
Analysis on the Development Prospect and planting techniques of Chinese Herbal Medicine patchouli

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Patchouli is a plant for both medicine and food, also known as Hexiang, Cangao, mountain fennel, etc., belonging to the order Labiatae, perennial herbs, widely distributed in China, mainly produced in Sichuan, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Hunan, Guangdong and other places, Russia, Korea, Japan and North America

Patchouli is a plant for both medicine and food, also known as Hexiang, Cangao, mountain fennel, etc., belonging to the order Labiatae, perennial herbs, widely distributed in China, mainly produced in Sichuan, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Hunan, Guangdong and other places, Russia, Korea, Japan and North America.

1. Nutritional value of patchouli

Patchouli is a food high in calcium and carotene. Per 100g tender leaves contain 72g moisture, 8.6g protein, 1.7g fat, 10g carbohydrates, carotene 6.38mg, vitamin B1 0.1mg, vitamin B20.38 mg, nicotinic acid 1.2mg, vitamin C23 mg, calcium 580mg, phosphorus 104mg, iron 28.5mg, 0.5% aromatic volatile oil, mainly methyl piperonol, limonene, α-pinene and β-pinene, p-cymene, linalool, linalool. I-eugenene, etc. It has a certain inhibitory effect on a variety of pathogenic fungi, and the aromatic volatile oil is the raw material for the manufacture of many kinds of proprietary Chinese medicine.

Second, the medicinal value of patchouli

The Compendium of Materia Medica records that patchouli is used as medicine in branches and leaves, with pungent smell, lukewarm and non-toxic. The main treatment of fengshui swelling, to evil qi, stop cholera heartache, spleen and stomach vomiting. It has the effect of helping appetite, appetizing, eating and so on. It can also be used for health care and treatment of alcohol halitosis.

Third, the edible method of patchouli

Most Chinese people's understanding of patchouli generally begins with proprietary Chinese medicines such as Huoxiang Zhengqi liquid and Huoxiang Zhengqi pills, which are good medicines for relieving summer heat. In fact, patchouli can not only be used as medicine, but also is often used in meat, especially when cooking seasonings such as fish and mutton. For example, fresh stems and leaves or stems and leaves can be used to boil fish soup and sparerib soup to get rid of fishy and greasy, making people's mouth and tongue unripe, lips and teeth stay fragrant.

Patchouli is also the embodiment of the wisdom of Chinese characters-something respected by Zhuge Liang. Legend has it that Zhuge Liang needed to appease the Qiang people in advance in order to go northward to expel Wei. During the march in Lueyang County, Shaanxi Province, in order to prevent heatstroke, fatigue, hunger and anxiety, and drawing lessons from the eating habits of the Qiang people, he invented canned tea, with coarse tea and patchouli as the main ingredients, supplemented with fresh ginger slices and cumin juice, mixed with flour to boil soup. Stir-fried diced walnuts, scrambled eggs, diced bean curd, fried chopped rice dumplings, chopped onions, refined salt and so on as seasonings, the tea is divided into five layers, accompanied by twistbread, walnut cakes or steamed slices. This snack has been around so far, which has been specially reported by CCTV.

Patchouli is also a sacred object of Buddhism. In the Shurangama Sutra, the Sanskrit transliteration of patchouli is the Sanskrit translation of patchouli.

In addition, patchouli can also be used for landscaping or courtyard planting, bacteriostatic fragrance, refreshing.

Fourth, the habits of patchouli

Patchouli's habits like high temperature, plenty of sunshine, humid, rainy environment, afraid of drought, require annual rainfall of more than 1600mm. There are more wild distribution in the south of Qinling-Huaihe River. The roots are hardy and can survive the winter in the north. After Frosts Descent, a large number of leaves fell, and patchouli grew out of the green the next year.

Patchouli is not strict on the soil, the general soil can grow, but the soil layer is deep, rich in organic matter and loose sandy loam or loam is better. Avoid stagnant water, plant in low-lying land that is prone to stagnant water, the root is perishable and die. The life span of seeds is 2-4 years, so seeds can be sowed every other year. Light is needed for seed germination. The optimum temperature for germination is 18-22 ℃, and the germination days are 7-10 days.

Fifth, the propagation method of patchouli

Patchouli multipurpose seed reproduction, sowing in the same year can be harvested, and the harvest of new patchouli leaves, leaf quality is also good. In addition, patchouli can also be propagated with persistent roots, so that the old roots after harvest can survive the winter in situ, and the new seedlings in the next spring will be unearthed and moved to the field to get the whole grass.

