dry, generally watering more in spring, which is conducive to sprouting, watering both morning and evening in summer, and watering the leaves at best. Avoid watering plants at high temperatures, autumn and spring, but watering in winter, it is best to water the plants before and after. And don't water it every time, preferably every two or three days. Fourth, the main points of fertilization camellias prefer fertilizer, so in the whole breeding process, we should pay special attention to the use of fertilizer, such as adding phosphorus and potassium fertilizer on the pot, but fertilization also has a degree, must not be too much, generally in the nearly half a year after flowering, fertilization about 3 times, once in winter on it, in order to make the flowers more beautiful, it is best to put more phosphate fertilizer in fertilizer. Fifth, flower branch pruning camellia pruning is very important, generally will affect the shape of branches and disease, weak branches cut off, as well as the arrangement of buds, once the buds are too dense, but also to comb, flowers should be picked in time after withering, can reduce the consumption of nutrients. Sixth, turning the pot of camellias is a point that many people will ignore. Many people will not turn the pot once planted. In fact, this is very wrong. Camellias are usually turned once every two years, and a large basin should be changed. Only in this way can it be beneficial to its growth. Special attention should be paid to the time of turning the pot, preferably in April. When turning the basin, we should be careful not to remove all the old soil, but also to add a small amount of base fertilizer to it. And then water it. Seventh, the control of diseases and insect pests camellias are easy to get sick, there are two common diseases-black mold, anthrax, then only need to spray 0.5 degree Bordeaux liquid, camellia pests are mainly tea tip moth, then the main cut off the tip of the insect. Now do you know how to cultivate camellias, and what matters should be paid attention to in cultivating camellias? Then hurry up and act! Experience is for reference only. If you need to solve specific problems (especially in legal, medical and other fields), it is recommended that you consult professionals in relevant fields in detail.

Collection and sharing of camellia culture methods and points for attention (a total of 9 articles)

Culture methods and matters needing attention of camellias

"the Culture method of Camellia"

The root system of camellia depends on soil growth and development, and the water and nutrients needed for camellia life activities are mainly absorbed from the soil. Camellia likes acidic, high humus, loose and aerated mountain red (yellow) loam, the pH value is between 5 and 6.5, alkaline soil or heavy clay soil can not be used as potted camellia substrate. Soil preparation: mountain soil (mature red soil of crops) 50%, sawdust or edible fungus residue 40%, cake fertilizer powder or livestock manure and phosphorus fertilizer powder 10%, mix well, water appropriate amount bag ripening, summer and autumn more than 20 days, spring and winter more than 30 days, this kind of soil is not only loose and aerated, but also can preserve fertilizer and water, which is suitable for the growth and development of camellias.

two。 Camellias need proper light, but they are afraid of the hot sun. At the end of spring and autumn, camellias should be moved to the balcony or the ground where there is much light, and receive all-day light to promote plant growth and development, flower bud differentiation and strong buds. When the sun is strongest in summer, the flowerpot should be moved to a sunny and well-ventilated environment for maintenance.

3. Temperature is one of the important conditions for the growth of camellia. Camellia likes warmth, and the most suitable temperature for growth is 18 ℃ to 25 ℃, and the relative humidity is 60 to 65%. For the growth of camellias, spring shoots generally sprout in mid-late March, begin to sprout in April, form terminal buds in mid-late May, stop growing, and gradually differentiate into leaf buds or flower buds. It takes 180 to 240 days from flower bud formation to flowering.

4. Camellia has many leaves, large leaf area and fast transpiration. Camellia likes humid climate and moist soil as well. Therefore, it is necessary to replenish water to potted camellias, watering once a day in the spring and autumn growing season, once in the morning and evening in summer, especially in the "dog days", and watering or spraying the ground and the periphery of the flowerpot once or twice if the ground is dry, maintain a certain amount of air humidity, and the plant will grow luxuriantly. At the same time, pay attention to because there is a lot of watering, and most families are watering tap water, the soil of flowerpots will be alkalized for a long time. To this end, when watering, 0.5% to 1% ferrous sulfate is added every month, or 5% to 8% edible vinegar can be used to spray the leaves. Camellias like moist soil, but are afraid of stagnant water in the flowerpots. If there is stagnant water in the pots on rainy days, they must be removed in time to prevent the roots from suffocating and rotting in the water.

