
How does a novice breed mint? The secret of raising peppermint to burst the basin

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Raising a pot of mint can be used to make tea, and it is very cool, pleasing to the eye and fresh. It is a common potted plant in our life, which is widely used in all aspects of our life.

Raising a pot of mint can be used to make tea, and it is very cool, pleasing to the eye and fresh. It is a common potted plant in our life, which is widely used in all aspects of our lives. Mint-flavored gum, mint-flavored toothpaste, etc. So how do beginners plant mint? The secret of raising peppermint is shown below.

1, mint can be planted in flower pots, can also be planted in flower ponds, as long as the soil is fertile loose, sunny, often watered, mint grows very fast.

2. If you want to plant mint, you don't need to buy it. As long as your neighbors, relatives and friends have mint, you need some branches to come back. It's better if you bring some roots. Prepare a flowerpot, fill it with soil, and cut it in.

3, then pour water, do not bask in the sun, a little shade, the weather is just right now, about twenty degrees, less than half a month can take root in the flower pot, gradually grow small leaves.

4. In a few months, mint will grow and flourish, and grow more and more. You can pinch as many as you want.

5. Occasionally pour some fertilizer water on it, such as rice washing water, organic fertilizer solution after bean dregs fermentation, or get some rotting leaf soil and peat soil, add them to the basin, and grow to the explosion basin very quickly.

6, mint grows to a year, you need to change the pot soil, because like fertilizer, the nutrients in the pot are absorbed. Change to more fertile soil, it will grow in the basin can not hold.

7, usually more pruning, give it more shave, the longer the pruning, the more lush. New leaves rustle out, but also open small flowers to come.

8, mint roots have a strong growth ability, development is very rapid, do not plant in the yard, or large flower beds, it will grow throughout the yard, simply can not be pulled out.

38 kinds of common flower maintenance secret script, not good to see this!

1. The Rich Tree

Conservation focus:

Fortune tree light requirements are not strict, but too much watering easy to rot roots, many flower friends of the fortune tree are so dead. In winter, once a month is enough.

2. Green radish

Conservation focus:

The most common green plants in the family, maintenance is quite simple, like wet environment, not resistant to drought, if found yellow leaves, timely cleaning can be.

3. Tiger orchid

Conservation focus:

Tiger orchid is very drought tolerant and does not need to be watered frequently. If you do not water for a long time, the leaves will have a tendency to dry, then you can spray water on the leaves first, and then water the pot, let it slowly recover.

4. Boston fern

Conservation focus:

Boston fern belongs to fern plants, which are resistant to shade and sun exposure. They have great requirements for air humidity, so flower friends should often spray water on their leaves and keep the soil in flower pots moist.

5. Money tree

Conservation focus:

Money tree has fleshy roots, not tolerant of water, light requirements are not strict, scattered light growth better.

6. The Tree of Peace

Conservation focus:

The tree needs to pay attention to two points: ventilation and moisture. The air is not circulated, and the leaves of the tree are easy to droop. In addition, it is necessary to increase the air humidity, and the dry air is easy to cause the leaves to wither.

7, the tree.

Conservation focus:

Banyan tree on humidity requirements are particularly large, not resistant to drying, temperature resistance is also weak, not cold-resistant, so if the northern family raises banyan trees, then in the humidity and temperature, must pay attention to, more water spray, winter attention to insulation.

8, Brazil wood

Conservation focus:

Brazil wood shade resistance is strong, if the indoor light is weak, flowers suggest that you can choose a pot of Brazil wood, maintenance is also relatively simple, but also effectively purify the air.

9. Ivy

Conservation focus:

Ivy can be cultured in water or soil. Everyone can choose according to their own needs. Ivy has strong negative resistance, but it is best to have sufficient light and grow more luxuriant.

10. Rich Bamboo

Conservation focus:

Rich bamboo is generally used in the way of hydroponic cultivation, winter attention not to put the radiator air conditioning mouth, just started hydroponic yellow leaf phenomenon, timely cut off can be. Usually put a rusty nail, can effectively prevent the leaves from yellowing, in addition to timely addition of nutrient solution, promote the healthy growth of plants.

11. spider plant

Conservation focus:

The spider plant is also a common green plant in the family. The price is close to the people. It is simple to maintain. As long as the soil is kept moist or slightly dry, the spider plant will not die. When it grows up, it will produce small spider plants from the branches. It will be cut off directly with scissors and inserted into the soil to live.

