
How to raise triangulated plum? Three small ways to open the pot of potted triangular plum blossoms

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Triangular plum is also called leaf flower, its stem is stout, branches drooping, is one of the good ornamental flowers, some friends raise triangular plum always does not blossom, in fact, we can do some small measures

Triangular plum is also called leaf flower. Its stout stem and drooping branches are one of the good ornamental flowers. The triangular plum cultivated by some friends always does not blossom. In fact, we can do some small measures to promote its flowering. This article will introduce three small ways to promote the flowering of triangular plum.

Usually in late spring and early summer, triangular plum begins to sprout buds. If at this time, triangulated plum has not yet blossomed, then we can artificially promote the flower.

1. The first measure is to control water. This is particularly critical, as long as the temperature is not too high and too low in April and May, and the triangular plum grows normally, then water control can be carried out to promote flowering. Stop watering for about 15-20 days, the pot soil is slightly dry, and even the leaves are slightly wilted.

Don't worry, a small number of leaves are wilting or even falling off. And then sprinkle the water again. Gradually, the bud will grow out.

2. Bask in the sun. Triangular plum is a kind of plant that likes sunshine very much. If you want triangular plum to blossom constantly, you should have enough light every day for at least four hours. You should control the water while basking in the sun, and put the flowerpot in the most sunny place at home. With the cooperation of the two, the triangular plum can blossom smoothly.

3. Fertilizing, triangular plum is in flowering season, but there is no sign of flowering yet, so we can apply a little phosphorus and potassium fertilizer to promote flower bud germination.

Analogy to the common eggshell in the family, supplement phosphate fertilizer, plant ash to supplement potassium fertilizer, or directly irrigate some potassium dihydrogen phosphate. Fertilize once every ten days, with a small amount each time.

It can sprout a lot of flower buds in less than a month while controlling the water and applying fertilizer to see the light.

The current weather temperature is suitable for plant growth. If the flowering time of triangular plum is up, do a good job of water control, light and fertilization, it will be full of buds in May and June. A tree of flowers blossomed smoothly. The beautiful triangular plum is in full bloom.

The small method of potted triangular plum culture is over, flower friends do a good job of the above measures, can make it colorful, become a very beautiful flower.

Triangular plum picture the cultivation method of triangular plum, triangular plum bonsai picture appreciation

In early summer, ordinary and simple triangular plum can be seen everywhere in many cities. it has a spiritual symbol of enthusiasm, tenacity and tenacity. With the passage of time, this kind of triangular plum, which originated from South America with high ornamental value, has been gradually introduced and cultivated by people all over the country, and has become one of the widely used ornamental flowers and trees. The following editor will combine the bonsai pictures of triangular plum to talk about the culture method of triangular plum. [recommended reading] touching vanilla green Spring Festival flowers hydroponic culture rich bamboo African jasmine rose succulent plant tropical plant triangular plum culture method, triangular plum bonsai picture--

[plant archives]--

English name: triangulated plum

Scientific name: Bougainvillea spectabilis wind

Aliases: kudzu, clover, towel, rhododendron, triangular flower, leaf flower, leaf plum, paper flower, South American purple jasmine

Family: Mirabilaceae

Genus: leafy flower genus

Distribution of origin: originally from South America

Morphological features: spiny, arch-sagging. Leaves alternate, ovate-entire or ovate-lanceolate, thickly tomentose, apex obtuse. Flowers terminal, flowers are very thin, small, yellowish green, its appearance is not amazing, unnoticed, often three clusters in three larger bracts, pedicels and leaf midvein connate, bracts oval, as the main ornamental part. Bracts are time-shaped, with bright red, orange, fuchsia, milky white and so on.

How to raise triangulated plum? --

◆ growth habits: like warm and humid climate, not cold-resistant, more than 3 ℃ can safely survive the winter, more than 15 ℃ before flowering. Like plenty of light. Lax requirements on the soil, in good drainage, mineral-rich clay loam in good growth, barren, alkali-resistant, drought-resistant, avoid stagnant water, resistant to pruning.

◆ placement site: Triangle plum is not strict on soil requirements, but afraid of stagnant water, not resistant to waterlogging, therefore, we must choose loose, well-drained soil. Generally, 4 parts of humus soil, 4 parts of garden soil and 2 parts of sand can be selected, and sun-dried pond mud mixed with some coal cake dregs can also be used as basin soil.

◆ watering: the usual watering of leaf flowers should grasp the principle of "do not dry, do not water, water should be thoroughly". However, in order to make leaf flowers bloom neatly and more, water control must be carried out before flowering.

◆ fertilization: triangulated plum should not be fertilized too much or too little. Usually during the peak growth period from April to July, liquid fertilizer is applied every 7 to 10 days to promote plant growth. Fertilizer can use 10% to 20% cooked bean cake, rapeseed cake water or human feces water.

◆ temperature setting: the suitable temperature for growth is 15-30 ℃, including 19-30 ℃ from May to September and 13-16 ℃ from October to April of the following year. It can withstand the high temperature of 35 ℃ in summer, and when the temperature is above 35 ℃, proper shading or measures such as water spraying and ventilation should be taken. The ambient temperature should be maintained at no less than 5 ℃ in winter, otherwise the long-term temperature below 5 ℃ will be easy to freeze and fall leaves.