5. Camellia is a fertilizer-loving flower, because the tree is strong, there are more leaves, and the florescence is longer, so it needs more fertilizer. In the process of fertilization, apply sufficient liquid fertilizer, combined with changing pots, apply 3 to 80 grams of rotten cooked cake fertilizer powder or sun-dried chicken and duck manure in each pot according to the size of the flowerpot, and mix well with the bottom soil. Increase the application of organic fertilizer according to the growth period of the plant. Except when it is the coldest and hottest in winter and summer, the rotten dry cake water is applied once or twice a month. The fertilization method is as follows: peel off the basin edge soil for about 2 minutes, and apply liquid fertilizer into the ditch to cover the ready-to-use soil to avoid odor. The rotten cake powder can also be applied on the edge of the basin and mixed well with the basin soil to allow the flowers to be absorbed slowly. Urban flower lovers can go to the flower market to buy special fertilizer for flowers, which is both hygienic and safe. In order to make camellias grow better, during the peak period of camellia peanuts, extra-root fertilization was carried out once or twice a month, and leaves were sprayed with 0.2% to 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate and 1% to 2% plant auxin. The principle of fertilization: light rather than heavy, light rather than thick, less and not more. We must adhere to the method of applying thin fertilizer frequently, especially not applying raw fertilizer.

6. In winter, camellias should be maintained in a sheltered and sunny environment with a certain temperature and humidity. Years of practice shows that moderate ventilation and suitable light can play a role in preventing diseases and insect pests.

Main Diseases and insect pests of "Camellia" and their Control


[prevention and control method]

During the peak period of early aphid occurrence, ① sprayed camellia plants with 50% phosphoamine emulsion 2000 times or 50% dimethoate emulsion 1000 times.

Spraying once every 3-5 days, lasting 3 times, can destroy aphids. ②: 0.5kg of cigarette stick, 0.25kg of quicklime, 1015L of water, soaked for one day and night, filtered and dregs removed for spray prevention and control.

Scale insect

[habit and risk] there are many species of scale insects in risky camellias, including cotton scale, red wax scale and bran shield scale. Scale insects lay a large number of eggs, and each female can lay about a thousand eggs, with 3-5 generations a year. Most of the fertilized females overwintered on the branches and leaves and began to lay eggs in March of the following year, mostly concentrated on the twigs and leaves to absorb leaf sap. The damaged leaves changed from green to grayish green, and finally to yellow. In severe cases, the branches and leaves were covered with scale insects, causing the whole plant to wither and yellow to death. Its infiltration

Culture methods and matters needing attention of camellias

Matters needing attention in Cuttage Propagation of Camellia

Taiwanese culture potted camellias are propagated by cuttings, grafting propagation is mainly used in the production of camellias bonsai. He Quanyi, a big camellia grower, said that Taiwanese, regardless of variety, will sell a good price as long as the flowers bloom well and grow healthily. He has more than 300,000 camellia seedlings every year, with a survival rate of 80%, and an annual income of more than NT $1 million. But in recent years, grafting method is adopted in Camellia propagation, cutting propagation is gradually marginalized. The author thinks that Camellia cutting propagation should be valued.

1, cuttage propagation advantages 1, cuttage seedlings can maintain the inherent characteristics of excellent varieties, so that the propagation of offspring will not be mixed, the excellent characteristics of varieties will not change. Cuttings are derived from individual parts of the same camellia parent, and their genetic characteristics are the same as those of the parent. Therefore, Camellia cutting propagation can reflect the heritability of female parent and maintain the characters and characteristics of Camellia fine varieties. in particular, there are many valuable varieties of camellia, such as "mandarin duck phoenix crown" and "green pearl ball," etc. they do not have male and female stamens, can not pollinate and bear fruit, can only be propagated through cuttings.

