
How to raise Diaozhumei? Talking about the management skills of hydroponic culture and maintenance of hanging bamboo plum

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Hanging bamboo plum is a kind of family flowers, its leaves do not wither and do not change color all the year round, and the flowers are shaped like butterflies when they bloom. Today, the editor will talk to you about the hydroponic culture and maintenance and management skills of hanging bamboo plum.

Hanging bamboo plum is a kind of family flower, its leaves do not wither all the year round do not change color evergreen, flower shape like butterfly when flowering, today small editor will tell you about hanging bamboo plum hydroponic and conservation management skills.

Hanging bamboo plum is one of the herbaceous flowers hanging leaves, ornamental value is high, and very popular, its cultivation method is simple, easy to live, worthy of planting friends like flowers yo.

1. hydroponic method

(1)As long as it is a container without a bottom hole, it is best to use a glass bottle with a diameter of 8-20cm.

(2)Because it often grows roots in stem nodes, it can cut off the stems and branches with long roots for propagation. First, insert the cut branches into nutrient solution, wait for the root tips to elongate into main roots, and then cut off the cuttings and immerse them in nutrient solution for hydroponic cultivation.

(3). 1/4 of the standard concentration of garden test nutrient solution can be selected. The nutrient solution is renewed once a month. Nutrient solution highly immerses roots.

2. Conservation guidelines

(1)The most suitable growth temperature for bamboo plum is 15- 25℃, and the temperature is not lower than 5℃, so it can safely overwinter. Bamboo Mei hanging like sufficient astigmatism, but should not be too shady, otherwise it will make the branches excessive long, avoid direct summer light.

(2)Water change hydroponic hanging bamboo plum needs to change water regularly, it is best to change it once every 2-3 days in the early stage of growth, and change the water once every 10 - 15 days after the aquatic roots grow.

(3)Fertilization and water change when adding nutrient solution, can help it grow prosperous, plant growth quickly, but pay attention to avoid too fast growth of plants affect plant shape.

(4)Pest control dead leaf disease, gray mold, scale insect disease is common diseases and insect pests hanging bamboo plum. When the plants are dense, humid air is most likely to cause dead leaf disease. Therefore, it is necessary to prune the plants frequently and change the pots regularly every year to prevent the occurrence of dead leaf disease; gray mold: if this disease occurs, the infected branches should be removed in time, and if the whole plant is infected, the whole plant should be removed, and the new buds can become new plants in spring; and scale insect disease is suitable for artificial capture, and the diseased branches and leaves should be removed to prevent continued spread.

In the breeding process of hanging bamboo plum, it is mainly to pay attention to temperature and light and other related maintenance skills. In the opinion of Xiaobian, it is not only good to raise but also beautiful to be a very good greening flower. Interested parents can cultivate it with the hydroponic skills shared by scholars.

Can you use the water culture method of hanging bamboo plum?

The most primitive place of production of hanging bamboo plum is not in our country, and it is widely cultivated after being introduced into our country. Now it is a common domestic flower in our country. When many people cultivate it, they generally use soil culture as the main method. In fact, hydroponic hanging bamboo plum is also possible. Let's take a look at how to raise bamboo plum hydroponics together!

Can you plant a plant?

Like calla lily, bamboo plum can also be raised in water. Water culture of small plants can shorten the rooting time, and the rooting rate can almost reach 100%.

Family hydroponic cultivation method of Phyllostachys pendula

1. Change water by hanging bamboo plum. Water can be changed once every three days or so in the early stage of culture. Due to the delicate branches of hanging bamboo plum, it is easy to break, so special care should be taken when changing water. In order to avoid breaking branches, do not take branches when changing water, just invert the vase to drain water, gently hold the inverted branches with your hands, and then change into clean water, and wait until ten days after it takes root.

2. The illumination of hanging bamboo plum. Do not put them directly under the hot sun, which will lead to rapid wilting of branches. It should be placed in a cool place with sufficient light, which is conducive to the growth of more dense leaves. If the light is insufficient, the branches and stems will grow thin and messy, and the leaves will not be full enough to affect the appearance.

3. Humidity of hanging bamboo plum. The leaves of P. pendula are drought-tolerant, but during the growth period, they should be sprayed with water to keep them in good condition.

4. The temperature of hanging bamboo plum. When hanging bamboo plum in hydroponic culture, it is best to hang bamboo plum at a temperature of 10 ° C to 25 ° C. Winter temperature below 10 degrees to do a good job of insulation.

What if the leaves turn green?

1, hanging bamboo plum if the leaves become green, although not particularly ugly, but still change the unique ornamental of hanging bamboo plum. Therefore, in general, when the leaves of hanging bamboo plum turn green, hanging bamboo plum will be pruned and the long branches will be cut short.

In addition, if you want to hang bamboo plum leaves more bright, you can apply more phosphorus and potassium fertilizer.

3, breeding bamboo plum, must have sufficient bright light, because sufficient light can make bamboo plum grow dense and bright leaves. If the bamboo plum is placed in a place where the light is not bright enough or even dark for a long time, the leaves of the bamboo plum will fade and become green.

