
How do irises reproduce when planted in the open field? A brief discussion on the breeding and Disease and insect Pest Prevention and training techniques of Southern Iris

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Iris is common in the south is cultivated in the open field, let Xiaobian remember the scenery of Iris dancing with the wind when blooming, a large area of Iris is of high ornamental value, so how does Iris reproduce?

Iris is cultivated in the open field to form a sea of flowers, and every passer-by is nostalgic. The following editor will share with you the breeding and pest prevention and training techniques of southern iris, which can be seen by those who like flowers and plants.

1 reproduction

Iris is commonly propagated by split-plant method, which breaks every 2 ~ 4 years and breaks after flowering in spring. When contacting the rhizome, there are 2 ~ 3 buds in each rhizome, and ramet is the best time for propagation. (2) the soil should be deeply turned over during cultivation and planting, and a small amount of inorganic fertilizer should be applied. During the seedling raising period, iris should be protected by irrigation, fertilizing, mid-ploughing and weeding, while the post-planting treatment is messy.

2.1 Land preparation

First plough the soil, fine pieces of soil, remove stones, tiles, residual roots, branches and all other weeds. It is assumed that the soil should be changed when the soil is too poor or poor, and the depth of soil change is 40 ~ 50 cm. After ploughing, apply rotten inorganic fertilizer, and then rake flat.

2.2 Transplant

Transplantation includes two steps: seedling raising and planting, and the purpose is to plant the flower seedlings in the center of the scheme. Because the transplant expands the nutrient area of flowers, it can add appreciation effect.

2.2.1 emergence of seedlings

According to the editor, Iris is generally planted with bare roots and can be planted with bare roots. It is best to start seedlings when the plant height is 10 ~ 15 cm. If the plant is higher than 15 cm, part of it can be cut off properly and preserved for about 15 cm. This can ensure the survival, growth and development after planting. When bare root seedlings, shovel the flower seedlings into pieces with a shovel, then shake off the soil attached to the roots quietly, be careful not to pull off the fine roots or injure the roots, and sensitively transport them to the planting address.

2.2.2 planting

Before planting, the planting holes were dug according to the rules, and the row spacing was 20 ~ 30 cm. When planting, we should pay attention to make the root system in close contact with the soil, and the planting depth is opposite to the height of the original flower seedling. Care should be taken not to crush the lump of soil. Only in this way can we ensure the survival of the transplanted seedlings.

2.3 Management

2.3.1 watering

Watering after planting is the key to its survival. The flowers must be watered twice after transplanting, the first time after planting, and the second time after 3 days. It is necessary to water thoroughly each time and cover the soil in time. At that time, it should be watered thoroughly every time according to the situation. Yes, we must avoid stagnant water, otherwise the roots are simple and stale, the light ones are haggard, the growth is poor, the appreciation is affected, and the heavy ones die. The time of watering varies according to the climate. Generally hot summer, watering time should be settled in the evening or dusk break. If it is cloudy, you can water it at any time. Pour enough winter water before freezing in late October.

2.3.2 fertilizing

In order to ensure the growth and development of Iris and finish its appreciation value, it is necessary to fertilize and compensate nutrients. The time of fertilizing depends on the purpose of application and the type of fertilizer. And it needs to be fertilized regularly during the whole planting process, and before applying fertilizer, the soil should be loosened to facilitate root absorption, and then water should be watered in time. Only in this way can it absorb enough nutrients.

2.3.3 Intermediate tillage and weeding

Intertillage weeding is an important method of intermittent field treatment.

(1) ploughing. The purpose is to loosen the soil, add the transpiration of water, advance the soil temperature, add the circulation of air in the soil, promote the differentiation of nutrients in the soil, create excellent conditions for the growth of flower roots and the absorption of water and nutrients, and eliminate some weeds. When ploughing, the soil should be neither too dry nor too wet. In the young stage of flowers or shortly after transplantation, ploughing should be cut off in time. The depth of intertillage depends on different growth periods. Seedling stage should be shallow, near the plant should be shallow, to avoid root injury, the plant row can be properly deepened, generally 3 ~ 5 cm.

