
How to cultivate hydrangea? Detailed explanation of cutting cultivation techniques of Hydrangea

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, How to raise hydrangeas? Hydrangea is shaped like hydrangea and likes rich and moist soil. It is a very delicate flower. Most varieties of hydrangea can only be propagated reliably by rooting cuttings.

How to raise hydrangeas? Hydrangea is shaped like hydrangea and likes rich and moist soil. It is a very delicate flower. Most varieties of hydrangea can only be propagated reliably by rooting cuttings. Let's learn the cutting cultivation techniques of Hydrangea.

Preparatory work

Cleaning is essential for successful rooting of hydrangea. Wipe the trimming blade with a rag soaked in alcohol. This kills diseased organisms and prevents pathogens from spreading. Clean the flowerpot. After rinsing in clean water, soak the flowerpot in 1 part of household bleach to 9 parts of water solution for at least 5 minutes. Rinse clean with clean water. Fill the basin with rooting soil (such as the equivalent part of peat and perlite) in the 2-3cm at the edge. Time propagates in the middle and late summer, when the flowers have formed and the stems are still green.

Looking for branches

Find the Hydrangea stem that has not yet blossomed because flowering reduces the concentration of plant hormones in the stem. This hormone promotes rooting. You can test the correct stem development by bending the green stem.


With a clean pruning shears, remove the top part of the stem that contains several leaves. Cut the stem below the node, which is the area where leaves appear. Cut the stem into shorter pieces, each about 10CM, and contain three to four nodes. Clean up the alcohol pruning shears between each stem cut from the bushes.

Prepare to plant

Prepare a small clean container with some rooting hormones in it. Do not soak the cut branches into the entire container that may contaminate the rooting hormone. If there are leaves, remove the lower two leaves from the cut. Immediately soak the base of the stem in the rooting hormone and apply the end of the fresh cut and any wound caused by the removal of the leaves. Cut off the outer half of the remaining leaves to reduce the use of water when cutting.

Maintain humidity

You need to keep cutting until it takes root, so it needs a wet environment. Place a large, transparent plastic bag at the cutting place and, if necessary, take it off the branch and insert the stump into the pot mixture. Put the cut in a cool place. It will take root in about a week.

Cultivation and Management techniques of Hydrangea

Hydrangea (scientific name: Hydrangea macrophylla (Thunb.) Ser. ): it belongs to Hydrangea of Saxifragaceae. Shrubs, 1-4 m tall; stems often emit many radiating branches at base to form a round shrub; branches Terete. Leaves papery or subleathery, Obovate or broadly elliptic. Corymbose Cymes subglobose, 8-20 cm in diam., with short total pedicels, densely flowered, pink, light blue or white; petals oblong, 3-3.5 mm long. Capsule immature, long gyro-shaped; seeds immature. The florescence is from June to August.

Hydrangea (scientific name: Hydrangea macrophylla (Thunb.) Ser. )

Hydrangea flower shape plump, large and beautiful, its color can be red and blue, pleasing to the eye and spirit, is a common potted ornamental flowers and trees. Hydrangea was cultivated earlier in China, and hydrangea was planted in the gardens in the south of the Yangtze River built in the Ming and Qing dynasties. The park built at the beginning of the 20th century is also inseparable from the planting of hydrangea. Modern parks and scenic spots are planted in pieces to form a landscape.

The following editor has sorted out the cultivation and management techniques of hydrangea.

Water and Fertilizer Management of Hydrangea

Hydrangea likes fertilizer, and the fertilizer and water of cooked thin pancakes are generally applied every 15 days during the growth period. In order to maintain the acidity of the soil, ferrous sulfate of 1% muri 3% can be added to the fertilizer solution. Regular watering of alum fertilizer and water can make the plant branches and leaves green; the application of 1-2 potassium dihydrogen phosphate during the bud period can make the flowers bright and colorful; the application of cake fertilizer should avoid summer days, so as not to cause diseases and insect pests and damage the root system.

Hydrangea has luxuriant branches and leaves and requires a lot of water. In the spring, summer and autumn of the growing season, it is necessary to irrigate enough water to keep the basin soil moist. The summer weather is hot, evaporation is large, in addition to watering enough water, but also spray water to the leaves every day. Hydrangea avoid stagnant water in the basin, otherwise it will rot the root. It is necessary to gradually reduce the amount of water after entering autumn.