2. It can accelerate the propagation of fine varieties of Camellia, so that fine varieties can be promoted quickly. Camellia cuttings used by the cuttings are very short, a branch can be cut several cuttings, propagation material saving, cutting season long, cuttings from a wide range of seedlings can be seedlings, propagation coefficient is high. An adult camellia plant can reproduce more than 1000 times in one year. Some shrub varieties with dense ramets and small leaves can reach more than 2000 times. Some rare camellia varieties cannot meet the need of accelerated propagation if they are propagated by means of grafting, high pressure and seeds. With cuttage method seedlings, you can quickly propagate these rare varieties.

3, Camellia cuttings long life, convenient management, cheap price, suitable for family potted plants, is the most ideal Camellia single plant, very popular with Camellia lovers. Jinhua, Zhejiang Province, used to cut tens of millions of cuttings every year, usually tens of thousands of cuttings per Camellia nursery, and more than 100,000 cuttings. After autumn, camellia marketers from all over the country drive trucks to every home to pick up improved cuttings. These seedlings cost a few cents a plant, some even a few cents a plant, cheap, easy to transport, a large number, it is easy to make a lot of money. Cutting rootstock market potential is also very large, grafting rootstock is also cutting seedlings grow up stumps. Now everyone is engaged in grafting, rootstock supply exceeds demand, the price is more and more expensive.

II. Grafting time

Camellia cuttings can be carried out throughout the year, there are two suitable periods, one is late May to early July, one is late August to late September, especially in late June and late August to early September for the best. Because camellia cuttings are softwood cuttings, with the new branches of the year as cuttings, it must wait until the new branches are semi-lignified or mature and not yet aged, in order to obtain a higher survival rate. If the branches are too tender, shortly after cutting, the petioles will be black, and then the mouth will fall off, it is difficult to achieve success; if the branches are too old, the vitality and regeneration ability will decrease, and it is not easy to root. Therefore, cuttage as early as late May, late as September, cuttage are not suitable. As early as late May, except for the areas where the winter temperature is relatively high and the shoots are early, the spring shoots are too tender; after September, the spring shoots are too old, even if the summer and autumn shoots can be used, but the energy is insufficient, the healing and growth of the incision are more difficult, unless special management is given, it is difficult to achieve good results. The reason why the best period is from mid-late June to early September is that the new branches have been semi-lignified or nearly fully lignified at this time, and can fully meet the needs of healing and rooting in terms of energy; especially in mid-late June, when it is the Meiyu period, the relative humidity of the air is large, and the water transpiration of the branches and leaves of cuttings is small, which is especially suitable for cuttings. In short, the cutting period should be selected according to the most suitable local cutting season, the source of cuttings and the task of cutting. If there are many varieties and large quantities of cuttings, they can be carried out in spring, summer and autumn. Autumn because summer after planting leaves storage branches, often to mid-October after cutting,

The cultivation methods and precautions of Camellia

"Paper on the cultivation method of camellia"

Title: Culture method of camellia Student Name:

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The cultivation methods and precautions of Camellia

The entire collection of camellias.

Other loose fertile mountain mud and sandy soil can be used. Alkaline and calcareous soil should not be used. The culture medium was usually mixed with red soil 6 parts, moldy leaf soil 3 parts and fine river mud 1 part, or mixed with moldy leaf soil 5 parts, vegetable garden soil 4 parts and river sand 1 part. Pot size should be moderate potted Camellia pot size should be moderate, the general pot and plant ratio is: a plant up to 40~50 cm, crown width of 20~25 cm Camellia, should be planted in the diameter of about 20 cm purple sand pot or mud pot.

