
Flower culture: what are the advantages of perennial flowers in gardens?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, What are the application advantages of perennial flowers in gardens? The application advantages of persistent root flowers in gardens include a wide variety of persistent root flowers, easy reproduction, simple and convenient management, strong adaptability, good population effect of persistent root flowers, and so on.

What are the application advantages of perennial flowers in gardens? The application advantages of persistent root flowers in gardens include a wide variety of persistent root flowers, easy reproduction, simple and convenient management, strong adaptability, good group effect of persistent root flowers, and so on.

I. there are many varieties of perennial flowers.

The main results are as follows: (1) at present, there are more than 200 varieties of perennial flowers, such as flowers, leaves, fruits and so on.

(2) varieties of perennial flowers blooming in spring and summer: peony, iris, carnation and so on.

(3) varieties of perennial flowers blooming in summer: canna, Hemerocallis, hollyhock, perennial fluke, etc.

(4) varieties of perennial flowers blooming in autumn: Hosta, Dutch chrysanthemum, serpentine chrysanthemum and so on.

(5) even if the perennial root flowers are of the same variety, they also have different colors. For example, the colors of hollyhocks are bright red, deep red, pink, light purple, deep purple and so on.

Second, reproduction is easy, management is simple and convenient

The main results are as follows: (1) perennial root flower cultivation generally adopts the methods of sowing, cutting and root-splitting propagation, and it can survive only by mastering the cultivation season and necessary scientific management methods.

(2) perennial root flowers are often used to beautify urban gardens, but they need to be replaced in 1-2 years. Most bulb flowers can not survive the winter in the open field in winter, while the root system of perennial flowers is relatively strong, extensive maintenance management, time-saving, labor-saving and life span for many years. You don't need to change it often.

(3) persistent root flowers have fewer diseases and insect pests, so they can grow normally and blossom and bear fruit only if they are fertilized and watered according to the seasonal changes.

Third, perennial root flowers have strong adaptability.

Many perennial flowers have strong adaptability to early, cold, moisture, barren, saline-alkali and calcareous soil.

Fourth, the population effect of perennial flowers is good.

As a group, clump, piece or with other flowers and plant materials, perennial flowers can get unexpected results and have high ornamental value.

The application of perennial root flowers in gardens | the development prospect of persistent root flowers and the application of perennial root flowers in gardens | the development prospect and wait-and-see of persistent root flowers has a long history as an individual cultivation in our country. However, the large-scale population application of perennial flowers in China is a thing in recent years. According to its growth characteristics and artistic requirements, perennial flower gardens have been built in many places across the country, such as peony garden, aquatic plant horticulture, iris garden, indoor garden and so on. In terms of collocation with buildings and roads, perennial flowers are applied in flower beds, flower borders, flower bowls, flower beds and so on. Through the coordination and collocation of persistent flowers and hard environment such as buildings and roads, buildings and roads can add more beauty and make the environment more attractive. Weihai City has been paying attention to the introduction and cultivation of persistent root flowers for many years, and nearly 20 species and more than 50 varieties have been introduced since 1999. there are carnation, false bibcock, Flukao, iris, Qianqu vegetable, yarrow, sedum, goldfish grass, golden rooster chrysanthemum, chrysanthemum and so on, which are widely used in urban landscaping with good results.

However, compared with foreign countries, China is still far away from the research and application of perennial flowers. In the past 20 years, developed countries have generally attached importance to the breeding of persistent root flowers, the study of population effect and the study of allocation in the overall planning and design of gardens. Therefore, the varieties and varieties are becoming more and more abundant, and the application effect is becoming more and more perfect, which can be fully reflected in some colorful perennial flowers abroad in recent years.

First, the application of perennial flowers in gardens.

"suitable land and suitable trees" is the principle of greening, and the planting of perennial flowers should also follow the principle of "suitable land and suitable flowers". Different types of green space have different requirements for perennial flowers because of their different nature and function. Therefore, it is necessary to allocate reasonably according to the ecological habits of finger root flowers in order to show the best landscape effect.

1. Flower beds

Flower beds are generally located in the center, sides and surroundings of squares and roads, requiring regular maintenance of bright colors and neat corridors. Perennial bulb flowers are excellent materials for flowering beds with bright colors and neat blossoms. There are many persistent root flower materials available in flowering flower beds, such as chrysanthemum, Dutch chrysanthemum, black chrysanthemum, falling bride, golden rooster chrysanthemum, bluebell grass, etc.; some varieties of small chrysanthemum, such as red leaves of amaranth, lobular black, white grass of Sedum, and so on, show exquisite patterns by means of simulation.