◆ pruning: the number of pruning is generally 1 to 3 times, not too much, otherwise it will affect the number of flowering. After each flowering, the residual flowers should be removed in time to reduce nutrient consumption.

◆ disease control: the common pests of leaf flower are leaf beetle and aphid, and the common diseases are shoot blight. At ordinary times, it is necessary to strengthen loosening soil and weeding, remove dead branches and diseased leaves in time, and pay attention to ventilation so as to reduce the spread of the disease.

The culture method of triangular plum

Cuttings: cut the 2-year-old branches into 10 cm long cuttings and insert them into the culture soil (add 1/3 humus or sawdust with plain sandy soil and stir well with proper amount of water). Seal with plastic film after insertion. The temperature is 20 ℃ to 25 ℃, it can take root in 25 days, and it can be divided into pots in 2 to 3 months.

High cutting: if you want to get ideal new seedlings, you should use high-altitude cuttings to propagate. This method does not affect the growth of the original plant, and complete new seedlings can be obtained, so it is often used by family flower growers. And the method is simple, the survival rate is high, the later stage transplantation is convenient and easy to manage.

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How to cultivate the Beautiful Triangle Plum

Ordinary and simple triangular plums can be seen everywhere in this city. People also call it Ye Zihua, Le rhododendron and so on. The flowers are bright, the leaves are luxuriant, and the flowering period is accompanied by falling leaves. In fact, triangular plum is not a real plum blossom, we must be clear about this. It can also be called three-leaf plum or leaf flower, etc., is an evergreen climbing shrub, is very like the warm and humid climate and it is not cold-resistant, like enough light, it also belongs to the leaf flower genus. So, how to raise such a beautiful triangular plum?

First, how to raise triangular plum

Triangular plum, also known as three-leaf plum, leaf plum, kudzu, towel and other alias, is a kind of evergreen plant, its leaves show paper, at the same time, flowers are colorful, it looks very festive, and the florescence is generally cultivated in the south at the beginning of spring, while the flowering period of greenhouse cultivation in the north is generally from March to July.

Growth habits: like warm and humid climate, not cold-resistant, more than 3 ℃ can safely survive the winter, more than 15 ℃ before flowering. Like plenty of light. Lax requirements on the soil, in good drainage, mineral-rich clay loam in good growth, barren resistance, alkali resistance, drought resistance, avoid stagnant water, resistant to pruning.

Temperature: the temperature suitable for the growth of triangular plum is about 15: 30 degrees Celsius, which is relatively resistant to high temperature, but not cold, so keep the temperature above 5 degrees Celsius in winter to avoid frostbite.

Lighting: triangular plum is more favorite is the sun, so to maintain sufficient sunshine, at the same time in the summer, can do appropriate shading treatment.

Soil: Triangle plum does not have a high demand for soil, and it prefers acidic soil. When potted, one portion of rotten leaf soil, peat soil, sandy soil and garden soil can be used, and a small amount of rotten cake residue can be added as base fertilizer to prepare culture soil.

Moisture: triangular plum prefer water, spring and autumn can be watered once a day, and summer can be watered once in the morning and evening, and in winter, watering can be properly controlled, as long as you keep the spray moist.

Pruning: the number of pruning is generally 1 to 3 times, not too much, otherwise it will affect the number of blossoms. After each flowering, the residual flowers should be removed in time to reduce nutrient consumption.

Second, the culture method of triangular plum.

1. The choice of soil is very important. Triangular plum is not strict with the soil, but it is afraid of stagnant water and is not resistant to waterlogging, so it is necessary to choose loose and well-drained cultivated soil. Generally, 4 parts of humus soil, 4 parts of garden soil and 2 parts of sand can be selected, and sun-dried pond mud mixed with some coal cake dregs can also be used as basin soil.

2. Fertilizing can not come over, nor can it be too little. In order to make the triangular plum blossom more, we must ensure sufficient nutrients, and fertilize timely, appropriately and rationally. In general, during the peak growth period from April to July, liquid fertilizer is applied every 7 to 10 days to promote plant growth. Fertilizer can use 10% to 20% cooked bean cake, rapeseed cake water or human feces water. More 3. Pay attention to controlling the amount of water before flowering. The usual watering of triangular plum should grasp the principle of "no dry, no watering, but thorough watering". However, in order to make the triangular plum blossom neatly and more, the water must be controlled before flowering.

4. Loosen the soil and change the basin, which should not be lazy. Due to long-term watering, fertilization and Rain Water erosion, the basin soil is easy to harden, so it is necessary to loosen the soil regularly and remove weeds in the basin soil to facilitate the growth of Prunus mume. Otherwise, basin soil hardening and stagnant water will easily lead to root rot or poor growth of Prunus mume. In addition, the growth rate of triangular plum is faster, the root system is developed, and there are many whisker roots, which need to be changed once a year.

5. Pruning is fastidious and should not be too casual. Triangular plum grows rapidly, and attention should be paid to shaping and pruning during the growing period, so as to promote the growth of lateral branches and produce more flowering branches. The number of pruning is generally 1 to 3 times, should not be too much, otherwise it will affect the number of flowering.

The above is the relevant introduction of this article, I believe you have a simple understanding of this after reading it, if necessary, you can continue to pay attention to the No. 1 home network to learn more information.