
Easy to breed high-looking flower varieties recommended, specializing in the treatment of "flower killer"

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, I believe that many people like flowers as much as editors, but they just can't raise them well. They want to raise them, but they are afraid of becoming a "flower killer" or give up. In fact, for us "flower killers", we can try to raise some beautiful flowers that are easy to cultivate.

I believe that many people like flowers like Xiaobian, but they can't raise them well. They want to raise them in their hearts, but they are afraid to become "flower killers" or give up. In fact, for us these "flower killers" can try to raise some easy to cultivate high-value flowers, the following and Huinong network Xiaobian together to see it.

I. Longevity Flower

Petals cluster into a group, rich in color, long flowering period, high ornamental value, meaning health and longevity, is a favorite indoor potted flowers.

Maintenance points:

1. Longevity flowers like warm, slightly humid and sunny environments. Water properly and keep dry and wet. Fertilize once a month during the growing season.

2, timely picking, promote more branches, to achieve the effect of plant beauty, green leaves, flowers.

II. Petunia

Full color, flower type diversity, large amount of flowers, whether placed on the balcony or in the courtyard, are good choices, petunia is one of the varieties that flower friends must plant.

Maintenance points:

Petunia likes sunny, warm and humid places, such as south balcony and south windowsill.

2. If you want petunia to burst, pay attention to giving it some compound fertilizer, thin fertilizer can be applied frequently.

III. Pelargonium

Flowers bloom all year round, and the flowers bloom in groups. They are very good flowers for decorating windowsills. Geranium has hemostatic, vasoconstrictive, asthma, reduce depression, tonic, deodorant, antibacterial and other effects.

Maintenance points:

1, sufficient sunlight helps geranium bloom, but the temperature is too high, it is not suitable for direct sunlight, in the spring and autumn season more sunlight, in the summer, pay attention to the temperature, the temperature is too high should avoid geranium to receive light.

2. Excessive one-time fertilization will cause dehydration of geranium. Apply thin liquid fertilizer 2~3 times a month, spray 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution once before flowering, which can make geranium bloom more and more colorful.

3, geranium taboo watering too much, generally 3 to 5 days of watering once is enough.

IV. Pulp grass

The broad sense of sorrel includes most of the plants of sorrel, rich in color and diverse in morphology. The common Chinese sorrel has red sorrel, seemingly delicate sorrel, but in fact strong vitality, is the first choice for greening plants!

Maintenance points:

1. The grass is extensively managed, and special management is not allowed. It likes sunny, warm and humid environment, and maintains sufficient sunshine, so that it will not grow too thin or long.

V. Cosmos

Cosmos plant tall, elegant leaves, rich colors, small and exquisite flowers. The whole herb of cosmos has the effect of clearing away heat and detoxifying, improving eyesight and eliminating dampness.

Maintenance points:

1. Cosmos likes yang and humidity, watering once a day or two. Growth of soil should not be too fertile, too fertile easily lead to excessive growth of flowers.

2. Pay attention to frequent topping during flowering.

VI. Melon

This flower color is bright-colored, flower shape is plump, florescence is long, can make flower bed to plant or potted plant to decorate corridor in courtyard, give a person with fresh and pleasant feeling.

Maintenance points:

1. Melon likes warm and humid environment, scatters light and avoids exposure to the sun. The humidity requirements are relatively high, and frequent spraying is required.

2, before flowering should not apply too much nitrogen fertilizer, control the amount of watering, room temperature should not be too high, otherwise, the leaves grow too much to affect the viewing. Remove the flowers in time.

The above is the flower varieties that are easy to cultivate and have high face value sorted out by Huinong. It specializes in "flower killer". Friends who like flowers don't raise them quickly?

High value easy to feed flower varieties recommended! (with daily maintenance)

Flower lovers know that good-looking is not the only criterion for evaluating flowers. Beautiful and well-maintained flowers are really loved by flower friends. Which flowers are easy to feed in the flower world? The following small series will introduce you to several flower varieties.

Manzi Jasmine

Jasmine, also known as windmill jasmine, Chinese star jasmine, is an evergreen woody vine of the genus Trachelospermum. Although not as famous as clematis, jasmine is also famous at home and abroad. There are two kinds of pink flowers and white flowers in Wanzi Jasmine. As long as the light is full and the water and fertilizer are abundant, Wanzi Jasmine will soon be able to crawl all over the balcony. Moreover, the Jasmine Flower had a sweet fragrance. It emitted an elegant fragrance that seemed to be enough to smell. Therefore, the word jasmine has a saying of "not jasmine, better than jasmine".


