
Production method and later maintenance of Penglai bonsai

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Penglai pine is evergreen all the year round, unique in shape, and has high ornamental value, so it is a kind of plant suitable for potted plants. Many people like bonsai, but different plant bonsai production methods are different, so the following editor will bring you Penglai bonsai production methods and post-maintenance.

Penglai pine is evergreen all the year round, unique in shape, and has high ornamental value, so it is a kind of plant suitable for potted plants. Many people like bonsai, but different plant bonsai production methods are different, so the following editor will bring you Penglai bonsai production methods and post-maintenance.

Bonsai making method

1. Tree shape

Penglai pine has a variety of tree shapes, including straight dry type, oblique dry type, curved dry type and cliff type, each with its own characteristics. Straight dry type vigorous tall and straight simple; oblique dry type healthy and vigorous; qu dry type winding and winding like a Wolong; cliff type like a precipitous mountain with a dragon probe.

2. Selection of basin

The specific shape of the basin is uncertain, can be square or round, generally determined by the plant tree, generally default to the rectangular medium-shaped basin. If the plant is cliff-shaped, choose a deeper thousand-barrel basin; if the tree is curved, choose a drum-shaped shallow round basin, which is made of purple sand pottery and glazed pottery.

3. Soil selection

Lax requirements for soil, adapt to a variety of soils, suitable for fertile, deep, well-drained slightly acidic soil, but do not choose saline-alkali soil for planting.

4. Processing and shaping

When implanting Penglai into the basin, you should pay attention to strengthening its branches. You can bind the roots with wire and pass through the round hole at the bottom of the basin, but remember not to damage its roots. The shaping is mainly based on climbing, selecting young saplings, twisting their trunks, trimming side branches, and climbing them with wire. After one or two growth of the plant, the wire can be removed and the climbing can be adjusted again, so that it can be fixed after a few years.

Late maintenance of Penglai pine

1. Temperature: the suitable temperature for growth is 20-30 degrees, not cold-resistant, and the winter temperature should not be too low, otherwise the growth will stagnate.

2. Lighting: like semi-overcast environment, afraid of strong light, so shade is needed in summer, otherwise the leaves will be scorched yellow due to lack of water.

3, moisture: like the humid environment, the growing season to maintain sufficient moisture, but avoid waterlogging, too much water in the basin, will lead to the root can not breathe and die, less watering in winter, keep the soil moist.

4. Fertilization: nitrogen fertilizer is the main fertilizer, potassium fertilizer is supplementary, and it can be fertilized once a month.

The above is the introduction of the production method and post-maintenance of Penglai bonsai. Penglai bonsai production method is simple and easy to use, so people who want to do Penglai bonsai do not have to worry about bad work or maintenance. If you like Penglai fluffy, just do it!

Bonsai production and maintenance of Penglai

The method of making bonsai of Penglai pine

Select basin shape

The specific shape of the basin can be determined by the tree shape of Penglai pine, can be square, can be round, generally we choose a rectangular medium-shallow basin is appropriate. If the tree is cliff type, generally choose a deeper thousand-cylinder basin; curved dry type, generally choose a drum-shaped shallow round basin. Usually choose to cultivate Penglai loose pots with purple sand pottery can also be used glazed pottery.

Select tree shape

Penglai pine has a variety of tree shapes, including straight dry type, oblique dry type, curved dry type and cliff type, all of which have their own characteristics. For straight-dry Penglai pine, tall and straight vigorous, antique; and oblique dry hovering growth like a Wolong; cliff type is like a precipitous mountain with a dragon looking at the head, it is not spectacular.

Select soil

Penglai is suitable for more soil, choose deep, loose, well-drained, slightly acidic soil, but do not choose high salinity soil. It can also be mixed with sand and soil.