12. Tricolor Iron

Conservation focus:

Tricolor iron has more requirements for light. When the light is too weak, the leaves are easy to fade. In addition, too much watering should not be allowed, which is easy to cause the leaves to fall off. It can be kept wet.

13. Wenzhu

Conservation focus:

Bamboo leaves because of its small fragile, slightly uncomfortable environment is easy to yellow leaves, this needs everyone to pay more attention to maintenance, often spray water, do not expose to the sun, once found yellow leaves, timely find out the cause, the right medicine, has been yellow bamboo cut off on the line.

14. Evergreen

Conservation focus:

Evergreen shade resistance super, even if there is no light also does not matter. The moisture requirements are not strict, but not cold-resistant, winter temperature is not less than 10 degrees is appropriate.

15. Dripping Guanyin

Conservation focus:

Dishui guanyin can be cultivated in soil or hydroponic culture. Soil cultivation of Guanyin dripping water in winter to pay attention to water control, one or two months do not water also does not matter, on the contrary, watering too much is easy to cause rotten roots. Can often spray water to the leaves, both to increase air humidity and make leaves clean.

16. Turtle Bamboo

Conservation focus:

Turtle bamboo grows very fast, leaves strange, can create a strong European style. For humidity requirements are also relatively large, scattered light conditions can be cured.

17. Douban Green

Conservation focus:

Douban green, also known as computer baby, can reduce the computer radiation to the human body. Therefore, a pot of watercress green is a very good choice for your office desk. Maintenance is also relatively simple, watering once every three or four days.

18, duck foot wood

Conservation focus:

The duck foot wood also known as goosefoot firewood, plant type is very plump, for light requirements are not strict, can quickly create large green. Ardisia like wet, afraid of dry, can only endure short-term drought, long-term lack of water easily lead to leaf shedding.

19. Pocket coconut

Conservation focus:

Pocket coconut is a small potted plant, like wet environment, proper maintenance can also open a light green yellow. For light requirements are not strict, scattered light or semi-shade conditions can grow healthily.

20. Distilled sunflower

Conservation focus:

Areca is a large green potted plant, not cold, the north can not winter outdoors. Too much watering is easy to rot roots, dry winter temperatures and more water spray, otherwise the leaf tip is easy to dry. Slow release fertilizer can be applied once every half month to promote leaf growth.

21, rubber tree

Conservation focus:

Rubber trees are naturally strong, light requirements are not strict, but not cold, if the temperature is lower than 5 degrees for a long time, it is easy to be frozen to death.

22. Adiantum

Conservation focus:

When it comes to ferns, the most important thing is to maintain temperature and humidity. If the leaves are found to have hair, it is either a lack of water or the air is too dry.

23. Alterations

Conservation focus:

Variegated leaf wood is generally placed indoors for maintenance, requiring more light, but the cold resistance is weak, and it cannot winter in the north, so wait until winter to put them in a bright living room or balcony, control the watering frequency, and also safely winter.

24, cold water

Conservation focus:

Coldwater flowers like sand, roots are not resistant to water and humidity, winter overwintering temperature can not resist 5 degrees, otherwise it is easy to frostbite. Shade tolerance is better, but it still prefers a sunny environment. Can put the living room balcony bedroom and so on.

25. Pilea rugosa

Conservation focus:

Pilea rugosa and Pilea crispata belong to the same family, so their living habits are very similar. When they are dry, they should not accumulate water in the basin. They should not be strict with light, but it is appropriate to have sufficient light. Nitrogen fertilizer should be applied once every one to two weeks.

26. Colored Clover

Conservation focus:

Colored clover grows strong, leaves beautiful, can be planted in the courtyard balcony, add a lot of color to the environment. But when the light is too weak, the leaf color is dim. Light, drought resistance, simple maintenance, even if you are a novice, you can also raise lush colored clover ~

27. Reticulated grass

Conservation focus:

Reticulated grass is shade-tolerant, but when the light is too shady, it is easy to cause excessive growth. For water requirements are not strict, not very resistant to drought, water shortage when the leaves withered Yan, timely supplement water, will soon recover.

28. Dragon Blood Tree

Conservation focus:

Dragon blood tree is strong by nature, likes warm and humid environment, can tolerate short period of drought, can not tolerate low temperature, temperature below 10 degrees will move indoors. In winter, water control is needed to avoid excessive growth of branches.