VI. Cultivation techniques of patchouli

Based on the seed propagation technology, the planting method of patchouli is introduced.

(1) site selection and land preparation

Choose an environment suitable for the growth of patchouli, ridging cultivation or sowing. For ridging cultivation, it is better to choose loam or sandy loam with drainage and irrigation, convenient management and medium and upper fertility, combined with ploughing and applying rotten farm manure as base fertilizer, and make a tortoise back-shaped seedbed with a width of 1.2m and a ditch depth of 25-30cm between ridges to facilitate drainage and irrigation. Sowing before and after the Qingming Festival, sowing seeds in a shallow trench after mixing with fine sand or plant ash, or evenly scattered on the border surface, covering about 1cm thickness with fine mud: plant ash = 2:1, and finally setting up a small arch shed on the border surface to keep warm and raise seedlings. Seed 1kg is used in the nursery every 66 square meters (one cent of land). After seedling, it can be transplanted for 7.5mu. The sowing time is around March.

(2) Field management

1. Temperature management

When the temperature was kept at 20: 25 ℃ after sowing, seedlings emerged in 10 to 15 days, and when the emergence rate reached 70%, the arch shed was removed. When the main stem had 5 pairs of leaves, the leaf axil at the base began to branch. After June, the temperature increased and the field capacity was maintained at more than 50%. Patchouli entered the vigorous growth period.

2. Fertilizer and water management

Because the stems and leaves of patchouli are mainly used for medicine or food, it is best to use farm fertilizer for fertilization, which is generally applied after the maturity of human and animal dung, cruller and so on. After the first topdressing, the rotten farm manure and manure 100kg was applied every 66 square meters (one plot) after loosening the soil of seedling height 3cm, and then in seedling height 7~10cm, 15~20cm, 25~30cm, after intertillage and weeding, the mature human and animal manure 150kg was applied every time. Before and after fertilization, water should be watered to prevent burning seedlings, and no more topdressing after ridge sealing. Timely watering in the dry season, drought resistance and seedling protection, and timely ditch drainage in the rainy season to prevent stagnant water from rotting roots.

3. Seedlings between weeding and weeding in middle tillage

When the seedling height 3cm, according to the litter distance 6~8cm (two inches) to remove the weak and retain the strong seedlings. There are 3 to 4 seedlings in each litter, and the transplanting seedlings should be carried out in cloudy days, and the fixed root water should be mixed with thin human feces and urine or biogas liquid once after planting to facilitate survival. One intertillage weed control was carried out at seedling height 3cm, 12~15cm and 21~24cm, respectively. When the seedling height was 25 ~ 30 cm, 6cm root protection was carried out to promote germination after the second harvest.

4. Pest control

The main diseases of patchouli include spot blight and Fusarium wilt, which can be controlled with 65% mancozeb before the disease and 50% carbendazim at the initial stage of the disease. Pests, including red spiders, can be controlled by Sanfangling. The larva of Spodoptera litura bites on leaves and can be killed with permethrin. Underground pests are trapped and killed with phoxim and poison bait.

5. Harvesting and processing

According to Pharmacopoeia 1, only patchouli Pogostemon cablin (Blanco) Benth. The dry aboveground part can be used as medicine. Direct soup or edible can pick tender and crisp branches and leaves, medicine is to wait for branches and leaves luxuriant, generally in full bloom when harvested. When harvested, the whole plant of patchouli is planted and cut off, dried in the sun and sold in medicine. Take the body dry, the leaf is many, the fragrance is thick as the good product. The sun and night are stuffy and dry over and over again.

Processing: remove the residual roots and impurities, shake off the leaves first, sift them and release them; rinse the stems, moisten thoroughly, cut into sections, dry in the sun, and then mix with the leaves.

VII. Planting benefits

Under normal circumstances, per mu of patchouli can harvest 300kg to 500kg of stems and 100kg of leaves, the price of the whole grass is 4 yuan / kg, the output value per mu is generally more than 2000 yuan, and the cost per mu is about 500yuan. The price of patchouli is 10 yuan / kg, and the output value per mu can reach more than 5000 yuan.

These are the development prospects and planting technology of patchouli. As a kind of Chinese herbal medicine and a plant with high ornamental value, it can be said that the development prospect is very bright. If you want to grow Chinese herbal medicine, you can consider planting it.

Analysis on the planting prospect of incense tree

Analysis on the planting prospect of incense tree

[FAQ] what is the prospect of planting incense trees?