If Penglai pine is implanted into a shallow basin, you should pay attention to strengthening the branches, tie it to the root with iron wire, be careful not to damage the root, and then pass through the round hole at the bottom of the basin. The post-processing of Penglai pine is mainly based on climbing and binding, and metal wire is selected. Select some young saplings, about 2-3-year-old saplings, and bend the dry branches of the seedlings, trim the side branches, and climb them on the Penglai pine, showing a horizontal or downward state. After a year of growth, the wire is removed and adjusted, and then climbing again, it will be finalized in a few years.

Curing temperature of Penglai pine

Penglai pine can grow at a temperature of more than 15 ℃, so it should not be too low in winter, otherwise it will stop growing, and the suitable temperature for growth is between 20 ℃ and 30 ℃.


Penglai pine should be cultured in semi-shade, especially in summer to avoid direct sunlight, otherwise it will cause the leaves to be scorched due to lack of water. At the same time, pay attention to ventilation.

Moisture content

In the vigorous growth period of Penglai pine, sufficient water should be given, but it can not lead to stagnant water in the basin, otherwise it will cause hypoxia and death in the roots. In slow-growing seasons such as winter, there is no need for frequent watering, just to keep the basin soil moist.


Fertilization should form the law of fertilization from January to January, especially nitrogen and potassium fertilizer is the most suitable, which can promote the growth of Penglai pine.

The Origin and Development History of Bonsai

The Origin and Development History of Bonsai

I. the origin of bonsai

The origin of bonsai in China can be traced back to the Neolithic Age. From 1977 to 1978, potted plants were painted on Neolithic pottery pieces unearthed in Hemudu Village, Yuyao, Zhejiang Province. This is the earliest "potted" ornamental plant found in China. It is the primary form of Chinese bonsai. "imitate nature, build a garden". As far back as the 11th century BC, the Zhou Dynasty built a park for the royal aristocracy to hunt and play. After Qin unified the country, Lin Yuan was built. Qin Shihuang is still working as a long pond in Xianyang, diverting Wei River. Build the earth into Penglai Mountain. Liu Che, Emperor of the Han Dynasty, expanded the scope of the Shanglin Garden in the Qin Dynasty by more than 200 miles and built dozens of palaces, views and pavilions. At this time, private gardens are also very popular. Yuan Guanghan, a rich man in Mao Lin, built a garden at the foot of Beishan, four miles from east to west, five miles from north to south, with water injection as a pool and structural stone as a mountain. Strange trees and grass, pavilions back together, it can be seen that the garden was already quite popular at that time. The formation and development of bonsai are inseparable from the art of gardening. From the excavation of the Han Dynasty pottery inkstone, inkstone sculpture has 12 peaks, mountains overlap, continuous mountains, if Sheng water among them, mountains shadow, showing a beautiful lake and mountain scenery. Then from the tomb mural of the Eastern Han Dynasty (AD 25-220) unearthed in Wangdu County, Hebei Province, there is a round basin with six safflower branches planted in the basin and a square frame under the basin, which forms a whole of plants, bonsai and several shelves. this kind of potted plant can be regarded as the early form of bonsai trees in our country. At the same time, it can also be seen that the bonsai art of our country at that time also reached a very high level in theory and practice.

During the Southern and Northern dynasties, Zong Bing, a hermit and famous painter of the Southern Song Dynasty (AD 375-443), said in his Preface to Landscape painting: "the shape of Kunqu can be surrounded by square inches, vertical row three inches, when the height of a thousand feet, horizontal ink several feet, the body of a hundred miles back." And the landscape that has been painted in his life, the landscape that he has seen in the room and the landscape he has seen in his life are painted on the indoor walls for sleeping and swimming. During the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern dynasties, landscape painting was gradually separated from figure painting. The rise of landscape painting plays a great role in the formation of Chinese bonsai and is of historic significance. From the Northern and Southern dynasties, Xiao Zixian (489-537 AD), a historian of the Liang Dynasty, once said in the Book of Southern Qi that "carving Stone Mountain in Kuaiji County is said to be famous." It also contains: "in the sixth year of Yongming (AD 488), the clouds in Chicheng Mountain were cheerful, and it was never rare to see Shiqiao Waterfall. Zhu Sengbiao, a Taoist priest, sent the master book Dong Zhongmin's case as a divine auspicious. Tai Le ordered Zheng Yitai case Sun Xinggong to build Tiantai Mountain geisha and make a raspberry moss stone bridge. Taoist monks look like Cuiping and save. " From the Book of Nanqi, it is not difficult to see that the garden art of imitating natural scenery and stacking rockery has already appeared at that time. It can be seen that bonsai in China actually originated in the Neolithic period before the Han Dynasty and has a history of more than 7000 years.