(2) weeding. Weeding should be interrupted as soon as possible at the beginning of the outbreak of weeds, when the roots of weeds are shallow and easy to clean up. For perennial weeds, all the underground parts must be dug up, especially before the weeds blossom and bear fruit. When weeding, the soil should not be too dry or too wet, let alone touch flower plants. Loosening the soil and weeding began in April and interrupted repeatedly until the end of October.

2.3.4 Disease and pest control

There are few diseases and insect pests in Iris, and the rare disease is leaf spot, which is not necessary to have grubs, red spiders and aphids.

(1) Leaf spot. When the plant was damaged by leaf spot, the leaves showed nearly round to oval grayish-brown spots. For the control of Iris leaf spot, 69% dienoylmorpholine wettable powder and 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder were mixed according to the proportion of 1 ∶ 1 and concentrated 1,500 times, and the solution was sprayed once every 10 ~ 15 days, 3 ~ 4 times, and better results could be obtained.

(2) grubs. Grub is a common pest of Iris in the field. It is not necessary to lurk in the soil, eat the roots of Iris and form the death of the plant. During the attack, 200g of 90% trichlorfon powder was used every 667m2, mixed with 10 kg soil to form poisonous soil, scattered in the field, and prepared according to the size of the outbreak area.

(3) red spider. Red spiders like to cause sap in the leaves, and the injured leaves turn yellow, showing many small white spots, and soon wither and yellow. Spray 40% dimethoate emulsion 1 000 ~ 1 500 times, or 40% trichloropropanol emulsion 2 000 times.

(4) aphids. It is not necessary to have peach aphid, cotton aphid and so on. Between spring and summer, it is often covered with gnawing sap on new shoots or buds of flowers, forming tender leaves that bend and atrophy, which not only affect growth and flowering, but also make plants exuberant. It can be sprayed with 40% dimethoate emulsion 3000 times or 25% imidophos emulsion 1000 times.

3 Management in the coming spring

In the coming spring, when the ambient temperature reaches the temperature at which Iris can grow normally, that is, between 5 and 20 ℃, the spring treatment can be interrupted.

3.1 cut off the old leaves

The first mission of spring is to clean up the old leaves in time, which can clean up the hiding places of eggs and bacteria, and promote the growth of new leaves of iris and turn green quickly. When cleaning up the old leaves, take them out of the garden with an iron rake and burn them with fire.

3.2 fatten up

After the old leaves, chemical fertilizer should be applied again to ensure the nutrient supply of Iris. Generally, urea was applied evenly for 20 ~ 30 kg per 667m2, and then watered in time after fertilizing to prevent seedling burning.

3.3 watering

Watering the elder leaves in time to make the soil reach the appropriate humidity for the growth of Iris and promote the rapid growth of Iris plants.

Iris can not only be cultivated in the open field, but also can be potted. The unique flower pattern has a very high ornamental value. The above are the breeding and pest prevention and training techniques of southern Iris. Don't miss it, everyone.

How to cultivate Dutch Iris and its Propagation method

Dutch iris is a bulbous flower planted in autumn, which is native to Spain and Morocco. It is generally planted in the middle and late ten days of October, the rooting and sprouting period is from late October to late November, the bolting stage is the following year, the first flowering stage is early March, the final flowering stage is early April, the bulb mature stage is early May, and the bulb root is planted in autumn. Select sandy loam with good drainage and rich in organic matter or compost, and the covered soil is twice as thick as the bulb. Topdressing is mainly nitrogen fertilizer. The flowers and leaves are delicate and can be used as cut flowers to watch.

Morphological characteristics of Dutch Iris

The stem and leaf Iris is a bulbous flower, the leaves are lanceolate and folded in half, the base is sheathlike, entire, the middle rib is obvious, smooth, green and shiny. There are 811 mature leaves.

The Dutch iris is a double-flowered stem, terminal, with 1 flower, 50.0 cm long and 0.75 cm 1.10 cm thick; butterfly-shaped radiosymmetric, 11.0 cm in diameter; 3 vertical petals, heart-shaped, yellow, with piano-shaped handle, central part with spatulate orange stripes, petal margin bent downward, 7.0cm 11.5cm long and 3.0cm 5.0cm wide The upper petal is 3, long oval, oblique, white with lavender, 6.0 cm 11.0 cm long and 2.0 cm 3.0 cm wide; the underground corm is ovoid and covered with brown skin; each female corm can form 1 oval central bulb and 4 × 7 bulbs after anthesis, with an average reproduction coefficient of 5.54; the circumference of mature flowering commercial corms is 8 cm 12 cm, and a few can reach 14 cm. Plant height about 60-80 cm, underground Lin stem, plant and Tang Changpu similar, simple leaves, leaf shape is long lanceolate, apex pointed thin, the base is sheath-shaped, leaves grow 6-7, pull out a single flowering stem, beautiful flower shape, three petals, a single apex inflorescence, flowers are gold, white, blue and dark purple.

