
How to grow albizzia flowers? Guide to hydroponic culture and maintenance of albizzia julibrissin

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The acacia flower is also known as the velvet tree, the red cherry blossom, the red fluffy ball, the nocturnal acacia, and the Lantana. It is an excellent greening tree species, and its bark can be used medicinally and has deworming effect.

The acacia flower is also known as the velvet tree, the red cherry blossom, the red fluffy ball, the nocturnal acacia, and the Lantana. It is an excellent greening tree species, and its bark can be used medicinally and has deworming effect. It has a calming effect and is often used to treat insomnia. So, did you know that acacia flowers can be hydroponically cultivated? Below, the editor of Huinong Network will tell you about the hydroponic culture method and maintenance guide of albizzia flower.

1. Growth characteristics of albizzia julibrissin

Acacia is a deciduous tree, summer flowering, pink flowers, heads, synpetal Corolla, stamens, light red. Pods striate, flattened, indehiscent. The field growth can be as high as 4-15m. Calyx tubular, flowering from June to July and fruiting from August to October. Albizia paniculata is light-loving and resistant to dry and barren growth environment.

2. Hydroponic culture method

Method 1: buy albizzia flower seeds, soak them in the medium of peat: stone: perlite = 2:1:1 after soaking for 24 hours at 40 ~ 50 ℃. When the seedling height is 3-5 cm, transfer to the flowerpot with small holes at the bottom of 10cm X 10cm. When the plant grows to about 10cm, the seedlings with normal plant shape, bright leaves, no diseases and insect pests and damage are selected for hydroponic culture.

Method 2: to buy young albizzia plants, rinse the roots with clean water, remove mucus, trim the aged roots and rotten roots, and immerse the whole plant in 100mg/L potassium permanganate solution to disinfect 10~15min. After taking it out, rinse the potassium permanganate solution with deionized water and then it can be used in hydroponics.

3. Maintenance guidelines

(1) Light and temperature

Albizia is suitable for strong light environment, in shade place to affect flowering, it is best to maintain full sunshine, exposure time is too long will lead to bark cracking. Albizzia can withstand both high temperature and severe cold, and it can survive the winter safely at-27 ℃.

(2) Disease and pest control

Longicorn beetles, pink scale and wing moth are the main pests that invade albizzia, mainly by artificial capture.

The above is the hydroponic culture method and maintenance guide of albizzia sorbifolia arranged by Huinong net. Have you learned it? If you have insomnia and other symptoms, do not acacia, albizzia flower brewing wine or making tea have the role of peace of mind.