Four Seasons maintenance of Hydrangea

Hydrangea prefers semi-shade and humid environment and is not very cold-resistant. The hot summer bothers the scorching sun, otherwise the leaves are easy to scorch and wither, the branches and leaves wilt and wither after frost, the aboveground parts of open-field cultivation die in winter, and new shoots sprout from the roots and then blossom the following year, such as overwintering in the greenhouse, they can remain evergreen.

Main points of maintenance in spring: the withered branches of potted plants should be trimmed and the soil should be turned over to change the soil. After taking the pot, the dilute liquid fertilizer dominated by nitrogen fertilizer can be applied once or twice to promote the germination of branches and leaves.

Main points of maintenance in summer and autumn: should be placed in a semi-shady place or under the curtain to prevent the scorching sun and prevent the leaves from yellowing and anxiety. Topdressing is applied once or twice before and after flowering to promote the reproduction of chlorophyll flowers. After the flower fade, the pedicel should be repaired in time to keep the posture beautiful. The basin soil is often moist, but it is necessary to prevent stagnant water after rain to prevent the succulent root of Hydrangea from rotting because of too much water.

Key points of winter maintenance: after winter, the plants cultivated in the open field should keep warm and keep them safe through the winter; potted plants can be placed in a warm place facing south to the sun and without cold wind. Although the withered leaves fall off in winter, the roots and branches still survive, and new leaves germinate in the next spring.

Hydrangea for soil change and pruning

Potted hydrangea flowers usually turn the pot and change the soil once a year. It is appropriate to turn the basin and change the soil in the first ten days of March. When changing pots, it is necessary to prune the roots of the plant, cutting off rotten roots, rotten roots and overlong roots. After the plant is moved into the new pot, the soil should be compacted, watered and placed in a shaded place for about 10 days, and then moved outside for normal management.

In order to make the crown of potted hydrangea beautiful and blossom, it is necessary to prune the plant. Generally can be from the survival of the seedlings, grow to 10-15 cm high, that is for heart-picking treatment, so that the lower axillary buds can germinate. Then the four new shoots in the middle and upper part were selected and all the axillary buds in the lower part were removed. When the new branch grows to 8-10 cm, the second coring is carried out. Hydrangea usually blossoms on biennial strong branches. after flowering, the old branches should be cut short and 2-3 buds should be retained to limit the plant growth and promote the growth of new shoots. Cut off the top of the new shoots after autumn to stop the branches from growing so as to survive the winter. After such pruning, the plant type is more beautiful, which greatly enhances the ornamental value.

Cultivation techniques of hydrangea how to grow hydrangea

Hydrangea is a common ornamental flower and tree, which will be planted in many places to form a landscape, and some people like to plant potted plants to beautify the indoor environment. Nowadays, hydrangea is mostly cultivated artificially, and the flowers are big and colorful. There are blue, white, purple, pink, peach and so on. Because they always grow together like a ball, they have a very vivid name called Hydrangea. So they are very prominent in the flowers, in the flower language Daquan, it has many different legends and meanings.

First, the flower language of Hydrangea

Hydrangea flower language: hope, loyalty, eternity, happiness, reunion.

Loyalty refers to the loyalty to love and the eternity of mutual affection. Moreover, the hydrangea round flowers and beautiful posture symbolize the continuous contact with relatives, no matter how long they are separated, they will be together again, thus implying "happiness and reunion". Also because, in a short period of one month florescence, its color will produce a lot of changes. And it is not simply from red to blue or from blue to green. Therefore, Hydrangea also implies "change of heart and change of mind".

Not only that, with a hydrangea flower is very strange, loved at the same time, but also has a happy reunion, oh, people can not help but like it. The round hydrangea flowers are very beautiful. People often say that the beautiful gesture symbolizes the continuous contact with relatives, no matter how long they are separated, they will get together again.

In addition, hydrangea also has the symbolic meaning of loyalty eternity. Everyone can guess the consciousness, that is, loyalty to love and the eternity of mutual affection. It is precisely because of this that hydrangea is endowed with a faithful and eternal flower language. It is said that people who are blessed by this kind of flower will live a happy life.

In fact, hydrangea can be divided into white and red, but there are blue hydrangeas in the world. Blue represents the meaning of romantic perfection, and for this reason, the blue hydrangea also has a flower language, that is, romantic perfection. Completely inherits the special meaning that blue is given by people. But to tell you the truth, the blue hydrangea is really beautiful.