29, fruit taro

Conservation focus:

Colocasia esculenta leaves beautiful color, water-loving drought tolerance, during the growth period to ensure adequate water, light-loving, shade-resistant.

30. Apple arrowroot

Conservation focus:

Apple arrowroot likes light and shade, likes humidity, leaves are easy to droop when the air is dry, and roots are easy to rot when watered too much. It is best to spray water every day in winter.

31. Happy Tree

Conservation focus:

Happiness tree shade tolerance, to scatter light is appropriate, winter can often spray water to the leaves, but the leaves remain green.

32. Yushu

Conservation focus:

Yushu is very drought-tolerant, it doesn't matter if you don't water it for a month or two. Its generous leaves can store water, which is very suitable for busy flower friends at work.

33, mint

Conservation focus:

Raising a pot of mint can both be viewed and brewed. Maintenance is best placed in a place with sufficient light, keep the basin soil moist, and apply organic fertilizer every ten days or so if conditions permit.

34. Gold Diamond

Conservation focus:

Gold diamond leaves dark green, strong growth, shade tolerance, water requirements are not strict, growth period can keep the soil moist.

35. Peacock arrowroot

Conservation focus:

Peacock arrowroot likes humidity. When the air is dry, the leaves are easy to curl. At this time, more water can be sprayed. Negative resistance in general, it is best placed in a place with sufficient light.

36. Pearl spider plant

Conservation focus:

Pearl spider orchid requires more light, weak growth when insufficient light, lax requirements for moisture, excessive moisture is easy to cause ball rot, and strong ventilation is needed to reduce bacterial infection.

37. Chiba spider plant

Conservation focus:

Chiba spider orchid maintenance is simple, light requirements are not strict, drought resistance is not cold, drooping branches are elegant and soft, and the decorative environment is quite beautiful.

38. Jade hairpin

Conservation focus:

Hosta is very resistant to shade and can be planted in small courtyards. Its leaves are rich in color. It is a rare ground cover plant.

