
How to raise poinsettia? Water Culture Method and Conservation Guide of Poinsettia

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Poinsettia, other names Christmas red, Christmas flower, ivory red, poinsettia, old to Jiao. Euphorbia family Euphorbia genus. China's north and south are cultivated, South China as the Spring Festival flowers used more

Poinsettia, alias Christmas red, Christmas flower, ivory red, poinsettia, old Laijiao. Euphorbiaceae. It is cultivated in both north and south of China, and it is mostly used as Spring Festival flowers in South China. Below, the editor of Huinong Network will tell you about the hydroponic culture method and maintenance guide of poinsettia.

1. Growth characteristics

The poinsettia florescence coincides with Christmas, hence the name Christmas flower; its leaves are bright green, and the twigs produce several scarlet or yellow and white leaves near the flowers after winter, with red-green or red-yellow contrast, bright red or yellow crown. Poinsettia is an evergreen shrub. The plant height is about 3m, while the plant height in pot is less than 1m. The whole plant contains white milk. Simple leaves alternate, ovate-elliptic to violin-shaped, entire or lobed, emerald green. Inflorescences terminal, monoecious, stamens tufted, pistils solitary. Flowers small, inconspicuous. There are leafy whorled bracts below the inflorescence, showing red, yellow, milky white and other colors.

2. Hydroponic culture method

The main results are as follows: (1) the hydroponic poinsettia is suitable for root washing, take the formed soil plants, remove the soil, rinse them with clean water, put them in the planting basket, and fix them with ceramsite, pebbles and so on.

(2) poinsettia is sensitive to water, and the amount of water should be moderate, not too much, otherwise it will lead to narrow and long leaves. The water level can grow at the second place of the root system, and water can take root in about 15 days. As shown in the picture, it is hydroponically cultured poinsettia.

3. Maintenance guidelines

(1) temperature and light

The optimum growth temperature of poinsettia is 18-25 ℃, and 10 ℃ can survive the winter safely. Poinsettia likes light, and keeping enough sunlight during the growing period can make the stems and leaves grow rapidly.

(2) changing water

In the initial stage of hydroponic culture, the water can be changed frequently, and the water can be changed every 2-3 days and 15-20 days after the water grows and takes root.

(3) fertilization

The nutrient solution was added while changing the water, and after entering the growing period, foliar fertilizer was sprayed once every 7 days to ensure the nutrition of plant growth.

(4) Disease and pest control

Leaf spot, whitefly and leaf mite are common diseases of poinsettia. When leaf spot disease is found, the diseased leaves should be removed, the environment should be improved, ventilation should be strengthened to avoid recurrence, whitefly and leaf mites should be captured manually, and the recurrence should be observed at any time.

The above is the water culture method and maintenance guide of poinsettia arranged by Huinong net Xiaobian. Have you learned it?

