
How do calla lilies grow in water? Culture methods and matters needing attention of Zantedeschia hydroponics

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Calla lily is a kind of potted flower, but it has high medicinal value and can be used to treat scald and so on. The following editor will talk about the culture methods and matters needing attention of calla lily hydroponics.

The horseshoe lotus type has a high ornamental value, which is often used in cut flowers or potted plants, but its flowers contain toxins, so be careful not to eat them by mistake in the process of planting. Here are the cultivation methods of hydroponic calla lilies, which can be learned by parents who like flowers and plants.

I. the method of breeding

1. Pruning

First, when raised in water, a lot of leaves will often fall into the water, and then they will rot. At this time, clean it up and fix it in a bottle with stones.

Second, when it is changed from soil culture to water culture, it only takes a week to grow aquatic roots.

2. Lighting

First, as long as there is enough sunshine and the temperature is suitable for it, it can thrive in the water and will grow flowers all the time.

Second, you can put it on a higher balcony, then add some special nutrients to it into the water, and spray it with medicine every week.

Culture methods and matters needing attention of Zantedeschia hydroponics

3. Environment

First, the plant itself is wet, so it especially likes water, and it has aquatic plant genes in its roots, so as long as the water is clean enough, it can adapt.

Second, we must pay attention to maintain the cleanliness of the water, and dissolved oxygen must be maintained at a certain level in order to successfully aquaculture.

4. Nutrient solution

It can be equipped with a special nutrient solution, in the whole growth period, the pH of nutrients should be between 5.5 and 6.5, and the dosage should be determined according to the weather, generally two or three times a day.

Culture methods and matters needing attention of Zantedeschia hydroponics

II. Matters needing attention

1, the air must be fresh, it is more sensitive to oil fumes and toxic gases, so do not put it near the kitchen, otherwise the smoke will pollute it. The growth period needs enough sunshine, which can be placed on the balcony and other places where there is plenty of light, and more light is needed in winter.

2. Pay attention to the patency of the air. If the air is not ventilated, and the temperature is higher than the outside temperature, it will cause insect pests.

3. There must be no pollution. If the water is polluted, the balance in the water will be destroyed.

Calla lilies not only have high ornamental value, but also have certain medicinal value. If you like the culture methods and matters needing attention of hydroponic calla lilies arranged by editors above, please collect them quickly.

Matters needing attention in hydroponic culture of calla lily

Martielia is a kind of herb of the genus Martiellae, which is very common in daily life. Many people like to raise martinis at home. Most plants are cultivated in soil, but Martinez can be cultivated not only in soil, but also in hydroponics. Many people prefer hydroponic martinis, which looks cleaner and brighter. So do you know how to hydroponically cultivate martylians?

Hydroponic culture method of calla lotus

1. Selection of hydroponic plants.

The water-cultivated plants of calla should not be too large. It is best to choose the tillering seedlings of calla, rinse the roots of the plants, and remove the rotten roots and overgrown roots. In the initial stage of hydroponic culture, the water should be changed once a day to prevent water pollution and promote the germination of new roots. After the new root grows, the days of changing water can be extended appropriately, and if possible, a few drops of nutrient solution can be added to the water every 20 days or so to make the plant grow healthily.

2. Preparation of hydroponic nutrient solution

The nutrient solution of calla lily hydroponics can be formulated as follows: calcium nitrate 800g, potassium dihydrogen phosphate 210g, magnesium sulfate 250g, potassium nitrate 500g, ammonium nitrate 30g, ferric ethylenediamine tetraacetate 10g, manganese sulfate 2g, zinc sulfate 1g, boric acid 1.3g, copper sulfate 0.15g, ammonium molybdate 0.1g. In the initial stage of calla growth, the concentration of nutrient solution can be controlled at 1.2ms, and the concentration of nutrient solution can be appropriately increased to 1.5ms/cm in the middle and later stage of growth. During the whole growth period, the pH value of nutrient solution can be controlled between 5.6 and 6.5. The supply of nutrient solution is mainly determined according to the weather conditions and plant size, usually 2-3 times a day to ensure that the culture substrate layer is moist, and there is a shallow water layer at the bottom of the tank.

3. Hydroponic culture management and pest control

The plant management of calla is relatively simple, mainly peeling off yellow leaves and some outer leaves. The purpose of stripping the outer leaves is to prevent leaf crowding from affecting daylighting and ventilation, and pedicels protruding. According to the seedling trading network, the diseases and insect pests of calla lilies mainly include bacterial soft rot, aphids, red spiders and so on. Bacterial soft rot can harm leaves, petioles and tubers, which is mainly transmitted by tubers. Bordeaux solution can be used to control the disease at the beginning of the disease.

Matters needing attention in water culture of calla lilies

Calla lilies blossom when they grow and require fresh air. Calla lilies are very sensitive to oil fumes and toxic gases, so hydroponic calla lilies should be kept away from the kitchen to avoid smoke pollution. Calla lilies need plenty of sunshine during their growing season, so they should bask in the sun as much as possible in winter.

