
Common aboveground and underground pests in peony planting (with control measures)

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, The sweet and fat roots of peony, coupled with the influence of planting environment, are vulnerable to the harm of aboveground and underground pests. So, what are the common diseases and insect pests of peony? How to prevent and cure it

The sweet and fat roots of peony, coupled with the influence of planting environment, are vulnerable to the harm of aboveground and underground pests. So, what are the common pests of peony? How to prevent and cure it?

1. Aboveground pests

(1) scale insects

The whole body is orange-red or orange-red, and the second generation occurs every year. The female often clusters the petiole or stem to absorb juice, which makes the leaves yellow and the branches wither, causing the plant growth to weaken. When it is found that the damaged branches and leaves can be cut off and burned, the larvae can be sprayed with 1000-1500 times dichlorvos or omethoate during the hatching period, pesticides should be used cautiously in order to ensure the quality of medicinal materials, and spraying branches with 3~5.5Be °stone sulfur mixture before dormant or early spring germination has a better control effect.

(2) longicorn beetles

For "Chinese peony sawing longicorn beetle", commonly known as "woodpecker". The adult is cylindrical, the larva is milky white, the head is small and fat, and it has a generation of 3 years. From May to June, the larvae hatched into the root, stem and medulla, harming the plant, not easy to find, resulting in plant weakness or death. After years of experiments, 3-4 holes were drilled in the rhizosphere of peony, the depth was about 20cm, one piece of aluminum phosphide was put into each hole, or the seedlings with insect pests were fumigated with aluminum phosphide in an airtight room, and the success rate was as high as 100%. Therefore, aluminum phosphide fumigation is a better way to control longicorn beetles. Before the larvae drill, the larvae can be sprayed with 3000 times of chlorobenzamide.

(3) Spodoptera litura

From the middle of July to the end of August, the yellow diamondback moth changed from larva to adult, and the whole body was yellow-orange. Feed on the lower epidermis and mesophyll of the leaves to make holes in the leaves. In serious cases, eat up the whole leaves, cocoon and pupate in the soil after maturity, and the larvae spin silk around the branches. Pick cocoons or break cocoons on tree trunks in autumn and winter to reduce the source of insects. The leaves and stems damaged by insects were removed and destroyed in summer, and 1000-1500 times dichlorvos was sprayed on the back of peony leaves, which greatly reduced the survival rate of larvae.

2. Underground pests

(1) grub

The damage is the most serious from May to September throughout the year. It is mainly harmful to the root of the peony, biting it into uneven imperfections or holes, which in serious cases will cause the death of the root of the peony and cause the growth of the aboveground part to weaken or wither. 2000 times of 50% phoxim or 1000 times of 90% trichlorfon were irrigated to the roots, 250 g of 5% phoxim particles were applied to the soil surface per mu (667m2), and then turned deep into the soil.

(2) ground tiger

Spring and autumn are the most harmful, often biting off seedlings from the ground or eating ununearthed buds resulting in lack of seedlings. The occurrence is more serious in the weedy land, which occurs for several generations every year, which varies with the climate of different places. The first generation of adults usually appears in late May. In terms of prevention and control, the weeds on which the land tiger depends for survival can be removed. The young larvae were sprayed with 98% trichlorfon crystal 1000 times or 50% phoxim EC 1200 times. The advanced instar larvae can be mixed with 30 parts of chopped fresh grass and 1 part of trichlorfon powder, and then sprinkled in the field in the evening.

(3) mole cricket

Mainly gnawing on root bark and eating buds and seedlings. Bean cake or wheat bran can be used as poison bait, which can be trapped in the field in the evening, or trapped by light at night.

(4) Root knot nematode disease

Generally, the root knot is the most frequently formed from May to June, and the disease occurs most in the depths of 5-10cm soil layer. The main damage to the root of peony, the disease occurs on the root, there are tumors of different sizes, yellow-white, hard texture, white glossy nematodes can be found after cutting, causing leaves to turn yellow at the same time, causing leaves to fall early in serious cases. 80% dichloroisopropyl ether EC particles were applied to the depth of 5~10cm, 5-10g per plant, once a year. The root can also be irrigated with 1.8% avermectin 1000 times solution.

