
Guidelines for the conservation of azaleas with the function of "monitoring ammonia"

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Rhododendron, also known as Yingshanhong and rhododendron, is one of the top ten famous flowers in China with high ornamental value. And has the function of monitoring toxic gases.

Rhododendron, also known as Yingshanhong and rhododendron, is one of the top ten famous flowers in China with high ornamental value. And it has the function of monitoring toxic gases. Let's follow the editor of Huinong Network to learn the guidelines for the conservation of azaleas.

1. Monitoring function

Rhododendron is highly resistant to harmful gases such as ozone and sulfur dioxide. at the same time, it can also absorb these harmful gases and purify the air. It is also very sensitive to ammonia and can be used as a monitoring plant.

2. Maintenance guidelines

(1) Light

Rhododendron is a long-day flower, even in the middle of summer, it should not be placed in the shade, but in a ventilated and cooler place, that is, outdoor shade. At the end of September and the beginning of October, the sun intensity weakens and the weather is cool, so the shading time should be shortened step by step in order to put it on the southeast balcony in front of the house.

(2) temperature

Move out of the greenhouse in mid and late April and put it in the leeward to the sun, shade in summer, or under the tree to avoid strong direct sunlight. The suitable temperature for growth is 15-25 ℃, and the highest temperature is 32 ℃. It began to move indoors in the middle of October, put it in a sunny place in winter, keep the room temperature at 5-10 ℃, and the lowest temperature should not be lower than 5 ℃, otherwise it would stop growing.

(3) watering

It is necessary to water more and water frequently in summer, because of the high temperature, strong sunshine and fast evaporation of water in summer. Water should be fully watered in the morning; watering at night depends on the situation, and the leaves should be sprayed to keep the leaves clean and the environment moist.

(4) fertilization

In the late winter and early spring every year, it is best to apply some organic fertilizer to the cuckoo as base fertilizer. After the rhododendron blossoms from April to May, because the plant consumes a lot of nutrients during the flowering period, the new shoots grow with the germination of leaf buds, which can be fertilized every 15 days or so. After the ambush, most of the shoots have stopped growing, at this time is the high temperature season, the physiological activity is weakened, can no longer topdressing. After autumn, the climate is getting cooler, and there is continuous autumn rain, temperature and humidity is suitable for cuckoo growth, at this time can do the last fertilizer, generally not suitable for fertilization after winter.

(5) pruning

Pruning is an important measure in daily maintenance and management, which can regulate the growth and development and make the growth exuberant. Daily pruning needs to cut off a small number of diseased branches and weak old branches, combined with the crown shape to cut off some overdense branches to increase ventilation and light, which is beneficial to plant growth.

(6) pick the heart

In the bud stage, buds should be picked in time to concentrate the supply of nutrients and make the flowers big and colorful.

(7) layout

Potted plants should not be placed on the ground, but should be placed on flower racks or inverted flowerpots, with shade nets or curtains hanging on them, and should be maintained.

The above is the monitoring function and maintenance guide of azaleas arranged by Huinong net Xiaobian. Have you learned it? Azaleas are not only beautiful but also have monitoring functions. Friends who like to grow flowers should not miss them.

Guide for conservation of white taro with environmental protection effect

White crane taro, also known as white palm, bract taro, silver taro. With beautiful flower shape and high ornamental value, it is a variety often cultivated by many flower lovers. But the cultivation of white crane taro is easy to maintain, so let's take a look at the maintenance guide of white crane taro together with Huinong net editor.

1. Growth characteristics

Common varieties are Idacho, Ardito, Alpha, Domino, Jagant, Filinda, Pettit, Predy, Snow White, Stephen and so on. The plant of Amorphophallus is 30 ~ 40cm high, the leaves are long oval or broadly lanceolate, the leaves are dark green, the veins are obvious, and the berries are spherical.

2. Environmental protection effect

White crane taro can purify harmful substances such as alcohol, acetone, trichloroethylene, benzene, toluene and ozone in the air. It is estimated that every square meter of taro leaves can absorb formaldehyde 1.09mg and ammonia 3.53mg within 24 hours. In addition, the white crane taro has a high purification function of ozone, which is suitable to be placed next to the kitchen gas stove, which can effectively remove the special smell of oil fumes and volatile substances.

3. Maintenance guidelines

(1) soil selection

Potted white crane taro should choose loose soil with good drainage and ventilation, and can be prepared with rotten leaf soil, peat soil and a small amount of perlite, avoid heavy clay soil, and basin soil should be changed once a year in early spring.

(2) Lighting

White crane taro is more shady, as long as there is light to meet its growth needs, so it can be kept indoors with bright scattered light for cultivation. Summer can cover 709 of the sun, avoid strong light direct, otherwise the leaves will turn yellow, serious sunburn disease. Greenhouse cultivation in northern winter can not shade or less shade. If the light is too dark for a long time, it is not easy to blossom.

(3) temperature

The most suitable temperature for the growth of Amorphophallus konjac is 22-28 ℃ at room temperature, and the overwintering temperature should be above 14 ℃.

(4) watering

In daily maintenance, attention should be paid to keeping the basin soil moist, watering frequently in spring, summer and autumn, and often spraying water on the leaf surface with a fine-eye sprayer to keep the air moist, and watering should be controlled in winter.

(5) fertilization

It is advisable to apply thin compound fertilizer or rotten cake fertilizer and water every half a month in the peak growing season, and to apply less fertilizer or stop fertilization in winter and autumn.

(6) Reproduction

The plant division method is commonly used to propagate the white crane taro. Generally, when changing soil in early spring, the rhizome at the base of the clump can be cut open, each clump retains at least 3 stems and buds, and more root groups are retained to promote the survival of the new plant [Jishan Huayao].