Secondly, in the hydroponic culture of calla lilies, we should pay attention to the air circulation. If the ventilation is poor and the temperature is higher than the natural temperature, it will lead to the harm of powder, aphids, leaf rollers and other pests. If it is found that dimethoate 1500-2000 times the solution to kill.

Water culture of calla lily is essentially anoxic cultivation, so it is necessary to achieve zero pollution. If the nutrient solution is contaminated by microorganisms, it will consume the amount of dissolved oxygen in the water. Therefore, it is the key to maintain the clean state and inorganic properties of the nutrient solution and the necessary level of dissolved oxygen in the nutrient solution.

Growth habits of Marty lotus

Like warm, moist and sunny environment. Not resistant to cold and drought. The suitable temperature for growth is 1525 ℃, and the night temperature is not lower than 13 ℃. If the temperature is higher than 25 ℃ or lower than 5 ℃, it will be forced to dormancy. Calla lilies like water, the soil should be kept moist during the growing period, and watering should be controlled after the tubers enter the dormant state in summer. The clay loam with fertile soil and good water retention is required, and the pH value is between 6.0 and 6.5.

Propagation methods of calla lilies

1. Ramet: when the old leaves withered gradually after flowering from May to June, and when new leaves grew or changed pots in the middle of September, the small tubers around the mother plant were peeled off and put on the pot by stages. It usually blossoms 3 months after planting.

2. Sowing: indoor pot sowing is the main method, and the optimum temperature for germination is 18-24 ℃. After 15-20 days of sowing, the seedlings need to be cultivated for 3-4 years before they can blossom.

As mentioned above, there are many planting methods for Marty, so you can choose the planting methods. However, the editor also prefers hydroponic martylians, because soil culture is easy to dirty the home, but hydroponics as a whole looks much cleaner, and friends who like it can also raise two small fish in the water.

Hydroponic culture method and injection of calla lily how to raise calla lily well

Calla lilies like fertile soil and water environment, how to make calla lilies grow well? Some people say that proper breeding methods will double the growth of plants, grow well, and the momentum can not be stopped. Calla lilies can be cultivated not only in soil but also in water. Today we will introduce the article information on how to cultivate calla lilies in water culture for your reference and study:

How to cultivate calla lilies in hydroponic culture

In the indoor hydroponic culture of calla lilies, white stalks, safflower calla lilies and honeysuckle calla lilies are usually selected. If you aim at large plants, you can choose tall green stalks or yellow calla lilies. The management of hydroponic calla is relatively simple, mainly peeling off yellow leaves and some outer leaves. The purpose of stripping the outer leaves is to prevent leaf crowding from affecting daylighting and ventilation, and pedicels protruding.

The nutrient solution of calla lotus hydroponics can be formulated as follows: calcium nitrate 800g, potassium dihydrogen phosphate 210g, magnesium sulfate 250g, potassium nitrate 500g, ammonium nitrate 30g, ferric ethylenediamine tetraacetate 10g, manganese sulfate 2g, zinc sulfate 1g, boric acid 1.3g, copper sulfate 0.15g, ammonium molybdate 0.1g.

In the early growth stage, the concentration of nutrient solution can be controlled at 1.2ms / cm, and the concentration of nutrient solution can be appropriately increased to 1.5ms/cm in the middle and later stage of growth. The supply of nutrient solution mainly depends on the weather conditions and plant size, usually 2-3 times a day to ensure that the culture substrate layer is moist.

Matters needing attention in hydroponics of calla lilies

Calla lilies blossom when they grow and require fresh air. Calla lilies are very sensitive to oil fumes and toxic gases, so hydroponic calla lilies should be kept away from the kitchen to avoid smoke pollution. Calla lilies need plenty of sunshine during their growing season, so they should bask in the sun as much as possible in winter.

Secondly, in the hydroponic culture of calla lilies, we should pay attention to the air circulation. If the ventilation is poor and the temperature is higher than the natural temperature, it will lead to the harm of powder, aphids, leaf rollers and other pests. If it is found that dimethoate 1500-2000 times the solution to kill.

Water culture of calla lily is essentially anoxic cultivation, so it is necessary to achieve zero pollution. If the nutrient solution is contaminated by microorganisms, it will consume the amount of dissolved oxygen in the water. Therefore, it is the key to maintain the clean state and inorganic properties of the nutrient solution and the necessary level of dissolved oxygen in the nutrient solution.

In fact, it is not difficult to cultivate calla lilies in water. It is best to bask in more sunshine in winter, maintain good ventilation and adequate nutrition, so that calla lilies will grow better! How to cultivate calla lilies in hydroponics has been introduced. You can try to cultivate calla lilies, not to mention the cultivation of interest, but also to cultivate sentiment. What do you think?