
Propagation and cultivation techniques and pest control measures of Robinia pseudoacacia

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Robinia pseudoacacia, also known as rich tree, originated in Spain, butterfly legume deciduous trees. Double season Robinia pseudoacacia is rich in garden woody flowers with high ornamental value, enough to purify ecological environment and high environmental protection value.

Robinia pseudoacacia, also known as rich tree, originated in Spain, butterfly legume deciduous trees. The double season Robinia pseudoacacia is quite rich in the elegant demeanor of garden woody flowers, which has high ornamental value; it is enough to purify the ecological environment and has high environmental protection value; it has a wide range of uses and has high economic value, so it can be said to be a truly rich tree and is called the green gold variety in the 21st century.

1 biological characteristics

Sophora japonica is a butterfly-shaped flower and legume tree with a height of 10 to 12m, a straight trunk, long sparse branches and grayish brown to brown bark. Leaves alternate, 17-19, pinnately compound, oval to oval, smooth, bright green, larger than Robinia pseudoacacia leaves. It blossoms from May to August, and can blossom continuously in spring, summer and autumn in southern China. Inflorescences axillary, densely forming racemes, pendulous, long 8~12cm, flowers nearly 10cm in size. Robinia pseudoacacia not only likes the excellent environment with plenty of sunshine and air circulation, but also can withstand the severe cold of-25 ℃. In China, no matter neutral soil, acid soil or light alkaline soil, it grows well from seashore plain to mountains 2100m above sea level except Heilongjiang. Its wide development prospect is determined by its adaptability, easiness (roots or branches can be propagated), fast-growing (seedlings can be as high as 2m in the same year), regeneration (burying roots in the first year, many seedlings can be born in the next year) and its economic and ecological values such as high-quality honey and powder source, ornamental, greening, sand fixation and soil conservation.

2 breeding technology

The flower of Sophora japonica is unfruitful, and there are no seeds for reproduction, so it can only be propagated asexually by burying roots, cutting branches or grafting.

2.1 Root-burying breeding

This is the most important and commonly used breeding method, with a survival rate of 85% to 95%.

2.1.1 seed preparation. The roots of Robinia pseudoacacia can be introduced from the defoliation to the germination of Robinia pseudoacacia in spring, and the roots can be buried and preserved in sandy soil before planting, so as to control the humidity of sandy soil, which can not make the roots dehydrated and withered, nor can they become moldy and rot due to too much water. The main and lateral roots of 1-year-old and 2-year-old Sophora japonica should be selected, and the diameter of 0.5~1.0cm should be selected. Cut the lateral root at 20~30cm, and the amount of root cutting should not exceed 1 / 2 of the lateral root, so as not to affect the normal growth and flowering of the plant.

2.1.2 soil preparation and seedling raising. The nursery land chooses the sandy loam with deep soil layer, flat terrain, convenient drainage and irrigation and no source of infection of diseases and insect pests. At the beginning of April, the root was taken out, cut into 5~7cm root segment, and ditched along the border. The row spacing of the plant was generally set as 20cm × 30cm, and then the root segment was laid flat in the ditch, covered with fine sandy soil 3cm, poured through the fixed root water, and the seedlings could emerge in 20 days.

2.1.3 Seedling management. Water the seedlings in time after emergence, and pay attention to drainage in case of continuous overcast and rain. In the seedling stage, we should pull up the grass in time, erase the lateral buds, and pay special attention when wiping the buds. Only one strong bud is left on one root segment, and the topsoil is loosened shallowly. Do not hurt the tender and weak short roots. Timely control of diseases and insect pests, appropriate fertilization, long-term drought with clear fecal water to resist drought, and topdressing to promote the health of seedlings.

2.1.4 Transplant and management. The seedlings were transplanted and planted after falling leaves at the end of autumn or before sprouting in spring next year. Dig holes and fertilize according to the plan, fill and compact the soil after planting, pour through the fixed root water, and the survival rate is generally more than 95%. After autumn, the height of the tree can reach 2cm, the DBH is 3~5cm, and it blossoms in the second year. The trunk of the fragrant flower locust tree is tall and straight, the crown is open, the tree shape is beautiful, the flowers are gorgeous, and the aroma is striking.