Ecological habits of Iris nigra

Dutch iris is a bulb plant. It has strong cold resistance and drought resistance, and prefers slightly acidic soil with good drainage and moderate moisture. The range of suitable temperature for growth is wide, it is easy to blossom at about 20-25 ℃, and the flower buds die when the high temperature is more than 25 ℃. It can withstand 0 ℃ low temperature, but the flower buds will die when-2 ℃ 3 ℃. The flower bud does not differentiate in the bulb, but after the bulb is planted, the plant differentiates in winter when the plant elongates to 2-3 cm, and bolts and blossoms after spring. The seed ball is attached to the base of the cue ball. In June, with the death of the aboveground part, the bulb went into dormancy temporarily.

Cultivation techniques of Dutch Iris

The dormancy of bulbs treated with Dutch iris bulbs is shallow, which is often broken by high temperature, low temperature or smoking. The high temperature treatment was treated with 30 ℃ for 2-3 weeks, and the low temperature treatment with 8-10 ℃ treatment for 7-9 weeks was the most effective, mostly using dry cold storage method. Fumigation treatment is the most practical method at present. When dealing with, first prepare a room that can be sealed or temporarily surrounded by plastic sheeting. And then put the Iris newspaper. If rice husks are used as fuel, the required amount is 3 litres per square meter, smoke is burned indoors, and the population is closed. This can be done once a day for 3 consecutive days. During the treatment period, the bulb does not need to be spread out specially.

The bulbous Dutch iris is usually planted in mid-September. Base fertilizer was applied two weeks before planting. Methyl bromide was also used to disinfect the soil in continuous cropping plots to prevent diseases such as white silk disease. Make a planting bed with a width of 1.0 to 1.2 meters. The plant row spacing is about 9 cm × 9 cm or 10 cm × 8 cm. When planting, if the bud tip or root has been elongated. Be careful to damage it in a hurry. The planting depth is about 5 cm from the neck of the bulb.

For cut flower production, select well drained and slightly acidic sandy loam, avoid continuous cropping; select strong, disease-free bulbs with a circumference of more than 8.0cm for cut flower production, with a circumference of 4.5cm to 6.0cm as the provenance of flowering commercial bulbs, and disinfect them before planting; open-field planting is generally in the middle to late October, the temperature above 0 ℃ can be planted in the open field, and the suitable growth temperature is 18-23 ℃. The temperature of flower bud differentiation is 8: 15 ℃, the optimum temperature is 13 ℃, above 25 ℃ or below-2 ℃, the development of flower bud is blocked and easily withered, strengthen the management of water and fertilizer, pay attention to the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests, the soil remains fully moist during the whole growing period, fertilizing mainly with base fertilizer, topdressing for 3 times, and applying nutrient fertilizer once after flower harvest and cutting, which is beneficial to the growth of corm. When the bud tip is colored, it is the appropriate time to harvest and cut the flower. After cutting, the plant retains 2-3 leaves to facilitate the growth of the new bulb. When the aboveground is yellow, dig the bulb in sunny day, cool and dry, and store it in stages.

Management and maintenance

Temperature is the most important factor affecting the growth of Dutch iris. The optimum temperature of Dutch iris is 13-18 ℃. The highest temperature is no more than 25 ℃ and the lowest temperature is 5: 8 ℃. When the temperature is-2 ℃ ~-3 ℃, the flower buds are easy to die from freezing injury. In the early stage of growth, the room temperature was kept at 8: 12 ℃, and when the flower stem was gradually drawn out, and then gradually increased to room temperature, when the temperature exceeded 20 ℃, the quality of cut flowers decreased, and the temperature could be reduced by ventilation and shading to meet the needs of flowering.