Pot planting to be timely pot time to be determined according to the variety of camellia, generally November and early spring 2~3 months. At this point bud hypertrophy, flowers began to open, the most suitable on the pot. Remember not to flower Xie pot, high temperature and winter season also avoid pot, so as not to cause plant wilt death. After good basin, the first watering should be sufficient, with basin floor outflow water is appropriate.

Temperature illumination should be suitable for camellia shade tolerance, like warm, humid environment. The optimum temperature for growth is 20℃~25℃, and for flowering is 10℃~20℃. When the temperature rises above 22℃, flowers often wither. Potted camellia leaves the room in mid-April, placed in a ventilated and transparent place, in mid-May began to maintain in the shade, generally shade with a net, the transmittance of spring and autumn is 50%, the transmittance of summer is 60%, such as cloudy days to open the net, increase light.

The principle of applying thin fertilizer frequently is that Camellia prefers fertilizer, but avoids large and thick fertilizer. In cultivation and management, thin fertilizer should be applied frequently. During April and May, when Camellia leaves sprout and grow branches and leaves, nitrogen-based decomposed liquid fertilizer should be applied 3~4 times, once every week or so. Fertilizer available decomposed bean cake, peanut cake, sauce residue, etc. 6 ~7 months flower bud differentiation, nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer should be applied, phosphorus fertilizer available fishy water, decomposed chicken and duck dung and potassium dihydrogen phosphate. The concentration is controlled at about 20%%. Avoid excessive application of nitrogen fertilizer. August should not be fertilized. September to November flower bud stage, also use mixed fertilizer, topdressing once a month, concentration 15%~ 20%%, but mainly phosphorus, nitrogen fertilizer supplemented to prevent bud drop. At the end of November, add a decomposed fish fishy water and chicken and duck manure liquid fertilizer, can make flowers fat, bright color. Fertilization is generally stopped during flowering.

The main diseases and insect pests of camellia are scale insects, red spiders, brown spot disease, anthracnose, etc. Red spider and scale insect can be sprayed with 40% omethoate 1000 times solution or 25% methion 800~1000 times solution every other week for 2~3 times continuously, brown spot and anthracnose can be controlled with 40% dietham 800 times solution or carbendazim 500 times solution.

comments| 1091

2013-04-03 15:36 enthusiastic netizen

The management key of potted camellia culture method: 1. The pot size and pot seedling ratio should be appropriate. 1/2- 1/3 of pine needles should be added into the pot soil, and the effect is good after one year's decay. 2. The upper pot time is November in winter or February to March in early spring, and the upper pot is stopped near the germination stage. The upper pot should not be placed in high temperature season. 3. When the seedlings are newly placed in the basin, the water should be poured enough, and the bottom of the basin should be permeable to water. Watering should be appropriate at ordinary times.

Potted camellia cultivation method of watering: watering amount to change with the seasons: Qingming before the plant enters the growth and germination period, the amount of water should gradually increase, after the new slightly stop growing (about late May) to properly control watering, in order to promote flower bud differentiation. June is the rainy season, should prevent ponding, found signs of ponding, to tilt the basin surface in time, let it flow away, otherwise easy to bow [from the new root rot, resulting in the whole plant "green" and die. Summer season high temperature season leaf evaporation is large, thin leaf quality varieties,