How to make your balcony beautiful? If you don't plant trees, just grow flowers. In March, if you don't want to plant trees, be careful with flowers on your own "one-third mu of land". Can not only make a modest contribution to purify the air, but also make their own balcony beautiful! First of all, let's take a look at which plants can be called the pioneers of "fighting haze"-aloe, cactus, green apple, magnolia, carnation, hanging orchid, mint, fortune tree, rubber tree, dripping Guanyin, white palm, silver queen, iron line fern, duck foot wood, tortoise back bamboo, ivy, palm bamboo, asparagus, rich bamboo (only list here, appearance, efficacy, attention, please consult du Niang) editor know For many friends, the point is not what to plant, but how to plant it! How not to become a "plant killer"! (don't ask the editor why) the article is a little long, flower lovers please read it patiently! The planting of plants is always inseparable from three points: water, medium and light. Light is more likely to affect the state of plant growth, belonging to the advanced class. But water and medium can directly affect the life and death of plants. There are many novice growers, when they first start to plant something, they always use some soil at will and water the plants with enthusiasm and care every day. And then... There's no such thing as... Reasonable watering of family flowers, especially indoor flowers in the living room, because there is no direct sunlight, flower transpiration is weak and cannot be watered too frequently, otherwise, the soil is often in a waterlogged state, and the root system will asphyxiate to death. Watering too much and too often is an important reason for many families not to grow flowers successfully. Watering should grasp the principle of "no dry, no watering", and the amount of water required is less. Generally speaking, the flowers in the balcony are watered more, but the flowers in the room are less watered; when the temperature is hot, the temperature is cool, herbs are watered more, woody plants are watered less, and they are watered alternately in accordance with dry and wet conditions, that is, they are watered only when the soil is relatively dry, and each time they are watered until the bottom of the basin is oozed. In the rainy season and winter, especially pay attention to less watering, "better dry than wet", small courtyard humidity, and not too ventilated, if you do not control moisture, it is easy to cause rotten roots and yellow leaves, or mildew, resulting in death. In order to avoid this situation, the loose soil with good permeability and ventilation should be selected as cultivation soil. The size of the flowerpot is commensurate with the size of the plant, and the excessive size of the flowerpot is easy to cause mud dampness and no root hair. At ordinary times, attention should be paid to loosening the soil and weeding to prevent the breeding of diseases and insect pests. If the branches and leaves of flowers are too dense, thinning branches and picking leaves should be carried out to ensure adequate light and ventilation. Once diseases and insect pests are found, they should be killed in time and diseased branches and diseased plants should be removed to prevent the spread of diseases and insect pests. How to water the flowers when there is no one at home? People who love to grow flowers, if they are not at home for ten and a half days because of visiting relatives or going out on errands, no one will water the flowers. At this time, you can fill a plastic bag with water, use a needle to pierce a small hole in the bottom of the bag, put it in a flowerpot, the hole is stuck to the soil, and the water will slowly leak out to moisten the soil. The size of the hole should be properly controlled to avoid water leakage too quickly. Or put a vessel filled with cold water next to the flowerpot, find a wide cloth strip with good water absorption, put one end into the vessel water, and the other end into the flowerpot soil, so that the soil can remain moist for at least half a month, and the flowers will not die. Timely fertilization family flowers generally do not need too much fertilizer, especially at present the more popular foliage flowers are Brazilian iron pillars, rich trees, etc., in order to maintain the original plant shape and prevent overgrowth and aging, they are generally fertilized 12 times each in the spring and autumn rainy season. other flowers that are more vigorous can be fertilized once a month, and the fertilizer can be applied 500-800 times as much as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer, or self-made organic fertilizer. Such as Amoy rice water, milk bottle water, add orange peel, eggshell sealed soaked for half a month, it will become odorless high-quality organic compound fertilizer. The main pests are aphids, red spiders, shell insects, and ants and grubs in the soil. Because of the high toxicity of general chemical pesticides, they are easy to pollute the environment and cause harm to the human body. It is best to catch them manually or spray and kill pollution-free anthers by themselves. For example, add a small amount of washing powder to garlic juice and dilute it 50 times. Or add 25 times water to cut tobacco, soak for 48 hours, take its filtrate to add appropriate amount of washing powder, or use wind oil essence to add 500 times water, etc., have obvious toxic effect on general pests. How to plant succulent plants? For cute girls' favorite succulent plants, although they are very easy to grow, they can often be seen saying to you "Why is my succulent plant dead" with their big innocent eyes open? no, no, no. In order not to become the unlucky egg of that small probability event, cute girls come over and listen to how to grow succulent plants. The main results are as follows: 1. The soil is loose and permeable and has good drainage, but it has a certain water retention capacity and is neutral or slightly acidic. There are many media suitable for succulent planting, but it is very important to be sterile. The direct cause of succulent death is often decay, and only one direct cause of plant decay is fungus infection. Succulent plants in the process of transplanting, if the medium itself carries a variety of bacteria, coupled with improper care in the later stage (such as frequent watering), it is easy to cause fungus infection. Therefore, aseptic or sterilized should be chosen in the initial soil selection. There are two common ways of sterilization, one is the use of fungicides such as carbendazim. The other can be sterilized by high temperature. For example, someone has stir-fried in a pan and heard that someone has baked the soil in a microwave oven. Good media, good start. 