Light is also an important factor affecting the quality of cut iris. The light lasts for a long time. The plant grows strong and the inflorescence is plump. Bright colors, short light time, thin inflorescences, and even blind flowers. When the light is strong and the temperature is higher than 25 ℃, proper shading and strengthening ventilation can effectively control the decline of the quality of cut flowers; in the greenhouse with high temperature and weak light transmission, the lack of light is the main cause of flower wilting, and appropriate supplementary light is needed when the light is insufficient.

Fertilizer and water management soil keeps moist during the whole growing period, which is beneficial to promote root growth. The soil moisture should be held by hand without dripping water. If the humidity is not enough, the plants are often short and the flowers are easy to wither. Watering is easy to be carried out in the morning, which can not only effectively alleviate the air humidity in the greenhouse, but also help the plant to maintain a dry state and reduce the chance of bacterial infection. The ideal air humidity is 75% and 80%. In the process of promoting cultivation, the measures of heating and ventilation can effectively reduce the air humidity and prevent the humidity from falling too fast, resulting in the withering of leaves and the decline of cut flower quality. In order to improve the quality of cut flowers, 0.5% urea or ferrous sulfate was sprayed every 7 days during the growing period, and 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate was sprayed before budding.

The mode of reproduction of Dutch Iris

Seed ball breeding mother ball after planting and flowering, nutrient depletion, gradually empty, dry shrink, at the same time produce a small number of new balls, and many sub-balls will be formed around the new ball. The bulb can develop into a flowering ball after planting for 1-2 years.

Seed propagation. Seeds can be sown after they are mature. In order to make it germinate ahead of time, it was soaked in water for 24 hours, refrigerated for 10 days, sowed in a cold bed and germinated in autumn. It takes 2 or 3 years for seedlings to blossom, so this method is seldom used in production.

After tissue culture and propagation, the young inflorescences were disinfected and inoculated on the induction medium of MS+BA5mg/L+NAA0.1mg/L at 22 ℃. After 1500~3000lx20 days, a small amount of light green callus was formed at the flower receptacle, and the calli differentiated into white embryoids one after another. When they differentiated into flowers and grew to 2cm, they were divided and inoculated on the rooting medium of 1qq2mspumiba 0.7mgpercuss3%, which took root one month later.

Temperature, humidity, light and moisture are important factors affecting the growth of Iris. The suitable growth temperature of Iris in production is 16 ℃ ~ 18 ℃ and the humidity is 75% ~ 80%.

Because there are many varieties of Iris, the growth characteristics and cultivation cycle are also different, so the appropriate management measures are determined according to the characteristics of the varieties in order to achieve the ideal cultivation effect.

Tissue culture is an effective method to accelerate the cultivation of new varieties, and it is suggested to popularize the method of tissue culture in the breeding of new varieties.

The function and use of Dutch Iris

Cut flower material

Dutch iris is large and beautiful, has a variety of colors and patterns, such as kites like cockroaches, is an important flower material for flower arrangement in Europe and the United States. Before that, Dutch iris has become a new member of cut flower cultivation in China.

Dutch Iris (Iris xiphiumVar.) is a variety of Spanish Iris, which is widely distributed in the temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere. The flower is rich in color, strange in shape, large and beautiful, widely used in green scenic spots and courtyard greening, and is also a world-famous fresh cut flower material.

After reading the above introduction on how to cultivate Dutch Iris, do you know more about the cultivation of Dutch Iris? if you want to know more about Dutch Iris, please stay tuned.