Fusang also known as mulberry peony, red flower, hibiscus peony and so on. As the state flower of Hawaii, Malaysia's national flower, when you see it, it reminds you of the southern beauty hanging grass skirt. Common hibiscus colors are red, yellow, white, blue, orange, etc., planted together, like a mini flower sea. As long as the temperature is right, Fusang can last from late spring to late autumn. Such nice flowers are really brilliant when given some sunshine.

Begonia semperflorens

At the beginning of April this year, I bought a pot of Begonia from the Internet. When the goods were received, there were already several small flower buds on the branches. Before long, they opened bright red flowers. By this time, it was August, and the branches were still busy. As long as the temperature fluctuation is not too large, the four seasons begonia has flowers for a long time. Moreover, besides red, the Four Seasons Begonia also blooms white and pink flowers. Four seasons begonia maintenance method is very simple, as long as the soil is moist, abundant light can be.


The Lebanon poet Gibran wrote in his famous work Violet: "Nature has given you that beauty, that fragrance and delicacy that few other flowers give." Violets, known for their beauty and delicacy, are directly proportional to their ornamental value and good maintenance index. As winter and spring flowers, violets are very cold-resistant, daily maintenance as long as the supplement of light and moisture can be.

Rieger Begonia

Rieger Begonia also known as rose begonia, bright flowers and rich colors, so that Rieger Begonia was dubbed "pot flower queen" laudatory name. Like Rieger Begonia flower friends, mostly coveted at its beauty, after all, to the flowering period, Rieger Begonia will open the shape of rose double petals flowers, really beautiful. Compared to millions of bells and geraniums, Rieger Begonia is more pretentious. But daily maintenance, as long as follow scattered light, proper watering, regular pinching, it can make it smooth burst pot.

Dragon Boat Flower

Dragon boat flower is also known as water hydrangea, is a very easy to feed flowers. Dragon boat flower florescence is very long, in perennial mild areas, dragon boat flower can bloom all year round, it has strong adaptability to the environment, even novice, can also easily feed. Moreover, the dragon boat flower has a variety of colors, red, orange, white, yellow and so on. If you plant several colors together, you can harvest a colorful carpet.

of zygocactus

Crab claw orchid has icing on the cake, heaven and earth and Hong's beautiful meaning. In western countries, crab claw orchid is called "Christmas cactus". Crab claw orchid plant hanging, colorful and lovely, delicate flowers graceful, very suitable for family farming. Since the eighties of last century, there has been a history of introduction and cultivation of crab claw orchid in China. After decades of local changes, crab claw orchid can safely winter in most areas of our country and spend summer safely. The conservation techniques are nothing more than supplementing light and proper water and fertilizer.

In addition to the above-mentioned small series introduced several kinds of flower potted plants, tiger thorn plum, lipstick hanging orchid, fireworks flower, geranium, golden bell flower and other flowers, are also high-value and easy-to-feed flower varieties, as long as sufficient light, water and fertilizer appropriate, they will be able to brilliant all seasons.

Flower cultivation: What are the advantages of perennial flowers in garden application?

What are the advantages of perennial flowers in gardens? The application advantages of perennial flowers in gardens include a wide variety of perennial flowers, easy reproduction, simple and convenient management, strong adaptability of perennial flowers, good group effect of perennial flowers, etc. The specific small series will be explained below.

1. There are many varieties of perennial flowers

(1) At present, there are more than 200 varieties of perennial flowers cultivated, and there are various kinds, such as flower viewing, leaf viewing, fruit viewing, etc.

(2) Perennial flower spring and summer flowering varieties: peony, iris, carnation, etc.

(3) The varieties of perennial flowers blooming in summer: canna, daylily, hollyhock, perennial phlox, etc.

(4) Perennial flower varieties flowering in autumn: Hosta, Dutch chrysanthemum, snake flagellum, etc.

(5) Perennial flowers, even if they are of the same variety, also have different colors. For example, the colors of hollyhock include red, crimson, pink, light purple, dark purple and other shades.

2. Easy reproduction and simple management

(1) Perennial flower cultivation generally adopts sowing, cuttage, sub-root propagation method, only master the cultivation season and the necessary scientific management methods can be cultivated and survived.

(2) Perennial flowers are often used for urban landscape beautification, but they need to be replaced in 1-2 years. Most bulbous flowers cannot overwinter in winter, while the root system of perennial flowers is relatively strong, extensive maintenance and management, time-saving, labor-saving, long-term life, and do not need to be replaced frequently.

(3) Perennial root flowers have fewer diseases and insect pests, and only need to carry out necessary fertilization and watering according to seasonal changes to grow normally and bear fruit.

Third, the adaptability of perennial flowers is strong

Many perennial flowers have strong adaptability to early, cold, moisture, barren, saline-alkali and calcareous soil.

4. The population effect of perennial flowers is good.

Perennial root flowers as a group, cluster, piece or with other flowers, plant materials for reasonable planting, can receive unexpected results, with high ornamental value.