Second, the formation of bonsai

The Tang Dynasty (AD 618-907) was an era in which China's feudal society reached a high degree of development, with brilliant achievements in all kinds of culture and art and the overall prosperity of painting art. The development of landscape painting has promoted the formation of Chinese bonsai. The tomb of Prince Zhang Huai (built in AD) was excavated in Qianling, Qianxian County, Shaanxi Province in 1972. (706), it is an accompanying tomb. In the tomb, there is a mural "bonsai picture" of a maid holding a bonsai, which is located on the east wall of the passageway in front of the tomb. From north to south, there are three handmaids, all holding one thing. Among them, the latter two maids hold a bonsai in both hands. The first maid holds a bonsai of trees and stone, and the second maid holds a bonsai of ornamental flowers. This painting strongly proves the historical fact that our country had bonsai in the Tang Dynasty in the 8th century AD. Feng Zhi, a native of the Tang Dynasty, once wrote in his book "Chronicle Pearl": "Wang Wei used yellow porcelain to store Lanhui, raised a beautiful stone, and flourished for many years." This is a kind of landscape bonsai. The bonsai on the wall of Prince Zhang Huai's tomb is also painted yellow with the color of the basin, which may have been widely used in the Tang Dynasty. Wang Wei is a painter and poet, contemporary people call him "poetry in painting, painting in poetry", so his bonsai is also full of poetic flavor. The poet Juyi has also written many poems about bonsai, such as the poem about "rockery": "the smoke is in three autumn colors, and the waves are immortal." Cut into sapphire slices and truncate Biyungen. The atmosphere leads to the cave, and the moss protects the cave door. Sanfeng is specifically small, so it should be Huashan Sun. "Yungen" refers to stone, which shows that the method of truncating stone was used to process landscape bonsai at that time. It is also written in the poem "Shuangshi": "Cangran two pieces of stone, Jue-shaped strange and ugly"; "extremely high several feet, ao Hongrong a fight". It can be seen from the poem that he advocated that stone should have the characteristics of "strange" and "ugly", with different shapes and various forms in order to show its natural and simple beauty. At the same time, we can also see that there are already several feet of large bonsai at that time. And the poet Li he once wrote a "Song of five Little Pines" in which he wrote: "Green waves soak leaves full of light, thin bunches of dragon beard dumplings with knife scissors." These two verses are about the pruning of bonsai trees. Han Yu recorded in his five Pool Poems that there was a kind of aquatic flower that buried the pot in the soil, put water in the basin, planted lotus root and raised fish. From the above-mentioned documents and unearthed cultural relics, it is not difficult to see that the Tang Dynasty bonsai has been formed and has a high level, which is widely popular in the folk and the court.