2.2 Branch cutting propagation

The main results are as follows: (1) the cutting time is the same as that of burying roots. (2) the diameter 8~20mm woody branches were selected and cut into cuttings with long 15cm length; the upper incision was cut flat to the bud package 1~2cm, and the lower incision was 45 °oblique and 5mm away from the bud package. Soak the lower end with 50mg/kg rooting powder solution (which can also be soaked with "920") for 3 hours, then remove and set aside. (3) the requirement of soil preparation is the same as before, the width of 70cm plastic film is selected after soil preparation, the ridge width 60cm is laid, and the flat film of ridge spacing 30cm is laid. According to the plant and row spacing of 20cm × 20cm, the branches are inserted into the plastic film at an angle of 45 °, and one small arch basin for every 2 ridges is used to increase temperature and preserve soil moisture. (4) after seedling emergence, take out the seedling and seal the soil in time to keep the temperature and humidity of the bed soil; uncover both sides of the greenhouse film at high temperature to ventilate and cool down; wipe off the lateral buds and strengthen the management of fertilizer and water, the cuttings can grow to more than 1m and 1.5m in the same year.

3 cultivation and management

Huaihua prefers a warm and humid climate and a sunny and well-ventilated environment. Neutral soil with moist, good drainage, deep and loose soil layer is better, and acid and alkaline soil can also adapt. Robinia pseudoacacia is cold-resistant and drought-resistant. It can be cultivated in open field in the north, and its cultivation management is relatively extensive. It can mainly do a good job in seedling stage management.

When the seedlings grow 4-5 leaves, the weeds should be pulled manually, and herbicides can be used when the seedlings grow to 40cm. Generally, the lateral buds (heart) are pinched before 3cm, so as not to affect the growth and straightness of seedlings. When they grow to 60cm or so, to prevent the seedlings from lodging caused by strong wind, you can use stick binding to prevent them. Fertilize the seedlings above 50cm and sprinkle them with urea or diammonium before rain. Fertilize once every 20 days.

4 Disease and pest control

Before planting the roots of Sophora japonica, control underground pests and spray with 1000 times of methylethion; locusts or grasshoppers should prevent locusts or grasshoppers from encroaching on the trunk and tender leaves; in summer, attention should be paid to the control of black insects at the tips and young leaves of Sophora japonica seedlings. 50% phoxim EC or 40% omethoate EC 1500-2000 times solution spray is commonly used. Around the beginning of autumn, the root of Sophora japonica is easy to suffer from rot or nematode nibbling, which is treated with 50% thiophanate methyl wettable powder and 50% phoxim EC 1000 times.

Breeding and cultivation techniques of Robinia pseudoacacia

Sophora japonica alias rich tree, is a rare summer and autumn honey and powder source of both ornamental, greening, soil conservation, sand fixation of excellent tree species, since the introduction of foreign trial planting for several years has been rapid development.

1. Biological characteristics of Robinia pseudoacacia.

Sophora japonica is a butterfly-shaped leguminous tree with a height of 10-12 meters, straight trunk, long sparse branches and grayish brown to brown bark. Leaves alternate, 17-19 pinnately compound, oval to oval, smooth, bright green, larger than Robinia pseudoacacia leaves. It blossoms from May to August, and can blossom continuously in spring, summer and autumn in the south of China. Racemes axillary pendulous, 8-12 cm long, flowers nearly 10 cm large. Our bee farmers concluded that "large flowers, many flowers, beautiful flowers, long florescence, fragrance, rich honey powder, is a high-quality honey powder source for beekeeping."

Robinia pseudoacacia not only likes the excellent environment with plenty of sunshine and air circulation, but also can withstand the severe cold of minus 25-28 ℃. In China, no matter neutral soil, acid soil or light alkaline soil, it can grow well from coastal plain to mountains at an altitude of 2100 meters except Heilongjiang Province. Its broad development prospect is determined by its adaptability, easiness (roots or branches can be propagated), fast-growing (seedlings can be as high as 2 meters in the same year), regeneration (multiple seedlings can be born in the first year and the following year) and its high-quality honey and powder sources, ornamental, greening, sand fixation, soil conservation and other economic and ecological values.

2. Breeding techniques of Robinia pseudoacacia

Robinia pseudoacacia has good flowers but no pods, no seeds for reproduction, only by burying roots, cutting branches or grafting for asexual reproduction.