The above are the common pests and control measures of peony arranged by the editor of Huinong net. Have you learned all about them? The above medicine is for reference only. I hope it will be helpful to you.

Control of peony diseases and insect pests

Peony is a kind of flower that many people like very much. Peony, national color and Tianxiang, has always been regarded as a symbol of wealth, auspiciousness, happiness and prosperity by Chinese people. Today, the editor will share with you the diseases and control methods of peony.

The main diseases of peony are:

First, erythema: purple-brown near-round spots are produced on the leaves, and then gradually expand into large irregular spots, and many wheel-shaped rings, and then grow mildew.

Botrytis cinerea: this disease occurs on leaves, stems and flowers. The leaf surface produces brown round spots and irregular rings, and gray mildew grows on the disease spots when the weather is wet. Brown patterns are formed on the flowers, and the buds cannot open or rot and turn brown after being damaged.

Third, Brown spot: small purple-brown spots appear on the leaf surface at the initial stage, and then expand to form light brown or even dark brown wheel patterns.

Fourth, rust: peony leaves produce small yellowish brown spots when they bloom, and soon there are small orange pustules in the spots, and orange powder is scattered after rupture, and there are clusters of fine hairs on the back of peony leaves in the late growth stage.

Fifth, anthrax: round or irregular yellow-brown sunken spots appear on the leaf surface, with dark brown edges and black dots in the middle.

6. White silk disease: the disease occurs in the neck of peony root. At the initial stage, white hyphae were formed on the surface of the root neck, and water-stained brown spots appeared. In the later stage, brown sclerotia grew on the disease spot, and the aboveground part of the plant gradually weakened and died.

The control method of the above diseases is to soak the roots with 500 times 70% topiramate solution for 10 minutes before planting. After the onset of the disease, the roots were irrigated with 400 times 50% ammonium solution, or sprayed with 50% carbendazim 800 times solution. When rust occurs, 300 times of sodium rust should be sprayed.

There are not many pests in peony, such as shell insects, grubs, leaf rollers and so on. Grub bites on the root and neck of peony, which is common and serious. When damage to grubs and other underground pests occurs, 5% phoxim granules (2 kg per mu) can be evenly sprinkled on the soil surface, and then turned into the soil (about 20 cm), the control effect is good.

The above are the peony diseases and insect pests and control methods.