The cultivation methods and precautions of camellia

Notes on camellia

Nitrogen-based fertilizer, which is quite a part of camellia lovers habit of thinking and practice. Think this can provide sufficient nutrition for camellia, camellia nutrition growth can be vigorous. Those who hold this view, in my opinion, do not mean that nitrogen fertilizer is wrong, but that the timing of fertilization is wrong. In fact, the right time to fertilize should be the flowering of Camellia population near the end, the bud has not yet sprouted this period. Because flowering consumes most of the nutrients of the plant, germination of new shoots requires a certain accumulation of nutrients, and at this time new roots are waiting to grow, then fertilization is the right time. It not only supplements the consumption of flowering, but also provides a guarantee for the germination and growth of new buds; there is also a more important camellia generally does not dormancy after flowering, and some varieties directly extract the sprouting leaves after flowering. Therefore, fertilization at this time with "charcoal in the snow" this sentence to the analogy is more appropriate. Fertilization should not be applied in the early stage of germination, because the young fleshy fibrous roots that have just grown are difficult to withstand even light fertilizer irrigation, not to mention the lack of experience in the concentration of fertilizer is difficult to grasp correctly, and it is easy to burn roots if you don't pay attention. The good wish to supplement fertilizer to plants backfired because of the wrong timing of fertilization. Therefore, fertilization during spring germination should grasp the timing, so that plants can grow normally.

Second, the application of thick fertilizer during the period of leaf development: the application of thick fertilizer during the period of leaf development is inappropriate with the above-mentioned fertilization at the early stage of germination, which seems to be contradictory, but in fact it is not. The author here mainly has two meanings: one is that the flowering period of Camellia spring population is approaching the end, and the new buds have not sprouted yet. After this fertilization, it is best to apply fertilizer again for a period of time after the new leaves are unfolded, generally in 10~15 days. Specifically, one or two nitrogen-based fertilizers are applied before the new leaves are capped. When applied, the concentration should be light. The next day after application

The cultivation methods and precautions of Camellia

Camellia Cultivation Technology

Acid camellia strict soil requirements, must use pH value less than 6.5 acid soil cultivation. Basin soil to loose humus soil is better, but also available other loose fertile soil and sandy soil, alkaline and lime soil. The culture medium was usually mixed with red soil 6 parts, moldy leaf soil 3 parts and fine river mud 1 part, or mixed with moldy leaf soil 5 parts, vegetable garden soil 4 parts and river sand 1 part.

Pot size should be moderate potted Camellia pot size should be moderate, the general pot and plant ratio is: a plant up to 40~50 cm, crown width of 20~25 cm Camellia, should be planted in the diameter of about 20 cm purple sand pot or mud pot.

Pot planting to be timely pot time to be determined according to the variety of camellia, generally November and early spring 2~3 months. At this point bud hypertrophy, flowers began to open, the most suitable on the pot. Remember not to flower Xie pot, high temperature and winter season also avoid pot, so as not to cause plant wilt death. After good basin, the first watering should be sufficient, with basin floor outflow water is appropriate.

Temperature illumination should be suitable for camellia shade tolerance, like warm, humid environment. The optimum temperature for growth is 20℃~25℃, and for flowering is 10℃~20℃. When the temperature rises above 22℃, flowers often wither. Potted camellia leaves the room in mid-April, placed in a ventilated and transparent place, in mid-May began to maintain in the shade, generally shade with a net, transmittance of 50% in spring and autumn, transmittance of 60% in summer, such as cloudy days to open the net, increase light.

The principle of applying thin fertilizer frequently is that Camellia prefers fertilizer, but avoids large and thick fertilizer. In cultivation and management, thin fertilizer should be applied frequently. During April and May, when Camellia leaves sprout and grow branches and leaves, nitrogen-based decomposed liquid fertilizer should be applied 3~4 times, once every week or so. Fertilizer available decomposed bean cake, peanut cake, sauce residue, etc. 6 ~7 months flower bud differentiation, nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer should be applied, phosphorus fertilizer available fishy water, decomposed chicken and duck dung and potassium dihydrogen phosphate. The concentration is controlled at about 20%%. Avoid excessive application of nitrogen fertilizer. August should not be fertilized. September to November flower bud stage, also use mixed fertilizer, topdressing once a month, concentration 15%~ 20%%, but mainly phosphorus, nitrogen fertilizer supplemented to prevent bud drop. At the end of November, add a decomposed fish fishy water and chicken and duck manure liquid fertilizer, can make flowers fat, bright color. Fertilization is generally stopped during flowering.