Dutch iris Iris hollandica Dutch iris map: how to raise Dutch iris / how Dutch iris breed Dutch iris business card Dutch iris Iris hollandica Dutch iris introduction variety name: Dutch iris alias: Alice, bulbous iris scientific name: Dutch Iris approval number: Minzhouhua 2010001 variety source: Fujian Academy of Agricultural Sciences crop Research Institute. Morphological characteristics of Dutch Iris introduced from the Netherlands this variety is a bulbous flower planted in autumn and originated from Spain and Morocco. It is generally planted in the middle and last ten days of October, the rooting and sprouting period is from late October to late November, the bolting period is the middle to late February of the following year, the initial flowering stage is in early March, the final flowering stage is in early April, the bulb maturity is in early May, and the whole growth period is 160-180 days. Leaves lanceolate, folded in half, base sheathlike, entire, middle rib obvious, smooth, green, glossy, mature leaves 8-11; double-flowered stem, terminal flower, flowering 1-2, flower stem 50.0-75.0 cm long, 0.75-1.10 cm thick; flower butterfly radiosymmetric, flower diameter 11.0-16.0 cm Vertical petals 3, heart-shaped, yellow, with piano-shaped handle, central part with spoon-shaped orange stripes, valve margin drooping downward, 7.0cm 11.5cm long and 3.0cm 5.0cm wide; flag petal 3, long oval, oblique, white slightly lavender, 6.0cm 11.0cm long and 2.0cm 3.0cm wide; underground corm oval, covered with brown skin After flowering, each female corm can form an oval central bulb and 4-7 bulbs, with an average reproduction coefficient of 5.54; the circumference of mature flowering commercial corms is 8-12 cm, and a few can reach 14 cm. Plant height about 60-80 cm, underground Lin stem, plant and Tang Changpu similar, simple leaves, leaf shape is long lanceolate, apex pointed thin, the base is sheath-shaped, leaves grow 6-7, pull out a single flowering stem, beautiful flower shape, three petals, a single apex inflorescence, flowers are gold, white, blue and dark purple. The ecological habits of Dutch iris are well drained and slightly acidic sandy soil, and continuous cropping is avoided. Seed bulbs with strong, disease-free and circumference of more than 8.0cm are selected for cut flower production, and bulbs with a circumference of 4.5cm and 6.0cm are used as provenances for flowering commercial bulbs, and disinfection treatment is carried out before planting. Open field planting is generally in the middle and late October, and the temperature above 0 ℃ can be planted in the open field, and the suitable growth temperature is 18 ℃ 23 cm. The temperature of flower bud differentiation is 8: 15 ℃, and the optimum temperature is 13 ℃, which is higher than 25 ℃ or lower than-2 ℃. The development of flower bud is blocked and easily withered. The cultivation techniques of Iris Dutch iris are well drained and slightly acidic sandy loam, avoiding continuous cropping. Seed bulbs with strong, disease-free and circumference of more than 8.0cm are selected for cut flower production, and bulbs with a diameter of 4.5cm and 6.0cm are used as provenances for flowering commercial bulbs, and disinfection is carried out before planting. Open field planting is generally in the middle and late October, the temperature above 0 ℃ can be planted in the open field, the suitable growth temperature is 18: 23 ℃, the flower bud differentiation temperature is 8: 15 ℃, the optimum temperature is 13 ℃, higher than 25 ℃ or lower than-2 ℃ flower bud development is blocked and easily withered. Strengthen the management of water and fertilizer, pay attention to the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests, during the whole growing period, the soil remains fully moist, fertilizing mainly with base fertilizer, topdressing for 2 to 3 times, and applying nutrient fertilizer for 3 times after flower picking and cutting, which is beneficial to the growth of corm; when the flower bud is colored at the top, the plant retains 2-3 leaves after cutting to facilitate the growth of new bulbs; when the upper ground turns yellow, dig the bulbs in sunny days, cool and dry, and store them in grades. The cultivation site should have sufficient sunshine, otherwise the plant is prone to weak lodging, preferably in an environment with all-day sunshine. The cultivation medium can be well drained, and the cultivated soil can be mixed with perlite. The suitable temperature for childbearing is about 15-22 degrees. Cut flowers mainly, potted or flower bed planting can also be flowering: March to April flowering. The bulb root was planted into the soil in autumn, and the sandy loam with good drainage and rich in organic matter or compost was selected, and the covered soil was twice as thick as the bulb root. Topdressing is mainly nitrogen fertilizer. The distribution area of Dutch iris Spring Dream belongs to the cut flower variety of Dutch iris. The whole growth period is 160-180 days, strong growth potential, wide adaptability, flower color, outer coat yellow, inner white with lavender, high cut flower yield, good ornamental shape, high bulb reproduction coefficient and good quality. It is suitable for production in low altitude areas such as eastern and southern Fujian. After examination and verification, it is in line with the provisions of crop variety examination (recognition) in Fujian Province, and passed the confirmation. After many years of trial planting in Fuzhou, Zhangzhou, Quanzhou and other places, the average yield of cut flowers per mu is 2.0 ~ 22000. Pictures of Dutch iris