Third, the development of bonsai

The artistic level of Chinese landscape painting reached an unprecedented level in the Song Dynasty (AD 960-1279). The theory of landscape painting was also applied to bonsai and made great progress. No matter the court and the folk, it has become popular to watch strange trees and rocks, and further research has been carried out on the form of bonsai, which is divided into two categories: tree bonsai and landscape bonsai. This is a major event in the history of the development of Chinese bonsai. Of the "Eighteen official Pictures" painted by the people of the Song Dynasty in the Imperial Palace, two of the four paintings are painted with pine bonsai. It is "cover Yanzhi pan, needles such as qu iron, hanging roots unearthed, old Ben raw scales, has been like a thing for hundreds of years." LV Shengyi recited and praised "plum in the basin" and made the word "Jiangchengyu": "see Binggu every year after waxing. Jade skin, order Qiong Cake. He is not old, but he turns plump when he is old. The back is as thick as a picture, under the bright moon, the shadow is sparse. There is a journey to the south of the Yangtze River. If you send a sound book, it will come to nothing. And near the basin, the skillful stone leans on the floating map. Quiet to the north mountain forest, make-up, the small West Lake. " In this poem, praise the "Pozhong Mei" ice muscle jade skin, not old flower appearance, under the bright moon sparse shadow horizontal slope, near the basin pool, rely on skillful stone, like the charming scenery of the Little West Lake. Wang Shipeng of the Song Dynasty said in the Story of Yansong: "friends from Yansong to Meixi are heterogeneous, with root title fist stone, Mao is not withered, forest is not Qiao, cypress pine body, the weather is awe-inspiring, hiding the earth-shaking meaning in the holding room, but also the wonder of vegetation and trees, I quite like it, plant it with tile, and put it in a small room." The bonsai mentioned by Wang Shipeng here is a potted pine bonsai with exposed roots, stones and towering pines. After getting a precious "Yunxi Stone", calligrapher Huang Tingjian once wrote a poem: "the creation forms a wonderful painting, and the terrain is far away from the sky." Jiaolong haunts 30,000 hectares, cloud and rain across twelve peaks. A clear seat makes people free from vulgarity, and when they are idle, there is a cool breeze in the summer. The rustling night of fallen trees in the mountains, drunken dreams in the leaves of rivers and lakes. It can be seen from the poem that the artistic technique of "thousands of miles away from the small to see the big" has been applied at that time, and has reached a very high level.

In the Song Dynasty, the emergence and development of landscape bonsai promoted the collection and research of mountain and stone materials, and produced many monographs. For example, there are as many as 116 kinds of stone recorded in du Fu's Yunlin Stone Spectrum, and the origin, shape, color, grade and collection methods are recorded and discussed in detail. The spectrum also records the double stones obtained by Su Dongpo in Yangzhou, one green and one white, which is Yingde stone, which shows that Yingde stone has been used to make landscape bonsai at that time. Zhao Xihu wrote the Qinglu of Dongtian, which describes in detail the production method of landscape bonsai in the book distinguishing between Strange Stones. The book states: "the strange stone is small and rises from the peak, and most of the rocks are towering and mosaic." Can publish a few cases to watch and play, but also strange things. "those who are moist are really lovely to play, while those who are dry are not expensive enough. Daozhou stone is also lovely. Chuanshi is strange and towering, tall and delightful. However, after manual carving, it is hammered in the rush water and accepted in the sill of the flower, or smoked or dyed, it can also be slightly black and bright, so it is appropriate to make a rockery. " At that time, smoke dyeing was used to make the stone slightly black and glowing, and the rockery was made in much the same way as today.

Now the Song Dynasty flower stone relics on display in Yangzhou thin West Lake Park is a stalactite. Bonsai landscapes, undulating mountains, dangerous peaks, high walls, and Huixi cliffs are rare and precious relics of the Song Dynasty, which can be used as a witness to the emergence of "landscape bonsai" in the Song Dynasty.