Maintenance methods of indoor flowers at home

Indoor plants or flowers, leaves, or fruit, stems, have a very strong ornamental. Exotic flowers and plants are varied. Apart from appreciating them, they can help people to understand nature and increase their scientific knowledge. Putting suitable plants indoors can not only beautify the environment, regulate temperature and humidity, and purify the air, but also have health care functions for the human body when some plants are placed indoors. Some flowers can absorb formaldehyde in the air, such as tiger tail orchid, hanging orchid, one-leaf orchid, spring feather, orchid, etc.; some can absorb carbon dioxide in the air, such as daffodils, aloe, etc.; some can absorb chlorine in the air, such as green apple, ivy, etc.; some can absorb computer radiation, such as hanging orchids, immortal humans, millennium trees, weeping figs, kidney ferns, and so on; some can absorb nitrogen oxides, such as daffodils, chrysanthemums, purple jasmine and so on. 2 common indoor flower varieties 2.1 potted flowers are the basic materials for plant decoration in all kinds of places, which are easy to arrange and replace, various types and forms, and have a long viewing period. 2.1.1 varieties suitable for display in bright and non-direct light rooms: cycads, tortoise-backed bamboos, orchids, magnolia, evergreen, palms, palm bamboos, sunflower, sunflower, etc. 2.1.2 varieties suitable for display in bright and direct light rooms: Camellia, plantain, citrus, hairpin, taro, fern, pineapple, Michelia, eight immortal flowers, Tianmen winter, loose tail sunflower, hanging orchid, etc. 2.1.3 varieties suitable for short-term viewing in sunny places indoors: poinsettia, variegated leaves, geraniums, begonias, primroses, jasmine, crab claws, lotus, epiphyllum, cyclamen, white orchid, etc. 2.2 hydroponic culture of flowers is a method of using water as a medium, planting flowers in glass or plastic utensils with a certain degree of transparency, and applying the required inorganic nutrient elements for viewing. It belongs to the static hydroponic culture method of soilless cultivation with non-solid medium. Compared with traditional soil cultivation, it has many advantages: first, it can not only watch the flowers, stems and leaves of plants, but also the roots of ornamental plants; second, it can be fed by flower fish, which is more fun; third, the plants cultivated with water are very clean, hygienic and without peculiar smell; fourth, the maintenance procedures such as watering and fertilization are very simple, which are suitable for the rhythm of "lazy man". 2.2.1 herbaceous flowers suitable for water cultivation: White crane taro, windmill grass, pepper grass, Anthurium andraeanum, taro, Phalaenopsis, asparagus, begonia, Guanyinlian, gentleman orchid and so on. 2.2.2 Woody flowers suitable for water cultivation: Brazilian wood, rich tree, wine bottle orchid, pocket coconut, fragrant dragon blood tree, etc. 2.2.3 Liana flowers suitable for water cultivation: orchid, green pineapple, ivy, etc. 2.2.4 suitable for water-raised succulent flowers: Tiger tail orchid, golden oyster, lotus palm, Yushu, striped 12 rolls and so on. (3) the display form of indoor flowers 3.1 points is the most common and common display form, which can be placed next to the sofa, corner, coffee table and table. 3.2 Line arranges the flowerpot into a line within a certain range. 3.3 several pots or more than a dozen pots form a small piece, usually in a larger room. 3.4 Wall style combined with interior decoration design, partial protruding wall or concave wall hole can be set on the wall, potted flowers or falling plants can be placed, and brackets can also be set on the wall. 3.5 hanging in a larger indoor space, choose light-weight shade-tolerant foliage plants, such as bird's nest fern, ivy, etc., but on the premise that it does not affect people's activities. 4 requirements for the display of flowers in the room