1. Bury the roots and reproduce. This is the most important method of reproduction, with a survival rate of 85% and 90%.

① seed preparation: the root of Robinia pseudoacacia can be introduced after defoliation, and it can be buried and preserved in sandy soil before planting, so as to control the humidity of sandy soil, so that the root should not be dehydrated and withered, and the humidity should not be too heavy and moldy and rotten.

② soil preparation: the sandy loam soil with deep soil layer, flat terrain, convenient irrigation and drainage and no infection source of diseases and insect pests is the best for seedling breeding. 2500 kg of livestock and poultry manure or 50 kg of phosphate fertilizer and diammonium fertilizer were applied every 667m2, and insecticides such as carbofuran were used to kill underground pests. The ground should be turned over deeply, refined and raked flat, and the width of the bed should be about 1 meter.

③ seedling raising time: early and middle March in the south and late March to early April in the north. Choose 1-2-year-old smooth root segments with a diameter of 5-10 mm without signs of diseases and insect pests, and cut them into 5-7 cm long. Open the ditch along the border, the ditch distance is 50 cm, the depth is 5 cm, and then put the root segment in the ditch with a plant distance of 30 cm, cover the fine sandy soil, pour through the fixed root water, cover the plastic film, and the seedlings can emerge in about a month.

④ seedling management: timely uncover the film and water after emergence, and pay attention to drainage in case of continuous overcast and rain. In the seedling stage, the grass should be pulled in time, the lateral buds should be erased, the topsoil should be loosened, and the tender and weak short roots should not be hurt. Timely control of diseases and insect pests, appropriate amount of fertilization, long-term drought with clear fecal water to resist drought and topdressing fertilizer to promote the growth of seedlings.

⑤ transplanting and management: Robinia pseudoacacia seedlings were transplanted after defoliation at the end of autumn or before sprouting in spring of the following year. According to the plan to dig holes, apply base fertilizer, fill compaction after planting, pour through the fixed root water, the survival rate is generally more than 95%. After autumn, the tree can reach 2-3 meters in height and 3-5 cm in diameter at breast height. Blooming in the second year, the flowers are gorgeous and fragrant, coupled with the tree-shaped opening, graceful posture, very cute.

two。 Branch cuttings.

The cutting time of ① is the same as that of root-burying seedlings, or earlier.

② selected 8-20 mm diameter woody branches, cut into cuttings 15 cm long, cut the upper incision flat, 1-2 cm away from the bud package, cut the lower incision into a 45-degree oblique mouth, 5 mm away from the bud bag, divided into 50 roots as a bundle, soaked the lower end with 50 mg / kg rooting powder solution for 3-4 hours, then removed and set aside.

③ soil preparation requirements are the same as before, according to the plant spacing of 20 cm × 40 cm, the branches are inserted into the soil at an inclination angle of 45 degrees, and the plastic film is covered along the border.

④ seedling management: drilling holes, pulling out seedlings, sealing soil in time after emergence, maintaining the temperature and humidity of bed soil, removing plastic film before high temperature, erasing lateral buds, and strengthening fertilizer and water management. The cuttings can grow to more than 2 meters in that year.

Robinia pseudoacacia has the advantages of simple management and low production cost, which is suitable for large area construction, such as fixed beekeeping, garden ornamental, wind prevention and sand fixation, soil and water conservation and so on.

Breeding and cultivation techniques of Robinia pseudoacacia

China Garden Network, July 6, news: Sophora japonica alias rich tree, is a rare summer and autumn honey and powder source of both ornamental, greening, soil conservation, sand fixation of excellent tree species, since the introduction of foreign trial planting for several years has been rapid development.

1. Biological characteristics of Robinia pseudoacacia.

Sophora japonica is a butterfly-shaped leguminous tree with a height of 10-12 meters, straight trunk, long sparse branches and grayish brown to brown bark. Leaves alternate, 17-19 pinnately compound, oval to oval, smooth, bright green, larger than Robinia pseudoacacia leaves. It blossoms from May to August, and can blossom continuously in spring, summer and autumn in the south of China. Racemes axillary pendulous, 8-12 cm long, flowers nearly 10 cm large. Our bee farmers concluded that "large flowers, many flowers, beautiful flowers, long florescence, fragrance, rich honey powder, is a high-quality honey powder source for beekeeping."