The bonsai of trees and landscapes in the Song Dynasty are relatively large in volume. In the Yuan Dynasty, bonsai was made and small was advocated. At that time, there was an eminent monk named Master Kui, who loved nature and often went in and out of famous mountains and rivers. His bonsai is natural, poetic, and good at making "sub-landscapes". Here, "Shaozi" means small, that is, miniaturized bonsai, which is slightly different from the so-called "miniature bonsai". At the end of the Yuan Dynasty, Ding Helian, a Hui poet, wrote the poem "giving some scenery to the people of Pingjiang": "before the threshold of the basin, the old Zen Qingxing imitates Linquan." He swallowed the Bohai waves with anger and punched him with a punch. Like a hazy gap, the sun and moon are in the kettle sky. No one else is narrow-minded, and they always stand up to a thousand dollars. " In the poem, it is pointed out that the bonsai made by the supreme man "see the big in the small", which is based on nature and is full of the interest of nature. He is an artist who is good at creating miniaturized bonsai. Bonsai has evolved from large scale to miniaturization, which is not only an additional form of bonsai modeling, but also another great leap in art and horticultural technology.

During the reign of the Yuan Dynasty, because the rulers at that time advocated martial arts, did not pay enough attention to culture and art, and despised them, so bonsai art could not develop better. However, the "sub-scenery" advocated by Master Li plays an important role in the miniaturization and diversification of bonsai in our country.

In the Ming Dynasty, monographs on bonsai were published one after another. At this time, bonsai has a further development, the form of modeling has been enriched, the level of appreciation has been improved, and knowing the characteristics of "collecting lamp smoke at night", the word "bonsai" has also appeared in the book. At this time, the modeling forms of bonsai are multi-dry type, co-planting type, jungle type, stone-attached type, flower-watching and fruit-watching bonsai, as well as water-drought type and stone-lighting techniques.

Now Yangzhou thin West Lake Park, but also left Yangzhou Tianning Temple of the Ming Dynasty cypress, the trunk more than two feet high, bark peeling only 1/3, the crown into a cloud, naturally lovely. In addition, Taizhou Park also preserves the ancient cypress of the Ming Dynasty season horse, which is a rare national treasure.

With the further development of culture and art in the Qing Dynasty, Li Dou wrote the Book of painted boats in Yangzhou, which describes the prevalence of gardens and bonsai in Yangzhou, as recorded in the book: "every family has a garden and every household keeps bonsai." During the Jiaqing period, Su Ling of Wuxi wrote the book "Pot Playboy record", in which bonsai plants are divided into four categories: four masters, seven sages, Rocks of Eighteen Scholars, and four elegant flowers and plants. At the same time, Zhang Tong, a native of Kunshan, is also the author of "potted Tree sketches", which is divided into 12 sections, which is slightly the same as the book "Pot Playboy record".

Four people: Golden Finch, boxwood, Yingchun, velvet cypress.

Seven sages: Huangshan pine, tasseled cypress, elm, maple, holly, ginkgo, sparrow plum.

Rocks of Eighteen Scholars: plum, peach, tiger thorn, Jiqing, Chinese wolfberry, rhododendron, emerald cypress, papaya, wax plum, Tianzhu, camellia, Luohansong, Xifu begonia, Phoenix tail bamboo, crape myrtle, pomegranate, June snow, gardenia.

Flowers and plants Siya: orchid, chrysanthemum, daffodils, calamus.

This is a classification of ancient bonsai plants, and it also shows the depth of the ancients' study of bonsai plants. From the literature and poems above, it is not difficult to see that there are various forms of bonsai in the Qing Dynasty, including tree bonsai, root bonsai, qu bonsai, waterbasin bonsai, flood and drought bonsai, dry bonsai, stone play, as well as foliage, flowers and fruit bonsai, bonsai plants are also compared and classified, and the processing technology and horticultural cultivation techniques are further improved.

IV. Revival of bonsai

In the late Qing Dynasty, due to the imperialist aggression, the national economy declined day by day, and bonsai began to decline day by day. After the Revolution of 1911, years of infighting among warlords, coupled with the invasion of Japanese imperialism, the country was restless, the people were poor, and bonsai art plummeted.