4.1 the display of different places requires that the living room is the main place for family members' activities and receiving guests, greening should be simple, beautiful and generous, and flowers and trees with good appreciation should be selected, such as gentleman orchid, cyclamen and so on. The bedroom is the place to rest, more warm, you can choose some foliage plants or light and elegant small flowers, such as Milan, pineapple, golden pear and so on. Study for reading and writing room, should create a quiet and elegant atmosphere, optional asparagus, hanging orchid and so on. Kitchen area is generally small, and lack of light, smoke, humidity is larger, optional cold spray, Sedum, and so on. The restaurant is a place for families and guests to eat. For the purpose of improving the dining environment, you can choose rich bamboo, duck foot wood and so on. 4.2 requirements for the placement of different plants 4.2.1 foliage plants become good materials for greening rooms because of their good shade tolerance. How to raise potted azaleas can put large foliage plants next to the sofa or in the corner of the living room. Such as rich trees, rubber trees, but the layout should not be many. 4.2.2 there is a wide variety of flowering plants, such as jasmine, rose, daffodils, etc., which can release aroma, make the room fresh and pleasant, and can be placed on the table. 4.2.3 Cactaceae plants have strong drought tolerance and less disease, and absorb carbon dioxide from the air. In the sunny windowsill or sunshine for a long time in the small room, you can put the arrow lotus and so on. 4.2.4 Ferns are resistant to dampness, disease and insect pests and are evergreen all the year round with graceful posture, such as kidney fern, iron fern, Alsophila spinulosa, etc., which can be placed in the windowsill, desk and bedroom of the shady room. 5 maintenance and management of indoor flowers 5.1 potted plants 5.1.1 light: most indoor foliage plants like a semi-shady environment, but they should also bask in the sun properly every week and avoid exposure to strong light for a long time, so they should be given reasonable light according to their respective characteristics. to be good for its growth. Such as: fish tail sunflower, palm bamboo and so on can grow well in indoor light, while rubber trees and succulent plants need to fully accept the sun in order to grow well. 5.1.2 temperature: the suitable growth temperature for most foliage plants is 15: 30 ℃, stop growing below 10 ℃, and the overwintering temperature should be above 15 ℃. Foliage plants should keep warm in winter, especially iron tree, tiger tail orchid and so on. However, the indoor temperature should not be too high or too low, too high flowers are easy to wither, too low will affect the growth and development. 5.1.3 humidity: indoor, plants that like drought should be placed in places with strong light and good ventilation, while plants that like moisture should be placed in humid places, if the air is too dry, there will be yellowing of leaf tips, which should be watered frequently to keep the basin soil moist. Some potted flowers also often spray water to the leaves to create a moist environment to meet their sufficient water requirements, such as sea taro. 5.1.4 watering: different plants need different amount of water. Araceae plants such as tortoise back bamboo and calla lilies and most fern pots must be watered in time when they become dry. Vine vines, such as green pineapple, have many leaves, slippery leaves, and aerial roots, which require more water during the growing period and spray water on the leaves. Wine bottle orchid, Dutch iron and other plants, their own water retention capacity is strong, water evaporation is less, the amount of water does not need to be too much, just keep the soil moist. Some taro foliage plants have high leaf density and are sensitive to water. When they are short of water, they should have adverse symptoms such as leaf curling, leaf tip withering and yellow, so they need more water in the growing season. In short, it should be based on the principle of "dry and wet". In addition, the water requirements of plants are also different in different seasons. Generally, spring and summer is the growing period of indoor foliage plants, which needs to consume more water and must be replenished in an appropriate amount. Especially high temperature in summer, low air humidity, but also need to replenish moisture. Most indoor foliage plants are dormant in winter and can be watered once every 5 to 7 days. No matter which season, watering must be enough to make the whole root completely moist, do not water the waist water, the upper layer is wet and the lower layer is dry, so it is easy to cause the upper root rot, the lower root lack of water, affecting the plant growth. 5.1.5 fertilization management: the fertilization of indoor ornamental plants is mainly liquid fertilizer and granular compound fertilizer. Foliage plants especially need nitrogen fertilizer, if the lack of nitrogen fertilizer, the formation of chlorophyll is slow, photosynthesis is not exuberant, the leaves will lose luster; but if too much nitrogen fertilizer, it will cause the plant to grow excessively. For plants that enjoy both flowers and leaves, they should apply more phosphate fertilizer and thin fertilizer frequently before flowering. If the temperature is low in winter and the plants grow slowly, we should stop applying fertilizer. 5.1.6 Prevention and control of diseases and insect pests: diseases and insect pests should be based on the principle of "prevention first, combination of prevention and control". Insect pests are mainly red spiders, aphids and so on, diseases are mainly powdery mildew, rust and so on. Pay attention to ventilation and check the leaf back, leaf base, leaf tip and other places regularly, and gently brush off individual branches with a soft brush when they are found to have worms, and spray them outdoors if they are too serious. Pest control should be sprayed when nymphs crawl, 40% omethoate 1000-1500 times liquid or 40% speed culling 1500 times liquid, control red spider damage with 25 times Leba wettable powder 1500 times solution. 5.2 hydroponic plant 5.2.1 Nutrition supply: select hydroponic flower special fertilizer as far as possible, and apply it in strict accordance with the instructions to prevent fertilizer damage caused by excessive application and excessive concentration. According to the number of times of changing water, it is generally necessary to add a nutrient solution for each change of water to supplement the nutrient loss caused by the change of water. 5.2.2 changing water and washing roots: generally, the appropriate time for changing water is 5-7 days, depending on seasonal changes and different conditions of plants. The summer plant growth is exuberant, the temperature is high, the water is easy to deteriorate, the water change interval time should be shortened; in winter, most plants are dormant or semi-dormant, the temperature is lower, the water change interval time can be longer. Generally speaking, the interval between changing water is shorter, which is beneficial to plant growth. 5.2.3 spraying water to wash leaves: indoor hydroponic foliage plants mostly like higher air humidity, otherwise it is easy to cause focal tips or edges of leaves, so they should often spray water to improve air humidity and enhance plant growth. 5.2.4 proper ventilation: strengthen ventilation to keep the indoor air fresh, but also increase the oxygen content in the water, which is beneficial to the growth of hydroponic flowers. 5.2.5 daylighting and temperature: negative flowers such as ferns, orchids and Araceae should be properly shaded; neutral flowers, such as tortoise back bamboo, poinsettia, goose palm wood, etc., are not strict on light intensity, generally like sufficient sunshine and can grow normally in shade. In terms of temperature, the temperature of hydroponic flower root system was controlled in the range of 15-30 ℃, which was the best for its growth. 5.2.6 timely pruning: hydroponic flowers, especially some varieties with exuberant growth and relatively developed roots, can also be pruned in combination with changing water at any time to ensure normal growth. 5.2.7 keep it clean: hydroponic flowers must be kept clean and hygienic in maintenance, do not pollute water, do not put in organic matter, and remove breeding algae in time. With the development of society, people's yearning for nature and the pursuit of beauty are getting stronger and stronger, and all kinds of flowers have become everyone's darling because of their vitality, beauty, warmth and romance. Serving flowers and grass in leisure has become an important part of some people's lives, which not only increases the interest of life, but also conducive to physical and mental health.