2. Flower border

The configuration of various flowers in the flower border should be a natural mottled mixture, taking into account the harmony and comparison of each other's color, posture, shape and quantity in the same season. The design of flower border should skillfully use color to create space or landscape effect. Perennial root flowers are colorful plants, coupled with the appropriate selection of perennial root flowers, the color will be richer, it will be able to give better play to the characteristics of the flower border. For example, the plant community dominated by cool color is placed at the back of the flower border, which visually increases the depth of the flower border and increases the width. In a narrow environment, the flower border is composed of cold tones, and there is a feeling of space expansion. In the quiet rest area to set up the flower border, it is appropriate to use more cold-tone flowers, if to increase the warm atmosphere of color, you can use warm-tone flowers.

The perennial flowers commonly used in the flower border are: Iris, peony, day lily, hairpin, dogweed, purse peony and so on.

3. Rock Garden

Some low, drought-resistant, heat-resistant and cold-resistant species of perennial flowers, such as Carnation, Carnation, Yarrow, Gentianaceae, crassulaceae, Viola, Rosaceae, Saxifraga and so on, can be used as materials for rock gardens.

4. Lawn

Some species of perennial flowers, such as Hemerocallis, Iris, Torch, etc., can be mixed with turfgrass, used as edges around the lawn, and decorated with perennial flowers in the lawn according to the flowering period.

5. Ground cover

Perennial flowers such as irises, golden chrysanthemums, purse peonies, hairpins, day lilies, and Sedum can be used as ground covers to cover the exposed ground, and some of them can self-sow and multiply, such as chrysanthemum, which often escape into pieces.

6. Water body greening

Aquatic Iris swallow flowers, Iris, Dictyophora, Phyllostachys pubescens, Taiwan Reed bamboo, maple sunflower, all can be planted by the water to enrich the changes of the waterscape.

7. Basic planting

Planting perennial flowers on the narrow strip formed between the building and the road can enrich the facade of the building, beautify the surrounding environment, and adjust the indoor line of sight. Planting perennial flowers on the wall base can buffer the stiff color between the wall base, the corner and the ground, and the wall base of the monochromatic side can plant perennial flowers, so that the metope has the effect of paper painting.

8. Edge of garden road

Perennial flowers such as white grass and potted grass, perennial flowers such as carnation, cushion Flukao, and purple dew grass can be used to edge the garden road, increase the landscape of the garden road, protect the roadbed and prevent soil erosion.

Second, always pay attention to

1. Perennial flowers should be cultivated according to their ecological habits, such as early chrysanthemum, which is afraid of waterlogging, should be planted in places with high terrain, hollyhocks should be planted in places with good ventilation, and Dutch chrysanthemums can be planted in places with poor soil. Chrysanthemum directly planted in sunny places, Hosta in shade, and so on.

2. The arrangement of perennial flowers should be coordinated with the overall layout and theme of the design. In the configuration of several kinds of flowers, the color combination should be considered to form a sense of rhythm. Avoid messy, unintentional to follow, affecting the landscape effect.

3. The varieties of perennial flowers in large green spaces, parks and tourist gardens in urban streets need to be enriched, and the collocation of florescence, color and plant height need to be improved. In order to create a better landscape.

4. The selection, development and utilization of perennial flowers should have local characteristics. There are about 300 species of persistent root flowers in Kunyu Mountain flora, many of which are precious or endemic plants in Shandong Province, which can be regarded as the symbol of this area, such as Shandong anemone, purple point ladle orchid, rotor lotus, cat chrysanthemum and so on. In the selection, development and utilization of Fugen flower species, we should follow the principle of based on the local and introducing foreign species appropriately. Weihai area can make use of the advantage of resources to build a coastal landscape with northern characteristics.

5. In species selection and breeding, it is necessary to increase the diversity of varieties and carry out introduction, domestication and breeding to meet the needs of urban greening and beautification. For example, day lily, carnation, Dutch chrysanthemum, hairpin, sedum, iris, peony and so on are rich in color and can form a complete flower and color system, which should be reasonably arranged according to plant habits and growth characteristics to simulate and reproduce the artificial plant community of the natural landscape. fully reflect the local characteristics of urban gardens.

Third, the development prospect and wait-and-see of perennial root flowers

Perennial root flowers are colorful, fragrant and pleasant, pleasing to the eye, and can edify sentiment and improve health. Compared with lawn, perennial root flowers have many advantages, such as wide variety, strong adaptability, easy cultivation, low maintenance cost, strong group function, large ecological benefit and so on, and have broad application prospects. at the same time, in recent years, taking Weihai City as the center, an upsurge of establishing a national garden urban agglomeration has sprung up in Jiaodong, with a sharp increase in demand for flowers and other greening materials, and the market capacity is promising. Opening up and invigorating the economy, attracting investment and investment requires not only a loose policy soft environment, but also a beautiful hard environment for work and life, which requires the surrounding large living space environment to give natural beauty. All these provide a good wedge machine for the development of perennial flowers, and it is imperative to develop perennial flower industry. With the acceleration of urbanization and the improvement of industrialization in China, the negative impact on the environment has become increasingly prominent, and people have gradually changed from the theory of "ecological garden" and "learning from nature" to practice. In the plant community imitating the original ecology, perennial flowers have been widely used in landscape construction projects and achieved good social, economic and ecological benefits because of their many advantages, such as large variety, large quantity, easy breeding, fast forming and so on.