[expert answers]

Planting a plant of Chenxiang (white wood incense) costs only dozens of yuan, and then each plant can harvest thousands of yuan, or even tens of thousands of yuan of income. It is indeed a good way for the broad masses of people to get rich!

The market prospect is broad, the incense has a wide range of uses and high economic value.

Due to the massive mining of precious incense, the original forest of Artemisia mandshurica has been seriously damaged, coupled with the weak regeneration ability of the natural forest, there are only scattered remaining plants, and the national wild resources have been nearly exhausted. The incense tree is listed as a rare and endangered second-class protected plant by the country. Artificial planting forest is rare, the output of domestic incense is seriously insufficient, the market demand is expanding, and the contradiction between supply and demand is prominent. According to market investigation and comprehensive analysis, the annual demand for incense is 500000 kg, which is increasing year by year, and about 80% have to be imported. Due to the decreasing resources and output of incense in Southeast Asia, imported incense is expensive, 30-500000 yuan per ton. The highest transaction price of high-quality incense in the domestic market can reach more than 30,000 yuan / kg. The regeneration cycle of incense resources is long, artificial planting is less, the shortage of supply in the incense market will be difficult to change for a long time, and the market price will be firm and rising. Therefore, there are broad prospects for planting Chenxiang.

The planting benefit is rich and the incense is planted, and the economic and ecological benefits are good.

Analysis on the planting prospect of incense tree

The seedlings of high quality and improved varieties have strong suitability, high survival rate and guaranteed planting benefit. One-year-old seedlings, stem height of 50ml 70cm, generally grow luxuriantly after 3 years of planting, can pick leaves to make health tea; 4-5 years blossom and bear fruit, the fruit can extract refined oil, is an important medicinal chemical raw material; 8Mel grows faster after 10 years, can artificially bear incense, incense is a precious Chinese medicine and first-class spice that is in short supply in the market, and it can also make expensive handicrafts. Chenxiang tree is an evergreen tree in four seasons, which is tall and beautiful in shape, and can bring good ecological benefits. It is better to choose to plant incense trees than fruits. The investment is small, the risk is small, the return is early, the return is rich.

[editor's summary] the incense tree is very popular among the public. today, the article "Analysis of the planting Prospect of the incense Tree" compiled by Yuelan, the first Agricultural Economic Network, mainly introduces the current planting prospects and benefits of the incense tree. I hope it will be helpful to you.

Analysis of planting techniques of Bupleurum

How do you grow Bupleurum?

[FAQ] how to plant Bupleurum to grow well?

[expert answers]

First, the selection and preparation of land can choose black sandy soil or humus soil with loose fertilizer and good drainage. Base fertilizer application of high-quality mature farm manure 3000 kg, calcium superphosphate 100kg, ammonium bicarbonate 50 kg, deep turn more than 25 cm, ploughing fine rake flat, make the bed.

Second, sowing 1.5 kilograms of seeds per mu, sowing in both spring and winter. Generally use the single trench sowing method, that is, along the bed according to the row spacing of 15ml 18cm, draw a shallow trench 1.5 cm deep, spread the seeds evenly into the ditch, push with a hoe, and water it. When sowing in winter, the seeds treated with natural low temperature can promote the post-ripening of the seeds, improve the germination rate, and the seedlings emerge in the second year and the seedlings are strong. Third, field management (1) seedlings. When the height of the seedling is 4ml / 5cm, the distance between the seedlings is 7m / 8cm. If the seedlings are missing, they should be replanted in time. The law of wide strip sowing can be used to determine the distance between seedlings slightly. (2) loosening the soil and weeding. The middle ploughing and weeding is 2mi 3 times a year, the middle ploughing should be shallow, and it should be carried out gently with a small hoe so as not to hurt the seedlings. (3) topdressing. After setting the seedling, 10 kg of seedling fertilizer (urea) can be applied, and 20 kg of urea or calcium superphosphate can be applied during the growth period. (4) Prevention and control of major diseases and insect pests. Low-lying water is easy to rot in high temperature and rainy season, so we should pay attention to drainage and waterlogging prevention. From June to August, the larvae of yellow butterflies damage stems and leaves, which can be sprayed and killed with 1500 times of trichlorfon.

Fourth, the harvest begins when most seeds are ripe from August to September. The root was harvested from October to November, after the plant withered or before the soil thawed in spring and Bupleurum sprouted.

Chinese herbal medicine Bupleurum

The editor concluded: Bupleurum is one of the Chinese herbal medicines, which has a good medicinal effect and can treat a variety of diseases. The above-mentioned Bupleurum planting techniques shared by the editor hope to be helpful to you.