The main diseases and insect pests of camellia are scale insects, red spiders, brown spot disease, anthracnose, etc. Red spider and scale insect can be sprayed with 40%% omethoate 1000 times solution or 25%% phoxim 800~1000 times solution once every week for 2~3 times continuously, brown spot and anthracnose can be controlled with 40%% diammonium 800 times solution or 30% carbendazim 500 times solution.

comments| 730

2013-04-03 15:36 enthusiastic netizen

The management key of potted camellia culture method: 1. The pot size and pot seedling ratio should be appropriate. 1/2- 1/3 of pine needles should be added into the pot soil, and the effect is good after one year's decay. 2. The upper pot time is November in winter or February to March in early spring, and the upper pot is stopped near the germination stage. The upper pot should not be placed in high temperature season. 3. Miao's new

The cultivation methods and precautions of Camellia sinensis

"Key points of camellia cultivation"

Growth and dormancy habits. When and how much fertilizer should be applied? Appropriate auxiliary materials contribute to the growth of camellia. Too much nutrients can also cause camellia leaves to turn yellow, roots to rot, and eventually become a toothpick, which is when you start to notice that leaves are falling off. Wash the camellia roots with clean water and cut off the blackened roots. Then replace with fresh red soil, after the maintenance of attention to the management of camellia can be! Fertilize camellia before may and after august. Camellia should belong to the dormant period of growth in summer. This process has basically stopped the camellia growth. Fertilization is basically not recommended. But it can be consolidated. After the summer rain can be fertilized for camellia consolidation! The consolidation of these processes will see results after the camellias bloom! Camellia flowers in the flower after the start of bud, bud period and growth of the basic period has been in early April. Special attention should be paid to the fertilizer supply of camellia at this stage, which is related to the growth of camellia plants and the size of flowering camellia plants. The number of buds affects the growth of the whole plant. Too many buds, too many flowers, the experience of the whole plant has basically been consumed in the process of flowering. Experienced tea growers know that the buds of this plant are very short and small during the bud period. noticeably weaker than strong ones of the same kind. One excessive flowering is equivalent to three years of his life span. Obviously, the flowers with excessive buds in the first year will bloom very small in the next few years. These experiences have been dispersed, and to ensure that there are good flowers to see every year, start picking buds when the buds are visible. Leave a few buds, give appropriate nutrients, flowers are very big!

Winter is also the second dormant period of camellia, camellia has stopped growing. At this time, the buds of camellia are already very obvious. At this time, attention should be paid to the freezing of camellia.

If the bud is frozen, we have done before the efforts are in vain, but also wait until the next year to come again, this period is very important, camellia hi yang,(here yang is in the temperature of adaptation) balcony flower friends can try to put camellia in the sun, protect the bud, do not need to move, as a girl, there is no such good physical strength, say camellia is too heavy, this time. The bud bag plays a great role and can be used according to the temperature difference in winter outdoors.

Camellia shoots twice a year, some even three times. Specifically, listen to me. The first batch of buds starts in April after the flowering of Camellia. Here, insert a short paragraph that is the construction of Camellia. After the flowering of Camellia, the construction of Camellia can be carried out. At this time, the proper construction of Camellia can assist the modeling of the whole plant of Camellia better, and also prepare for the germination of Camellia. Camellia can be constructed according to different varieties. Some are the more pruned camellia buds when the more Zhang (azalea tea is a typical representative of this variety), according to different varieties to determine the pruning situation. The first batch of buds extracted is actually the essence of camellia to contribute to people in a year. Those with buds are too small to be recognized by the naked eye. At this time, it is like children growing up to give some good materials. The number of fertilization is the most in April, and the fertilizer is applied once every week or so. Fresh pot camellias can be fertilized. The second batch of buds began to sprout in late August. This batch of buds did not come neatly in April. At this time, branches and buds could be properly trimmed according to the whole cylindrical shape of Camellia. Use some proper thin human manure on top of the manure!