Robinia pseudoacacia not only likes the excellent environment with plenty of sunshine and air circulation, but also can withstand the severe cold of minus 25-28 ℃. In China, no matter neutral soil, acid soil or light alkaline soil, it can grow well from coastal plain to mountains at an altitude of 2100 meters except Heilongjiang Province. Its broad development prospect is determined by its adaptability, easiness (roots or branches can be propagated), fast-growing (seedlings can be as high as 2 meters in the same year), regeneration (multiple seedlings can be born in the first year and the following year) and its high-quality honey and powder sources, ornamental, greening, sand fixation, soil conservation and other economic and ecological values.

2. Breeding techniques of Robinia pseudoacacia

Robinia pseudoacacia has good flowers but no pods, no seeds for reproduction, only by burying roots, cutting branches or grafting for asexual reproduction.

1. Bury the roots and reproduce. This is the most important method of reproduction, with a survival rate of 85% and 90%.

① seed preparation: the root of Robinia pseudoacacia can be introduced after defoliation, and it can be buried and preserved in sandy soil before planting, so as to control the humidity of sandy soil, so that the root should not be dehydrated and withered, and the humidity should not be too heavy and moldy and rotten.

② soil preparation: the sandy loam soil with deep soil layer, flat terrain, convenient irrigation and drainage and no infection source of diseases and insect pests is the best for seedling breeding. 2500 kg of livestock and poultry manure or 50 kg of phosphate fertilizer and diammonium fertilizer were applied every 667m2, and insecticides such as carbofuran were used to kill underground pests. The ground should be turned over deeply, refined and raked flat, and the width of the bed should be about 1 meter.

③ seedling raising time: early and middle March in the south and late March to early April in the north. Choose 1-2-year-old smooth root segments with a diameter of 5-10 mm without signs of diseases and insect pests, and cut them into 5-7 cm long. Open the ditch along the border, the ditch distance is 50 cm, the depth is 5 cm, and then put the root segment in the ditch with a plant distance of 30 cm, cover the fine sandy soil, pour through the fixed root water, cover the plastic film, and the seedlings can emerge in about a month.

④ seedling management: timely uncover the film and water after emergence, and pay attention to drainage in case of continuous overcast and rain. In the seedling stage, the grass should be pulled in time, the lateral buds should be erased, the topsoil should be loosened, and the tender and weak short roots should not be hurt. Timely control of diseases and insect pests, appropriate amount of fertilization, long-term drought with clear fecal water to resist drought and topdressing fertilizer to promote the growth of seedlings.

⑤ transplanting and management: Robinia pseudoacacia seedlings were transplanted after defoliation at the end of autumn or before sprouting in spring of the following year. According to the plan to dig holes, apply base fertilizer, fill compaction after planting, pour through the fixed root water, the survival rate is generally more than 95%. After autumn, the tree can reach 2-3 meters in height and 3-5 cm in diameter at breast height. Blooming in the second year, the flowers are gorgeous and fragrant, coupled with the tree-shaped opening, graceful posture, very cute.

two。 Branch cuttings.

The cutting time of ① is the same as that of root-burying seedlings, or earlier.

② selected 8-20 mm diameter woody branches, cut into cuttings 15 cm long, cut the upper incision flat, 1-2 cm away from the bud package, cut the lower incision into a 45-degree oblique mouth, 5 mm away from the bud bag, divided into 50 roots as a bundle, soaked the lower end with 50 mg / kg rooting powder solution for 3-4 hours, then removed and set aside.

③ soil preparation requirements are the same as before, according to the plant spacing of 20 cm × 40 cm, the branches are inserted into the soil at an inclination angle of 45 degrees, and the plastic film is covered along the border.

④ seedling management: drilling holes, pulling out seedlings, sealing soil in time after emergence, maintaining the temperature and humidity of bed soil, removing plastic film before high temperature, erasing lateral buds, and strengthening fertilizer and water management. The cuttings can grow to more than 2 meters in that year.

Robinia pseudoacacia has the advantages of simple management and low production cost, which is suitable for large area construction, such as fixed beekeeping, garden ornamental, wind prevention and sand fixation, soil and water conservation and so on.