Peony cultivation and integrated pest control techniques Luoyang is famous for its peony. In recent years, in order to expand the planting scale of peony and improve the ornamental value of peony, Luoyang vigorously called for the planting of peony to provide various services for peony growers. In this paper, the techniques that should be mastered in peony planting are introduced as follows: 1 cultivation measures 1.1 selection and treatment of planting land according to the growth and ecological habits of peony, dry, sunny, non-stagnant sandy loam should be selected for peony planting, and the pH value should not exceed 8.2. The soil is fertile and does not continue to be cropped. Before planting, 667m2 was mixed and sprinkled with fully mature cake fertilizer 150~200kg, calcium superphosphate 100~150kg, carbofuran or phoxim 10~15kg, thiram or carbendazim 3~5kg, then turned 40~60mm deeply and flattened 7-10 days before planting. The soil moisture before planting should be moderate, with a water content of 20% and 30%. Before planting, the root system of peony should be carefully examined to remove disease, residue and root cutting. then the whole plant was soaked in the mixture of 1000 times methyl isathion, 3000 times Luheng No. 1 (or 800x thiram, 800x Trichos, 1000 times methylisofos, etc.) for 15 minutes, and then planted. 1.2 the suitable planting time for peony is from early September to late September, the soil temperature is 1823 ℃, the early temperature is high, the soil moisture is high, and it is easy to cause rotten roots or autumn hair; if it is too late, there are few new roots, and the growth in the next year is weak and vulnerable to diseases and insect pests. If it is necessary to plant peony from late October to early November and the ground temperature is less than 15 ℃, soak the roots with rooting agents such as 100~200mg/kg indolebutyric acid and ABT1 before planting, cover them with plastic film after planting, or set up a plastic arch shed with a height of 30~50mm. When the weather turns warm in the middle of February of the next spring, it is not suitable to plant peony after the first ten days of November. 1.3 fertilization and watering peony land fertilization is mainly organic fertilizer such as soybean, soybean cake, sesame oil residue, rapeseed cake, cottonseed cake, soil miscellaneous fertilizer, animal manure, human manure and so on. Chemical fertilizers are generally mixed with organic fertilizers, mainly calcium superphosphate, ferrous sulfate, potassium sulfate compound fertilizer, diammonium phosphate and so on. Urea, ammonium bicarbonate and other fertilizers with high nitrogen content should not be applied in large quantities. 667m2 application cake fertilizer 150kg / 200kg 667 m2 fertilizer, animal manure, human manure 1000kg / 2000kg 667 m2 chemical fertilizer 25~50kg. When applying urea, diammonium phosphate and other fertilizers, 667m2 should not exceed 8~12kg. Organic fertilizer was applied before freezing after the Beginning of Winter in November. Chemical fertilizer can be mixed with organic fertilizer at the same time, or alone in the middle and last ten days of March. Peony has a large root system, deep into the soil, strong drought resistance, and generally does not need watering. When watering in a particularly dry year, the salt content of the water should not exceed 0.4%, and the pH value should not exceed 8.2. It is better to open a ditch for infiltration rather than flood irrigation. 1.4 after ploughing and weeding, the peony land in Qingyuan should always be loose and weed-free after autumn, loosen the soil and weed in time after rain, and hoe more than 5 times a year. From late October to early November, the withered leaf disease branches should be removed in time, and the garden should be cleared thoroughly. After clearing the garden, the withered leaf disease branches should be burned or buried deeply. 1.5 proper shading in the peony plot can properly interplant some tree species with small crown, small root system, few diseases and insect pests, slow growth rate and high economic benefit, such as dwarf apricot, persimmon, etc., which can play a good shading role in midsummer and heat. It can obviously promote the growth of peony. For the closely planted grafted seedlings of 1-2-year-old peony, setting up a shading net for shading from the middle to the middle of May to the first and middle of September can significantly reduce the mortality. This habit of peony is the result of its long-term adaptation to the natural environment in the place of origin. (2) Integrated pest control from late January to early February, spraying 3 °Be stone-sulfur mixture or carbendazim 500x solution to cover the whole ground and plants. At the beginning of March, 667m2 was sprayed with insecticides such as methyl isosaliphate, phoxim or carbofuran to kill grubs, mole crickets and other underground pests, and 2-3 holes were drilled around each tree with a depth of 15~20cm, and 2 aluminum phosphide tablets were applied to each hole, which was also effective in the control of underground pests. In the first and middle of April, 1000-fold solution of carbendazim was sprayed before flowering to control leaf diseases such as red spot. In the middle and last ten days of May, carbendazim and pyrethroid insecticides were sprayed or black light was used to control leaf diseases and beetle adults. After that, fungicides such as carbendazim or methyl thiophanate, equivalent Bordeaux solution and chlorothalonil were sprayed every 15-20 days. Use alternately. Foliar fertilizer such as potassium dihydrogen phosphate can be mixed when spraying, and the effect is excellent. In mid-late August, insecticides such as cypermethrin, phoxim and isocarbophos should be mixed into fungicides to eliminate insect pests and avoid eating flower buds and branches. Pesticide control ends in mid-late September, and the spraying times can be adjusted according to the occurrence of diseases and insect pests. But the whole growing season should not be less than 3 times. In the whole process of prevention and control, it is necessary to give priority to prevention and control. In addition, attention should be paid to the application of traditional fungicides such as stone-sulfur mixture and Bordeaux liquid, which have the advantages of low cost, convenient sampling and good effect. at the same time, attention should also be paid to the application of new fungicides, such as Luheng No. 1, No. 2, Trimethophos, etc., although the cost of these fungicides is higher, but the control effect is excellent. In addition, proper intercropping of some tree species such as Robinia pseudoacacia and apricot in peony plot can effectively reduce the occurrence of leaf diseases and promote growth potential, which may be the result of long-term adaptation of peony to the natural environment in its place of origin.