
Novice roses are always unable to do well. These two points make rose grow faster and blossom more.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, [0030] novice roses are always unable to keep alive. To do well in these two points, roses grow faster and blossom more! Recently, many flower friends told the blue demon that they had bought rose seedlings many times before, but they were not able to feed them.

[0030] Novice raising roses, always unable to keep alive, do these two points well, roses grow faster and bloom more!

Recently, quite a few flower friends told Blue Yao that they had bought many rose seedlings before, but they had not been able to keep them alive. They no longer had much confidence. They were afraid that they would not be able to keep Blue Yao's seedlings alive after buying them.

In fact, it is not difficult to feed the rose, but our novice flower friends are easy to have problems in some small details, resulting in the rose seedlings not living.

First of all, as a novice, it is best not to choose toothpick seedlings. The roots of toothpick seedlings themselves are relatively weak, and the difficulty of maintenance is relatively large. Novices have no experience in management, so it is easier to raise death. It is best to choose a larger seedling, the root system is more developed resistance, tolerance, even if there are some problems with maintenance species, but also able to withstand it.

Mistakes easily made by roses

Rookie raising rose, easy to raise death, mainly easy to make a few mistakes caused.

1. Improper base fertilizer

Rose basin before adding fertilizer to ensure that rose growth process, sufficient nutrients, this we all know, but what fertilizer as a base fertilizer? many people are confused.

Many of our novice flower friends will use quick-acting compound fertilizer to make base fertilizer. That's where the problem comes in.

The rose just changed pots has not adapted to the new environment. At this time, it is very easy to cause fertilizer damage by using quick-acting compound fertilizer as base fertilizer. Light leaves are scorched and withered, and serious whole seedlings are hung up directly, especially toothpick seedlings, which have poor tolerance and are easy to hang up.

Rose base fertilizer, can only be fermented organic fertilizer, or long-term slow release fertilizer.

2. Too much watering

After that, they always like to water. This should be the common problem of most novice flower friends, always afraid of drying, watering once a day, but also spraying a few times.

This is actually very fatal for the rose.

Rose is not resistant to water and humidity, and the pot soil is very easy to rot for a long time, so watering must wait until the pot soil is dry before watering.

In addition, do not spray water on roses, leaves have long-term ponding, moisture, it is easy to cause disease.

3. Application of concentrated fertilizer

In order to make the rose grow fast, we want to fertilize the rose more, we all say thin fertilizer frequently, but many of our flower friends master the concentration of bad fertilizer, always give thick fertilizer, a fertilizer found that the leaves of the rose scorched.

If the concentration of fertilizer is too high, it will also directly lead to the death of roses.

4. Poor ventilation and insufficient light

Rose is like sufficient light, good ventilation environment, if the rose is placed indoors without light, or completely closed balcony, the growth of rose is very unfavorable, easy to cause rose growth thin.

Over time, it is easy to infect diseases and insect pests, causing poor growth of plants and even death.

It is best to place the rose outside in a well-lit, well-ventilated outdoor or windowsill.

5, do not prevent pests and diseases

The prevention of rose diseases and insect pests is very important. A single infection of diseases and insect pests can easily cause the plant to weaken and then die.

Usually maintenance should pay attention to ensure adequate ventilation and fertilizer, do not often spray to the leaves, so easy to induce disease.

(The text of this article is original blue demon, the pictures are all from the network, if there is infringement, please contact me to delete)

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