A list of maintenance methods of Magnolia

. Magnolia, also known as Lycoris radiata and Lycoris radiata, is an ornamental flower of the genus Lycoris of the family Amaryllidaceae. It is native to southern South Africa. Is a perennial herb, New Year's Day to the Spring Festival before and after flowering, avoid strong light, for semi-negative plants, like cool, avoid high temperature. Today, the editor will briefly introduce the maintenance methods of Magnolia. . the maintenance of gentleman orchid-watering, do not need to water, if you want to water, you must water thoroughly. Do not water a little at a time, that kind of superficial practice, the gentleman orchid is particularly harmful. . in addition, pay attention to the watering time, preferably in the morning or evening, at noon in summer, the temperature is very high, not suitable for watering, there is another point is that watering should avoid the flower heart, so as not to cause bad heart. . Magnolia conservation-fertilization, there is no doubt that fertilizer is an essential source of nutrition for the vigorous growth of plants, of course, Magnolia is no exception, it also likes fertilizer to provide nutrition. . the fertilization of Cymbidium should be determined according to the size, variety, growth and development of Cymbidium. Too much fertilizer or too little fertilizer will not work. Too much will lead to root burning, too little, lack of nutrition, leaves obviously narrower, and not straight. . Cymbidium maintenance-light, Cymbidium is a moist plant, suitable for growth in high humidity environment, but does not require high light, as long as the temperature is suitable, the light time is longer or shorter. . although good lighting can ensure the bright color of the gentleman orchid, it still likes a slightly weaker light, so be sure to avoid strong light. . the maintenance and management of the orchid, when the orchid grows up, it needs to be changed into a big basin, that is, "pour the basin and change the soil". The best time to change soil is in spring and autumn, because the orchid grows vigorously at this time and will not affect the growth of the plant. The most important thing to change soil is to fill the root with soil, otherwise if there is no soil in the root, then water and nutrients will not reach the root, which is easy to cause rotten root. . the flowering period of Cymbidium is generally from February to April. After flowering, the flowering period can be prolonged by proper cooling, ventilation and reducing light. The length of the flowering period of Cymbidium can be controlled by people's cultivation techniques. Magnolia originated in South Africa, for perennial evergreen herbaceous flowers, like warm and cool climate, afraid of high temperature and cold, summer dormancy, autumn and winter growth, therefore, strengthening winter tube is the key to cultivation. . Conclusion: the plant of Cymbidium, especially the broad and thick leaves, has a lot of stomata and villi, which can secrete a lot of mucus, absorb a lot of dust, dust and harmful gases through air circulation, and filter the indoor air, reduce the dust content in the indoor space and make the air clean. That's all for today's editor's introduction to the maintenance methods of magnolia. [article source] Flower bonsai

✿ flower bonsai ✿

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The culture method of loose-tailed sunflower

Loose-tailed sunflower is native to Madagascar, Africa. Because of its chic and beautiful shape and evergreen seasons, loose-tailed sunflower plants are widely cultivated in various tropical areas of the world. They are widely introduced and cultivated in China, and they are a kind of potted ornamental plants. In addition, loose-tailed sunflower also has the function of absorbing harmful gases. Here, the editor will combine the pictures of loose-tailed sunflower to tell you about the breeding methods and the role of loose-tailed sunflower. [loose-tailed sunflower] the culture method of loose-tailed sunflower, the function of loose-tailed sunflower, loose-tailed sunflower picture-

[plant archives]-

English name: sunflower

Scientific name: Chrysalidocarpuslutescens

Aliases: yellow coconut, Aoi Murasaki

Family: Palmaceae

Genus: Abelmoschus

Distribution of origin: originally from Madagascar in Africa, it is now cultivated in all tropical regions of the world.

Morphological features: tufted evergreen shrubs or small trees. Petiole, leaf rachis, leaf sheath are yellowish green; leaf surface slippery and slender, simple, pinnatifid, 40-150 cm long, petiole slightly curved, apex soft; leaf sheath cylindrical, phimosis. Inflorescences of fleshy spike paniculate, born under leaf sheath, multi-branched, about 40cm long, 50cm wide; stem smooth, yellowish green, no burr, waxy powder when tender, obvious leaf marks, ring-shaped; flowers small, golden yellow, florescence 3-4 months. Fruit suborbicular, long 1.2cm, wide 1.1cm, orange. Seeds 1-3, ovate to oval. There are many tillers at the base, showing tufted growth.

[properties of traditional Chinese medicine]-

[name] loose tail sunflower

[taste] slightly bitter, astringent, cold. Enter the liver meridian.

[efficacy] restrain and stop bleeding.

[indications] it can be used for all kinds of hemorrhagic disease. Such as epistaxis, gingival bleeding, hematemesis, hematochezia, skin bleeding and so on.

Internal use: fried soup, 9-15g. External use: carbon burning research powder is sprayed on the bleeding area

[purpose] restrain and stop bleeding.

[medicinal material source] is the leaf sheath of Sunflower of Palmaceae.

How to raise sunflower

◆ growth habits: sexual preference for warm, humid, semi-shady and well-ventilated environment, not cold-resistant, shade-tolerant, afraid of the hot sun; leaves yellowing below 20 ℃, the lowest temperature for overwintering should be above 10 ℃, and it will freeze to death at about 5 ℃. It can still be cultivated in the open field in South China, and the Yangtze River basin and its northern areas should be maintained in the greenhouse.