Causes and Solutions of Leaves Softening of Phyllostachys pendula

1. The amount of watering is too little, and the amount of watering should be increased after it becomes soft. The plant comes from wetlands in Mexico, so it needs a lot of water to cultivate it. If the soil is too dry, it is easy to cause the leaves of the plant to soften and turn yellow, and even the whole plant will wither. Especially in its growth period, about every day to replenish water, the pot soil moisture requirements are higher, but also frequently spray water on the plant to maintain humidity, but hanging bamboo plum also has a dormant period, in the dormant period, it is necessary to reduce watering.

2, too little sunlight, found soft to increase the sun exposure time. Bamboo plum likes to be exposed to sunlight, but if it is in a dark environment for a long time, it is easy to cause excessive growth of plants and softening of leaves. If it is in a semi-shade state, it can also be done. Even in winter, it should be cultured in a place where the sun can shine. If it cannot reach the sun all day, it should be ensured that there is a period of time in the sun every day. But pay attention to the scorching summer, not in the sun exposure.

In fact, when the air is too dry, it will also cause the leaves to soften to yellow and finally wither. Therefore, it is necessary to keep a proper amount of moisture at any time during breeding.

The hydroponic culture technology of P. pendula is mainly from water, light, temperature and other aspects. The water quality must be kept clean, so the water change generally takes three days as a time period. In the process of hydroponic culture may appear leaves soft green situation, on the specific treatment methods described above, I hope to be helpful to everyone.

How to cultivate bamboo and plum

Most plants are divided into soil culture and hydroponic culture, hydroponic culture is relatively clean and easy to cultivate. Can that bamboo plum be cultured in water? Next, Xiaoqi will share the cultivation methods and maintenance skills of hydroponic hanging bamboo plum.

Water culture pictures of hanging bamboo plum

1. Can the bamboo plum be cultured?

Bamboo plum especially likes warm and humid climate, shade place has little effect on bamboo plum, but in the shade place for a long time, often lead to excessive growth of stems and leaves, leaf color becomes pale, bamboo plum also does not adapt to too low temperature environment, water and humidity resistance, suitable for fertile, loose humus soil, but also relatively barren, drought resistance, soil pH value requirements are not strict.

Water could also be used to raise the hanging bamboo plum, but it was a lot more troublesome than soil cultivation. If the small plant was raised in water, the rooting time could be shortened, and the rooting rate of the seed could reach 100%. If it was mature, there were many precautions. First, the mature hanging bamboo plum needed to be dug out from the soil, the soil at the root should be washed clean, and the old roots or rotten parts should be removed. The diseased leaves should be removed, leaving the healthiest parts.

II. Cultivation method of bamboo plum

It is easy to carry out hydroponic cultivation. You can cut several nutritious branches and insert them into a bottle. After entering the water for a few days, you can grow new roots. When you first enter the water, you should pay attention to removing the rotten leaves, otherwise the water is easy to pollute, so it is not easy to take root. In addition, the leaves of the hydroponic hanging bamboo plum should not be immersed in the water when inserted into the branches, so that it is easy to soak, as long as the lower part of the branches can be in the water.

1, water change: hanging bamboo plum culture early 2 - 3 days to change the water 1 time, hanging bamboo plum branches are easy to break, change the water to pay special attention, do not need to take the branches out of the bottle, change the water only need to turn the bottle upside down (with your hand to block the inverted branches), and then pour in water can, after rooting can be 7 - 10 days to change the water 1 time can be.

2, light: hydroponic hanging bamboo plum is best placed in an environment with scattered light, avoid sun exposure or over-cloudy environment.

3, humidity: hanging bamboo plum can endure dry environment, but in the growth period when the weather is dry, often spray water to the leaves to keep moisture, in case the leaves lose water and scorch.

Water culture pictures of hanging bamboo plum

3. Method for hydroponic maintenance of hanging bamboo plum

1, treatment of hydroponic hanging bamboo plum, need to deal with dug out from the soil of the plant, first hanging bamboo plum from the soil dug up, wash the roots with water on the soil, and then cut off the old, rotten roots, leaving fibrous roots, but also clean up sick leaves, leave healthy young leaves. It is best to wash the dust and soil on the leaves with clean water, pay attention to keep the leaves intact, and do not cause damage to the leaves.

2, fixed place the treated hanging bamboo plum into the bottle, fixed with glass balls or stones and other materials. Attention should be paid to ensure that the plant can stand upright in the glass container, do not distort the plant, at the same time to ensure that when moving and blowing, the plant can maintain an upright state, fix the root system while paying attention to maintaining the integrity of the root system, do not damage the root system, but also pay attention to make the root system scattered around the container.

3, into the container, the hanging bamboo plum placed indoors or in a cool place. Pay attention to the humidity of the sun regulation, not summer sun exposure, but also pay attention to adjust the position, so that hanging bamboo plum can receive enough sunlight during the day, pay attention to the room temperature between 21 and 28 degrees Celsius, temperature difference is not too large.

4, hydroponics every 7 days or so add water and replace the nutrient solution. At this time, the replacement nutrient solution can be a common hydroponic nutrient solution on the market or a special nutrient solution for hanging bamboo plum. Note that the nutrient solution concentration should be moderate and replaced in time to keep the water clean. When necessary, when replacing the nutrient solution, clean the root of the spider plant.

Water culture pictures of hanging bamboo plum

The above is hanging bamboo plum hydroponic cultivation method shared, like hydroponic cultivation friends can see oh, I hope to help everyone.