Tea cultivation and tea tasting is a process. In this process, some people like it and some people worry about it. Camellia should be replaced after 3 years of growth in the original pot, and the roots should be adjusted appropriately. With the growth of Camellia plants, the roots continue to spread and gradually fill the pots. Due to the limited soil in the pot, insufficient water and nutrients, it is difficult to meet the needs of camellia growth. At this time must be replaced with a larger flowerpot, there is enough space to give the camellia root growth release space! Here is the value

The cultivation methods and precautions of Camellia sinensis

"Cultivation Methods of Camellia"

-8℃ low temperature (natural winter, cloud tea slightly less cold), in the south of the Huaihe River area can generally winter naturally. Camellia cultivation soil to acid, and require better permeability. To facilitate root hair growth, usually available peat, sawn rot, red soil, humus soil, or more mixed substrate cultivation. Camellia requires light stronger than rhododendron, spring, autumn and winter three seasons can not shade, summer available 50% shading treatment. Camellia usually to use neutral or acidic surface water irrigation, watering to master see dry see wet, dry and then water, water to pour thoroughly, but pay attention not to dry. Generally, water should be properly withheld before budding at the end of spring shoots to facilitate the transformation to reproductive growth. Water should not be cut off before flowering. Place of cultivation method: Camellia should be placed in a warm, humid, ventilated and translucent place. Spring should have sufficient light, summer should pay attention to shade, avoid direct sunlight and the west sun, if placed on the balcony, often a careless, will be sunburned. Watering: camellia potted plant cultivation to keep the soil moist state, but should not be too wet, to prevent dry and wet. Generally in spring can be properly watered, in order to facilitate germination and shoot; summer insist on early and late watering, it is best to spray leaf water, so that the leaves are wet, do not use rapid water direct irrigation, full irrigation, not hot water, avoid high temperature around noon watering; autumn watering to appropriate; winter should be watered around noon, can spray water every two or three days. Fertilization: camellia love fertilizer, in the pot when we should pay attention to the pot soil base fertilizer, mainly phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, fertilizer application including decomposed bone meal, hair, chicken feathers, chaff ash, poultry manure and calcium superphosphate and other substances. It is not advisable to fertilize too much at ordinary times. Generally, 2~3 times of thin fertilizer should be applied between 4 and 5 months after flowering, and a slightly thicker fertilizer can be applied once in November in autumn. Fertilizer should pay attention to the proportion of phosphorus slightly larger, in order to promote flower color Yan. Pruning: camellia growth is slow, should not be over-pruned, generally will affect the tree's long branches and pest branches, weak branches can be cut off. If there are too many buds on each branch, only 1~2 flowers can be left, and a certain distance should be maintained, and the rest should be picked early to avoid consuming nutrients. In addition, it is necessary to pick flowers that are close to withering in time, which can also reduce nutrient consumption, so as to facilitate the healthy growth of plants and the formation of new flower buds. Turn pot: Camellia potted plant can be turned pot once every 1~2 years, the new pot should be larger than the old pot No.1, in order to facilitate the development of root system. The best time to turn pots is in April in spring or autumn. Combined with soil replacement, properly remove some hardened old soil, replace it with fertile and loose new soil, and combine with base fertilizer. Pest control: Camellia diseases mainly black mold, anthracnose, etc., can be sprayed with 0.5 degrees Bordeaux mixture for control. The pest mainly has tea shoot moth, the control method can cut off the insect shoot, generally in April to June is appropriate. The camellia seven commandments; camellia is a plant that is easy to see in the general garden. Because dark green leaves are also very beautiful, you can also use only leaves as a foil to other flowers. But the flower falls easily is its shortcoming. Flower beds or potted plants full of primroses can often be seen. Don't pour too much water. Be careful not to let the roots rot. Steps/Methods Key points of conservation: Seven commandments for Camellia conservation, one commandment for fertilization at the early stage of germination, two commandments for application of concentrated fertilizer during leaf development, and three commandments for application of concentrated fertilizer during leaf development.