◆ environmental requirements: sunflower is afraid of cold, cold tolerance is weak, the growing season must keep the basin soil moist and the air humidity around the plant.

◆ watering: in the overwintering period, we should also pay attention to scrubbing or spraying a small amount of water to the leaf surface to keep the leaf surface clean.

◆ fertilization: generally loose tail sunflower needs to apply rotten liquid fertilizer or compound fertilizer every 1-2 weeks to promote plant vigorous growth, thick green leaves, less fertilization or no fertilization in autumn and winter.

◆ basin soil: in loose-tailed sunflower culture, should provide more adequate water and fertilizer conditions. Always keep the basin soil moist at ordinary times. Summer and autumn high temperature period, but also often maintain a higher air humidity around the plant, but avoid basin soil stagnant water, so as not to cause rotten roots.

◆ soil: sunflower is suitable to grow in loose, well-drained, humus-rich soil to keep the basin soil dry and wet.

◆ temperature: sunflower is afraid of cold and has weak cold tolerance. The lowest temperature for overwintering is above 10 ℃. The country of origin can be as high as 380 m. Outdoor culture in northern China usually enters the room from late September to early October and must be placed in a place with sufficient sunshine. During the overwintering period, the room temperature is 23 ℃ to 25 ℃ in the daytime and 15 ℃ at night, or at least 8 ℃ or more, otherwise it will suffer frost injury and cause death in winter and spring.

◆ disease and insect pests: red spiders and shell insects are very easy to occur in loose-tailed sunflower culture, so it should be sprayed with 800x omethoate regularly.

The culture method of loose-tailed sunflower

The pot cultivation of loose-tailed sunflower can be made into culture soil with rotten leaf soil, peat soil plus 1x3 river sand and some base fertilizer. Its tillering bud growth is more on the rhizome, potted, because it is a little deeper than the original, so that the new buds take root and grow better.

In fact, loose-tailed sunflower culture is not very difficult, you can also use sowing reproduction and ramet reproduction. The seeds used for sowing and reproduction should not be collected domestically and are mostly imported from abroad. The conventional multi-purpose ramet was carried out around April, combined with changing pots, selecting the plants with many tillers in the basal part, removing part of the old basin soil, and dividing it into several clusters from the junction of the base with a sharp knife. Each clump should not be too small, there must be 3 plants of 2murl, and keep the root system well, otherwise the growth of ramet will be slow and the ornamental will be affected. After planting, it was placed in a high humid temperature environment, and often sprayed with water to facilitate the recovery of growth.

The role of sunflower-

◆ garden use: garden ornamental, anti-sulfur dioxide. In tropical courtyards, most ornamental trees are planted in grasslands, shade and houses; in the north, they are mainly used for potted plants, which are high-grade potted foliage plants decorating living rooms, dining rooms, conference rooms, family rooms, study rooms, bedrooms or balconies.

You can also watch it for 4-6 weeks in a darker room. Loose-tailed sunflower grows very slowly and is generally planted in medium and small pots. Sunflower leaves can also be used to cut leaves in flower arrangement as a foil in flower arrangement.

◆ home environment function: as a small palm plant sunflower, it has strong negative tolerance. After the home decoration, put a pot of sunflower, it is difficult to effectively remove benzene, trichloroethylene, formaldehyde and other volatile harmful substances in the air.

Conclusion: in a darker room, sunflower can be watched continuously for 5-7 weeks, and it is one of the plants with high ornamental value. Of course, as a green palm leaf plant, it is not only ornamental, but also has an effective purification effect on p-xylene and formaldehyde. It is a kind of modern home decoration, office decoration, opening congratulations, housewarming, holiday gifts and other good choice plants.

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