2. the principle of watering is to see dry and wet, that is, if the soil is dry, it will be watered thoroughly. If it is difficult to judge whether the soil is dry or not, you can insert a toothpick in the soil. If you want to water it, you can see the degree of dryness and wetness of the toothpick. Dry and wet is a common term in flower planting, which means watering once, and then watering the second time when the soil is almost dry. its function is to prevent diseases and insect pests caused by excessive watering of rotten roots and moisture. Of course, there is no need to be so harsh, as long as it is not watered too frequently, it generally does not cause succulent death. 3. Succulent people like the sun very much, and they grow better with a certain amount of light. In fact, it is not difficult to grow succulent plants, in fact, as long as rough cultivation! Many novices raise succulent plants because they are watered too often. However, there are still people who scream that I grow flowers according to the secret books circulated on the Internet, so why are the flowers I take good care of not as good as the dog tail flowers by the side of the road? So someone (PhD in botany, Shi Jun, a member of the Scientific Squirrel Society) came to popularize science: see dry and wet, loosen the soil with tea dregs, eggshells and expired milk as chemical fertilizer? Do you really understand the mind of flowers and plants? See the dry and wet watering method? How to water is a technical job. Too hard work and too laziness can bring trouble to plants. Many people water the pot of flowers on their desk every day, and as a result, the poor cactus slowly shrinks and dries up; some students soak the flowerpots of begonias in shallow pots to save trouble, resulting in leaves falling off and angry flowers. As a result, these kind-hearted students still look afraid. It is not said that plants like water. Why are they ungrateful? To put it simply, these practices are to drown the plants to death. Yes, flowers and plants like water, but they also like air. Don't forget that the roots in the soil also need to breathe. In the case of too much water, it is bound to affect the air distribution in the soil. The root system that can not breathe normally will accumulate harmful substances such as lactic acid and ethanol in the root system. In the long run, if it is light, it will be metabolic disorder, and if it is serious, it will rot. The roots of papaya will be irreversibly damaged after being immersed in water for 24 hours. In addition, some plants (such as various orchids, azaleas, etc.) also have important fungal allies in their roots, which are the logistics officers who provide minerals and water for plants. Of course, these fungi can't swim, and once they drown, the flowers and plants can only die. Therefore, for most plants, watering every day is not a good habit, especially cactus, tequila, serous plants, dry and wet is effective for them. The watering method of "see dry and wet" is more suitable for cactus, tequila and pulpy plants. Many people suddenly realized that they must wait until the soil of the flowerpot is dry. Before long, someone asked, why can't our peppermint live? That's because plants like mint need plenty of water. Wait for the soil to dry before watering it. Just wait for a pot of mint to be harvested. All kinds of ferns and impatiens like an environment with plenty of water. Of course, keeping the soil moist does not allow people to mix with mud in flowerpots. If water and soil become muddy, I am afraid only aquatic plants such as lotus root will like it. Generally speaking, even if you like wet plants, the flowerpot soil should remain loose and breathable, water can be discharged and air can enter, so the soil with high humus content is favored by plants to a large extent for this reason. In any case, when and how to water depends on the type and situation of flowers and plants. One thing is for sure, don't pour the tea into the flowerpot. Tea dregs into the flowerpot? Pouring cold tea into the flowerpot is obviously a kind of lazy action, but the idea of "watering the flowers with tea" has begun to spread on the Internet. I am afraid this is a conspiracy of lazy people, and the flowers do not need tea to refresh themselves. On the contrary, tea will bring them a lot of trouble. Tea will change the pH of the soil. Generally speaking, the pH value of tea is about 5-7. Pouring tea in the flowerpot for a long time is bound to make the soil acidic. But not all plants like the acidic environment, such as camellia, rhododendron, Milan, such as acidic soil plants are acceptable, while those who like alkaline soil Rosa, hibiscus, honeysuckle can not stand it at all. For hibiscus, which likes alkaline soil, pouring tea is a bit unbearable. Of course, tea believers will not give in, they will emphasize that tea is rich in a variety of nutrients, such as 18% of crude protein, 22% of crude fiber, and 1% of tea polyphenols. It seems that entering the flowerpot is a good means of waste utilization, and even makes people feel happy to turn waste into treasure. But things are not as simple as you think. Plants are not animals. Roots simply cannot absorb organic compounds such as sugars and proteins. Inorganic minerals such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are their food. Tea dregs not only do not provide nutrition for flowers and plants, these organic substances can also cause trouble, and many fungi and insects stare at them, so the flowerpot has become a small fungus culture ground, but these active creatures can deal with cellulose and protein in the same way. plant root damage is also inevitable. Even the tea residue fertilizer that can be applied has to be fermented and the remaining minerals can only work after the fungus consumes the cellulose. It's just that composting at home doesn't look like an executable thing. In addition, the tea is usually poured at