The cultivation methods and precautions of Camellia sinensis

"Cultivation Methods of Camellia"

One of the famous flowers in the world is also the city flower of Chongqing City, the provincial flower of Yunnan Province, the city flower of Ningbo City, Jinhua City, Wenzhou City, Jingdezhen City of Jiangxi Province, and the state flower of Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture of Yunnan Province. Because of its beautiful plant shape, leaves dark green and luster, colorful flowers, and by the world horticultural community treasure.

Method for raising camellia in family

1. Place: Camellia should be placed in a warm, humid, ventilated and translucent place. Spring should have sufficient light, summer should pay attention to shade, avoid direct sunlight and the west sun, if placed on the balcony, often a careless, will be sunburned. In winter, it should be placed indoors at room temperature above 3℃.

2. Watering: The cultivation of Camellia bonsai should keep the soil moist, but it should not be too wet to prevent dry and wet. Generally in spring can be properly watered, in order to facilitate germination and shoot; summer insist on early and late watering, it is best to spray leaf water, so that the leaves are wet, do not use rapid water direct irrigation, full irrigation, not hot water, avoid high temperature around noon watering; autumn watering to appropriate; winter should be watered around noon, can spray water every two or three days.

3. Fertilization: Camellia likes fertilizer. When putting on the pot, it is necessary to pay attention to putting base fertilizer in the pot soil, mainly phosphorus and potassium fertilizer. The fertilizer applied includes decomposed bone meal, hair, chicken feather, chaff ash, poultry manure and calcium superphosphate. Usually should not be too much fertilizer, generally in 4~5 months after flowering 2~3 times thin fertilizer, autumn in November 4, pruning: Camellia growth is slow, should not be over-pruned, generally affect the tree long branches and pest branches, weak branches can be cut off. If there are too many buds on each branch, only 1~2 flowers can be left, and a certain distance should be maintained, and the rest should be picked early to avoid consuming nutrients. In addition, it is necessary to pick flowers that are close to withering in time, which can also reduce nutrient consumption, so as to facilitate the healthy growth of plants and the formation of new flower buds.

5, pot turning: Camellia bonsai can be turned over once every 1~2 years, the new pot should be larger than the old pot No. 1, in order to facilitate the development of root system. The best time to turn pots is in April in spring or autumn. Combined with soil replacement, properly remove some hardened old soil, replace it with fertile and loose new soil, and combine with base fertilizer.

6, soil requirements, soil is the root of camellia growth, camellia all nutrients are obtained from the soil, so the requirements of the soil are quite high, generally its soil contains humus is higher, PH value is between 5-6.5, slightly acidic, the best soil configuration is: mountain soil 50%, sawdust or edible mushroom residue 40%, cake fertilizer powder or livestock manure and phosphorus powder 10%.

7, air circulation, camellia growth place on the air circulation requirements are extremely high, it is most suitable for growth in the breeze, but camellia is afraid of northwest wind and strong wind, because northwest wind and strong wind easy to make water evaporation too fast, camellia supply and demand out of balance, which is not conducive to the growth of camellia.

Pest control: Camellia diseases mainly black mold, anthracnose, etc., can be sprayed with 0.5 degrees Bordeaux mixture for control. Insect pests are mainly tea shoot moth, control methods can cut off insect shoots, generally in April to June for appropriate.

A slightly thicker water fertilizer can be used. Fertilizer should pay attention to the proportion of phosphorus slightly larger, in order to promote flower color Yan.

There are also many flower friends who have potted camellias at home, but how to cultivate camellias is inexperienced. We introduce them one by one according to several breeding points:

1. Soil is the basis for the growth of potted camellia, because camellia roots depend on soil for growth and development, and the water and nutrients required for camellia life activities are mainly absorbed from soil. Camellia likes acid, high humus content, loose ventilation of the mountain red (yellow) loam, pH 5 to 1