1 characteristics of perennial flowers

1.1 the concept of perennial flowers

Perennial flowers, also known as perennial herbaceous flowers, refer to ornamental plants that can last for many years, including evergreen flowers whose underground organs are not abnormal into balls or lumps, and aboveground parts that wither after flowering, while retaining underground buds and roots that survive the winter and bloom again after the summer.

1.2 characteristics of perennial flowers

There are many kinds of perennial flowers, many of which are of high ornamental value in gardens. As a result of gardening for many years, the sexual breeding machine of these plants tends to degenerate gradually, and the stamens and pistils are partially transformed into petals, often forming beautiful double flowers. Perennial flowers have small size, many varieties, bright colors and fast growth, which make up for the shortcomings of slow growth of trees (shrubs), large lower space, single lawn landscape and high maintenance cost, and can receive better ornamental effect in a short time. Reduce the cost of building a landscape. With the acceleration of ecological garden construction and the application of original ecological plant community theory in urban garden construction, perennial flowers have been paid more and more attention. The characteristics of perennial flowers can be summarized as follows.

1.2.1 have underground parts that have survived for many years, most species have main roots of different stout degrees, lateral roots can survive for many years, buds in the neck of roots germinate every year to form new aboveground flowering and fruiting; some species can survive for many years, and continue to extend horizontally to form rhizomes, fibrous roots and buds grow on the rhizome, and new buds form aboveground flowering and fruiting every year.

1.2.2 hardy and semi-hardy perennial root flowers native to temperate zone have dormancy characteristics, and their dormant organ buds or rosette branches need to be released from dormancy at low temperature in winter and sprout and grow in the following spring. The formation of dormant organs is usually induced by cool temperatures and short days in autumn. Spring flowering species bloom under long sunshine after overwintering; summer flowering species need to bloom under short-day conditions or promote flowering under short-day conditions; evergreen perennial flowers usually bloom annually as long as the temperature is suitable.

1.2.3 most persistent root flowers can be sown and cultured, and ramet culture is the most commonly used. The use of foot buds, stem tillers, root tillers, some species can also use leaf bud cuttings, which are conducive to expand the culture coefficient of fine varieties and maintain the excellent characteristics of varieties.

1.2.4 planting for many years and simplifying planting procedures are the main advantages of perennial flowers widely used in garden flower beds, flower scenery, hedgerows and ground covers.

1.2.5 after one planting, the plant grows for many years, and the plant continues to expand its area in situ. Therefore, it is necessary to reserve suitable space when planting.

2. Application of perennial flowers in gardens.

Perennial flowers are widely used in gardens, often used as flower beds, flower scenes, flower paths, hedges, floor covers and so on. Below, through the investigation, analysis and arrangement of the application of persistent root flowers in the garden construction of Xiangfan City, we can reflect the current situation of the application of persistent root flowers in the garden construction of northwest Hubei and even Hubei Province. (attached: a list of common perennial root flowers in Northwest Hubei)

2.1 City squares and street parks

Perennial flowers are a necessary plant for decorating city squares. The city square is the center for the government or enterprises to carry out exhibitions, performances, rallies and citizens to carry out fitness and leisure, with the characteristics of grand scenes and large flow of people. Perennial flowers can be organically combined with the greening of trees and shrubs, selecting different varieties of persistent root flowers with higher plant type, such as chrysanthemum, magnolia, day lily, iris and so on, and pay attention to stagger the flowering period, which can form a flower border with flowers for many seasons.

2.2 City Park

Perennial flowers are ideal plants for urban park scenery. City parks are places for citizens and tourists to visit, exercise and rest. Gulongzhong, Yangchunmen, Moon Bay and other major parks in Xiangfan City all make good use of perennial flowers. The main cultivated varieties are Iris, peony, safflower grass, step grass, Ophiopogon japonicus, auspicious grass, chrysanthemum, plant Dinghong and so on. For example, the famous flower gardens of peony and peony in Gulongzhong Scenic spot set off each other with the water lily pond, rose garden and tulip garden in Laolong Cave, and along the steps, irises and trees and shrubs are matched to form a perennial flower plant community with natural plant community form and natural wild interest. Immersive, as if suddenly returned to the embrace of nature, people relaxed and happy. For example, after the reconstruction of Yangchunmen Park, the strip between Xiangyang moat and Xiangyang ancient city wall is about ten meters wide and more than one thousand meters long, with Ophiopogon as the bottom, and continuous with auspicious grass, irises, flowers and other trees and shrubs, one step at a time, fascinating.