After the founding of New China, the government adopted the policy of protecting, developing and improving the heritage of the motherland, and then bonsai art was able to shine. In 1959, an exhibition of Chinese bonsai was held in the southern suburb park of Chengdu. The late Vice Premier Chen Yi visited it and wrote a beautiful praise: "High Art, Beautifying Nature". On July 1, 1964, Jiangsu Province held the first flower bonsai exhibition in Xuanwu Lake in Nanjing to celebrate. In 1961, the working group of fragrant flowers and bonsai organized by the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences held a large-scale bonsai exhibition in Jiangsu and Shanghai in Suzhou Humble Administration Garden, which had a great impact in China. Yangzhou thin West Lake Park has also exhibited Yangpai bonsai works for many times, including water basin, dry basin and flood and drought bonsai. There are also new works with the meaning of drought in the basin and the sense of water in the basin, which have been innovated in the content of the exhibition, which not only reflects the splendor of the motherland, but also shows many new things in real life. Fully demonstrated the strong strength of Yangpai bonsai.

During the ten years of turmoil, bonsai art, like other culture and art, was vilified as the product of seal, capital and repair, and was also listed as the object of dictatorship. at that time, Chinese bonsai art was seriously destroyed. After the Gang of four was overthrown, bonsai art was reborn and developed more than in the past.

On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the founding of the people's Republic of China in 1979, an exhibition of Chinese bonsai art was held in Beihai Park in Beijing. 54 units from 13 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions participated in the exhibition, displaying more than 1100 bonsai pots of various types. The exhibition is divided into ten pavilions, including Comprehensive, Fujian, Guangdong, Northern Jiangsu, Southern Jiangsu, Sichuan, Zhejiang, Guangxi, Northern and Shanghai, with hundreds of thousands of visitors. In the same year, Chinese Bonsai participated in the 15th Horticultural Expo held in West Germany, where it won 13 medals of various kinds, including one grand prize, seven gold medals, three silver medals and two bronze medals. In the 1980s, Chinese bonsai participated in the World Bonsai Waterstone Expo held in Japan. Chinese bonsai works were listed in the chief position of the exhibition hall, and participated in the International Flower Exhibition held in Canada and the Chinese Bonsai Pavilion. The exhibition of Chinese bonsai abroad expands the influence of Chinese bonsai in the world and is the first step to go abroad and face the world.

In recent years, bonsai from Jiangsu, Shanghai, Guangzhou and other places are exported to the United States, Britain, Belgium, Italy, the Netherlands, Germany, Canada, France, Australia and other countries and regions. Chinese bonsai goes abroad and rushes to the world, which is a gratifying event in the cause of Chinese bonsai.

Japanese bonsai art originated in China and has a long tradition. Later, it was spread to Japan by Chinese, Korean or Japanese scholars, and formed a distinctive Japanese style. When the bonsai will spread to Japan has not yet been determined, and there is a lot of controversy. However, according to the General History of Japanese potted plants written by Professor Liangji Iwasa of Chiba University in Japan, as early as the 4th century AD, the Japanese Daiwa court sent envoys to China to communicate with China's Eastern Jin Dynasty at that time. With the frequent exchanges between the two countries in the Tang Dynasty, the popular custom of planting flowers and trees and pot play among Chinese literati spread to Japan and began to spread gradually in Japan. To the later period of Ping an (AD 794-1192), some of the Japanese aristocrats followed the example of the Chinese literati and became popular with simple potted plants, which was the early form of modern Japanese bonsai. It can be seen that bonsai originated in China and spread to Japan before the Tang Dynasty. According to the historical books Saigyo Monogatari Emaki and Kasuga Gongen Kenki Emaki (Kasuga Miracle) (1309), which were written in 1195 or about 1259, it can be inferred that Bonsai experienced a substantial development stage of long-term peace and prosperity in the late 13th century or early 14th century. There are many records of bonsai in books and pictures of this period, and even some bonsai have survived to this day. It is reported that the first modern bonsai monograph was the Bonsai Guide (Bonsai Trebiki Sho) written by Y.Sannon, which was published in 1883. In 1892, the first historical work on bonsai, Bonsai Ko, was published by Tokifuyu Yokoi and is now regarded as the standard historical book of Japanese bonsai.