Second, a brief introduction to Hydrangea

Hydrangea, also known as eight Immortals, Ziyang Flower, Seven changes, Hydrangea, Noodle Flower, originated in the Mediterranean. It belongs to the deciduous shrub of the genus Saxifragaceae. The flowers are almost asexual, and the so-called "flowers" are just sepals. Hydrangea, which is native to the Mediterranean, has always been famous for its evergreen trees that bloom in the depths of winter. In the cold winter, at first glance, pink buds and white flowers seem to tell people that spring is approaching. Therefore, hydrangea means "hope". Those who are blessed by this flower are full of patience and tolerance. He will bring hope to many people, and his life is also very rich.

Hydrangea is a deciduous shrub or small tree, flowering in summer, integrated Cymes at the top of branches, with white neutral flowers at the margin. The flowers bloom greenish at first, then turn white with fragrance. Sex like warm, moist and semi-shady environment, afraid of drought and waterlogging, not cold-resistant, like fat, moist, well-drained light loam, but strong adaptability.

Hydrangea is a deciduous shrub or small tree, 3 meters high. The branches unfold and the winter buds are exposed. Leaves opposite, ovate to ovate-elliptic, surface dark green, abaxially stellate pubescent, leaf margin serrate. It blossoms in summer and integrates large globose Cymes at the top of the branch, with white neutral flowers at the margin. The flowering period is from April to May, and the flower diameter is 18cm to 20cm, all of which are sterile flowers. The flowers bloom greenish at first, then turn white with fragrance. Because its shape is like hydrangea.

Third, how to raise hydrangea

Hydrangea, famous for its beautiful petals, is named because its flower shape is similar to that of ancient hydrangea. Hydrangea large and full, flower color more gorgeous, to pot more, originating in Sichuan area, because of many changes, also often known as eight immortals, Hydrangea. The florescence is for summer, gathered and born. Hydrangea prefers a warm and humid environment, mostly semi-shady. For a long time, there is more water in the basin, so Hydrangea adapts to the warm and humid environment, is not very cold-resistant, afraid of cold, so it is rarely seen in the north. The requirement for soil is not high, so it is suitable for breeding, and there is a great relationship between flower color and soil acidity and basicity.

1. If Hydrangea wants to produce beautiful and generous flowers, it is best to plant it in acidic soil with more organic matter. Only rich corrosive matter in this soil can make hydrangea blossom beautifully. The acidity and alkalinity of the soil need to be well proportioned. According to the growth law of hydrangea, the flowers in the acid soil generally bloom blue flowers, while the alkaline ones bloom more.

2, Hydrangea is generally in full bloom in the early summer in the south, its adaptive temperature is about 25 ℃, the general temperature is not less than 10 degrees Celsius, less than 5 ℃ will stop growing. So we should take good measures to keep warm in winter.

IV. Cultivation techniques of Hydrangea

The eight Immortals were cultivated earlier in China, and hydrangea was planted in the gardens in the south of the Yangtze River built in the Ming and Qing dynasties. The park built at the beginning of the 20th century is also inseparable from the planting of hydrangea. Modern parks and scenic spots are planted in pieces to form a landscape. Artificially cultivated hydrangea flowers are colorful, with blue, white, purple, pink, pink and other colors, is a common ornamental flowers and trees.

Hydrangea is a common flower plant, its umbrella, such as snowballs, surrounded by oval green leaves, is very good-looking, is a very important summer flowers and trees, can be planted everywhere, but if planted in places such as home windowsill and balcony, it will look interesting at home. The optimum temperature for the growth of Hydrangea is 18-28 ℃, and the winter temperature is not lower than 5 ℃. Flower bud differentiation takes 6-8 weeks under the condition of 5-7 ℃. The temperature of 20 ℃ can promote flowering, maintain 16 ℃ after anthesis, and prolong the flowering period. Hydrangea is a short-day plant, which is treated in the dark for more than 10 hours every day and forms flower buds in about 45-50 days. The stem of the flower is removed after flowering to promote the formation of new branches.

Finally, in fact, we all know that not all flowers have flowers, and once flowers with special meaning are given by people, they are always favored by people. I don't know if you have a deeper understanding of this novel hydrangea after the explanation.