hand, and the dumping person naturally does not care about the dry and wet condition in the flowerpot, so it is common for the flowers to drown. The only concern is that tea polyphenols can inhibit the activity of ammonium oxidizing bacteria and nitrite oxidizing bacteria, reduce the decomposition and volatilization of urea, and reduce the conversion ratio of ammonium ion to nitrate. On the one hand, it can improve the effective fertility of soil, on the other hand, it can reduce the content of nitrate in plants (especially leafy vegetables). However, on the one hand, we will not gnaw on the flowers and plants in the flowerpot, and on the other hand, the nutrition in the flowerpot will always be rich (if not, the flower fertilizer will not be added, and the palm-sized flowerpot will not use much fertilizer). Therefore, tea polyphenols do not seem to make much sense, just a written benefit. Egg milk nutrition non-stop? When it comes to fertilizers, many students are used to putting egg shells thrown away in the kitchen in flowerpots, which are said to add nutrition to flowers and plants, which I often did in my childhood. Now, with the upgraded version, some students pour the expired milk directly into the flowerpot, and it is said that delicious milk strawberries come from the same way. It's not that simple. As mentioned above, plants eat a variety of minerals, and no matter how rich the protein is, they cannot enter their roots. However, whether the remaining protein or milk contains protein, protein is rich in nitrogen, as long as it is degraded by fermentation, it can become what plants need. However, the nitrogen content in milk is only about 0.5%, which is much lower than the general liquid nitrogen fertilizer (12.4% ammonia water). Not to mention less than 46% of nitrogen in urea, and for plants, there is no difference between nitrogen in milk and nitrogen in urine. And it's best not to do this in a flowerpot, because milk can also change the soil. The sudden addition of milk will increase the concentration of soil solution and affect the normal absorption of roots. In addition, the state of the soil will be affected by milk, and hardening will affect the absorption of roots. At the same time, a large amount of fat in milk will also attach to the surface of plant roots, affecting the normal respiration of plants. So, cream strawberries, it's just a gimmick. If you want to replenish nutrients to plants, you might as well have some special flower fertilizer. If you like organic fertilizer in particular, it would be a good choice to collect the rotten vegetable leaves and animal offal from the trash can for fermentation and then apply them to the flowerpot, but only if you have enough space to put the fermentor. Without being complained about the special stench by the neighbors. The warmer the better? Keeping warm is something that many people like to do. As everyone knows, many plants themselves do not like the hot and humid environment, especially most alpine flowers such as rhododendron and gentian. Although the flowers and trees of azaleas are very suitable for landscaping, they are rarely seen in plain areas because of the high temperature in these places. When the temperature is higher than 30 ℃, hydrogen peroxide accumulates in most rhododendron leaves, which can damage cell membranes and cause plant death. If you pay attention to the botanical garden, you will find that many botanical gardens have a special kind of greenhouse, low-temperature greenhouse, that is for these flowers. Not only alpine flowers like low temperature, but also many ordinary flowers have a demand for low temperature. For example, tulip bulbs need to undergo a low temperature (5 ℃, 2-3 weeks) to blossom properly. Under the condition of 3-11 ℃, the flower bud of Chinese cabbage began to differentiate after 44 days and bolted after 80 days. In fact, this low-temperature process called vernalization is a kind of protection for plants, and plants are likely to develop and be attacked by severe cold if they do not go through the low temperature. Low temperatures make tulips bloom more beautifully. With the improvement of our indoor environment, the low temperature environment is becoming less and less, and even Chinese cabbage is enjoying the warmth, so cauliflower, which is very common in childhood, is hard to see now. Will you die if you water the flowers at noon? Watering flowers at noon will die. On the Internet, there are two explanations for this experience: first, watering flowers at noon will make the soil temperature drop rapidly, affecting root activity and death; second, spraying water droplets on the leaves has a lens effect, which will burn the leaves and cause plant death. However, a little analysis shows that there are loopholes in both reasons. First of all, the decrease of soil temperature does affect the growth of plants. After all, plants also have the most suitable growth temperature, if the temperature is too low, physiological activity will be suspended, when the temperature is lower, it will even cause cell membrane damage, leading to chilling injury. But we are watering, not feeding ice to the plants, and it is not so easy to freeze the plants at this temperature. There seems to be some truth about the lens, but it is important to know that the blade usually has a good drainage function, and it will not take long for the blade to dry. Otherwise, the mold can capture the leaves without waiting to be scorched by the water droplet lens. Moreover, when we water the flowers, we do not necessarily spray them through the leaves, but often water the roots directly, let alone worry about the danger of the so-called lens. Heavy rain in summer often occurs, even accompanied by a large number of hail, but it has never been seen because of the low temperature after the rainstorm (hail), there is a large number of plant death. This just shows that most plants can tolerate temporary low temperatures. Think again, if we can use water to kill plants, then we can sprinkle water on weeds in the middle of the day. Wouldn't that save manpower and avoid herbicides, making it the best of both worlds? But such a good thing will not happen. Not to mention the serious dehydration of plants, if you have to wait until the sun goes down to water, it is too late. (integrated fruit shell net, meat net)