
How do you grow cat mint? Talking about the cultivation and management skills of cat mint

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Cat mint is one of many flower varieties, but what is different is that in addition to high ornamental value, it can also attract cats to eat, which is also the source of its name. According to the editor, the survival rate of cat mint planting is low. If you want to plant well, you need to have excellent planting skills.

Catmint is one of many flower varieties, but what is different is that in addition to high ornamental value, it can also attract cats to eat, which is also the source of its name. According to Xiaobian, catmint planting survival rate is low. If you want to plant well, you need to have excellent planting skills. The following is a small compilation of catmint cultivation management skills. Interested parents can refer to yo.

Catmint, a plant grown all over the world, is a common flower. Its biggest feature is that it can attract cats to eat, but also make cats appear drunk, very interesting. Catmint had a strong vitality and could adapt to various environments, so it was not difficult to grow it.

Specific planting methods:

1. Sowing

Prepare the flowerpot, put the drainage stone in the flowerpot, pour it into the soil, and sow it directly through the seeds. Each hole can be planted with 1-3 seeds. 8-22 It takes 10-14 days to sprout. After sowing, shade properly and avoid direct sunlight.

II. Watering

Summer to water every day, because the summer temperature is high, mint more wet, winter to control water. The optimum temperature for seed germination is 15-20℃, and the life span of seeds is generally 1 year. Root system is sensitive to water, so it is necessary to prevent waterlogging. The basin soil should be completely dried between watering twice.

How to grow catmint

III. Illumination

Catmint likes light, it is best to have enough light every day, insufficient light is easy to cause excessive growth.

IV. Insect control

Catmint is generally not affected by pests and diseases, and there are not many diseases that can harm catmint, mainly fungal infections at the roots. If the clay content in the soil is relatively high and the drainage effect is not good, it will lead to a large number of fungi breeding. These microorganisms will use the roots of plants as nutrients, thus endangering the health of flowers. Fungicides for crops or flowers can be easily bought on the market. Spraying once can effectively kill fungal spores in the soil and eliminate the phenomenon of rotten roots. If it is planted in a flowerpot, it needs to be watered appropriately, and it will be watered after the pot soil is dry, so as to ensure its growth state.

In general, catmint itself was a wild plant, so it did not need to be carefully managed. To make it grow longer, it was mainly to do a good job in cold protection. Because when winter comes, when the temperature is below 0 degrees, it will wither because it does not adapt to the cold. So potted catnip needs to be moved indoors in time. And those in the courtyard can wait for new seedlings to sprout themselves in the coming year.

Catmint planting needs careful management to be raised well. It has certain requirements for growth environment, moisture and light. It must be reasonable fertilizer and water when planting, otherwise it will lead to catmint death.

How to cultivate mint for clearing heat and detoxifying? Discussion on the health care effect and maintenance skills of mint potted plant

Peppermint I think most people should know, it is a legendary god grass, can clear away heat and detoxification, and has been widely used in daily life, it has ornamental value in addition to food value, is a good family potted yo, the following is a detailed mint potted health care efficacy and maintenance skills, hurry to see yo.

1. health benefits

Peppermint emits a special aroma containing volatile oils that have the effect of killing bacteria and viruses. Peppermint whole grass is medicine, has the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying, decocted and taken can cure wind-heat cold, toothache, mouth ulcer, headache, red eye, measles, chest and hypochondrium pain.

2. Conservation guidelines

(1)Select soil mint like loose fertile, good drainage sandy loam, available leaf soil or mountain mud and river sand, organic fertilizer mixture.

(2)Light mint-likes warm, wet, therefore, the sun should be sufficient,

(3)Temperature mint cold resistance, suitable temperature 20~ 30℃, winter temperature should not be lower than-6℃.

(4)Watering mint is drought resistant, but the amount of watering should be increased appropriately during the growth period, and the pot soil should be kept moist.

(5)Organic fertilizer is used for edible mint, quick-acting fertilizer is used for ornamental mint, and fertilizer is applied once every half month during the growth period.

(6)Trim potted mint over 25cm tall, trim flush to 5 - 10cm.

(7)The rhizome propagation method is mostly adopted for the propagation of mint. After the underground rhizome of the mother plant is dug out in March to April or late October, fresh rhizomes are selected, cut into small sections, placed longitudinally in the substrate, applied with base fertilizer and covered with soil, and the substrate is kept moist during propagation.

In Xiaobian, mint has a very high medicinal value. The whole grass is a treasure. The above is an introduction to the health effects and maintenance skills of mint potted plants. You can have a look at it.

Symptoms and control methods of cabbage caterpillar

At present, it is in the growing period of Chinese cabbage, during which Chinese cabbage is inevitably threatened by diseases and insect pests. Cabbage worm is a kind of pest of Chinese cabbage.

1 to 2 instar larvae gnaw on the mesophyll on the back of leaves, leaving a thin and transparent epidermis. Larvae above 3 instar eat more obviously, eat holes or notches in leaves, eat up leaves seriously, leaving only veins and petioles, affecting plant growth and development and covering the heart. If the larvae are wrapped in the ball, the insects feed in the leaf ball, and at the same time they also excrete faeces to pollute the cabbage, resulting in a decrease in the commercial value of vegetables.

The control of cabbage worm should pay attention to timely removal of residual branches and old leaves, and deep soil turning to avoid continuous cropping of cruciferous vegetables; intercropping or interplanting with mint or tomato can repel cabbage butterfly spawning, reduce damage, avoid large-scale planting of cruciferous vegetables; mulching cultivation, early spring planting period, early harvest, can avoid the harm of the second generation larvae; at the same time, protect spiders, ladybugs and other natural enemies of cabbage worm; Frequency-vibrating insecticidal lamps can also be used to control, which can kill adults, reduce the density of insects in the field, and control their damage to vegetables; colored rubber plates can also be used to lure insects, and insect nets can be used for isolation cultivation if conditions permit; Bacillus thuringiensis, granulosa virus, polyhedrosis virus and other biological pesticides can be used for prevention and control between the peak incubation period of eggs and the second instar of larvae. Insect growth regulators can also be used to inhibit the synthesis of insect chitin and other safe pesticides can achieve good results; the control period should be controlled from the peak incubation period of eggs to the third instar of larvae, and the following pesticides can be used for control: 0.5% methylamino abamectin benzoate microemulsion 2000 - 3000 times solution; 15% indoxacarb suspension 3000 - 4000 times solution; 10% methrin suspension 2000 - 3000 times solution; 480g/L chlorpyrifos emulsifiable concentrate 1500 to 2500 times solution; 1.8% abamectin emulsifiable concentrate 2000 to 3000 times solution; 25% diflubenzuron wettable powder 2000 to 3000 times solution; 1.7% abamectin·perchlorofluorocyanide soluble solution 2000 to 3000 times solution; 15% abamectin emulsifiable concentrate 1000 to 2000 times solution; 2% Abamectin thuringiensis WP 2000 to 3000 times solution; spray on water once every 10 to 15 days. Note that these agents should be rotated to avoid resistance.