2.3 Landscape Avenue and Traffic Node

Perennial flowers are the main plants of urban landscape avenue. Landscape Avenue and traffic nodes in the eyes of drivers and passengers, is a constantly moving landscape, the application of perennial root flowers of the main varieties are auspicious grass, Ophiopogon, silk orchid and so on. East Chunyuan Road in Xiangfan City is the main channel connecting the urban area with Xiangfan No.2 Automobile Base, laying the bottom with auspicious grass, and equipped with red leaf Photinia, Carthamus tinctorius, Firethorn and other large trees, giving people a feeling of good scenery and continuous appearance of bright spots during the driving. The traffic safety island of Changhong South Road is surrounded by Yucan, which is full of vitality and does not block the driver's line of sight. Dengcheng Avenue, which is more than ten kilometers long, also uses sisal, silk orchid and other perennial flowers, or slice planting, or deal with landscape stone, beautiful and decent, natural.

2.4 unit courtyard greening

Perennial root flowers are the preferred plants for beautification and fragrance of the unit courtyard. The greening area of the unit courtyard is generally small and there are buildings, and the use of trees and shrubs is limited to meet the requirements of ventilation, lighting and perspective at the same time. Perennial flowers can make up for the deficiency of single variety and lack of color caused by the lack of trees and shrubs. Safflower sorrel grass with onion orchid, iris with canna, auspicious grass with carnation, or sheet planting to form a background color, or cluster planting to form a flower border, or configuration along the road to form a flower path, or corner or corner, etc., and then appropriate configuration of flowers and shrubs, reasonable adjustment of flowering period, flower color, so that the courtyard flowers of the four seasons, warm and pleasant.

3 principles to be followed in the application of perennial flowers

Perennial root flowers are ideal garden materials because of their wide variety, easy culture, good population effect, different ecological habits, low establishment cost, good environmental effect and wide application prospect. However, in the application of perennial flowers, according to their biological and ecological characteristics, rational allocation, suitable land and suitable flowers, can we create a beautiful scenery with distinct seasons and colorful colors.

3.1 Ecological principles

According to the ecological characteristics, perennial root flowers can be divided into sun-loving type, shade-tolerant type and water-loving type in garden application.

3.1.1 the sunny perennial flowers are suitable for planting in open fields, roadsides, ground covers, flower borders, flower paths, etc. The main varieties are safflower grass, golden leaf yellow, purple leaf grass, hemerocallis, step grass, iris, sisal, peony and so on.

3.1.2 Shade-tolerant perennial root flowers are suitable for planting under forests, on the back of buildings, in patios and other places dominated by scattered light, which can form green spaces under trees and shrubs and above lawns (ground cover). The main varieties are Ophiopogon japonicus, auspicious grass, Viola, Hosta and so on.

3.1.3 Water-loving perennial root flowers are suitable for planting near ponds, water bodies, rockery (rockery) and other wet environments, and can form plant landscapes that cover mountains and water. The main varieties are Zizania caduciflora, Phalaenopsis iris and so on.

3.2 principles of coherence with the environment

The planting of perennial flowers should be coordinated with the surrounding environmental conditions, and the following factors should be considered.

3.2.1 Plant configuration should meet its use function on the premise of respecting planning and design. If a large area of green space is arranged in the square and park, you can choose Hemerocallis, hollyhock, iris, silk orchid, purple leaf sorrel and other plants to form color blocks. And other flowers and shrubs to set off the grand and warm atmosphere of the square; when perennial flowers are arranged in street gardens, road belts, traffic islands, etc., safflower sorrel with long flowering period and short plant type are used with onion, purple brocade grass, golden leaf crossing yellow and so on to meet the requirements of clear vision of drivers and pedestrians to ensure safety.

3.2.2 in plant allocation, we should consider the formation of a stable plant community, with a stable plant community in order to ensure the long-term effect of the plant landscape. For example, a large area of perennial root flowers must be planted with sun-loving flowers; under forests, around corridor shelves and in the shade of buildings, Yin-loving perennial root flowers should be used; water-loving perennial root flowers should be used by the water and canal sides. After their configuration with trees and shrubs, they form a stable spatial utilization relationship and plant symbiosis relationship among upper, middle, lower and ground cover plants.

3.2.3 in plant configuration, it should be reasonably matched with Arbor, shrub and grass. Some perennial flowers withered in winter and dormant in summer, affecting the overall landscape effect. The selection of suitable trees, shrubs and lawns can make up for the shortage of perennial flowers.