① bonsai cultivation techniques: there are many ways of bonsai cultivation in Japan, and the various techniques of different growers have led to the development of a variety of bonsai schools. Watering is the most important factor in bonsai maintenance. The process of shaping different styles of symmetrical bonsai with pruning, climbing, and other techniques is quite different from the process of cultivating ordinary potted plants. Some basic techniques include fertilization, basin change, soil preparation and disease and pest control. Bonsai collection must be effectively displayed to the viewer. The surrounding environment has a great impact on the display and appreciation of bonsai, as you can see in the bonsai garden in Dagiya. In addition, the production and maintenance of art bonsai requires long-term attention. It is very important to find a suitable pot for a bonsai plant and to maintain a proper balance between the plant and the pot. When you visit the bonsai garden, you will appreciate the artistic specialization and personalization of different bonsai masters.

② bonsai style: there are several basic styles of bonsai styling in Japan, including direct dry style, qu dry type, double dry type, three dry type, five dry type, jungle type, horizontal dry type, literati style, Dangfeng style, Tigen type, waterfall type, broom type, connecting root type, raft type and so on, and many other styles. Trees are planted alone, in clusters, or with stones.

③ Japanese bonsai commonly used tree species: Japanese bonsai commonly used tree species are chicken claw maple, triangular maple, five-needle pine, wedge-shaped leaf Hawthorn, Chinese couplet coffin, round-toothed beech, ginkgo, juniper, juniper, shrimp yew, black pine, brocade pine, plum blossom, yew, rhododendron, beech and many other species. Trees like Jinsong, with peculiar corky bark trunks, express Japan's attitude towards the selection of bonsai tree species.

④ famous bonsai producing area: there are many bonsai lovers and nurseries displaying art bonsai in Japan, such as Kawaguchi Bonsai Cooperative in Angyo District, Kawaguchi City, Saitama Prefecture, whose 18 members cultivate cypress, rhododendron, deciduous and evergreen bonsai trees; another cooperative here is the Nihon Kogara Bonsai Center, with about 70 growers specializing in miniature bonsai production. The Kinashi Tree and Bonsai Center in Kagawa Prefecture has about 122 growers who specialize in producing Japanese pine bonsai such as black pine, brocade pine and five-needle pine. And the most famous one is Dagong potted village. The potted village is located in the north of Dagong Park, covering an area of about 31 hectares. at present, more than 100000 pots of bonsai trees are cultivated. Bonsai gardens such as Manqing Garden, Liufang Garden, Rattan Garden, wide Paradise, fragrance Garden, Fukushima Garden, Jiuxia Garden, Moss incense Garden, hibiscus Garden, Qingfeng Garden, Bayun Manqing Garden, Yiqing Garden, Yiguang Garden, Pine Snow Garden, potted Ono and other bonsai gardens are the most famous. The mango garden is owned by Saburo Kato, president of the Japanese potted plants Association, and is divided into sales area, boutique area, production area, potted garden and so on. It is also full of bonsai or supplies, which is worthy of a typical bonsai family. The Manqing Garden is not only the largest, but also displays the oldest pine and cypress bonsai in Japan, while the ancient prawns planted in the potted garden are said to have been collected from the Thousand Island and are rich in island scenery and natural flavor according to their original habitat layout. Dagong bonsai village is a place where people gain skills and spiritual vitality through bonsai, and many people who have studied here have now become active bonsai leaders around the world.

Today, bonsai is regarded as a "living art" not only in Japan, but also in many other countries. It not only has a beautiful form, but also has an inner spirit. More and more people all over the world are discovering its beauty and looking for the idea of peace in this tempting hobby. Most Japanese pay attention to spirit in everything they do, and they hope that the "bonsai spirit" will become a symbol of peace.