Brief introduction of hydroponic flower technology ◆ what is hydroponic flower technology?

Hydroponic flower culture refers to the cultivation technology of directly using water and nutrient solution to cultivate flowers in order to grow flowers in the family and achieve the effects of hygiene, environmental protection, labor saving and so on.

How do ◆ hydroponic flowers survive the winter, and can ordinary flowers survive the winter safely?

It can survive the winter safely above 0 ℃ in the south, no problem indoors in the north, and can survive the winter in the ordinary greenhouse.

How long can ◆ ornamental fish be kept in hydroponic flowers? How to deal with technical problems such as changing water?

Fish can be bought locally. The effect of the nutrient solution on the fish is not great, and the nutrient solution itself also provides some mineral nutrition. In general, depending on the variety, the length of feeding time can meet the ornamental requirements.

◆ hydroponic culture can only cultivate some specific flower species or popular flowers?

Specific flower species and popular flowers can be hydroponically cultured.

Is there no conflict between the addition of ◆ flowers and nutrient solution and fish culture?

There is no conflict at all, and the three can coexist peacefully. This is also one of the keys to the formula of the nutrient solution.

What should be paid attention to when and how often ◆ changes water?

Change every 20-40 days.

Can ◆ use nutrient solution if it is cultivated with ceramsite, colored stone, glass ball and so on?

Can be used, will not affect the growth of flowers, but can not enjoy the root to watch the fish.

Does ◆ hydroponic flowers need to change liquid regularly?

The hydroponic flower root system is soaked in the nutrient solution, and the buffer capacity of the nutrient solution is worse than that of the substrate. Due to the metabolism of plants, new roots continue to grow, and the roots may also secrete some toxic substances, which have adverse effects on root growth and development. In addition, because different flowers have different absorption of nutrients, it is selective, so it often causes nutrient imbalance in the nutrient solution. Sometimes it will cause physiological diseases caused by element deficiency, and it will also cause imbalance due to the effect of temperature on PH, especially in hydroponic culture. Therefore, hydroponics should be changed regularly. The liquid was changed once a month in winter, spring, autumn and each season, and once every 25 days in summer. Therefore, a good nutrient solution must have a strong buffer capacity, which can stabilize the plant growth environment and ensure the balance of nutrients.

Management of ◆ water

In general, the cultivation water in the basin should be changed once a month or two, and the tap water in daily life can be used, but note that when the water temperature is lower than the indoor temperature, the tap water should be placed for a period of time to keep the root temperature stable.

Hydroponic flowers are mostly negative and neutral flowers suitable for indoor cultivation, and flowers have their own requirements for light. Negative flowers such as ferns, orchids, Araceae, should be moderately shaded; neutral flowers, such as turtle back bamboo, goose palm wood, poinsettia, etc., do not have strict requirements for light intensity, generally like plenty of sunshine, can also grow normally in shade.

It is important to ensure the temperature at which flowers grow normally. The root system of flowers grows well in the range of 15 ℃ ~ 30 ℃, and most flowers will not die above 5 ℃, that is to say, it is necessary to keep the temperature above 5 ℃ in winter to ensure that most flowers can survive the winter safely, and a few flowers can survive the winter at 0 ℃ according to the characteristics of the varieties.

Attention should be paid to identifying the root color of flowers to determine whether they are growing well. The whole root or root system with appropriate light, temperature and nutrient solution concentration is white, and some plant roots show other night colors. Please pay attention to forbid excessive nutrient solution and shorten the time interval of adding nutrient solution.

1. Water can choose pure water and tap water.

2. The basin water should not be too much, and it is necessary to keep a certain root in the air (70% of the long root length is in the water, generally, the planting basket is not dependent on water).

3, when planting, pay attention to protect the root system, try to straighten out as much as possible, so that most of the roots can be soaked in water.

4. If you are mixed with fish, you should pay attention to changing water frequently and reducing the concentration of nutrient solution at the same time to reduce waste. Also pay attention to feeding the fish. If conditions permit, oxygen-increasing equipment and medicines can be added to ensure the living environment of fish.

5. Hydroponic flowers that do not raise fish usually change water every 1-2 months.

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