(7) pruning

When the root system of white crane taro is too long and too dense, the old root should be cut off in time and the long root should be trimmed short. After flowering, the branches should be pruned with flowers to avoid the appearance of sagging plants.

(8) arrangement and arrangement

White crane taro flower stem tall and straight beautiful, potted especially suitable for decorating the living room, study, elegant and chic. In addition, its flowers are also excellent decorative materials for flower baskets and flower arrangements.

10 kinds of flowers for secondhand smoke are recommended, which can purify the air very well.

We all know that smoking is harmful to our health, but there are still a lot of people who like smoking, which often makes the environment a mess, but it suffers those of us who are forced to smoke secondhand smoke! Today, the editor will recommend some flowers specializing in secondhand smoke, which can purify the air very well.

First, goose palm wood

Goose palm wood, also known as duck foot wood, is a good hand at second-hand smoke. Its leaves can absorb nicotine and other harmful substances from the smoky air, and convert them into nutrients they need through photosynthesis, as well as formaldehyde!

Key points of maintenance

1. Goose palm wood does not like strong light, so it can be maintained in the place of bright scattered light.

2. In summer, water should be watered every day to keep the soil moist. When the weather is dry, water should be sprayed to the leaves to improve air humidity.

Second, drug addicts

Drug addict grass is a kind of wrinkled leaf mint, which can effectively remove smoke smell and odor, absorb indoor formaldehyde, benzene, ammonia, sulfur dioxide and other harmful gases, and release fragrance when growing vigorously.

Key points of maintenance

1. Drug addicts like bright light, which is suitable for putting on the ventilated south windowsill.

2. When watering, according to the principle of not drying and watering thoroughly, avoid stagnant water and waterlogging roots.

Third, Ivy

Ivy is a common indoor hanging potted plant. The tiny stomata on its leaves can effectively absorb smoke, nicotine and formaldehyde in the air, convert them into harmless sugars and amino acids, and inhibit the production of carcinogens in nicotine.

Key points of maintenance

1. High temperature and muggy heat can easily cause ivy to wither and fall leaves, so be sure to keep them in a cool and ventilated place.

2. When the temperature exceeds 30 degrees, the ivy stops growing. If you want to reduce watering, you can spray around the plant.

Fourth, weeping leaf banyan

Weeping banyan can effectively purify the indoor turbid air, has a good adsorption and filtration effect on smoke and dust, but also can absorb nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide and other harmful gases, increase the negative oxygen ions in the air, which is of great benefit to health.

Key points of maintenance

1. Weeping leaf banyan does not have high requirements for light, and family maintenance can be placed in the living room or courtyard.

2. Spray water frequently in summer and apply liquid nitrogen fertilizer or compound fertilizer every half month or so.

Fifth, touch incense

Touch incense, hanging in the room, full of apple incense, not only can absorb smoke, formaldehyde, ammonia, sulfur dioxide and other harmful gases, put on the windowsill, desk, but also refreshing and repelling mosquitoes.

Key points of maintenance

1. It is suitable to be placed on the south windowsill with plenty of light, pay attention to ventilation.

2, when watering, first check the basin soil, do not dry do not water, do not avoid stagnant water and waterlogging roots.

6. Cactus

Cactus is the most common lazy plant, its acupuncture can absorb dust and particles in the smoke, absorb carbon dioxide, and purify the air.

Key points of maintenance

The cactus is drought-resistant, and the basin soil would rather be dry than wet. It has a large evaporation in summer and is watered every 3-5 days or so.

7. Millennium wood

The leaves and roots of millennium wood can absorb xylene, toluene, trichloroethylene, benzene and formaldehyde and decompose them into non-toxic substances, which have absolute advantages in restraining harmful gases and purifying air.

Key points of maintenance

1. The thousand-year-old wood must be placed in an environment with plenty of light, otherwise the color will become lighter, but avoid strong light exposure.

2. In hot weather, spray more water on the leaves to keep the air moist, and apply thin liquid nitrogen fertilizer once or twice a month.

8. Hanging orchid

The orchid is known as the "green purifier". It has a strong ability to absorb toxic and harmful gases, can also absorb smoke, oil, and drive away mosquitoes, which is the only choice to purify the environment and beautify the room.

Key points of maintenance

1. The hanging orchid does not have high requirements for light, so it is suitable to be placed in a bright place of scattered light, with more ventilation and ventilation.

2. In summer, you should often spray water around the leaves to keep the air moist.

9. Tortoise back bamboo

Tortoise back bamboo is a natural "scavenger", the leaves are broad, can effectively absorb nicotine, dust and other small particles, and has a strong ability to absorb formaldehyde, living room, porch put a basin, which is of great benefit to the body!

Key points of maintenance

1. Tortoise back bamboo should be shaded in summer to avoid strong light exposure, and indoor maintenance should be placed in the place of scattered light.

2. When the temperature is high, water can be irrigated once a day in the morning and evening, and rotten cake fertilizer and water should be applied once or twice a month.

Silver Queen

The Silver Queen is famous for its unique air purification ability, and the leaves can effectively absorb nicotine and formaldehyde. the most amazing thing is that the higher the concentration of toxic gas in the air, the stronger its purification ability, so it is very suitable for a poorly ventilated room.

Key points of maintenance

1. In summer, it is necessary to prevent heat and cool down, avoid bright light and burn leaves.

2. watering should be adequate, keep the basin soil moist, and pour out the stagnant water in the basin in time after the rain to avoid rotting roots.

The above are 10 kinds of flowers specializing in secondhand smoke. Flower friends, do you have any of these flowers in your family? What other flowers do you know that have a good effect on smoking? You can comment on the increase of knowledge together!